Genesis 1:2 Tohu v’Bohu: “The world was empty and without form.” We know from Chazal that this refers to the 10 sefirot (dimensions) before the interconnectedness of the sefirot (in other words, order). Tohu represents the 10 sefirot (vessels) that were shattered, fell, and then scattered throughout our world, the world of Tikun, and these became the holy sparks that we must all help to gather in from the 70 nations of the world to bring Mashiach. Bohu represents the present 3-column schematic of the interconnected dimensions.
The 3 words that express this in the Torah, come after the 8th word (V’H’ERZ,”and the Earth”) in the Torah, and they represent the final transformed letters of the all-important 42-Letter Name of G-d connected to Creation and the Messiah.
The first of these three, H’YTH, has the value 420 as in 42 x 10 or the 42 Letters in the 10 dimensions (sefirot). And if we add the kolel (4) for the 4 letters of the word, we have 424, the value for Mashiach Ben David. This is significant because the sum total of the sofit values of the 33 letters (8 words) preceding this 9th word, totals 5778, the year prophesied for the arrival of H‘Mashiach as is explained below.
From the middle of the 9th word, Ha’itah (HYTH) to the middle of the 10th word, Tohu (THV), we get the numerical value of 820, which is the value of the all-important (all encompassing) Torah verse for “Love they neighbor as thyself”
Then the six letters including the 3 of Tohu (THV) and the first 3 of Bohu (VBHV) add up to 424, the value for Mashiach Ben David again.
While the full phrase Tohu v’Bohu has the numerical value of 430 as in the 430 years of exile between the Covenant of Abraham and the Exodus (also the reception of the Torah) as explained in depth in The Divine Calendar.
Moreover, the 5 letters between the final He of Ha’itah through Tohu to the Vav of V’Bohu add up to 422 as in the numerical value of the Hebrew word for 70, which as explained in The Divine Calendar connect to the fall of both Holy Temples in the years –422 BCE and 70 CE respectively and much more, including the 70 years of King David.
And by extention the 6 letters between the final He of Ha’itah through Tohu to the Bet of V’Bohu add up to 424 as in the numerical value of Mashiach Ben David yet again.
On interest to note is that the sum of the sofit values for the 33 letters through the 8th word of the Torah is 5743 and when we add 33 to it for the 33 letters and either the kolel of 1 or 2, we get either 5777 or 5778 respectively, the date prophesied for the arrival of Mashiach. Now, as discussed at length in The Genesis Prayer and as explained in Nothing is Random in the Universe, while the entire Torah is encoded and every letter is specifically set these first fer words and verses hold tremendous and deep power and meaning. And while the sum of all the letter values in the first verse (7 words) add up to 2701, which just happened to be the sum of all the positive integers through 73, the value of Chochma (wisdom, the 2nd highest sefira), the total value of all 8 words is 3003, whihc happens to be the sum of the positive integers through 77, the value of the word Mazal (fortune/destiny/luck).
To see yet another glimpse of how these words/letters are structured to connect us with the underlying patters/order we see that the sum of the first letters of the first 8 words, representing the 28 letters before it is 28 and the sum of the first letters of the first 9 words, representing the 33 letters before it is 33.