The portion Lech Lecha, the 3rd in the Torah, is about letting go of our negativity and moving on.
According to the Arizal, there are 5 level of Holiness (of the soul) and 4 of evil, since there is no level of evil corresponding to the highest level, yechida.  This is the secret meaning of the battle in this last week’s portion between 5 kings verses 4 kings.
And to further illustrate that the first letter of each of the 5 levels of souls sum numerically to 318 and the Torah tells us there were 318 Men with Abraham when he rescued Lot.  This further corresponds to the first letter of the last 3 lines of the Ana B’koach (42-Letter Name of G-d), which are Shin-Yud-Chet
Yechida   –
Chaya      – 3rd level of evil
Neshama – 2nd level of evil
Ruach     – 1st level of evil
Nefesh    – neutrality (klippot noga)
This battle between good and evil had to be fought and one before we (Abraham) could move on.  The Torah is showing us that we can’t simply say we want to let go of our negative inclinations; we must fight a battle over them and win. And if we want to rescue a part of ourselves that has succumbed to the unholy side, we must bring all 5 parts of our soul (everything we’ve got) to bear against it. We must outnumber it 5 to 4.
It’s also telling us good will always outnumber evil if we go into battle spiritually complete.  And take the Ana B’koach along with you, as Abraham, and countless other tzaddikim did.
By tomorrow, bli nader, we will publish the secret of the ancient and future cubit and begin our journey into the Future Temple. This secret measure has not been revealed in thousands of years, not even by the Ramchal who revealed much about the Future Temple, but if not now, when?
Hashem hid the secret measurement in His Name. He hid it in the number and concept of 3, and he hid it in stone for all to see…

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