These collection of quotes from the Zohar from the section about parsha Mishpatim all discuss the final 70 years leading up to the final redemption (geula). We present them here in the order they appear in the Zohar:
“The seventy [70] words in the Psalm: ‘May Hashem hear you in the day of trouble’ (Tehilim 20:2), allude to the seventy [70] sounds made by the expectant mother about to give birth, being also the seventy [70] sounds given out by the Shechinah for the distress of the children of Israel prior to redemption–considered then ‘a day of trouble.’.”…”The morning of Abraham, Chesed, appears on the actual Day of Redemption. But the dawn precedes the Day of Redemption, being Netzach, as the Shechinah from this aspect is called ‘the star (or dow) of dawn’.”
Please note as we’ve explained in previous articles about the connections between the Ten Commandments and the year for the final redemption, 5778 HC (2018 CE) that the Ten Commandments are found at Exodus 20:2. which is the 70th chapter in the Torah, and we juxtapose this to Tehilim 20:2 and the 70 words/sounds found and discussed there.
The Zohar goes on to explain that the word LAMNATZEACH precedes the phrase “May Hashem hear you in the day of trouble” in the Psalm and that it’s spelled Lamed-Mem-Netzach and that the numerical value of Lamed-Mem is 70, “which are the seventy [70] sounds that the dow of dawn cries out for her children when the darkness of the exile overcomes them, namely the darkness of dawn taking place at the last seventy [70] years. At that time will be fulfilled in Israel” ‘Like a women with child, that draws near the time of her delivery, is in pain, and cries out in her pangs; so have we been in Your sight, Hashem’ (Yeshayah 26:17).”
“The morning alludes to the right hand of Abraham, depicting Chesed, alluding to Messiah [Moshiach] the son of David.”
As the Zohar explains it’ll be be darkest just before the dawn of the new light of Moshiach which occurs at the end of the designated 70 year birthing period that began with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 CE and corresponds with the birth of Abraham in 1948 HC. The darkness ends and the dawn occurs 70 years later in 2018 CE, corresponding to G-d’s Covenant with Abraham in 2018 HC. (see the full calendar and how important the 70 year period is in Biblical timing)
This Pesach marks the beginning of the final 42 months, but that’s yet another prophecy.