by Jeffrey Meiliken | Apr 21, 2011 | Revelations
In our last article we discussed how both the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales aligned perfectly with the specific structural design of the Future Holy Temple as laid out by Ezekiel thousands of years ago, and moreover how the Kelvin scale and the surface...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 21, 2010 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
I know we were going to discuss Jacob’s prophetic vision, but while perusing a Mashiach blog, a pearl about Jacob’s family entering Egypt and Tehilim (Psalms) that enticed me to look closer at the first verse from the VaYigash paragraphs we had just been...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 9, 2010 | Revelations
The 8th Day of Chanukah; All the Lights are Lit. Today is the 8th day of Chanukah, Zot Hanukkah, and the Zohar advises us that whenever we see the word Zot in the Torah, it’s a connection to the end of days, the finale redemption, which we know is really just...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 7, 2010 | Revelations
Metatron in the Beginning and in the End Out next Chanukah revelation concerns the archangel Metatron (MTTRVN) of numerical value 314. The sages, tzaddikim and Zohar all tell us he was originally Enoch (ChNVC), the 7th in the lineage of Adam. Zohar 43. Balak : 6....
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jul 22, 2009 | Revelations
These are the journey(s) of our lives. In the Torah portion Masei, we encounter the list of the 42 journeys the Israelites took during their 40 years in the desert including exiting the exile in Egypt at Pi-Haratha to entering the Promised Land. The tzaddikim,...