The Vowels of And B'koach

When the correct vowels are to the Shem Mem-Bet, the 42 letter name of G-d, and the Name is split into two halves, 7 triplets on one side, and 7 on the other, the vowels on the right side of the Name have the collective value of 378, that of Chashmal, the electric...

The Torah and the Messiah (H'Mashiach)

We’ve written several posts about the last line in the Torah and how it reconnects with the first verse in the Torah, an in analyzing the Torah’s physical structure (248 columns of 42 rows) each, we realized that there were 22 mandated blank rows before...

Let there be Light

Genesis 1:3 VYomer Elohim Yhi Or v’yhi Or “G-d said, ‘There shall be light and there was light.'” The numerical value of this verse breaks down to 903, 232 v’ (6), “and” 232.  This appears to allude to two lights, one above...

Mashiach Lives, Peace, Israel

The numerical value for the messiah Lives (Mashiach Chai ) is 358 + 18 = 376, which is that of Shalom, peace. And the atbash value of Mashiach Chai adds up to the Light (H’or), 212. and also to Zohar, the Book of Splendor. Which the atbash of Shalom adds up to...