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The Paths of One

The Path of One and the Prime Progression   The Path of One is based on the mathematical, geometric, and exponential expansions of One, the Source and unity of the Creator, known as Echad (אחד), as in “YHVH Echad (יהוה־אחד), G-d is One” and as in “His Name is...

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Are We Living in a Simulation?

The Simulation Are we living in a simulation? Does the soul exist? Is there an afterlife? Are you conscious? If you answered yes to any of those simple questions, then the answer is arguably yes. The soul, Heaven or the world-to-come, and our consciousness all exist...

The 10 Commandments

There are 5845 verses in the Torah, which form a perfect cube of life of 183 with an additional set of 13 separate verses, as in the number One, echad, of numerical value 13, and as in the crucial 13 verses of the 10 Commandments. Those 13 verses contain exactly 620...

The Path of One

In our previous article about the derivation of the Hebrew Alphabet we showed how the Alef-bet, like the mathematical constant Phi(φ), is based on the Principle of One.  It is all about frequency and vibration and what that means for us as it filters into our...

The Creator’s Smoking Gun

Four years ago, when I began this 2000-page journey through untold secrets and revelations about the Torah and the Cosmos and how they align and interact, it was because of an anomaly I found in the Hebrew Alphabet. It concerned the crucial mathematical constant Phi...