The written Torah is composed of the black letters and all 70 faces or layers of understanding that they represent. However, to access those 70 faces we need to comprehend the Secrets, the Sod (סוד) Torah of numerical value 70, the Soul of the Torah, the unwritten part. Once they are understood, the letters themselves take on a depth of complexity and dimension beyond this world, and simply contemplating and permuting them can bring us to the level of Creation.
As Abraham wrote in the Sefer Yetzirah 2:2:
“Twenty-Two Foundation Letters:
He engraved them, He carved them,
He permuted them He weighed them,
He transformed them.
And with them, He depicted all that was formed
And all that would be formed.”
Black Fire – White Fire
The Torah is also composed of the white space around those black letters, and it is denser than the letters themselves, filled with the luminous upper-world hyperspace bonds and the myriad pathways and relationships that network them together. In other words, Concepts and Radiance, what our physical world describes as particles and energy, though scientists are not so sure about even that anymore. The white fire or counterspace is the opposite of empty space. It contains every relationship and cosmic equation, network, and field that we have discussed so far, and so much more. It is like seeing the Sun and the planets and not realizing that for there to be light on Earth there must also be light in every inch of the solar system as well—it does not jump from the Sun to the Earth but radiates in all directions, and that radiation fills all space. And that is but one form of radiance. There is a continual radiating progression of undulating and circulating magnetic field lines, solar wind, plasma, dust, and cosmic particles filling our space, along with assorted other energy rays and fields, and that is only on the physical level. We look out and see the stars, imagining the vast emptiness and blackness of space, yet it is in that perceived emptiness where the real story takes place. Filling both the physical and metaphysical space is consciousness, the consciousness of our thoughts, the consciousness that provides the fuel for our thoughts, the consciousness of Creation, and the multiple tiers and clouds of higher consciousness.
We can think of ourselves of mobile lumps of clay, coagulated dust particles and particulates, but regardless, the space around us is filled will millions of conversations, thousands of channels of constant streaming content and an endless flow of data, some critical, some pertinent, some irrelevant, and a whole lot of nonsense and white noise. Without all that radiance, can we exist, do we exist? Without the white space, the black ink is just ink.
Once it is dimensionally descended from the 8th dimension of universal Binah Consciousness the Light and the aether that fills our hyperspace requires a vessel to contain it. This is one of the problems with our physical models of our reality. Nonetheless, the walls of those vessels, while being made of the same essence of that which they contain, are filled by both space and counterspace, which help define and maintain one another. Together they are a thought bubble within the higher consciousness. To maintain its physical integrity both space and counterspace are required. It is a symbiotic relationship. Without the space, the counterspace need not exist and without the counterspace, the space cannot exist.
The Torah reflects and interfaces with the higher Consciousness and thus it too contains both space and counterspace. Its space, as we have repeatedly seen, is organized in specific matrixes, and each matrix has its own area or counterspace. It is far more than the black ink and the white vellum encapsulating it.
The written Torah consists of multiple intertwined matrixes and with a little imagination we can visualize that they take up space and have form, not the weight and bulk of the ink but the metaphysical mass of the letters, their values, and the individual elements that form the Torah. For example, the Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah form a matrix of exactly 58 elements. Those 58 elements have a collective geometric mass and take up metaphysical space within a perfect geometric cube of 1003, leaving (1003 – 58) = (1000000 – 390625) = 609375 cubic units of empty space or counterspace to surround it within that specific cube. It is within that counterspace that all the connections, reactions, and seemingly endless interactions between those elements take place. We cannot hold that cube in our hand, but it can be held in our minds or at least in the world of living consciousness and we can access it through our minds. The difficulty we have in conceptualizing this, let alone being able to access and utilize this incredible technology illustrates how far our consciousness must evolve.
This is the same limit of (999999 + 1) = 1003 within the first 1000 or 103 digits of Pi (π) as found at digits #762, which is (1000 – 238) as in 1/42. The physical digits help to bend reality; the metaphysical counterspace relationships help to create reality.
Regarding the 609375 cubic units of counterspace within that Cosmic 1003 Cube, we know that 600,000 is the limit of the component letters and of the Israelite Men or souls in the Torah, and that the remaining 9375 units or (15 x 625), as in the 6252 spatial element in that Cube, align with the numerical string …9375… that is one of the 42 different 4-digit strings duplicated within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π), including …9999…. Thus, it is the nature of this special Torah Cube such that 9375 is not only exactly 2.4% of the 6252spatial element, but together they equal (390,625 + 9375) = 400,000 or (640 x 625), or 640 times H’Keter, and since the rest of the counterspace, or 600,000 equals (1.5 x 640 x 625) = (960 x 625), or 960 times H’Keter, the complete Cosmic Cube is (640 + 960) x 625 = (1600 x 625) or (402x 625), and the full counterspace is thus (960 + 15) x 625) = (975 x 625) = (1000 – 25) x 625 = 253(40 – 1) = (56x 39) while the spatial component is 58.
When we apply triplet digit reduction to the 609375 cubic units of counterspace we get (609 + 375) = 984 and when we apply it to the 390,625 units of space, we get (390 + 625) = 1015, which reduced to (015 + 1) = 16, where we see that (984 + 16) = 1000, the square root of that Cosmic 1003 Cube. This is the nature of the true space-counterspace in a base 10 mathematical universe.
Moreover, that 609375 units of counterspace is exactly 1.56 times the 390,625 spatial component of the 1003Cube, as in the ratio of the total sofit value of the Torah divided by its standard value, or (32775966/21009826) = 1.5600…, with 156 being 6 times the YHVH (יהוה) and the value of the archetype Name Joseph, and the exponential value (1.31327) before adjustment to the curve of the final letter of the Alef-bet, the 27th Letter, Zadi sofit (ץ), 1560.0. This is the nature of a true Divine Reality where everything not only works out suspiciously well, but was designed to from the very beginning.
Nevertheless, the 609375 cubic units of counterspace when filled by the 603,550 Men/souls of the first census and the 183 Verse Matrix of the Torah that is comprised of its 5832 verses, excluding the 13 Verses of the 10 Commandments, it works out to 609375 – (603550 + 5832) = -7 or alternatively 609375 – (603550 + 5845) = -20.
The spatial-counterspatial boundaries take on geometric forms because they are limited projections from higher dimensional hypercubes. Sometimes they form cubes, sometimes squares, and they can even form triangles as we have seen repeatedly with the Triangular Fields, etc. In this case it is a perfect 1003 cube, and while it is (1000 – 25) x 625, the 58 spatial elements fit inside it 2.56 times, as in the 256 value of the Ark of the Covenant, the perfect metaphor for a metaphysical hypercube.
Of the 248,000φ elements in the Torah, 10,648 = 223 of them belong to the Rows and Columns Matrix. The Matrix is similarly contained in a space of 100,000 or 105, which is a 102 square tray of 103 cubes, leaving a volume of (100,000 – 10648) = 89352 as counterspace for everything to interact. Alternatively, the 223 Rows and Columns are added to the 58 elements, giving us the famous 401273 Torah elements, thus becoming part of the same Cosmic Cube of 1003. Both scenarios are correct. These combined 5 main Torah elements occupy (401273/598727) = 67.0210296% of the counterspace, as in the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah and as in the 670 million miles per hour speedof light, and as in the values of Binah (67); followed by the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), 21; the 210 years of exile; and the 296 value of the 7th word of the First Verse of Creation, “the Earth.”
The Cosmic Harmonic 1273 and the Alef-Bet
Let us talk about the Name of Binah, Name Ehyeh (אהיה), 21 and how it relates to the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) or 4/Pi (π), the squaring of the circle that we see implied in the 401273 elements of the Torah. We have seen how the letters and their Names are simultaneously geometrically and fractally scaffolded upon and derived from Pi (π), Phi (φ), the Fine Structure Constant 137, the Singularity of 42, and the Constant 1.313. And we have seen how the physical attributes of our universe are scaffolded on these same constants along with the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) and its residue (.273). So, we should pause to note that the sum of the first 21 exponential values of the letters of the Alef-bet is 1273.0 just like the 21 letters of the Alef-bet that total exactly 300,000 of those 401273 Torah elements, with the standard value of that 21st letter being 300.
When we expand the Names of the 22 Letter Names outward by spelling them out for a total of 3 iterations the letter Alef (א) representing One (1) becomes or is derived from the Name Alef (אלף), which is turn is expanded or contracted from the Name Alef (אלף־למד־פא), and numerically that is (1 + 111 + 266) = 378, as in the 378 ordinal value of the 27 letters and/or the 27 positions in the 33 Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, and as in “His Name is One, Echad Ushmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד).” There are 9 planes in the 33 Magic Essential Cube of Creation and 3 tiers of 9 in the 27 letters of the Alef-bet associated with it, and the 9th letter is Tet (ט). When that 9th letter Tet (ט) is expanded in 3 iterations like the Alef (א) above, we get Tet (ט), the Name Tet (טית), and the expanded Name Tet (טית־יוד־תו), which sum to (9 + 419 + 845) = 1273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273).
For its part, the Holy letter Yud (י) that we most associate with the Creator and the Names of the Creator at the highest levels, expands to the Name Yud (יוד) and then the Names Yud (יוד־ויו־דלת), which sum to (10 + 20 + 476) = 506, the complete value of Moshiach Ben David and of the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. And since the letter Hei (ה) expands to a sum of (5 + 15 + 35) = 55 or twice the Primal Frequency (27.5), and the letter Vav (ו) expands to (6 + 22 + 64) = 92, the Name YHVH (יהוה) expands through 3 iterations from 26 to (26 + 72 + 610) = 708 and encompasses a total of 42 letters. Alternatively, (506 + 110 + 92) = (616 + 92) = 708, the value of the 42 letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה). Those 42 letters or 708 are exactly 1/6th of 4248, the 22 Names of the Alef-bet, as in the 42 letters of the Sword of Moses that equal 6708. We also see that the 3 expansion of the sequential letters Hei (ה) and Vav (ו) equal (55 + 92) = 147, as in Jacob’s age and the value of the 7 Names Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Torah or (7 x 21) = 147.
We know the significance of 506 and Moshiach Ben David consciousness, and that 110 is the first major interval, (4 x 27.5), and Joseph’s age, and that 616 is the value of “The Torah,” so what of 92?
While the 5 Torah elements including the Row-Column Matrix equals 400,000 plus the Cosmic Harmonic 1273. There is another set of fixed Torah elements that include the 58 Words, Letters, and Verses, plus the 670 Paragraphs, 187 Chapters, and 54 Portions, or (58 + 911) = (400,000 – 922). Perhaps it has to do with Uranium being the 92nd element in the Periodic Table with Atomic Number 92 and Atomic Weight 238.0, as in the sum of the Path of One that equals (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380 or 1/42, which is .02380.
Meanwhile, the sum of the 3 expansions of the last 2 letters Shin (ש) and Tav (ת) equal (300 + 360 + 486) + (400 + 406 + 428) = (1146 + 1234) = 2380. This is similar to the 3 expansions of the 3 consecutive letters Pe (פ), Zadi (צ) and Koof (ק), whose letter value together is (80 + 90 + 100 + 3) = 273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273), and whose triple expanded value equals (80 + 81 + 192) + (90 + 104 + 558) + (100 + 186 + 289) = (353 + 752 + 575) = 1680 or (40 x 42), while the sum of the 3 expansions of the letter Resh (ר) that follows them sequentially equals (200 + 510 + 890) = 1600 = (40 x 40) or 402.
The 21 letters that total exactly 300,000 of those 304805 letters and of the 401273 Torah elements, align the 21st letter Shin (ש) of numerical value 300 with the excluded the 4805 letters Pe (פ) of numerical value 80. We already know that the value of those letters Pe (פ) is (80 x 4805) = 6202 as in Keter squared, and that (1000 – 620) = 380, the value of Egypt and that the sum of the letters Shin (ש) and Pe (פ) or (300 + 80) = 380.
Meanwhile, the word Keter (כתר) is also katar, meaning surround, as the Moon does with the Earth, and as our 6200-mile exosphere does with the Earth. We should note that when reducing by digit triplets, the value of 6202 or 384,400 that is also the distance between the Earth and Moon, 384,400 Km, gets reduced to (384 + 400) = 784, which equals 282 as in the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation and “koach (כח), power” squared. The while the total value of the 11,968 letters Caf (כ) is 239,360, which as miles is approximately equal to the 384,400 Km while the value of that letter Caf (כ) is 20 and 20 in Hebrew is Esrim (עשרים) of numerical value 620. Furthermore, while the distance between the Earth and Moon divided by the lunar diameter 2160 miles is 111.111, that same distance between the Earth and Moon divided by the lunar and terrestrial diameter (10080 miles) is 23.8095 or 1/42. Everything designed as One.
Now we see that the sum of the expanded Name Shin (שין) has a value of (300 + 360 + 486) = 1146 as in the 11466 square miles of Israel, whose square root is is √11466 = 107.07, while (801.313/27.5) = 11.466, and the second and third expansions of the Name Pe (פא) is (81 + 192) = 273, the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273).
The 3 expansions of the letter Gimmel (ג) and the 3 expansions of the letter Zayin (ז) equal (343 + 267) = 610, as in the 3rd expansion of the Name YHVH (יהוה) and the value of the Etrog, the 4th species of the 4 species of Sukkot that equal 1024, as in the 1024 values of the Torah’s Word-Value hypercube Matrix. When we add the 3 and 7 ordinal values, the total is (610 + 3 + 7) = 620, as in Keter and as in the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments that we know are split into the upper 3 Commandments and the lower 7. Likewise, The 3 expansions of the letter Pe (פ) and the 3 expansions of the letter Zayin (ז) equal (343 + 267) = 620, as in Keter.
Another couple sequential letters paired together are the letters Mem (מ) and Nun (נ) whose 3 expansions total (40 + 80 + 160) + (50 + 106 + 234) = (280 + 390) = 670, as in the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah.
While the 3 expansions of the letter Yud (י) is 506, as in the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the first Essential Triplet of the Matrix is (אבג) and the sum of the 3 expansions of those first 3 letters of the Alef-bet equal (378 + 1252 + 343) = 1973, as in the complete sofit value of the final 3 words of the First Verse of Creation, or (1900 + 73) = 1973, and as in the 1973 War, which Rav Brandwein explained was the end of Moshiach Ben Joseph consciousness and the beginning of Moshiach Ben David consciousness.
We also see that the Alef (א) expanded to/from One (1), and that that Gimmel (ג) expanded from 3 to 73, while the Bet (ב) expanded from 2 to 1252 or (4 x 313), as in the 313 Names Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah.
The Extraordinary Ordinal Values
The ordinal value of those 3 expansions of those 3 first letters (אבג) is (6 + 102 + 278) = 380, as in Egypt and the counterspace to 620, Keter, the Phi (φ) proportion split of 1000, the 103 or Binah Cube. Meanwhile the ordinal value of the 3rd expansion for the entire Alef-bet is 1731, as in the katan value (173) of the 42-Letter Name, and for all 3 expansions, as in (1 + 2 + 3) = 6 is (253 + 711 + 1731 + 6) = 2701, the value of the First Verse of Creation. This means that the 248 letters in the 3 expansions are included within every point or value aspect of the First Verse of Creation, aligning both the Alef-bet and the First Verse of Creation with the omnipresent Concept of 248 and the 248 dimensions of the E8 Symmetry.
There are 248 letters in the 3 Expansions of the Alef-bet.
Their Ordinal Value is 2701.
The First Verse of Creation is 2701.
Moreover, while 2701 is the 73rd Triangular Field and the ordinal value of the 3rd expansion for the entire Alef-bet is 1731, when we divide both Pi (π) and Phi (φ) by the Primal Frequency 27.5 we get 0.114276096 and 0.0588376 respectively and the sum of their inverses is (1/0.1731137) = 5.77655, or 5777, as in the Event Horizon. Furthermore, the sum of the 58 cubes of the 58 digits in the values of the 22 Names of the Alef-bet is 5979 or exactly 1731 more than their value 4248.
The Fully Expanded Alef-bet
While the total triple expansion of the first 21 letters is 13773, reflective of the structure of the First Verse of Creation and the Fine Structure Constant, as in 1/0.1731137, the expansion of all 22 letters to the 22 Names to the 22 Names of the Names equals 15007. This also means that when the 9th letter Tet (ט) whose expansion is the Cosmic Harmonic 1273 is excluded as well, the sum of the remaining 20 letters is 12500 or (50 x 625), as in the 50 Gates of Binah and H’Keter, the square root of the Torah.
What this also means is that the total expansion of all 22 letters to the 22 Names to the 22 Names of the Names plus the sum of their ordinal value, the 22nd Triangular Field, 253 equals (15007 + 253) = 15260, as in the 1526 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah without a prefix, thus attuning the Alef-bet to the pure essence of the YHVH (יהוה) and the blueprints of the Torah before a single letter of the Torah was manifest. The value 1526 is also (676 + 900) = 1526, or (262 + 302), which is the radiant YHVH (יהוה)2 plus the radiant complete value of the YHVH (יהוה)2, intensifying and adding bonded layers to the connection between the 1526, the YHVH (יהוה) and the Alef-bet.
Moreover, like the 22 Names or 2nd level expansion of the Alef-bet, the 3 levels are approximately split into the Phi (φ) proportion with the 3rd level expansion being approximately (9264/15007) = 1/φ and the first two expansions of the letters and Names being approximately equal to (1495 + 4248)/9264 = 1/φ.
And while (15007 + 4248 + 1495) = 27050, the sum of the 3 expansions of the 4 letters Mem (מ), Nun (נ), Samech (ס), and Resh (ר) equal (280 + 390 + 480 + 1600) = 2750, as in the 100 cycles of 27.5 Hz and the height of the Future Holy Temple, 100 cubits of 27.5”; as in the inverse of H’Moshiach consciousness, or 363 = 1/.0027500; as in the Fine Structure Constant that equals (α) = 2750(π – 3.14159); as in the Sun’s diameter divided by Pi (π), or 864,000/π = 275019; and as in the Great Precession divided by Pi (π), or 25,920/π = (3 x 2750).
Then when we add the standard value of all 3 expansions of the Alef-bet, 15007, to their 2695 ordinal value and to that total (15007 + 2695) = 17,702 we add their 248 letters, we get (15007 + 2695 + 248) = 17950, as in the 17950 times that the letter Tav (ת) is found in the Torah. The entire Alef-bet in its full expansion is collapsed into the letter Tav (ת) and expressed through the letter Tav (ת). It is so interesting that the complete value of the 3 expansions of the Alef-bet is (15007 + 2695) = 17,702 because 17 is the value of “good, Tov (טוֹב) as the Creator found the Days of Creation and 702 is the value of Shabbat (שבת), the culmination of the 7 Days, and because the sum of Names of the 7 Days (אחֽד שנֽי שלישֽי רביעֽי חמישֽי הששֽי השביעי) is 2695, the ordinal value of those 3 expansions. Moreover, the 37 letters in those 7 Names align with the Prime Essential Core Concept of 37 built into the 7 words of the First Verse of Creation. Meanwhile, the atbash gematria for those 7 Days is 1870 as in the 6 Tribes, etc., and the value of those 7 Names with the kolel is (2695 + 37) = 2732, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.2732) that the universe is scaffolded upon.
Moreover, the 3rd expansion of the 7 Names of the 7 Days is 15,120, as in the 15th Triangular Number 120. Just like the 22nd Tetra Number that is the sum and a pyramid of the 22 Triangular Fields and the apex or culmination of that pyramid ends in 2024, as in the year 2024, 6 years into the Event Horizon, when a conspiracy to assassinate Donald Trump was attempted, 248 years after 1776, at 6:11 PM, 26 minutes after the shooter was spotted and police were alerted, 112 days before the November 5th election in 2024, the first Tetrahedral year since just before 1776. The date was 7/13/24 as in (7 + 13) = 20, the age of one of the shooters, and (7 + 13 + 24) = 42, and the number of the fallen patriot, Fire Chief Comperatore, was 27. The numbers do not align to show us G-d’s hand in this; if we cannot see His Hand in this then no number of numbers or Cosmic alignments can help us. The alignments are there because in the moment that bullet was about to kill President Trump the time-paths shifted. From that moment forward we are all on a different trajectory. The time frame for the Event Horizon grace period is still the same, but how we fare within it has changed significantly.
This was also 248 years after the Illuminati were established and a plot to assassinate General Washington by the Life Guards, the precursor to the Secret Service, along with the traitorous Royal Governor Tryon of New York was foiled. On June 28th, 1776, Thomas Hickey was hanged for treason. History does not necessarily repeat itself; it aligns.
Each of the 22 tiers represents a sequential set of the cumulative letters of the Alef-bet from Alef to Tav, from 1 to 6200, as in Keter, whose counterspace alternative 3800 is Egypt, enslavement. There is no coincidence that the bullets missed Trump; there was no coincidence he was pointing out the evil displayed on the screen when the kill shot only grazed his ear. There is also no coincidence that this happened at the time of Minchah and third meal of Shabbat as we entered the portion of Balak, where Balaam tried to curse the Israelites and instead blessed them.
Given that every aspect of the Torah, the Alef-bet, and the mathematical Constants are designed we can only conclude that 3 being the smallest and 1500 being that largest word values in the Torah’s 210 Word-Value Matrix was designed to align with the 3 iterations of the Alef-bet that equal 15007 and to align with the first numerical string …1500… in Pi (π) being located at digit # 13710, as in the Fine Structure Constant, and as in the numeric string …101371500448… that includes …1500… and that is proceeded by the cyclical permutation 10137 of 13710 in the exact same way that 71500 is a simple cyclical permutation of 15007. The value 1500 is found 13710 digits after the 3, while the 7 final letters of the First Verse of Creation equal 1371.
Ordinal | Letter | Letter | Name | 1st Let | 2nd Let | 3rd Let | 4th Let | 3rd | 3 |
Value | Name | Value | Value | Name | Name | Name | Name | Expansion | Expansions |
1 |
Alef |
1 | 111 | 111 | 74 | 81 | 266 |
378 |
2 |
Bet |
2 | 412 | 412 | 20 | 406 | 838 |
1252 |
3 |
Gimmel |
3 | 83 | 83 | 20 | 80 | 74 | 257 |
343 |
4 |
Dalet |
4 | 434 | 434 | 74 | 406 | 914 |
1352 |
5 |
Hei |
5 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 35 |
55 |
6 |
Vav |
6 | 22 | 22 | 20 | 22 | 64 |
92 |
7 |
Zayin |
7 | 67 | 67 | 20 | 106 | 193 |
267 |
8 |
Chet |
8 | 408 | 408 | 406 | 814 |
1230 |
9 |
Tet |
9 | 419 | 419 | 20 | 406 | 845 |
1273 |
10 |
Yud |
10 | 20 | 20 | 22 | 434 | 476 |
506 |
11 |
Caf |
20 | 100 | 100 | 81 | 181 |
301 |
12 |
Lamed |
30 | 74 | 74 | 80 | 434 | 588 |
692 |
13 |
Mem |
40 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 160 |
280 |
14 |
Nun |
50 | 106 | 106 | 22 | 106 | 234 |
390 |
15 |
Samech |
60 | 120 | 120 | 80 | 100 | 300 |
480 |
16 |
Ayin |
70 | 130 | 130 | 20 | 106 | 256 |
456 |
17 |
Pe |
80 | 81 | 81 | 111 | 192 |
353 |
18 |
Zadi |
90 | 104 | 104 | 434 | 20 | 558 |
752 |
19 |
Koof |
100 | 186 | 186 | 22 | 81 | 289 |
575 |
20 |
Resh |
200 | 510 | 510 | 20 | 360 | 890 |
1600 |
21 |
Shin |
300 | 360 | 360 | 20 | 106 | 486 |
1146 |
22 |
Tav |
400 | 406 | 406 | 22 | 428 |
1234 |
253 |
1495 |
4248 |
4248 |
9264 |
15007 |
253 |
15260 |
The Pathways
When we then add the 112 Essential Triplets, whose complete value is 20,358 along with the 27 letter and positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation with its ordinal value of 378 and its full letter value of 4995 plus 280, we get (17950 + 20,358 + 112 + 27 + 378 + 4995 + 280) = 44100. This is the volume of the Tower of Truth, 44,100 cu3 that is 210 cubits of 27.5” and 210 levels high presented as 20 stacked sequential cubes (13 +23 + 33…203) in accordance with the 20th Triangular Field, with 441 being the value of the Hebrew word Emet (אמת) meaning Truth, an appellation of the Torah, and (248 + 27) = 275 letters being equivalent to the cubit, and with the (248 + 27 + 336) = 611 letters in these 3 Primordial Elements that went into Creation and into the Torah being equal to the 611 value of the Torah. This is the Path of Truth. It is the union of the full and fully empowered Alef-bet, the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and the 4 Sets of the 112 Essential Triplets.
With the (248 + 27) = 275 letters they are radiant. With the (248 + 112) = 360 letters they are a circle.
The 44,100 elements of Truth are equal to (42 x 1050), as in both the Cosmic 103 Cube of Binah or 1000 and the 50 Gates of Binah times the Singularity of 42. It is also 10 times the fusion of the 7 Planetary Letters (בגדכפרת) that influence Mazal and that are concealed within the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, or (3701 + 709) = 4410. The other set of Essential Triplets that influence Mazal are the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation and when we add the 7 Planetary Letters (בגדכפרת) to them, we get (3003 + 709) = 3712, which equals (3701 + 11) as in the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation and 42-Letter Name Matrix. We can understand now that the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation or first 33 letters of the Torah were derived from the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and thus included within it.
When the Creator scattered those that had come together to create their own tower and overturn the natural order of the Sefirot, he scattered them to 70 nations and 70 languages and Created Sukkot to nourish them so that they would not build One World forums and United Nations against G-d and Israel. This is why we shake (wave) the 4 species in all directions 630 times over the 7 days of the Chag, as (70 x 630) = 44,100.
Other power Pathways include the 248 letters of the Alef-bet and the 336 letters of the 4 Sets of the 112 Essential Triplets, or (248 + 336) plus the kolel (2) that equals 586, as in Jerusalem (ירושלם) and the Shofar (שופר) that align with the 3 Aspects of the Name Elohim (אלהים). It is the Path of Elohim.
With the (336 + 27) = 363 letters they are the Cosmic Wheel of H’Moshiach Consciousness.
When the full power of the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) are added to the union of the full and fully empowered Alef-bet, the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and the 4 Sets of the 112 Essential Triplets, the (248 + 27 + 336) = 611 letters become (611 + 5) = 616, as in “The Torah H’Torah (התורה),” whose square root is 2.48, and as in the 616 times that the name Moses (משה) appears in the Torah, starting with the first time it is mentioned in Exodus 2:10, like the 210 cycles of height in the Tower of Truth and Path of Truth. This is the Path of The Laws; the Path of the 5 Books of Moses.
The 11 Essential Triplets of Creation consist of the first 8 Words of the Torah, which is the First Verse of Creation plus the 8th word of numerical value 302. The numerical difference of “Bereshit (בראשית) In the Beginning” and the 8th word “And the Earth (והארץ)” is (913 – 302) = 611, as in “Torah (תורה)” and the 611 letters in the Path of the Torah. Meanwhile the total of the 7 differences between each of the 8 words in the circle of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation is (710 + 117 + 315 + 6 + 12 + 111 + 6 + 611) = 1888 and the 6 differences between each of the 7 words in the circle of the First Verse of Creation is (710 + 117 + 315 + 6 + 12 + 111 + 617) = 1888. While those 1888 units of differences or gaps between the words of the First Verse equal 70% of 2701, they represent .62870 or 62.870% of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, as in 2π, which means that (3003 – 1888) is .3712 of 3003, as we just saw in the addition of the 7 Planetary Letters (בגדכפרת) or (3003 + 709) = 3712, and the addition of (3701 + 11) representing the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation and 42-Letter Name Matrix. Moreover, 870 is the sum of the 11 odd or Mod (2) letters of the Alef-bet. There is no such thing as empty space in the Torah. They are risers within the Paths.
With the (5 + 4995 + 280) = 5280, we go the extra mile. We go to the end.
These are the Paths of the Righteous. They are ancient. They are metaphysical and accessed through higher consciousness not physical desire. The 210 tiers or cycles in each of these Paths of 44,100 that go 3 Cosmic levels or iterations deep equal (210 x 27.5 + 3) = 5778, as in the Spherical Time bubble radius and the Event Horizon. The Paths were there before Creation, not the Cosmic Creation of universal consciousness or even our consciousness, but the physical Creation of our bubble.
Moses lived 120 years. With the Magic Cube of Creation (5 + 4995 + 280 + 378) + 120 = 5778, we go with Moses. This is like the value 248 found 242 times in the Torah and the value 112 found 103 times, with (242 + 103) = 345, the value of Moses.
The Earth 296
The word for the “the Earth” meaning physicality, the spatial component often referred to as matter, has a special property within that First Verse of Creation that we have not discussed yet. As we know, it is packaged with the article V’Et (ואת) and together (ואת־הארץ) they equal 703, the 37th Triangular Field, and the ratio of the spatial component to the geometric capsule or vessel is (296/703) = 42%. When we add the full capsule or geometric shell to that spatial component we get (296 + 703) = 999, as in exactly half the 1998 value of the other 5 words of the Verse, or 1/3rd the total, thus splitting the First Verse of Creation into the .333 and .666 median centroid ratio. Moreover, the ratio of the spatial component (296) to the new whole, whereby the geometric 703 is the counterspace is (296/999) = .296296. Meanwhile, the value 703 is found 6 times in the Torah, as in the letter Vav (ו) representing the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin and signifying physicality, while the 8th and adjacent word in Creation is “And the Earth (והארץ)” as in the additional 296 that we added to geometric shell 703 to get (296 + 703) = 999. It must be noted that the “the Earth (הארץ)” is the 7th Word in the First Verse of Creation and that its value less its ordinal position equals (296 – 7) = 289, as in the Earth’s surface temperature, 289 K, or exactly 1/20th that of the Sun, 5778 K. Perhaps this is why Uranium has the Atomic Weight 238.0289.
Another secret is that the article V’Et (ואת) of numerical value 407 or 20.17424 squared, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness and the year 2017 CE of the Event Horizon, is 704 in reverse, as in the “Path, Derech (דרך)” and the central tier (בטרצתג) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that has the last 2 of the 7 letters of (ואת־הארץ) at its core, while (704 – 703) = One (1).
The Cosmic Cubes of Binah
The Cosmic Cube of Binah, a vessel with a volume of 1003 houses the main elements of the Torah and its counterspace of near infinite circuitry. The counterspace of the 5 main Torah elements (1003 – 401273) equals (600,000 – 1273), a variance of 1273, the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273). This aligns with the (600,000 + 1730) Israelite men in the second census who proceed to the Promised Land (Binah). Those variations from 600,000 of (1273 + 1730) = 3003, the value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit that average 273, the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273).
Those 5 main spatial elements of 401273 space units include the 3 main elements of 390625 that consist of the 58 Words, Letters, and Verses and the 2 main elements of its 223 Row-Column or 10,648-unit cubic Matrix. If we add the counterspace of the vessel or boundary cube of 1003 that is (1003 – 58) or (1,000,000 – 390625) or 609375 cubic units to the 10,648 units of the spatial Cube of 223, shifting them from one type of space to the other within the vessel we see that the total equals (609375 + 10648) = 620023. Then if we extract the digit 1 of 1003 and the digits 22 of 223, we get exactly 620000 as a framework for the Torah to metaphysically exist within, as in the Sefira Keter (620), or (620 x 1000), which most appropriately is Keter of Binah.
This is in exact alignment with the cumulative total of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet that equals 6200 and with the boundary limit of the Earth’s exosphere, 6200 miles, the Earth’s counterspace. This is the volume that “surrounds Katar (כתר)” of numerical value 620. While we view physicality, life, and our existence as chaotic, the metaphysical realm is consistent and purposeful, like the distance between the Earth and Moon, 6202 Km that is exactly equal to the 6202 value of the purposely distinguished 4805 letters Pe (פ) in the Torah, which are doubly aligned with the 620 letters and 805 elements of the 10 Commandments.
The remaining 21 letters of the Alef-bet total exactly 300,000 letters or 30% of the 1003 Cosmic Cube and they have a total value of 20625426, as in the ¾ cubit (20.625”) and/or (.75 x 27.5), representing the Primal Frequency, Keter (20) and H’Keter (625) together with the Singularity of 42 and the YHVH (יהוה) or 26. This also makes those precise 300,000 letters equal to (750,015.49 x 27.5) or 750,000 plus 15.49 cycles of 27.5 Hz, just as a square with a perimeter of 300,000 has an edge of 75,000, which is reminiscent of the Circle of Creation of 3000.0 that is associated with Keter.
Nevertheless, that counterspace of (1003 – 401273) equals (600,000 – 1273), which aligns with the (600,000 + 1730) Israelite men in the second census who would proceed to the Promised Land (Binah). Those variations from 600,000 of (1273 + 1730) = 3003, the value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit that average 273, the Cosmic Harmonic residue.
Alternatively, if we add the counterspace of the boundary cube of 1003 or (1003 – 58) = (1,000,000 – 390526) = 609375 cubic units to the cube of 223 as space for the 10,648 = 223 rows and columns in the Torah, we see that the total equals (609375 + 10648) = 620023. The if we extract the 1 of 1003 and the 22 of 223 we get exactly 620000 as a framework for the Torah to metaphysically exist within, as in the Sefira Keter (620), or (620 x 1000), which most appropriately is Keter of Binah. This is in exact alignment with the cumulative total of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet that equals 6200 and with the boundary limit of the Earth’s exosphere, 6200 miles, the Earth’s counterspace. While we view physicality, life, and our existence as chaotic, the metaphysical realm is consistent and purposeful, like the distance between the Earth and Moon, 6202 Km that is exactly equal to the 6202 value of the purposely distinguished 4805 letters Pe (פ) in the Torah, which are doubly aligned with the 620 letters and 805 elements of the 10 Commandments.
The remaining 21 letters of the Alef-bet total exactly 300,000 letters and have a total value of 20625426, as in the ¾ cubit (20.625”) and/or (.75 x 27.5), the Primal Frequency, and as Keter (20) with H’Keter (625) together with the Singularity of 42 and the YHVH (יהוה) or 26. This also makes those precise 300,000 letters equal to (750,015.49 x 27.5) or 750,000 plus 15.49 cycles of 27.5 Hz, just as a square with a perimeter of 300,000 has an edge of 75,000, which is reminiscent of the Circle of Creation of 3000.0 that is associated with Keter.
Two of the other matrixes in the Torah that we have discussed are the 210 Word-Value hypercube Matrix and the cubic 183 Verse Matrix. While the cubic 183 Verse Matrix is also contained as written verses within the 58 Matrix, it is also part of yet another grand spatial container that is the spatial vessel for those written verses. Both the 183 Verse Matrix and the 210 Word-Value Matrix are contained within a 104 volume vessel, a 1002 square, thus their counterspace is (10,000 – 1024 – 5832) = 3144 or 2 more than the value 3142 associated with the Higher Names of G-d. So far, this covers the network of the Torah’s standard sofit values and the main written elements. All the other gematria cipher values are parallel reflection matrixes and vessels for these collective letters and spatial elements. While they do form a super network of living consciousness with numerous known iterations there are so many unknown ones that we cannot possibly calculate or contemplate them.
We will limit our contemplation to the standard sofit cipher values of the 5800.02 letter values of the Torah, which while being a very large square array in the order of 107, also fit into an even larger vessel of (5800 + 4200)2 = 108. The complementary counterpart to 5800, as in the 5800.02 value of the 304805 letters of the Torah, is 4200, and 5800.02 equals 33640000, as in 336 letters in the 4 sets of Essential Triplets. This is also the difference between the 22 Names of the 27 letters using the same sofit gematria and the standard sum (10048 – 4248) = 5800.
As just stated, the remaining 21 letters of the Alef-bet total exactly 300,000 letters, or half of the nearly 600,000 component letters in the Torah, and they have a total value of 20625426. It is at location #58588 within Pi (π), as in 5/8 = .625, where we find the first numeric string …20625… and at location #1392 within Pi (π) where we find the first string …426…, and when added together we get (58588 + 1392) = (60,000 – 20). There are no loose ends in the Metaphysical realm.
Complementary Counterspace
The concept of counterspace is ingrained in every aspect of the metaphysical universe and is reflected in our own. The interplay between space and counterspace creates the vortices that guide the physical forces of nature. The counterspace to the Primary Complementary Yin-Yang forces of 15 and 11 are respectively 85 and 89 and we see that (85 x 89) = 7565, which is not only (6000 + 1565), representing Zeir Anpin and the YHVH (יהוה), but 7565 is also 10 times the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52).
Using the 15 and 111 complementary Yin-Yang forces, the result is 75565, or approximately 100 times the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52). Both these concepts were built into the base measurements of the Great Pyramid built prior to the last reset around 11,556 years ago. It was also built to react with the 42-Letter Name’s 4225 complete value, which is the perfect counterspace to the 5775” height of the Great Pyramid. That height is (210 x 27.5), or 210 levels and/or 210 cubits of 27.5” each. Given that there are 420 cycles of 27.5 in the Spherical Time diameter and in the periodicity of the catastrophic Galactic Current Wave, the Great Pyramid was designed to mark the likewise catastrophic half cycle or bottom of the Wave and radius of the Spherical Time bubble, and to connect it with the Source of 42. All the while, the concentric 210 layers of stone from its precision angled apex all the way down to its precise base measurements reflect the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52) and the counterspace to the complementary Yin-Yang Primal masculine and feminine forces. As previously explained, those precision angles include the 51.84o slope angle that is 722 and 8 times the square root of 42; the corner slope angle of 42o; the face-to-face edge angle of 112o, and the 76o apex angle, as in the ordinal value of the Torah’s first word, “In the Beginning.”
The Larger Cosmic Cube
In the base10 world of our existence, each digit (x) has a geometric value of 10 and a spatial value of x units, and thus the counterspace to any digit is simply (10 – x) units. While higher dimensions can be projected downward as 3-d and 2-d shadows, it is physically impossible for our minds to imagine them, not even 4-d space. The 4-d mathematical tesseract as previously discussed is beautiful and intriguing yet for all its seeming complexity is just an animated 2-d shadow or projection and not an actual depiction of true 4-d space.
It is beyond our processing and conceptual power of contemplation, so rather than try to imagine the counterspace within 8-dimensional space whether 58 or 28, it has been simplified for us into arrays or squares of 103 blocks. There are 1024 Word-Values is the Torah, which align with the 3271024 total ordinal value for the 22 letters of the Torah on which those 1024 Word-Values are based. This total further aligns with the 10th Triplet of Pi (π), 327. This gives the Torah a complete numerical value of (21009826 + 3271024) = 24280850, which when divide by the 420.2182 cycles of 27.5 in the 11,556 Spherical Time Bubble diameter gives us (24280850/420.2182) = 57781.531, as in the Event Horizon 5778 HC and Spherical Time radius, 5778 years, the 107th Triangular Field. The complete numerical value of the Torah, all 304805 letters, equal the precise 420.2182 cycles of the 5778-year radius of the Spherical Time Bubble.
Torah Complete Value = (21009826 + 3271024) = 24280850
420.2182 cycles of 27.5 in the 11,556-year Spherical Time Bubble diameter
24280850/420.2182 cycles =
Spherical Time Radius = 5778 years
Event Horizon = 5778 HC
Moreover, the difference between the ordinal value calculated with the value of the 20,107 final letters out of the 304,805 total letters is (3401829 – 3271024) = 220805, as in the 22 letter Names and the 8 cycles of 27.5 that equal 220, along with the 805 elements of the 10 Commandments and the 805 value of G-d’s Covenant with the Earth. It may be just a coincidence that 220805 is found permuted within the number 24280850 of the Torah’s complete value, and that the 304,805 letters less the net value of 220805 is 84,000 or (42 x 2000). That value 84,000 is the sum of the Circle of Creation of 3000.0 plus the sum of the 79976 words in the Torah and the 1024 Word-Values in the Torah, or (79976 + 1024) = 81,000 and (81,000 + 3000) = 84,000. Moreover, the ratio of 84,000/304805 is 27.5586% as in the Primal Frequency 27.5 and the Shofar (586) and/or Jerusalem (586), while the ratio of 220805/304805 is 72.441% as in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and Emet, Truth (441). Just as we saw above with the Path of Elohim and the Path of Truth. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
There is no vacuum in metaphysics. Just like “0” in our mathematics does not represent empty space or emptiness. It represents the absence of a positive integer concept, yet there is a near infinite amount of information between the positive integers, i.e. between 100 and 101. What we see is just the rounded off or truncated version of what could be a supercomputer’s worth of data and computations. It is like seeing 314 and thinking you know Pi (π). The original English term for “0” was cypher.
Starting with the full sofit value of the Torah where we count both the sofit value and the standard value of the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) we get 33640626 or 5800.0542 and the sum of the cube roots of their 27 total letter values is 2222.75 or twice 1111.37, while the sum of the square roots of their 27 total letter values is 22778.81. Metaphysically, those 27 cube roots or 1111.4 are 1/100th of the total ordinal value of the 27 letters divided by Phi (φ) or 3491829/φ = of the 1111484.
When we take the complete full sofit value of the Torah, which includes its ordinal value, we get (33640626 + 3759258) = (37400000 – 116), only 116 from 37,400,000. That complete value total (37400000 – 116) gives us an average of (37400000 – 116)/304805 = 122.071 as in the 2701 value of the First Verse of Creation.
Moreover, that (33640626 + 3759258) complete value is 1116 less than (137000 x 273), as in the Fine Structure Constant (137) times the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) and as in the 2nd and 3rd tiers of the 42-Letter Name whose combined value is (729 + 387) = 1116, like the location in Pi (π) for the value of its first tier …506… at digit #1116. With one of the central Mems (מ) in its original standard state rather than a final one Mem (ם) within the Torah, the total value works out to (33640000 + 26) or 5800.0022422.
Then taking only the sofit value of the 20107 letters we get a total of 32775966 which differs from the 33640626 full total by (33640626 – 32775966) = 864,660 as in the diameter of the Sun, 864,660 miles, or 31442.182 cycles of 27.5, and as in the 86,400 seconds in a mean solar day or .273791% of the mean solar year, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) that our universe is scaffolded on, 4/Pi (π), while those 31442.182 cycles reflect 314, the first Triplet in Pi (π), the Singularity of 42, and 182 that is 7 times the YHVH (יהוה) and the value of the archetype Name Jacob (182), reflecting the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah.
This is even more relevant when compared with the exponential value of the 27th Letter, Zadi sofit (ץ) or 1560.0 and the ratio of the total sofit value of the Torah divided by its standard value, or (32775966/21009826) = 1.5600…, with 156 being 6 times the YHVH (יהוה) and the value of the archetype Name Joseph, Jacob’s son.
The difference between the total sofit value of the Torah divided by its standard value is thus equal to (32775966 – 21009826) = 11766140, while the difference between the total ordinal value of the full sofit 304805 letters and the standard ones is (3759258 – 3271024) = (500,000 – 11766) or 1/1000th of 11766140. In one instance we are comparing the letter values and in the other we are comparing the counterspace of the ordinal values of the two difference sets, so any numerical connection is purely metaphysical, and purposely meant to draw our attention to the difference between 11766 and the Spherical Time Bubble diameter 11556, which is (11766 – 11556) = 210, as in the 210 years of exile in Egypt and the Tower of Truth, etc.
Meanwhile, the average of those 20107 sofit letters is (11766140/20107) = 585.1763 and the average of the standard value of those 20107 sofit letters within that full sofit value is (864660/20107) = 43.00293, which means that the average value of the 32775966 full sofit value of the Torah less its 21009826 standard value is (585.1763 + 43.00293) = 628.1792 or twice Pi (π), the Constant that we have seen the 22 letters of the Alef-bet and their 22 Names to be based upon. If it was not clear, 628.2 is the average full sofit value of the 20107 sofit letters in the Torah, as in the 2π or 6.282 radians in a circle, and 20107 is a permutation of 2701 and 2017. The numerical string …628… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #72, as in 2 times 360o, and 72 radians is 412.5o or 3 times the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o.
Moreover, the 1792 component in 628.1792 is analogous to the 1792 faces of an 8-dimensional hypercube and the 1792 4-faces and 1792 5-faces in the E8 Lattice.
While every letter in the Torah shines bright with Divine Light, every bit of space between the letters shines just as bright, and the Torah as a Singular whole shines brighter yet.
Nevertheless, the minimal total Torah geometry for the 1024 Word-Values and 5832 Verses is a space of 10,000, which is a line of 10 blocks of 103. The minimal total
Torah geometry for the 10,648 Row-Column Matrix is 100,000 or a square of 102 blocks of 103, which is a 10 x 10 square of blocks of 103 cubes.
The 1-dimensional line was expanded to a 2-dimensional square made of 3-dimensional units or cubes. To accommodate the 390,625 Words, Letters, and Verses of the Elemental Torah Matrix, the minimal total Torah geometry required is a cube of 103 blocks of 103 cubes. Once again, the expansion from a square to a cube increased the dimensionality by 1 from a 2-dimensional square to a 3-dimensional cube. The minimal geometric array built out of 103 cubic spatial units to accommodate the 5800.02 or 33640000 letter value is a square of 10,0002, which works out to a 102 square of 103 cubic blocks of 103 cubes.
So, the minimal counterspace to the 5800.02 letter values places it within a framework of a 108 array and is thus (100002 – 33640000) = 66360000 white fire units. As this massive 5800.02 array is comprised of the original standard sofit values that are based on the 1.313x exponential curve it is the most basic cipher of them all. All the many other gematria ciphers are legitimate variations, adding new and varied understandings based on their angle of projection, which skews how we see them in our world and opens our perspective to new insights. Since their matrixes and arrays are thus not as symmetrical, somewhat derivative, and exceedingly vast we will not include them here.
Though this metaphysical structure has been simplified so that we may process it within the confines of our reality it is no less true and real. When Abraham saw them from his higher perspective these minimal total geometric fields were spheres, “spheres of nothingness.” He also saw and called the letters blocks and explained that the hierarchy was of “10, not nine, and not eleven.” The system is the same, only the geometry is less complex and more accessible.
The Hindu Yuga Cycle
Since the Spherical Time paradigm has been well established, we can point out that like the 112 Essential Triplets and the 112 Corporeal Chakras, the Hindu Yuga Cycle conforms to the Spherical Time paradigm as well. They view the paradigm as two cycles of the Galactic Current Sheet in terms of ascending and descending consciousness development and split it into 8 periods, which are basically 3 main periods or states of consciousness. There are the 5778 years of rapidly ascending golden Satya Yuga consciousness in which we attain the highest levels. Opposite that, there are the 5778 years of steep descending consciousness of deceit, depravity, and selfish destruction of which we are in the final days, called Kali Yuga, the period of Iron. There are also opposing 5778-year periods of more gradual ascension and descension in between these periods with shorter 222-year interim phases between each main axial period, or 1110 years in total. Altogether that is 24,000 years. Their calendar indicates that the last crowning period of Satya Yuga began in 12,676 BCE, or 1120 years more than 11,556 years, and it calls for the end of days to occur around 2025 CE, 7 years into the Event Horizon’s 27.5-year window. Note that it is a cycle, so at the end of days, there is a hard reboot of mankind and Earth, and ascension begins anew with a 222-year period akin to the 6 Days of Creation.
5 Kings vs 4 Kings
Like the war of the 5 Kings vs 4 Kings there are 5 black fire symmetrical spatial matrixes compared with 4 white fire geometric vessels with their counterspace. The 4 complete geometric matrixes (108, 106, 105, and 104) total (100000000 + 1000000 + 100000 + 10000) = 101110000, and the 5 spatial matrices (58002 + 58 + 223+ 183 + 210) total (33640000 + 390625 + 10648 + 5832 + 1024) = 34048129. Altogether, the net counterspace of the total geometry less the black fire space in the 4 vs 5 symmetrical matrixes is (101110000 – 34048129) = 67061871, which is almost exactly 1/10th the Speed of Light in miles per hour, or 6.70616629 x 108. Thus 1/10th of that is 67061662.9, or only 208.1 mph off from the Torah’s matrixes’ collective counterspace area, a trivial rounding error that even our race cars can achieve. The connection is reinforced through the 54 Portions in the Torah that contain 670 Paragraphs with “the Torah” having a numerical value of 616, as in 67061662.9. There is also the alignment with the 187 Chapters of the Torah in those 670 Paragraphs within the 67061871 volume of counterspace. Meanwhile, the difference of 208.1 matches the 2081 Albam (or plus 11) gematria value for the first verse of the Shema, which is also the 313rd Prime Number, as in the 313 Names Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah.
Moreover, the sum of the digits in the counterspace component of the Torah matrix geometry 67061871 is (6 + 7 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 1) = 36, exactly half the sum of the digits in the equation (101110000 – 34048129) = 67061871 or (4 + 31 + 37) = 72.
And in a magical display that could only happen in a metaphysical reality, the difference between the value of the 42 letters of the Sword of Moses and the collective Torah counterspace is (67080000 – 67061871) = 18129 and while 181 is the 42nd Prime Number and the sum of the first 42 digits in the Prime Numbers, the 18129th Prime Number is 201821. This not only reflects One (1) more than the (1821 – 1) = 1820 and (1871 – 1) = 1870 split in the 12 Tribes, but the 2018 Physical Time years, and Western Calendar analogue to the Spherical Time Event Horizon, 2018 CE, which is all the more apropos here because the ratio between the Spiritual Time component over the Physical Time one within the Spherical Time paradigm, 3760/2018 equals the same 186,282 mps Speed-of-Light as 6.70616629 x 108 mph. And the collective Torah counterspace divided by the speed-of-light in miles per second (67061871/186,282) = 360.0018842, as in the 360o circle and as in 20 x 18.001.
Moreover, the letter Caf (כ), representing Keter, has a value of 20 and its Name Caf (כף) while having a sofit value of 820, when spelled out Caf-Pe (כף־פא) has a value of 181, connecting all the inferences and Concepts above.
The Spherical Time radius and/or Event Horizon 5778 is (54 x 107), which is the 107th Triangular Field, and it is also Phi (φ)18, as in the 183 Verse Matrix in the Torah and the 54 or (3 x 18) Portions in the Torah. If instead of the taking φ18 we take 18φ we get 107.141 and (54 x 107.141) = 5800.5, as in the 5800.0542 full sofit value of the Torah, or 22 more than the 5778 Event Horizon, as in the 223 Row-Column Matrix in the Torah. Meanwhile, the value 141 in 18φ = 107.141 is also the sum of the 30 digits in the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) and it is the ordinal value of the first 15 letters of the First Verse of Creation. What ties this into a metaphysical circle is that the remaining 13 letters in the First Verse of Creation have an ordinal value of 157 or one half of Pi (314), while Pi (π) begins with 3.141.
Furthermore, while the current land area of Israel, 11,466 square miles, can be folded up into a square of 107.072, the Spherical Time diameter, 11,556, forms a square of 107.499, which is the edge of a square that circumscribes the Spherical Time circumference. The area of that square is thus 107.4994 and 1.273 times the area of the Spherical Time bubble, and (54 x 107.499) = 5805, as in the far edge of the Event Horizon and the bursting point of the Spherical Time Bubble, 5805 HC.
Moreover, while the sofit value of Abraham and Sarah is (808 + 505) = 1313, like the 1.313x values of the Alef-bet, Abraham and Sarah (248 + 505) = 753, as in the 2753 value of the 22 backs of the 22 letters. Then when divided by 7, the same way we would divide 22/7 to approximate Pi (π), (Abraham and Sarah)/7 equals (753/7) = 107.5 and works out to about 5808 cycles of 54 Portions, giving us a stretched Spherical Time surface area of 424024800 square years and a stretched volume of 36500 cubic years.
5 Spatial Matrixes =
(58002 + 58 + 223 + 183 + 210)
4 Complete Geometric Matrixes =
(108 + 106 + 105 + 104)
Torah Geometry – Torah Space
(101110000 – 34048129) = 67061871
Collective Torah Counterspace = 67061871
(6 + 7 + 0 +7 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 1) = 37
42 Letters of the Sword of Moses = 67080000
67080000 – 67061871 = 18129
181 = 42nd Prime Number
181 = First 42 Digits in Prime Field
29 = 10th Prime Number
18129th Prime Number = 201821 = 201821
12 Tribes Names = 1820 and 1870
Event Horizon = 2018 CE
3760/2018 = 186,282 mps = 6.70616629 x 108 mph
67061871/186,282 = 360.0555
360o = 1 Circle
67061871 – 67061662.9 = 208.1
2081st = 313th Prime Number
313 Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah
First Verse of Shema (Albam) = 2081
So, why are the Torah Matrices and the Spherical Time Bubble tuned to the speed-of-light in a vacuum? It is the speed limit that our simulation was assigned. When we divide the collective Torah counterspace (67061871) by the Spherical Time diameter, we get (67061871/11,556) = 5803.208, as in the far end of the Event Horizon grace period, the point when the toroidal bubble can longer sustain the expansion and collapses in upon itself, thus rebooting and regenerating the simulation.
The Spherical Time paradigm is fixed to the length of a year, which is (365.2422 x 24 x 60 x 18) = 9467073 parts per minute, and it is referenced by the speed-of light in miles per second, as we find the string …9467073… within Pi (π) at digit #182,770, which is also only 3.5 hours off exactly 6 months in days (182.621). Meanwhile the value 6707 within 9467073 turns up as the sum of the 22 letters and their Names that are based on Pi (π) and its geometry. Those extra .2422 days per year above a simple 365 that contribute to our leap-year equal exactly 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days. Keep in mind, this does not happen if we were not taught in the Torah to count in cycles of 7 Days and if the earth were not orbiting the Sun at 66,600 mph.
The 22 letters have a complete value of (1495 + 253) = 1748, or (4248 – 1748) = 2500 less than the value of their 22 Names, meaning that the backs of the 22 Names that are based on circular geometry, less the 22nd Triangular Field equal exactly 2500, a perfect square of 502, like the 50 Gates of Binah. Multiple geometry in one simple equation.
In this schematic, each initial letter of the 22 letters is replaced by a single tier of the 22 tiers of the 22nd Triangular Field sequentially according to its ordinal value (i.e. Alef with 1; Bet with 2 + 3, Gimmel with 4 + 5 + 6, …). How would One do this while still creating 3 iterations of intersecting circles beginning with the Fine Structure Constant and 2π respectively; while also maintaining an odd-even mod (2) fractal Phi (φ) proportion for several iterations; while also making the combinations of the Names in one of those circles equal to 33 different multiples of 42 out of the maximum 47 x 42; while also ensuring that the proportion of the 22 sets of the backs of the 22 Names to their total equals 2753/4248 = .6480, which is the square root of 42; and all the while making sure that the 22 initials conform to the 1.313x exponential curve?
The 22 Names have a complete value of (4248 + 711) = 4959, which is reminiscent of the Prime Equation 1/.23571113… = 4.24248100… as in the 4248 sum of the Names of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet and their ordinal value (711). Moreover, the counterspace to 711 is (1000 – 711) = 289, as in the Surface temperature of the earth 289 K, or 1/20th that of the Sun, 5778 K.
Together the letters and their Names have a complete value of (1748 + 4959) = 6707, or One (1) less than the 42-Letter Sword of Moses, 6708, and 3 more than the (3003 + 3701) = 6704 total value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit combined with the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
And in reference to the geometric circle, we know that the precession of the Earth’s axis forms a perfect circle of 25,920 years and that this is in perfect alignment with the Cosmic and/or Hebrew Day of 25,920 parts of a minute. As it turns out, the Torah’s 5 spatial components divided by 25920 gives us (34048129/25920) = 1313.5822, as in the first 8 generations from Adam to Methuselah, the oldest man, that total 1313 years, and as in the constant of the exponential curve of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet (1.313x), and as in the year 1313 BCE when the Torah was received at Mt Sinai, along with the sum of the Names Abraham and Sarah, (808 + 505) = 1313.
5 Spatial Torah Matrixes =
(58002 + 58 + 223 + 183 + 210)
Great Precession = 25,920 Years = One Great Year
25,920 Parts of a Minute = One Day
(58002 + 58 + 223 + 183 + 210)/ 25,920 =
Torah Received 1313 BCE
22 Letters of Alef-bet, 1.313x
Moshiach, 358
Abraham and Sarah (808 + 505) = 1313
First 8 Generations = 1313 Years
Echad (אחד), One = 13
The corollary is that (34048129/1313) = (25920 + 11.556), as in the 11,556-year Spherical Time diameter and the catastrophic Parker Instability Galactic Current Wave periodicity. The ratio of the 5 Spatial Matrixes in the Torah to the year the Torah was given to us, or alternatively the constant of the exponential Alef-bet, is precisely balanced by the Great Precession and/or the Cosmic Day plus the periodicity of the Galactic wavelength. The meaning to this is so profound it defies comprehension. While the counterspace defines the Speed-of-Light, the intricate space of the Torah and the time-frame of our existence are fixed upon a razor sharp fulcrum.
The Creation of the Torah not only goes hand in hand with the Creation of Time, Space, and the mechanics of the universe, but the universe’s function and existence are dependent on the Torah. Changing a Verse, Word, or even a Letter, any one of over 34 million integrated parts would throw off this delicate and precise balance. It would be like changing the value on any of our basic constants—the physics that sustains our universe would collapse and the universe along with it. We could not even change the surface temperature of the Sun from its 5778 K mark without wiping out life on Earth. Now we can better understand that perfect central balance of the 11,556-year Spherical Time diameter being exactly twice 5778, the Event Horizon.
(58002 + 58 + 223 + 183 + 210) = 34048129
(34048129/1313) = (25920 + 11.556)
11,556 = Spherical Time diameter
11,556 = Galactic Current Wave Periodicity
Fundamental Geometries
This also explains why 600,000 is the limit to the component letters of the Torah and of the Israelite souls from Adam in that 105.778 = 600,000, or more precisely 105.77815125 = 600,000, a simple equation inclusive of the 5778-year Event Horizon and the 15,120-unit horizon of the 7 Names of the 7 Days of Creation, who’s collective 10080 minutes equals the diameters of the Earth and the Moon.
We have also seen how the 5280-foot mile is incorporated into this grand schematic of the Torah and our Solar System, including how the two remainders from the two censuses of the 600,000 souls, (3550 + 1730) = 5280. The speed-of-light is a ratio and has no intrinsic value of its own, and the values we have assigned to it are based on arbitrary measurements that Man believes he created. The truth is that all those measuring bars and tapes were given to us by Divine inspiration and by inserting them directly into the matrix. Be that as it may, the speed-of-light values, whether miles-per-hour or miles-per-second, are predicated on the mile being 5280 feet, and the speed-of-light counterspace to the total Torah geometry divided by that mile is (67061871/5280) = 12701.11 as in the 2701 value of the First Verse of Creation, the 7th Mersenne Prime that is Sarah’s age (127 years) etc., and the 111 value of Alef (אלף), One.
This is like the square root of the Fine Structure Constant (.00729735256) or √(729735256) = 27013.612420, and like the average of the complete value for the Torah that equals (37400000 – 116)/304805 = 122.071. Moreover, 2.701 is the ratio of the radius of a Circle to the radius of the tightest of most optimum packing of 5 smaller circles embedded in it, 5 kissing circles. What makes this geometry more appropriate is that 3 is the ratio radius of a Circle to the smaller radius of the most optimum packing of 6 smaller kissing circles embedded in it, and that the 3000.0 Circle of Creation is the circle that houses the 6 dimensions of the 2701 Square of Creation. The geometric relationship between the 2701 Square of Creation and the 3000.0 Circle of Creation is the K Constant 1.110720 that is π√2/4. This brings up several analogues in that while 111 is Alef (אלף), One, the 107th Triangular Field is 5778 and π√2/2 = 2.22 = (60 – 57.78), and π√(2)/22, as in the 22 Names of the Alef-bet that are based on Pi (π), equals 20.18, as in the Event Horizon year 2018 CE (5778 HC). Moreover, while (67061871/5280) = 12701.11, it is the reverse of the K Constant 1.110720.
Meanwhile, the year at the far end of the Event Horizon window, 2046 CE is found as …2046… at digit #374 in Pi (π), as the 37400000 complete word value of the Torah.
Given the schematic of the circles packed as tight as possible into the outer circle, the ratio between their radii is the same as the ratio between their diameters and/or their circumferences and/or their areas, which means that the ratio is the same for the 7th inner kissing circle that sits in the center of the ring of 6 as it is for the other 6 circles. This schematic is the schematic of the 6 and 7 Days of Creation, the 7 Words of Creation and the 6 and 7 Sefirot and 6 and 7 Dimensions of Creation.
For perspective, this 2-d projection of the 7 circles of Zeir Anpin and Malchut encircled by Binah is the central slice through the axial 7 Spheres of the 13 Sphere Cuboctahedron. We have previously detailed and studied the integration of the 13 Sphere Cuboctahedron with the metaphysics of the universe and the Torah, so moving on we would just like to point out that the most optimum packing of 26 equilateral triangles within a circle has the ratio of 2.109 for the circle’s radius compared with any side of those 26 internal 3-sided triangles. The ratio of that radius to the perimeter of any of those 26 equilateral triangles is thus (2.109/3) = 7.03 so not only it this fundamental geometry aligned with the 2109 letters Gimmel (ג) of numerical value 3 in the the Torah, but with (2109/3) = 703, the 37th Triangular Field built into the the First Verse of Creation.
Furthermore, this special ratio that aligns with the 26 value of the YHVH (יהוה) further aligns with the 2198 letters Zayin (ז) of numerical value 7 in the the Torah in that the total standard value of the Torah is 21009826 and that while the equation (2109/3) = 703, the equation (2198/7) = 314, the first Triplet in Pi (π). What makes this connection even more interesting beside the two letter totals being 89 digits apart like the 89 Days on the Cosmic Wheel between the Day of Creation to Chanukah, is that (2109 + 2198) = (4200 + 107), reflecting the Singularity of 42 at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm and its Event Horizon radius of 5778, the 107th Triangular Field. As we recently pointed out the Earth and Sun are in lockstep and while “the Earth (הארץ)” is the 7th Word in the First Verse of Creation it is also the 3rd planet from the Sun, as in Gimmel (ג) and Zayin (ז).
Gimmel (ג) and Zayin (ז) together are also 37 and 73 whose product is 2701, the value of the First Verse of Creation, along with their similarly mirrored associated Prime Numbers 12 and 21 whose product is 252, or (6 x 42). And while 89 is the 24th Prime Number, their sums are in the ratio (37 + 73)/(12 + 21) = (110/33) = 3.333. Moreover, the P/S cipher ratio of the mirrored associated Prime Numbers is (252/33) = 7.6363, as in the string …999999… found at digit #763 within Pi (π) and it is precisely as in the value of Ehyeh (אהיה) divided by the Primal Frequency or (210/27.5) = 7.6363. The connection becomes clearer when we consider that there are 7 Names Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Torah like the letter Zayin (ז) and that there are 2109 letters Gimmel (ג) as in 210 and 9.
Yet another connection between Gimmel (ג) and Zayin (ז) is found in the sum of the 3 iterations of the letter Gimmel (ג) that sum to (3 + 83 + 257) = 343 = 73.
Moreover, the 3 iterations of the letter Zayin (ז) equals 267, which is not only the Apothem or ladder of the Great Pyramid but is also the value of the word Merkava (מֶרְכָּבָה), the Chariot from Ezekiel’s mystical Vision. That Vision also included the Chashmal (חַשְׁמַל), or Angelic Electricity of numerical vlaue 378, as in the 3 iterations of the letter Alef (א).
The Cube of Life
Like the 12 edges of a cube, in the process of Creation there are 12 times that the Creator explicitly spoke passively and caused acts of Creation to occur. These are in verses 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29 of Chapter 1 and verse 18 of Chapter 2. The sum of those verses is (3 + 6 + 9 +…18) = 210. The words that initiated those passive actions are 26, as in the value of the YHVH (יהוה) and as in the 26 elements of a cube, and while the number of letters and words in those 26 words are (26 + 96) = 122, as in the the 122 Essential Triplets including the 10 of Pi (π), their complete sofit value is exactly 11000, as in a major interval (400 x 27.5) and the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life at the full level of Binah, and (20 x 550), as in the 550-sum of their 11 initials. The initials of the 26 words in those 12 Utterances is 1440 or (122 x 10) Over those 12 times, there were also 26 words utilized to explicitly state “G-d said,” 11 of them were written, “וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים” and had the value 903 each, as in the 42nd Triangular Field, and one time in 1:22, “G-d saying” was written as “אֱלֹהִים, לֵאמֹר” of numerical value 917 and together (903 + 917) = 1820, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. With the addition of the Name YHVH (יהוה) in verse 2:18 and the word , in verse 28, “them (לָהֶם),” whose complete sofit value is 262, those 26 words total the palindromic 11511, the combination of the two complementary forces of Creation, the Concepts of 11 and 15. The sum of the initials and middle letters in these 26 words of passive action is precisely (1440 + 4106) = 5550, as in (50 x 111), as in the 50 Gates of Binah times Alef (אלף), One.
Meanwhile, the sum of the 26 announcements and 26 passive actions is (12798 + 11000 + 2) + 23800, as in 10 times the sum of the Path of One (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380 and 1/42, the Singularity of 42. Moreover, the sum of the sofit ordinal values of those 26 announcements and 26 passive actions in the 12 times G-d explicitly speaks during Creation equals 2368, which is the sum of the 26 fatherhood ages through Moses (130 + 105 + 90…+ 107) = 2368, culminating in Moses’ birth in the year 2368 HC, and (2368 + 12) = 2380 again, or 1/10th their complete sofit value.
Very much like the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, the 12 explicit Utterances of the Creator form a Cube of Life attuned to the Singularity of 42, the radiant YHVH (יהוה), the Tree-of-Life, and the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), all on the level of Binah.
And like the complete sofit value of the 26 active words in the 12 Utterances that is exactly 11000, or (400 x 27.5), the sum of the 52 initials in the 12 Utterances is (1588 + 12) = 1600 or (4 x 400) with both 52 and 400 indicating Malchut and the final of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet, Tav (ת), whose 17,950 Torah occurrences precisely match the 17,950 complete value of the 3 expansions of the Alef-bet. Moreover, when we add (11000 + 1600) we get 12600, as in the sum of the 26 Generations.
The 10 Utterances of the 10 Commandments and the 12 Utterances of Creation make 22 Utterances, one for each letter of the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet. It is not a coincidence that of the 222 letters in the 12 Utterances of Creation only the 9 letters in the wording of verse 1:22, “G-d saying” broke format and were written differently (אֱלֹהִים, לֵאמֹר), emphasizing the 22 as in the 22 letters and 22nd letter and as in the 222 letter pair Gates that total 222,004 of the 231 Gates of Wisdom in the Torah including the 9 unopened Gates, and as in (6000 – 222) = 5778, the Event Horizon and Spherical Time bubble radius. When we add those 222 letters, 52 words, like the 52 weeks in 1 year, plus One (1), we get (222 + 52 = 1) = 275, the Primal Frequency, resonating through all 12 Utterances of Creation. And those 222 years times 52 weeks equals (222 x 52) = 11544, or 12, as in the 12 Utterances, less than 11556, the Spherical Time bubble diameter, which brings us back to the 12 Announcements and/or 26 words that total 11511 or (2 x 27.5) less than 11,556 years.
Meanwhile, the 11 Utterances that begin V’Yomer Elohim (וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים) and that equal 903, the 42nd Triangular Number total 110 letters as in (4 x 27.5), like the complete sofit value of the 96 letters of the 26 active words that total 11000, as in (400 x 27.5). And like the 52 initials and their corresponding complete word values that total (11000 + 1600) = 12600, the (110 + 16) = 126 letters in the 26 words of the 12 Announcements of the 12 Utterances also correspond to the (3 x 42) faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, while the 110 letters in the 11 Utterances that begin V’Yomer Elohim (וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים) equal (5 x 22). We should note that the ordinal value of V’Yomer Elohim (וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים) is 91, as in the the unification of YHVH (יהוה) and Adonai (אדני) and the third position in the Path of One.
Finally, the standard value sum of the two sides or 26 words and 26 words of the 12 Utterances of Creation total (6619 + 11511) = 18130, as in the 42nd Prime Number and the sum of the first 42 digits in the Prime Numbers, as in the 130 value of Mt Sinai, the ladder, Sulam, of the 42 Letter Name Matrix and as in the 18130th Prime Number, 201823, representing the year 2018 CE, the Event Horizon yet again.
Every primal field of consciousness gave input and structure to the design of our universe. For the most part, we are ungrateful recipients, which is why humility and appreciation are supposed to be at the forefront of our prayers. The universe is a collective consciousness. Within the Spherical Time bubble, or beneath the firmament, we have our own collective consciousness and until ours aligns with that of the universe that firmament will remain as a barrier. It cannot be broken or pierced with laser beams, nuclear explosions, or rocket ships and all the evil we project towards it just gets reflected back to us. That is the real law of attraction; we get back what we radiate.
The 5 Spatial Matrixes
Given the very specific nature of the 5 spatial matrixes (58002 + 58 + 223+ 183 + 210), it is noteworthy that (5800 + 5) = 5805, as in the year (5778 + 27.5) = 5805 HC at the far edge of the Event Horizon grace period, and that (22 + 18 + 2) = 42, as in the Singularity of 42 at the core of it all, and as in the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency 27.5 in 11,556 years. Regarding their exponents, (2 + 8 + 3) = 13 and (3 + 10) = 13 as in 1313 BCE and 1.313x, etc. and (13 + 13) = 26, representing the YHVH (יהוה). Meanwhile there are 805 Elements within the 13 Verses of the 10 Commandments and we find the first string …805… in Pi (π) attached to the final of the 3 strings …5778… within the first 1000 digits Pi (π), as in …577805… The first 1000 digits Pi (π) is the Binah 103 Cube of Pi (π), and for all the copious information we have found stored in it, we have only thus far explored it 2-dimensionally.
If we were to add the 54 Portions, 187 Chapters, and 670 Paragraphs of the Torah to the 10,000 unit geometric Vessel that already contains the 1024 Word-Value Matrix and the 5832 Verse Matrix, we would thus incorporate an additional 911 Spatial features; however, the overall difference does not change much, Nevertheless, the finer detail in the total Torah’s spatial component divided by the circular 25920 Day or Great Year would now give us (34049040/25920) = 1313.62037, as in Keter (620) and the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments received in 1313 BCE, along with the Core Prime Essential Concept 37.
Regardless, when we divide the sum of the 5 main geometric spatial features by the 3 auxiliary spatial ones we get (34048129/911) = 37374.46… as in Core Prime Essential Concept 37 and as in digit #374 where we find the far edge of the Event Horizon window, 2046 CE, and as in the 37400000 complete word value of the Torah, while 446 is the Hebrew word value for “death.”
When we divide the speed-of-light counterspace of the total geometry by 911, we get (67061871/911) = 73613, as in the other Core Prime Essential Concept 73 and as in the 613 Mitzvot in the Torah. Moreover, while the 116 component in the (37400000 – 116) complete word value of the Torah is 1/100 of the 11,556-year Spherical Time diameter, when we add the 911 Spatial features of the Torah to the critical 2889 midpoint in the Spherical Time radius we get (2889 + 911) = 3700, as in the Core Prime Essential Concept 37, and as in the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and as in 1/2701 = 3702, which coincides with the first string …2701… in Pi (π) at digit #165, the gematria katan0 of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Meanwhile, the sum of the digits up to digit #374 in Pi (π) is 1650 and the sum of the digits squared up to digit #374 is 18100, as in the 181st Prime Number, 42, and as in sum of the first 42 Prime Digits, 181. Furthermore, there are 2820 digits from digit #374 to the end of Binah 103 Pi (π) Cube, and we find the first string …2198… as in the 2198 letters Zayin (ז) in the Torah, at digit #2820 within Pi (π). Also, since its complementary 2109 letters Gimmel (ג) is found at digit #9918, the equation (2820 + 9918) = 12738 unfolds, as in the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273). What is more is that the sum of the 2109 letters Gimmel (ג) and the 2198 letters Zayin (ז) in the Torah is (6327 + 15386) = 21713, the 2436th Prime Number and since the product of its digits is 42 and the sum of its digits is 14, its P/S cipher is 42/14 = 3, like the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, just like the sum of the digits in the 2109 letters Gimmel (ג) and the 2198 letters Zayin (ז) that equal (2 + 1 + 0 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 + 7) = 42.
Geometry always comes back to the center, and Cosmic geometry always comes back to 42 at the beginning of Creation, like the 12 staffs of the 12 tribes that make up the 12 edges of the cube. The value for staff (מטה) is 54, like the 54 Portions of the Torah, and (12 x 54) = 648, as in the square root of 42, or 6.480.
Nonetheless, an odd thing happens when we divide the total geometry of the Torah, in other words its Cosmic Vessel, by H’Keter (625), the highest dimension, we get (101110000/625) = 161776. When we do the same with the Torah spatial geometry within that Cosmic Vessel, we get (34048129/625) = 54477.00…., and when we do the same with the speed-of-light counterspace of that total geometry, we get (67061871/625) = 107299…. While 1776/16 = 111 or Alef (אלף), and the value 1776 is found as a numerical string …1776… within Pi (π) at digit #888, exactly one half of 1776 and thus 112 digits before 1000, and while 1776 is also the exact value of the Torah’s 4th verse: “And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness,” the year 1776 HC saw the construction of the Tower of Babel by the erev rav that the Zohar calls the NWO and in its mirrored year, 1776 CE, we saw the modern establishment of the Illuminati by the same erev rav and the NWO along with the establishment of the USA two months later, not to mention the 1776’ tall One World Tower. We must also consider that the Tower of Truth divided by the year 1776 in which it was built is (44100/1776) = 24.83108108, as in the ubiquitous overarching Torah and Cosmic Concept of 248, including the 248 letters of the Alef-bet the 248 dimensions of the E8 symmetry, coupled with 831 that is the sofit value of Alef (אלף), One, and as in the golden calf (108).
In pondering 1776 we must also consider the 6 permutations of the first Triplet of Pi (π) or (314 + 341 + 431 + 413 + 143 + 134) = 1776 and that (1776/6) = 296, as in the 7th Word of the First Verse of Creation, representing Malchut, the kingdom of the erev rav. The Zohar explains how they are trying to elevate Malchut to the position of Binah to cement their dominance.
We should also note that July 4th, 2024, marks exactly 248 years since the Continental Congress voted to seek freedom from Great Britain, while it also marks the date the non-so great Britain voted to officially except slavery to the Moslems, followed by the fall of France two days later. It was only 13 years after Obama’s Arab Spring that we got the Moslem Summer. Everything speeds up within the Event Horizon.
The corresponding Western year to 1776 HC within the 3760-year constant that causes time to mirror and that the Spherical Time paradigm is centered and pivoted on is –1984 BCE, and the ratio of those two corresponding years (1984/1776) is 1.117117117, as in Alef (אלף) and the 711-ordinal value for the Alef-bet, while the ratio of 1776 to 3760 is 2.11711711…. There is no coincidence that 1984 is the title of the eugenic Fabian Society’s George Orwell’s book that forecasts the New One World Order’s plans that we are living through today. Choosing year One (1) for the Western Calendar was decided the moment the Spherical Time Bubble was established with an Event Horizon of 5778 years, as evidenced by the logarithm of 5778 being 3.7617775. It was already built in that 1777 would be 1776 years from year One (1) and that 5778 would be 5777 years or 7775 mirrored, from year One (1), and that 1775 would be the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, or One (1) less than 1776. Everything that followed is history.
The year 5777 HC is 2017 CE and 2017 is the quotient of the circumference of the Spherical Time Bubble 36304.24470/18 whose radius is 5778, as in Phi (φ)18 = 5778.
These are 15 quotes from “1984” excerpted by Monrow Harless in an article he recently published in The Federalist. The symbol of the Fabian Society is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, as their highly accomplishedbrethren and descendants practiced pulling the wool over our eyes while fleecing us.
- “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
- “They add nothing to the wealth of the world, since whatever they produce is used for purposes of war, and the object of waging a war is always to be in a better position in which to wage another war.”
- “Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution … children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen.”
- “I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don’t want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.”
- “… one knows the news is all lies anyway.”
- “The sex impulse was dangerous to the Party, and the Party had turned it to account. They had played a similar trick with the instinct of parenthood. The children, on the other hand, were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family had become in effect an extension of the Thought Police.”
- “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end, we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible because there will be no words in which to express it.”
- “Power is not a means; it is an end … The object of persecution is persecution.”
- “How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“ Winston thought. “By making him suffer,” he said. “Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own?”
- “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.”
- “The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.”
- “DOUBLETHINK means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
- “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.”
- “We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends.”
- “The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen. As compared with last year there was more food, more clothes, more houses, more furniture, more cooking-pots, more fuel, more ships, more helicopters, more books, more babies — more of everything except disease, crime, and insanity.”
Nonetheless, we see in the quotient of the counterspace Torah (107298) the “107” of the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, the Spherical Time radius and Event Horizon, coupled with the ordinal value of the First Verse of Creation, 298. Within the spatial Torah quotient (54477.00) we see the “54” as in (54 x 107) = 5778 again, like the 10 Commandments found at the 54th Paragraph and the 107,000 letter.
We must keep in mind that 1/625th came together with the Torah’s Cosmic Vessel 101110000 to form the quotient 161776, as in the 161 value of the Name of the highest tier within Binah consciousness, Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), and that 1/625th is one drop of H’Keter. The average of the space and counterspace quotients is thus (107298 + 54477)/2 = (161776)/2 = 80888, as in the 8th dimension, Binah, and as in digit #888 in Pi (π) …1776. Meanwhile, the average between the space and the counterspace of one drop of 161 is 314006.21.
While the value of the full 12-word verse Genesis 1:4 is 1776, the 6 initials of its first phrase “And God saw the light, that it was good; (וַיַּרְא אֱלֹהִים אֶת-הָאוֹר, כִּי-טוֹב)” equal 42 and that 6-word phrase has a total value of 963, as in Echad, One, when spelled out (אלף־חית־דלת). Since the Hebrew word “Ohr Light (אור) is found exactly 37 times within words in the Torah, as in (1000 – 37) = 963, and since the sum of the first 24 Prime Numbers that align with the 24 hours in One day and the 24 edges of the cuboctahedron equals 963, we are drawn to conclude that One day is 24 hours and that the “good” Light shines for 24 hours, not limited to 12. Moreover, in 6 Days, that Light would be manifest as (6 x 963) = 5778 as in the 5778 years of the radius of the Spherical Time paradigm, and the other 5778 years of the Spherical Time diameter might refer to the 5778 years of darkness or descent in the Hindu Yuga cycle.
Meanwhile, the 6 words of the second half of that verse total (1776 – 963) = 813, the same as the 6 words of the previous verse, Genesis 1:3, “And God said: ‘Let there be light.’ And there was light. (וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יְהִי אוֹר; וַיְהִי-אוֹר).” This means that the contiguous 12 words “And God said: ‘Let there be light.’ And there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good;” also equal 1776, and while the 12 initials total 67, as in Binah, the 12 final letters equal exactly 1313, as in the year 1313 BCE when the 10 Commandments was received at Mt Sinai and the exponential curve of the Alef-bet, 1.313x.
Unicorns and the Square Root of 42
Moreover, the value of those 12 contiguous words of Light above plus the kolel for their 43 letters is (1776 + 43) = 1819, and when we divide the total geometry of the Torah by the square root of 42, or (101110000/6480.741…), we get 15601.611… as in the value of Torah (611), and the 1819th Prime Number, 15601. This directly aligns with the 15601 digits in the unicorn Prime Number 1808010808….18080108081 in which the 10-digit sequence 1808010808 is repeated 1560 times. Then when we similarly divide the spatial Torah by 1819, we get (34048129/1819) = 18718.05, as in the “1871” of the Torah counterspace (67061871) along with the 805 Elements of the 10 Commandments. As it happens in metaphysics, 911, as in the 911 minor spatial features of the Torah, is the 156th Prime Number and (1819 + 911) = 2730, and while 1820 is the Median Centroid .666 of 2730 and 1819 is as well, 273 is the Cosmic Harmonic Residue (.273) and 2730 is complementary to the Path of One in multiple ways.
There are no standalone unicorns in metaphysics, only geometries that we have not yet connected. And when One (1) is further added as the kolel for the whole, we get (1776 + 43 + 1) = 1820, as in 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah that are reflective of, and the radiance of, the Light. It is worth noting that the complete value of the 3 times that the word Light (אוֹר) is mentioned in these 12 words is (3 x 234) = 702, as in the value of Shabbat, the 7th Day, equating the 3 meals of Shabbat to the 3 Lights of Creation and the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) that shine from Binah. Of course, part of that light is balanced with the darkness (הַחֹשֶׁךְ), which has a sofit value of 813, like 2 of the 3 sets of 6 words in the 2 verses.
Within the Path of One
As with most higher-level metaphysical circuitry, beside connecting to the Singularity of 42, they connect with the Path of One that equals (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380 or 1/42. Thus, we see that the total geometry of the Torah, its’ Cosmic Vessel, when divided by 13, the value of Echad (אחד), One, or (101110000/13) = 7777692.3, which is just 7.7 less than 7777700, as in the 7 Days of Creation and the cycle of 7 dimensions (Sefirot) that process physicality. Then when 101110000 is divided by the Divine Unification of 91 and the 3rd position in the Path of One it results in a quotient of 1111099 or 1 less than 1111100, and again when the total geometry of the Torah is divided by 455, as in the 3 Aspects of the Binah Name Ehyeh (אהיה) and/or the 4th position in the Path of One, we get 222219.8, which is .2 less than 222220. Then when 101110000 is divided by 1820, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) and the 5th position in the Path of One in the Torah, we get (101110000/1820) = 55554.95 or .05 less than 55555.
Then when we divide the spatial Aspects of the Torah by the same 1820, we get (34048129/1820) = 18707.76, as in the 1820 and 1870 split in the Names and census tallies of the 12 Tribes. Moreover, the counterspace complement to (55554.95 – 18707.76) or in other terms (67061871/1820) = 36847.182 with 368 being the decimal equivalent to the binary Torah geometry 101110000.
We have already seen the connection to the square root of 42 and now we see that the Torah geometry of 101110000 divided by the sum of the Path of One or 2380, which is also 1/42, is equal to (101110000/2380) = 42483.1…, as in the 4248 value of the 22 Names of the Alef-bet, along with 831 that is the sofit value of Alef (אלף), One. This is like the Tower of Truth divided by the year 1776 in which it was built, or (44100/1776) = 24.8310.
One drop of the 455 value of the 3 Aspects or 3 tiers of the Names of the Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה) is 1/455 and since that drop of the Torah Cosmic Vessel is 222219.8 and since that Cosmic Vessel consists of its spatial and counterspatial components, their average is 111110. Meanwhile, the decimal equivalent to the binary number 111110 is 62, as in the 62 Yuds (י) in the 10 Commandments. Correspondingly, the same average for 1 drop of Alef (111) is 455450.5.
Thus, we see that both metaphysically and metaphorically the empty space in the Torah known as white fire is Light. This works out to 33.6% black fire spatial units and 66.3% white fire counter-spatial units to fill the geometric Cosmic Vessel, which is approximately the triangular median centroid split, and like the 248,000φ elements in the Torah, the spatial Torah is 13000000φ2 plus 5228.0φ2, which is (5778 – 550)φ2, as in the 550-sum of the 11 initials of the Tree-of-Life and as in (20 x 27.5). Everything is cosmic geometry. Nothing can be understood without metaphysics, and everything is One.
The Torah Sphere
The total Torah geometry of 101110000 is the sum of 5 geometric sets of 103 cubes. These are 5 geometric shapes including cubes, larger cubes, squares and a row of 103 cubes, technically all 3-d rectangles. On a higher-level geometry is spherical, and if 101110000 were instead the volume of a sphere, the radius of that Torah geometry sphere would be 289.00265, as in the value of the 8 letters, “G-d Created (ברא־אלהים),” the 2nd and 3rd words in the First Verse of Creation (203 + 86) = 289, coupled with the 3rd Triplet in Pi (π) , 265. It is also the 289 K surface temperature of the Earth, which is the 7th word of that First Verse and is 1/20th the surface temperature of the Sun, 5778 K. Not only that, but that 7th word, Earth, has a numerical value of (289 + 7) = 296. And while, the ordinal value of the 8 letters of “G-d Created (ברא־אלהים)” is 82, the value 289 is 172, as in the katan value (17) of Torah (תורה) and as in the katan value (17) of the YHVH (יהוה).
Meanwhile, the diameter of the Torah Geometry Sphere is 578.00 and its circumference is 578.00π, as in 5780 HC. This circumference of the Torah Geometry Sphere or Spherical Vessel works out to 1815.8572., as in the 1815 letters in the 7 Days of Creation and as in the 1815 complete value of the phrase from the 7 Days of Creation that refers to the Sun, “the greater light to rule the day (אֶת-הַמָּאוֹר הַגָּדֹל, לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַיּוֹם).” This is also the length of the Grand Gallery within the Great Pyramid, 1815.54” that is 28’ high and 7’ wide at the base and that rises through 7 corbelled tiers, just like the 28 letters in the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation that are aligned with position #728 in Pi (π) where we find the first numerical string …1815….
The Mirrored Window
There is a mysterious 2 verse window in the Torah conspicuously placed in Numbers Paragraph 66, Chapter 10, Verses 35–36 between the 2 isolated upside down backwards letters Nun (נ) that bracket them.
It is the 127th Chapter of the Torah. The 2 letters Nun (נ) are presented to us as our eyes see them before our brains autocorrect it, the upside down and backwards image of a camera obscura. Meanwhile the number of words in each of the 2 verses, 12 and 7 respectively, reverse or mirror the 7 words of the Torah’s First Verse and the 12 words in its last verse. And like the Torah itself, the last word in the window is Israel (ישראל). The kabbalists consider this mysterious window as an entire separate Book, splitting the Torah into 7 Books rather than 5, as in the 7th Mersenne Prime, 127. If we add these 2 verses to the (183 + 13) verses of the Torah or (5845 + 2) = 5847, we get the sum of the 5 spatial matrixes (5800 + 5 + 22+ 18 + 2) = 5847, whose exponents (2 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 10) = 26, representing the YHVH (יהוה). This in turn aligns with the first 12-word verse in the window, which totals 2236 or (26 x 86), as in the Name YHVH (יהוה) times the Name Elohim (אלהים), which together add up to (26 + 86) = 112, as in the 112 Essential Triplets.
As for the second verse of 7 words, its value is 1933, and not only is 1933 the 295th Prime Number, but that verse’s ordinal value is likewise 295, making its complete value under either calculation (1933 + 295) = 2228, the year Issac passed away and 2380 years before Israel became a nation, as in the 2380 sum of the Path of One and as in 1/2380 = 42. Meanwhile there are 31 letters in the second verse and the first word of the first verse has a value of 31, which is like the value of both verses together that equal (2236 + 1933) = (4200 – 31), which in turn is similar to the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) that equal (4200 – 27).
While the last three words (בנסעם מן המחנה) just prior to this verse in 10:34 have a value of exactly 420, there are (420 – 1) Paragraphs through this point in the Torah, just like the 420 YHVH (יהוה) through the 10 Commandments. Moreover, while the (54 + 31) = 85 letters in the 2 verses average of (85/2) = 42.5, as in the 42.5o radiant complement to the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o, the total value with the kolel is (4169 + 85) = 4254 or 10 times 42.5o. The 85 letters thus represent (85/137.5) = .666 or the median centroid of the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o, and the full complement within the radiant spiraling circle of (137.5o + 137.5o + 85o) = (275o + 85o) = 360o.
This is in line with the 2 letters Nun (נ) that window-frame these verses in that their Name Nun (נון) has the sofit gematria (756) of the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52), and those 2 letters Nun (נ) have a complete value of (100 + 28) = 128 = 27, representing 7-dimensional space or a 7-dimensional hypercube, the same way that the Ark represents an 8th dimensional hypercube (28).
While this extraordinary window was placed in the 10th Chapter, the 30 middle letters of the first verse total 1557, aligning them with the 10 component letters (דוזיכנסרךן) of the Alef-bet that have a collective value of 1557, which are also aligned with the 15574 value of the milui of the milui or double spelled-out value of this verse—the 3rd iteration. Regarding the milui of the milui gematria, when we consider the 10 central words between and inclusive of the two Names YHVH (יהוה) they total 14225, as in 10,000 plus the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix (4225); and when we consider the 8 words between the two Names YHVH (יהוה) they total 13005, as in the 5 spatial matrixes divided by Phi (φ)2 or (58002 + 58 + 223+ 183 + 210)/φ2 = 13005.
Moreover, as we said earlier regarding the Path of One, (101110000/13) = 7777692.3 = (7777700 – 7.7); (101110000/91) = 1111099 = (1111100 – 1); (101110000/455) = 222219.8 = (222220 – .2); (101110000/1820) = 55554.95 = (55555 – .05) and (7.7 + 1 + .2 + .05) = 8.95, which aligns with the (600 + 295) = 895 ordinal value of the 2 framed verses.
That total of 1557 is (173 x 9), as in the gematria katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Likewise, the average of the 30 middle letters is (1557/30) = (3 x 17.3) and while there are 54 letters in total for that first 12-word verse, as in the 54 Torah Portions, its 12 initials and 30 middle letters, total 42. The sum of those 42 letters is (262 + 1557) = 1819, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah minus One (1), and as is connected to the Prime unicorn and the spatial ratio (34048129/1819) = 18718.05 as we just saw.
When those 10 component letters (דוזיכנסרךן) are spread across the 27 letters of the Alef-bet there are 50 of them utilized to form the letters, and those 50 letters total 4509 for an average of (4509/27) = 167, the 39th Prime Number, per letter. This 167 average for the 10 component letters is exactly equal to the 167 ordinal sofit value for the 12 final letters of the window’s 12-word verse, while the average for its standard ordinal value is (120/12) = 10.
Over the course of the (600,000 – 408) component letters in the Torah, their total value is 25740648 and (25740648/4509) = 5708.726, as in the year 5708 HC and 7th month, Iyyar, when Israel became a nation. Moreover, while the square root of 408 is 20.19, the sum of the 27 square roots of the total component letter values is 20191.07 as in the Event Horizon year 2019 CE found thrice within the first 1000 digits in Pi (π), just like its Hebrew Calendar counterpart, 5778 HC, the Event Horizon and Spherical Time radius, the 107th Triangular Field. This is like the 10 component letters (דוזיכנסרךן) cleaved in 2 or (1557/2) = 778.5.
There is one other place in Tanakh where we find these inverted letters Nun (נ). In David’s Psalm 107 we find 7 similarly inverted letters Nun (נ) in front of verses 23 – 28. The complete value of those 7 letters Nun (נ) is 448, as in the 448 edges in the 7-dimensional hypercube that connect the 128 vertices, as in complete value of the 2 letters Nun (נ) or (2 x 64) = 128. And while David at the exact center of the 5778 years of Spherical Time has a numerical value of 14, as in the 14th position at the center of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, it is also the ordinal value of the letter Nun (נ), and collectively the (2 + 7) = 9 letters Nun (נ) have an ordinal value of 126, which we know is the value of the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Meanwhile, the 19 Words, 2 Verses, 85 Letters, and 1 Book add up to 107 and the 7 locations of the 7 letters Nun (נ) plus the kolel (1) add up to (107 x 7 + 23…28 + 1) = 903, the 42nd Triangular Field, in the same way that (10 x 2 + 35 + 36) = 91, and together the two sets equal (902 + 91) = (1000 – 7) Alternatively, (107 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28) = 260 and (107 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 40) = 300.
It is no coincidence that the phrase “V’yomer Elohim (ויאמר־אלהים)” found in the 12 Utterances of Creation during the 7 Days of Creation has a value of 903 and an ordinal value of 91. Every aspect of the Torah is connected by white fire; every aspect is Cosmic in origin. Every aspect can be made manifest in our world.
It must be understood that the exact midpoint in the 5778-year Spherical Time radius is the exact midpoint in King David’s 70-year life, between his 35th and 36th years in 2889 HC, as in the mirrored window of 10:35–36, and that (28 + 89 – 10) = 107.
Moreover, as an inversion window to a whole Book, it is said that its 85 letters are representative of a much larger text. Given the inversions, if we take the 58 Words, Letters , and Verses of the Torah, and add a separate 85 words, verses, and letters in this hypothesized Book, we would get (58 + 85) = (424,000 – 607) = 424,000 – (500 + 107) with 500 being both the 500 parasang distance to Heaven and the 23rd Hebrew letter, Caf sofit (ך), one of the 10 component letters (דוזיכנסרךן), as in the 23rd verse of Psalm 107 where we find the 7 inverted letters Nun (נ). While this is hypothetical it does exist metaphysically and connects us through the Torah and the opening of the Ark to Moshiach Ben David and Binah Consciousness, especially during the Window of the Event Horizon.
We are reminded that the 111th Prime Number is 607 and that …111…, as in Alef (אלף), One, is first found in Pi (π) at digit #153, which is the sum of the locations of the 7 inverted Nuns (נ) in Psalm 107, (23…28) = 153. The 7th location is in front of verse 40 and the sum of those 7 verse locations plus the value of the letters Nun (נ) is (193 + 350) = 543, as in the value of the highest Name of Binah “I am that I am Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), reminding us that the Name Ehyeh (אהיה), is found exactly 7 times in the Torah, and that the string …193… is found in Pi (π) at digit #168, as in (4 x 42), where the string …2701… ends.
Nth Prime # | Prime | Pi Location |
111 | 607 | 153 |
222 | 1399 | 1735 |
333 | 2239 | 1698 |
444 | 3119 | 2707 |
555 | 4019 | 177 |
666 | 4973 | 2440 |
777 | 5903 | 1589 |
888 | 6907 | 4751 |
999 | 7907 | 762 |
4995 |
37073 |
16012 |
135 x 37 |
21061 |
37073 |
And of the 10 component letters (דוזיכנסרךן), only 2 original letter Names can be formed in their Primal form Zayin (זין) and Nun (נון), and while the letter Zayin (ז) has the value 7 the sum of these 5 component letters (זי־נון) is (7 + 10 + 756) = 773, meaning the rest of the letters equal 784 or 282, like the 7 inverted letters Nun (נ) that end in verse 28, and like the 28 letters in the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation.
Nor can it be overlooked that it is at the 107,007th letter in the Torah where we find the 10 Commandments. Whether David added the 7 inverted letters Nun (נ) or someone else was Divinely inspired to do so in the same manner that the Western Calendar was pinned to pivot at the year 3760 HC is somewhat irrelevant. Metaphysics always bears out the truth and helps explain what we cannot see.
For example, the triplet digit reduction of 1375, as in the 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name that equal 1375 or (50 x 27.5), the height of the Gates of the Holy Temple, and as in the Phi (φ) angle (137.5o) throughout the universe, is 376, as in “Shalom (שלום) Peace,” a state of harmony in the universe. Moreover, the katan gematria of Shalom (שלום) is 3364, as in the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets that are 336 letters set into the Cosmic Wheel.
Of course, all this just illustrates the metaphysics and shows this to be a purposely inserted window into the metaphysical world, but it does not tell us the deeper meaning to these verses or how
we can use them to step through that window whenever we open the Ark and recite them. The Ark (הארן) itself is the 3rd word in the window and its value of 256 is 28 and with the kolel (4) for its 4 letters it is 260, or 10 times the 26 of YHVH (יהוה). It is also 906 in sofit gematria, as in the 7th tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, which further aligns with its complete value of (256 + 40) = 296, as in the 7th word, “the Earth (הארץ)” of the First Verse of Creation, which further aligns with the diameters of the Earth and the Moon that are 7! miles across. Like the 7th dimension of Zeir Anpin; the 7th Day; the 7th word, the Earth; the 7th tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the H’Aron or Ark of the Covenant, are all repositories for all the projected Light from above, which is why the Torah is physically stored there and why metaphysically it is the mathematical inverse of the 58 Words, Letters, and Verses: 58 = 390,625 and 1/28 = .00390625. The kabbalists would make deep meditations before opening the Ark. It is not an act that should be done casually. We should be meditating to make an opening in our lives and in the world for the Light of the Torah and for the radiating 1820 YHVH (יהוה), and like the Gate of 42 before the Holy of Holies we should have in mind the 42-Letter Name Matrix. It is a portal that upon opening the Ark can transport us back to Mt. Sinai, especially if we sing the 130 words of the Baruch Shemei as one, looking backward in time, as do the inverted letters Nun (נ).
Likewise, there are two places within the 72 Names, where back-to-back Essential Triplets contain the letter Nun (נ), the first two are in the exact center of the Names, like the Magic Cube, at Essential Triplet numbers 36 and 37, the same two that gave us the atomic numbers of Gold, Silver and Copper, and the other two are at Essential Triplets 53 and 54 that sum to 107. With the kolel of 4, the 4 Triplets sum to 720, and with their ordinal location values, 900. The last and final Hebrew letter is Zadi (ץ) of numerical value 900 and when spelled out (צדי) with the kolel, it has a value of 107. The exact collective value of the first 3 of these 4 Essential Triplets is 256, the same as The Ark (הארן). The fourth Essential Triplet, the 54th one, connects with 107 in that (54 x 107) = 5778 and the 107th Triangular Number or alternatively, the sum of the integers from 1 – 107, is 5778.
The mirrored window is a window into the separate universe of the 805 elements of the 10 Commandments, the 10 Utterances that begin with 107 and that are found at letter 107,007, just like the 85 Letters, 19 Words, 2 Verses, and 1 Paragraph that equal (85 + 19 + 2 + 1) = 107 and that have a complete value of 6259 plus 848, or twice Moshiach Ben David, that equals (6259 + 848) = 7,107.
When we spell out those 85 letters, they become 231 letters as in the 231 Gates of Windom and together they total 11,445, or 111 less than the Spherical Time Bubble diameter, 11,556 that is twice the 5778 Event Horizon. With the 85 letter Names as the kolel they are (11,445 + 85) =11,530 or 26 less than the Spherical Time Bubble diameter of 11,556 years. Alternatively, that total of 11,445 plus the 19 words and 2 verses is 11,466, as in the 11,466 square miles that is Israel today, in the 21st century like (19 + 2) = 21 and like the 21st Triangular Field, 231.
Why do those 231 Gates in the Torah equal 222,004 and not 222,000, and why do the 3 expansions of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet equal 15,007 and not 15,000? The same with the 90,100 letters Yuds(י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) in the Torah, why not 90,000? Why not make the First Verse of Creation 2700 and the 42-Letter Name 3700 instead of 2701 and 3701? Why do the 112 Essential Triplets equal (17,000 – 35) and not 17,000? Why do the square roots of the 72 Essential Triplets total 1000.054 instead of 1000.0000 and why is 5800.0542the full sofit value of the Torah and not 5800.0002?
The answer is three-fold. In those slight imperfections there is conveyed a tremendous amount of information which would have been lost if they would have been smoothed over. It shows that the Creator is not a machine which would have presented a more polished product and would not have cared how much information it was conveying to beings too simple to comprehend them anyway. And thirdly, by making His existence, Presence, and Perfection less obvious, He was ensuring that we develop further before extending His invitation. If we cannot see the beauty in the nuance, then we might as well not see it at all. When we are ready the teacher will come.