As we have been explaining, the universe is pure consciousness. Consciousness is everywhere and it is everything. In what is called the tzimtzum the consciousness of Man withdrew from 99.999% of the rest of the universe, yet there was always a Path back. That Path is littered with signs and clues.
Our existence is a simulation entirely within the mind of the Creator. As Max Planck explains, “There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
Consciousness began with a Singularity, and it exists through the Singularity of One while expanding though the Singularity of 42. Our perception is based on the emanations from that singular Consciousness and everything we perceive can never be separate from it, nor more than a fractal representation of it. As Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger put it, “The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.” This is the nature of reality. There is no independent thought process outside this singular cloud of consciousness.
As Max Planck put it, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. In all my research I have never come across matter. To me the term matter implies a bundle of energy which is given form by an intelligent spirit.”
That universal consciousness is alive and expanding. It expands, not through mechanical replication but through multiple pulsing inflationary bubbles of time, It is in those incubation bubbles where the next generation is slowly bred and raised. Outside those bubbles is the Ayn Sof or Endless where time does not exist. It is limitless in every aspect, so it has no measure. Time has implied meaning only within the illusion of physicality. According to Albert Einstein, “A person experiences life as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness.”
These are the most advanced and the most ancient esoteric forms of spiritual understanding. True life does not begin until we reach a harmonic level of understanding with the outside universe. That could take a lifetime, many lifetimes, or many cycles and resets of the incubation bubble. It depends both on our individual infantile consciousness unit and on the common consciousness that surrounds us. Through that process we not only have to battle our own evil inclination, ego, and selfish desires but that of the ever-corrupting ones of the common consciousness that constantly warp our perception of reality, not only anchoring us to physicality, but weighing us down into its morass. Our corporeal bodies consist of innumerable symbiotic eusocial hive-minded colonies of microbes and cells, much of which is run by bacteria and fungi, so they are innately susceptible to hive-like actions in the aggregate and respond in kind to hive-like commands, preferring group think and the authority of queens and kings than independence and freedom. This makes keeping up the matrix of illusion so much easier.
Most people spend 99.99% of their lives contemplating ways to survive and/or thrive in the illusory physical realm and very few spend more than 1% of those lives contemplating the truly spiritual realm of understanding and true consciousness. No one carries any physical gifts or attributes from one reset cycle to the next and almost no one carries them from one reincarnation to the next. The only way to elevate out of the physicality merry-go-round is to accumulate enough understanding about the nature of consciousness and the conscious universe, which does accompany us on our soul journey.
Everyone will perish and reset at the end of the 27.5-year Event Horizon grace period, into which almost 7 years have already lapsed, but even if you do not yet understand that we do know that everyone eventually dies within 120 years, most far less. So, if you realized your mortality and realize there is a true life beyond death, why not shift your focus to the only things that matter beyond death. And if you do not believe in a great universe of afterlife, why spend the precious few years you do have accumulating physical things that you are destined to leave behind? All your memories and memories of you will vanish. You would be better served hedging your bets.
Within the vastness of the universal consciousness there are layers, starting with the 7 layers of the bubble, or Malchut and the 6 layers collectively known as Zeir Anpin, that project the consciousness of Creation that we see as the illusion of physicality. Together, they are the lower 7 Sefirot or dimensions of the Tree-of-Life. Surrounding or enveloping Zeir Anpin we have the 3 level of Binah (Understanding) from which the concentric dimensions Zeir Anpin are contracted. Beyond the Binah level, consciousness is so abstract as to be unknowable to us. What those upper levels impart to us is highly filtered and made manifest through the vastness and clouds of Binah and then further contracted and simplified through Zeir Anpin.
Certain knowledge of the realms of Binah and Zeir Anpin drifts down to us through the process of understanding and has accumulated in certain esoteric texts and in the memory consciousness of certain souls over many resets and many lifetimes. None of this knowledge was constructed within the confines of this world; it was all downloaded through the achievement of the correct harmonic desires. These desires build upon themselves as our understanding increases, pushing us ever higher toward the goal of freedom from the matrix, and reintegration with the greater consciousness.
We have already proven that the origins of the Hebrew Alef-bet; the Torah; the dynamics of our Solar System, galaxy, and universe; the timeline of our history; our DNA and the constitution of life are beyond the limitations of our physics and presuppose a metaphysical Creation outside our realm of reality in which everything is unified and singularly sourced. We have proven that the mathematical constants behind the formulas of our physics are not random, but are intricately designed and synthesized, and moreover are precursory to any physical state of being. …. Now we will explore several new relationships and Aspects of that metaphysical precursory realm, as we strive to understand our existence within the great universe of consciousness—unburdened by what has been.
112 Essential Triplets
The 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets, representing the 4 forces of pressure mediation that act upon the aether and come together as a primordial vortex to form the 4 axes of the primordial Alef (א). When we see them embedded in the Torah, we see only their representations, the shadows of their imprint upon the blueprints of our Creation and the matrix of our existence. These 4 axes that are spun together include the two axes of the Yuds (י) that represent the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema that align with the YH (יה) in the YHVH (יהוה), and the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit that align with the VH (וה) in the YHVH (יהוה).
The two sets that align with the two axes of the Vavs (ו) are the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-letter Name Matrix and the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. These are the 4 sets of Primordial Essential Triplets that in metaphysical form existed and interacted as geometric consciousness units collectively and independently prior to the formation of the Torah and prior to the processes that created this matrix we call physical existence. We have written volumes about them and B”H will continue to do so as the more we understand about their nature the more we will understand about our own and about our place as consciousness within the universal consciousness of true existence. In this article, though, we would like to explore and reveal some brand-new areas of Cosmic understanding about the Torah and the essence of mathematics including that which is hidden between the numbers and between the letters.
Creation Ratios
While the 42-letter Name Matrix overlaps with the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit and the First Verse of Creation, which is a subset of both and a powerful Name of Consciousness unto itself, those 42 letters are specifically permuted into the first 42 letters of the Torah and Creation. We have already highlight numerous mathematical and metaphysical relationships between them and yet another one is found in the relationship between the 33 letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit of numerical value 3003 and the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation whose value is 2701.
בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
The letters in these two sets are identical except for the 5 additional letters (והארץ) in the 11 Essential Triplets, meanwhile the percentage between their letter counts is (28/33) = .848484848…, as in 848 endlessly, or twice 424, the value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness. Constricting our consciousness to the physical plane all we see is a one-word difference (וְהָאָרֶץ) meaning “and the Earth,” yet as we have seen, the translation is the least of their significance and that the Hebrew Alef-bet is the Cosmic Interface language and the gateway to the realm of consciousness. What those letters interface with is numbers, which are location coordinates and frequency levels within the vast complexity of the clouds of consciousness. The numbers themselves, though, cannot tell us much either; we need to compare them in relation to the other numbers and sets of numbers with which they relate. It is through these resultant ratios, equations, and formulas that we can begin to understand consciousness and can trace the specific Pathways toward the higher consciousness beyond our tiny bubble.
Given that we can take no physical action with a preceding thought and no thought can happen without a web consciousness it behooves us to try and understand consciousness. It is the only way to control our thoughts and thus the actions that shape our reality. It is the only way to achieve freedom. It is both why and how the Torah gave us the blueprints.
The ratio of the numerical values of these two concurrent sets at the forefront of Creation is (3003/2701) = 1.111810441, as in the 111 value of the Name Alef (אלף); the 1118 value of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema; as in the 181st Prime Number, 42, and the sum of the first 42 Prime Digits, 181; and as in 441, the value of the Hebrew word Emet (אמת), Truth that is 212 with 21 being the value of the higher Name Ehyeh (אהיה). Then when we add the ratio of their corresponding Triangular Number values that equals (77/73) = 1.054794521, we get (3003/2701) + (77/73) = (1.111810441 + 1.054794521) = 2.16660496… as in the 216 letters in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix; as in the numerical string 666 whose product is 216; and as in the median centroid (.666) of any triangle; along with 496, Malchut, the lowest of the Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life and one that corresponds to our dimension. As we will discuss later in this article, 666 along with 999 forms an essential component to the hidden dynamics of mathematics.
Meanwhile, the ratio of the (33/28) letters between the two overlapping sets is 1.178571428 which when added to their values (3003/2701) gives us (3003/2701) + (33/28) = (1.111810441 + 1.178571428) = 2.29038187, as in the Space/Time ratio (27.5/12) = 2.29, which we will soon see involved in the hidden dynamics of mathematics and then later in this article in the 54 Portion cycle of the Torah. That ratio is coupled with 903, the 42nd Triangular Number.
Then when that (33/28) ratio is added to the two previous ratios of these same two Primordial overlapping components, we get (3003/2701) + (77/73) + (33/28) = 3.3451764, as in 33, and the 345 value of Moses (משה), and as in 1764 or 422. For the moment, we are only concerned with revealing the metaphysical relationships and underpinning between these various overarching elements of the Torah and our existence and are not trying to draw any conclusions or explore any philosophical boundaries. As such, there is one more revelatory ratio between the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit and the First Verse of Creation in that (77 + 33)/(73 + 28) = (110/101) = 1.0891089…, as in 332 and 1089, which is at the core of the Kaprekar Constant phenomenon that we will also tackle and integrate with the hidden dynamics of mathematics as this article progresses. The value 1089 is likewise integrated into the Torah and the Spherical Time paradigm as will be explained shortly. Nevertheless, the average of all 5 of these ratios equals (5.612856729/5) = 1.1225…, as in the 112 Essential Triplets of Creation, the 122 Essential Triplets that include the 10 Triplets of Pi (π); 225 or 152, and 1225 or 252.
For thousands of years all but a scant few have viewed these 33 letters as just that, a phrase inked on ancient vellum. Many believed it came from the Creator, and many believed it was inspired by the Creator, and many were convinced it was fanciful, but none understood that with the simplest of ciphers it could hold the actual secrets to Creation and the keys to the unlocking of the matrix of our existence. To be clear, those ascendant masters that did understand this understood it on an entirely different level, one that is much harder to attain today given the thickening cloak of darkness that is being drawn over us.
112 Initials
Each of the Essential Triplets is a projection from a higher dimensional Tetrahedron, with the 3 Hebrew Letters in each being aligned with the 3 Faces and 3 Vertices of the Tetrahedron while the 4th Face and 4th Vertex contains all 3 Letters together, so when we refer to one of these Essential Triplets, we are referring to the tip of the iceberg.
There is no directionality as we perceive it in the higher dimensions, yet there is orientation, so when we refer to the initials of the Essential Triplets, we refer to them all being similarly and simultaneously oriented.
The initials for the two sets of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema and 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit or 26 Essential Triplets of the Yud-Yud (יי) axis total 1273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) or 4/Pi (π), the squaring of the 360o circle that the universe is scaffolded upon, just like the First Verse of Creation. It is also as in the 401273 quantitative elements in the Torah; the sum of the natural squares from 1 – 36 that equals 127.30, the year 1273 BCE (2488 HC) when the Israelites entered Israel and Moses died, which in turn is aligned with the circumference of the Earth, 24881 miles. Moreover, among a multitude of other metaphysical and physical alignments, the sum of the first 21 exponential values of the letters of the Alef-bet is likewise 1273.0 and the triple expansion of the 9th letter Tet (ט) is 1273. Meanwhile, the katan value of the 4 sets of Essential Triplets with the kolel is also (105 + 173 + 173 + 818 + 4) = 1273. So, we see that the orientation and arrangement of the 112 Essential Tetrahedra is crucial to the formation and maintenance of our existence. A slight shift or misalignment and the energies represented by squares and circles cannot come together and nothing would have unfolded properly into physicality
Meanwhile all 112 initials of all 112 Essential Triplets equal (857 + 416 + 1060 + 2672) = 5005, which is the complement to (10,000 – 5005) = 4995, the sum of 27 letters of the Alef-bet in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and the sum of the digits in (857 + 416 + 1060 + 2672) is 55, the complement to 45, the sum of the digits from 1 – 9, the 9th Triangular Field. Meanwhile, 5005 is the difference between the 9th Triangular Field and the 100th Triangular Field, (5050 – 45) = 5005, or alternatively the sum of the 99th Triangular Field and the 9th Triangular Field, (4950 + 45) = 5005.
We can also see through this juxtaposition that the complementary fields of the 112 Essential Triplets and the 27 letters of the Alef-bet in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation form a whole, meaning a completion or complete 4-dimensional or 104 consciousness network or cloud, which is why the average value of the 4 Sets plus 27, representing the central 5th Essential Element, equals (3003 + 1118 + 27 + 3701 + 9143)/4 = 4248, the exact sum of the 22 Names of the Alef-bet. We know that the Magic Essential Cube of Creation is the central element in the cloud because its 4 corners equal 112.
The 112 Essential Triplets can be oriented and arranged as packets of Cosmic software to influence the central Magic Essential Cube of Creation and the permutations that can be spun out of the 27 letters/positions of that Cube of Constant 42 can compose the entire Torah along with the Name of every person, place, object, action, description, number, date, and thought in our universe. This is the process of Creation. This is like the letters in Adam that correspond to positions (ordinal values) 1 – 4 – 24 and Eve (Chava) that correspond to positions (ordinal values) 8 – 6 – 5 and that together equal (45 + 19) + (29 + 19) = 112.
While the sum of the 72 initials of the 72 Essential Triplets is 2672, the sum of the 40 initials of the other 3 sets of Essential Triplets equal (857 + 416 + 1060) = 2330, as in the 2330 sum of the squares of the consecutive 11th and 12th Prime Numbers (312 + 372) and as in the 23330 sum of the squares of the consecutive 28th and 29th Prime Numbers (1072 + 1092). Most notably it is also in alignment with triple expansion of the Name Yabok (יבק) of numerical value 112 that corresponds to the powerful unifications of the Names of G-d and to the river where Jacob defeated the dark angel. The second iteration of Yabok (יוד־בית־קוף) is 618 or 1/Phi(φ), and all 3 iterations, including the milui of the milui (יוד־ויו־דלת־בית־יוד־תו־קוף־ויו־פא), equal (112 + 618 + 1603) = 2333, just like the semi-diagonals (233.33 cu) and/or casing stone measurement (233.33”) and the 23.33 cu difference of the diagonals within the Great Pyramid’s base.
The structure of the middle letters aligning with the corners mimics the aspect of the 8 corners of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation that add up to 112. With 42 letters at each of the 8 corners we get the (8 x 42) = 336 letters of the 112 Essential Triplets. This connects with the equation 112φ = 181, as in the 42nd Prime Number and the sum of the first 42 digits in the set of all Prime Numbers, and with (181 – 8) = 173, the gematria katan of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. It is also reflective of the ratio of the Core Concepts 248 and 137 that equal 248/137 = 181.0% as in the 248 dimensions of the E8 Symmetry and the Torah, and 137, the 33rd Prime Number, the Fine Structure Constant, and the word Kabbalah, meaning “to receive” and “parallel.” Meanwhile, the counterspace-spatial product of (1000 – 248) x 248 = 186,496 which is only 214 mps off the speed-of-light, 186,282.
This is like the Primal Frequency of the 20th Fibonacci Number (6765 x 27.5) = 186,037.5 which is only 244.5 mps off the speed-of-light, 186,282 mps, meaning the 20 stacked cubes
in the Tower of Truth within the core of Great Pyramid that total 5775” like the Primal Frequency of the 8th Fibonacci Number (21 x 27.5) = 577.5, also represent the frequency of the speed-of-light. Astonishingly, 244.5 mps off the speed-of-light is off from the speed-of-light, by (244.5/186,282) = .1313% as in the year 1313 BCE when the 10 Commandments were received at Mt Sinai, and as in the constant of the exponential curve of the Alef-bet, 1.313x. Everything and every digit has a purpose in the universe. There is a kabbalistic saying attributed to Rabbi Shimon in the Midrash that not a single blade of grass waves without an angel behind it or grows without being attached to a constellation in the firmament; not a single digit is activated without the connecting tissue and forces of the greater universe acting upon it.
Because of an innate property of the Fibonacci Sequence the sum of the Primal Frequencies of the first 18 Fibonacci Numbers is 186,010 or 272 mps less than the speed-of-light which is in alignment with Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000, the Event Horizon, which is all the more relevant given that the Fibonacci Sequence is based on the Primordial constant Phi (φ).
Meanwhile, the Primal Frequency of the 7th Fibonacci Number (13 x 27.5) = 357.5 or 358, Moshiach, and the Primal Frequency of
the 11th Fibonacci Number (89 x 27.5) = 2447.5 or 2448, as in the year 2448 HC of the Exodus and reception of the 10 Commandments at Sinai, while the Primal Frequency of the 12th Fibonacci Number (144 x 27.5) = 3960, as in the radius of the Earth. Moreover, the 11th Fibonacci Number divided by 11 or (89/11) times the Primal Frequency (27.5) = 222.5 as in the 137.5o and 222.5o Phi (φ) angle split in the 360o circle.
And while the cumulative sum of the first 27 Fibonacci Numbers times the Primal Frequency (27.5) divided by the Event Horizon radius is (14141270/5778) = 2447.4, as in the Spherical Time bubble circumference (36304.24470),the cumulative sum of the first 28 Fibonacci Numbers times the Primal Frequency divided by the Event Horizon radius is (22881073/5778) = 3960.0. Consciousness is found between the numbers, in the counterspace and in the “empty” space. It is not what we see but what we do not.
As we also see that the 27th Fibonacci Number divided by 27 and times the Primal Frequency equals (196418/27) = 200055 = 200,000 plus (2 x 27.5), we understand that the Primal Frequency (27.5), the Event Horizon radius (5778), and Phi (φ) are fundamental factors designed to interact to help determine our existence.
We should keep in mind that all Prime Numbers must have a final digit of either 9, 1, 3 or 7, as in the 7 Words of Bereshit (913) and as in 137.
The Final Letters
The sofit value of the 4 sets of 112 final letters is (2813 + 169 + 2788 + 4880) = 10650 or (10,648 + 2), as in the 10,648 = 223 value of the 42 Row by 248 Column Torah Matrix. It is also 26, as in the value of the YHVH (יהוה), more than the 10,624 final letters Mem (ם) in the Torah, which itself is 24 less than the 10,648 value of the 42 Row by 248 Column Torah Matrix with 24 being the ordinal value of the letter Mem (ם).
Thus, it is notable that the final letters of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema = 132, as in the value of the final word of that verse, Echad (אחד), One, 13, and that the final letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit equal 2813, as in the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation (2701) and as in the equation (2701 + 112) = 2813. Moreover, the difference between the sofit and standard values of the 11 final letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit is (2813 – 1443) = 1370, as in the Fine Structure Constant (137.0). Oddly enough, we also find the string …2813… coupled with …137… sandwiched between 848 and 424, representing Moshiach Ben David consciousness, in the square root of 72 or √72 = 8.48528137424…. Metaphysically, this ties the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit to the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix whose 72 square roots equal 720.0 and whose 9 square roots of its rows = 280.0 or (720.0 + 280.0) = 1000.0 altogether. This further aligns with the average value of the Torah occurrences of the 222 letter pairs that represent the 231 Gates within the Torah or (222,004/222) = 1000.0, and with the 1000 letters of the Shema, and with 1000 first digits in Pi (π), that all align with 103 completion of Binah consciousness.
The square roots of the 4 sets of the 112 final letters (1443 + 169 + 1328 + 3428) is 145.9777 or 146, the value of Olam, (עולם), meaning the world or universe, and just as we saw with the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit, the difference between the sofit and standard values of the 14 final letters of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is (2788 – 1328) = 1460.
Meanwhile, the difference between the final letters of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Matrix is (3428 – 1328) = 2100, as in the 5 Triplets of Pi (π) that begin with the digit “3” and that equal (314 + 358 + 323 + 338 + 327) = 1660 or 2100 less than 3760; as in the 6 aligned and stacked Essential Triplets of Bereshit that equal (710 + 203 + 705 + 90 + 101 + 291) = 2100; as in the 21009826 standard value of the Torah; as in the sum of the 9 Triplets of the Alef-bet along with their locations within Pi (π) equal (4995 + 16012) = 21007; as in the Planck diameter h/π or 21.0914362859 x 10-35 that also includes the 9143-value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix along with 628, the constant 2π; and as in 100 times 21, the value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה). This is also like the difference between the 29 final letters and the 29 initials in the conjoined 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema and the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name that equal (1497 – 1476) = 21.
Moreover, the 11 final letters less the 11 initial letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit (1443 – 857) = 586, as in Jerusalem (ירושלם) and the Shofar (שופר) that align with the 3 Aspects of the Name Elohim (אלהים), which is virtually the same as the 112 final letters less the 112 initial letters of all 112 Essential Triplets, or (5592 – 5005 – 1) = 586. It is no metaphysical coincidence that both the Shofar (שופר) and Jerusalem (ירושלם) represent a vortex. and both vortices stretch from the world of consciousness into our matrix of physicality.
Meanwhile, the 72 final letters less the 72 initial letters of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix (3428 – 2672) = 756, as 27.52, the radiant Primal Frequency that sustains those vortices. It is also the base measure of the Great Pyramid in feet.
The 10,650 sofit total of the 112 final letters less the 6368-standard total for those 112 final letters is (10650 – 6368) = 4282 and while 82 is the katan value of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation this special spatial expansion between the two forms of final letters is equal to (4240 + 42) = 4282, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness and the Singularity of 42 at the center of it all.
The Middle Letters
Each of the letters in the 112 Essential Triplets (Tetrahedra) play a role and have an initial orientation, causing them to be either initials, final letters, or middle letters. Like magnets and magnetic fields that can orient North-South, the Tetrahedra can be influenced by other forces and elements of consciousness to reorient in other directions and polarities.
Nonetheless, the base structure shows us that the middle letters of the set of 11 Essential Triplets (Tetrahedra) of Bereshit equal 703, as in the 37th Triangular Field, and as in the ratio of the radius of the circumscribed circle to the perimeter of the 26 most tightly packed inscribed equilateral triangles in it, or (2.109/3) = 7.03, which further aligns with the 2109 letters Gimmel (ג) of numerical value 3 in the the Torah, (2109/3) = 703. It is also notabl that the final two words or last 7 letters of the First Verse of Creation V’Et H’Ertz (ואת־הארץ) equal 703, and that the ratio between those two words is (296/703) = 42%. This is also like the odd/even or mod (2) algorithm of taking every other geometric dimension of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, where we get the ratio of Keter-Binah-Chesed-Tiferet-Hod-Machut that equal 2351 to Chochma-Da’at-Gevurah-Netzach-Yesod that equal 991, as 2351/3342 = .703… and as 991/3342 = .296…, the value of “The Earth H’Ertz (הארץ).” And since the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation can be geometrically arranged into both the 7th Triangular Field and into a 4 x 7 rectangle, the bottom tier of each shape is filled by V’Et H’Ertz (ואת־הארץ) and thus 703. This itself is a metaphysical alignment with the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701, which is the full value of that First Verse of Creation, and the Atomic Mass (270.1 AMUs) of Bohrium, the 107th Periodic Element whose Atomic Number is 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, the Event Horizon year and Spherical Time radius, 5778 years.
The relationship between circles and Triangular Fields is more than casual or even geometric. The number of pieces that we can divide a circle, disk, or 2-d slice of a sphere, into are dependent on the formula of Triangular Fields, n(n + 1)/2. The number of possible pieces of the circle equals (1 + n(n + 1)/2), thus 6 straight-cut divisions of a circle yield a maximum of (1 + 6(6 + 1)/2) = (1 + 21) = 22 pieces, as in the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet with 21 being the 6th Triangular Field, like the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin and Malchut, and like the Alef-bet those regions or pieces of the disk grown smaller in size from 22 to 1. Thus, each letter of the Alef-bet is the resultant area or regions of a circle that is divided into 6 dimensional reductions, mimicking in a flat plane the spatial reduction from Binah to Malchut through the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin.
Nevertheless, the 14 middle letters of the set of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix equal 1313, as in the year 1313 BCE when the 10 Commandments was received at Mt Sinai, and as in the exponential curve of the Alef-bet, 1.313x, which is as in the Abraham and Sarah equation (808 + 505) = 1313, and as in the total Torah spatial components divided by the Cosmic and Hebrew Day of 25920 parts of a minute and/or the Great Year of the Earth’s Precession, 25920 years, or (34049040/25920) = 1313.62037.
Thus, the sum of those 2 sets of middle letters with the kolel of the 11 Essential Triplets (Tetrahedra) of Bereshit and the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is (703 + 1313 + 2) = (2016 + 2) = (762 + 2) = 2018 with 76 being the ordinal value of the Torah’s First Word of Creation, as in the Western Calendar analogue to the Event Horizon, 2018 CE. Moreover, 762 or 5776, is the sofit value of the 33 Letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit plus the kolel, (5743 + 33) = 5776. This is in metaphysical alignment with the link that binds the Torah cycle in a circle. “In the Beginning G-d Created All Israel. (כָּל-יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים),” the last two words of the Torah coupled with the first three. This link’s complete value is (913 + 76 + 203 + 23 + 127 + 73 + 541 + 64) = 2020 and subtracting the kolel (2), we get the Event Horizon, 2018 CE.
On the other hand, the sum of all 4 sets of the middle letters of the 112 Essential Triplets equals (703 + 533 + 1313 + 3043 + 4) = 5708, as in the year Israel became a nation, 5708 HC. As for the square roots of these 4 sets of the middle letters that equal 140.9997 or 141, it is the sum of the 30 digits in the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), and the complete value of the Name Alef (אלף).
In their default state the 112 Essential Triplets align with all their initials pointing in one direction and all their final letters pointing in the opposite direction, creating a N-S polarity. In that state, the initials and final letters of the set of 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit equal 2300, as in (100 x 23), the numerical value of Ziv (זיו), radiance or radiation, which pulses through the Torah’s First Verse of Creation, starting with the ordinal value (23) of its First Essential Triplet (ברא), through the katan value (23) of the 8th Word (והארץ), not to mention the ordinal value (23) of 2nd Word that is also the 3rd Essential Triplet (ברא), and of the 4th Word (את), and of the two letters (את) of the 6th Word, and of the two letters (ים) of the 3rd Word and of both (מי) and (ים) of the 5th Word, altogether pulsed 8 times in the first 33 letters of Bereshit. That is once every (33/8) = 4.125 letters on average, pulsed to align with Phi (φ) angle (137.5o) or (4.125/3) = 1.375.
The corresponding initials and final letters of the set of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix equals 6100, which together makes (2300 + 6100) = 8400 or (42 x 200). The sum of all 4 sets equals (2300 + 585 + 2388 + 6100) = 11373, while the sum of all 4 sets of initials and sofit final letters equals (3670 + 585 + 3848 + 7552) = 15655, as in the 1565 string value of the YHVH (יהוה), and their difference as previously noted is (15655 – 11373) = 4282.
Meanwhile the two polarity sets of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit and 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema equal (3670 + 585) = 4255, or (4282 – 27) = 4255, as in the inverse .004255 of the Atomic Mass of Uranium 235 and as in the radiant angle 42.5o of the Source that operates at the Phi (φ) angle (137.5o). The sum of the other two sets is (3848 + 7552) = 11400, as in the 114 Chakras that align with the complete 114 Essential Triplets, and 156 less than the Spherical Time paradigm diameter, 11,556 years. Moreover, the 585 total for the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema are in alignment with two of the five symmetrical sets of the 4 x 5 matrix of our 20 amino acids, whose molecular weights total 585, as previously detailed, like the average of the 20107 sofit letters in the Torah or (11766140/20107) = 585.1763.
Keep in mind that the total molecule weight of the 20 Amino Acids in the Amino Acid Matrix and in our bodies is 2738.01 g/mol, which is the value of the Torah’s first verse (2701) along with its reciprocal (1/2701), also known as the 42-Letter Name Matrix, or (2701 + 37.01) = 2738.017, which is also 2 x (372). Moreover, the square root of the Fine Structure Constant (.00729735256) is √(729735256) = 27013.612420, as in the 2701 value of the First Verse of Creation; Echad or One (13); Brit or Covenant (612); the Singularity of 42; and the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency in the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and the Galactic Current Sheet extinction level disaster cycle.
Another form of polarity is found in the dynamic between the spatial and counterspatial components. We have previously discussed the counterspace to the Primary Complementary Male-Female Yin-Yang forces of 15 and 11 that empower the YHVH (יהוה) or (100 – 15) = 85 and (100 – 15) = 89 and that (85 x 89) = 7565, which is the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52) throughout the 10 Sefirot. When we take the product of the two ratios 11/89 times 15/85, we get .020830703 as in the 7 zigzagged Essential Triplets of the 42-letter Name Matrix that add up to 2083, which is the 314th or Pi (π) Prime Number, and as in the 37th Triangular Field, 703 that is integral to the First Verse of Creation.
The Angels
The 112 Essential Triplets (Tetrahedra) each possess a unique force and/or consciousness independent from the cloud of their 4 Essential Triplet Sets or Matrices. This consciousness is called an angel and altogether that makes 112 single minded angels within the hive. The energy and purpose of each of them are unique. This angelic force is an addition to the Essential Tetrahedra similar to the way an ibur is an addition to our soul or individual consciousness unit. It is an additional consciousness structure within it and attached to it yet not integrated into the original Triplet itself. As such, the angelic addition takes the form of Yel (יאל), which is added to the back of each of the 112 Essential Triplets, thus adding a value of 41 to each, or a complete value of (41 + 23) = 64 to each. As R’ Chaim Vittal warned, we are not to try and harness, invoke, beseech, or utilize these angelic forces in any way or it will backfire upon us. They do their parts and fulfil their roles when we use the proper kavannot regarding the overall Matrices. To illustrate their overall collective strength, we simply take the sum of the (112 x 41) additions and add it to the total value of the 112 Essential Triplets and get (16,965 + 4592) = 21557 or 20,000 plus 1557, the value of the 10 original component letters (דוזיכנסרךן). As we know, 20 represents Keter, the crowning Sefira over and encasing the 10 dimensions below it, and each one of the 10 original component letters of the Alef-bet represents one of those dimensions. This is why, as just mentioned, there are 20107 sofit letters in the Torah and that the 10 Commandments are at Chapter 20 and letter 107,000 in the Torah, along with the Spherical Time paradigm radius being 5778 years as in the 107th Triangular Field.
Another way to view (16,965 + 4592) = 21557 is (21 x 1000) = 21,000 plus (278.5 x 2), as in Ehyeh (אהיה), the Name of Binah in the full level of Binah (1000), along with Ohr HaGanuz (278), the Light of Moshiach. To be clear, we cannot randomly take about numbers to come up with fascinating parallels—the results would be infinite—we can though examine how they interact when separated into logical metaphysical components that we already know act as a block, like the 20 stacked cubes in the Tower of Truth that equal (13 + 23+…203) = 210, thus extending the concept of Keter to 210 and 21000, just like the 203 cubit (27.5”) dimensions of the Holy of Holies, and the 210 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) in the Spherical Time paradigm radius of 5778 years.
Meanwhile, when we add the complete values of the 112 Essential Triplets and their angelic accompaniment, we get (20,358 + 7168) = 27526, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5) at the full level of Binah, (27.5 x 1000) = 27500, and 26, the YHVH (יהוה), and as we know, 27500 is the inverse (1/.0027500) of H’Moshiach, 363.
Moreover, the area of a square that inscribes a circle with an area of 3√27500 is its’ product with the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) or (1.273 x 3√27500) = 3842, the value of the first 42 letters of the Torah, which are derived from the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
Not only is that equivalent to the Creation ratio (2701/703) = 3.842 but the difference between those 42 letters and the 42-Letter Name Matrix is (3842 – 3701) = 141, the sum of the 30 digits in the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) and the complete value of the Name Alef (אלף), or (111 + 30) = 141. And given the Fine Structure equation Pi (π) – (1/137.03599)/2750.0 = 3.14159000000…., we see that (1/137.03599)/27.5 = .00265358, as in the 3rd and 4th Triplets in Pi (π), 265 and 358, Moshiach respectively. We can see how the Primal Frequency in the Aether and emanating from the Singularity of 42 coupled with geometry helped give rise to the First 42 Letters of the Torah, or at least to their boundary shape.
While those two Essential Pi (π) Triplets with the kolel equal (265 + 358) = 625, the value of H’Keter and the square root of the number of words, letters, and verses in the Torah, the ratio of (265/625) is .424, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, the same as the sum of the two Essential Pi (π) Triplets equals (159 + 265) = 424.
As previously explained, 27500 is the sum of the locations (digit #s) where the date 2045 HC and its Hebrew Calendar counterpart 5805 HC at the far edge of the Event Horizon grace period—one cycle of 27.5 years from 5778) are first found within the Pi (π) Field, as (12776 + 14724) = 27500. And while 27500 is equal to (20 x 1375), the value of the lower 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name, as in the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o, the Sun’s diameter divided by Pi (π) is 864,000/10π = 27501 and its surface temperature is 5778 K. Everything is by metaphysical design. Nothing physical exists unless it was laid out on the Cosmic blueprints.
Including the 3 angel letters Yel (יאל) there are 6 letters in each Essential Tetrahedron and thus (112 x 6) = 672 overall, making their quantitative value with the kolel equal to (21557 + 672) = 22229. Those 672 letters are equivalent to the initial and final, or the 1st and 4th of the 4 Essential Triplets of Pi (π), or (314 + 358) = 672, and since the middle 2 Essential Triplets of Pi (π) equal (159 + 265) = 424, the difference between these two sets is (672 – 424) = 248, as in the ubiquitous Torah Concept and the 248 dimensions of Binah described by the E8 Symmetry. It is no coincidence that Abraham has a numerical value of 248, and an ordinal value of 41, as in the angelic suffix Yel (יאל).
With the addition of the 3 angel letters Yel (יאל), each of the 112 Essential Tetrahedra ends in the lit torch of the letter Lamed (ל) of complete value 42, the same as the Hebrew word for flame (להבה). Meanwhile, the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema begin with the Essential Triplet (שמע) of numerical value 410, representing the 10 Archangels hovering over the 42 letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה).
Israel (ישראל)
The Angelic Name Israel (ישראל) can be broken down into the root letters Resh-Shin (רש) of numerical value 500 and ordinal value 41, as in 541, the numerical value of the full Name Ysrael (ישראל), and into the angelic suffix Yel (יאל) of numerical value 41. The ordinal value 41 is also shared by Elohim (אלהים) and by Abraham (אברהם), just like the sum of the 4 average ordinal values of the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplet, 41.0….
Meanwhile, the ordinal value (64) of Israel (ישראל) is equal to the collective value (64) of Yel (יאל), because Yel (יאל) has an ordinal value of 23, the value of Ziv (זיו), radiance, giving Israel (ישראל) and inherent Angelic Radiance.
As we know, the Name Israel (ישראל) has a gematria of 541, the 100th Prime Number that is found exactly 625 times in the Torah, as in H’Keter (הכתר), 625, the square root of the number of Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah, further connecting that Angelic Radiance to the shining crown of the highest Sefira (dimension).
As powerful and extraordinary as all this is, what makes the Name Israel (ישראל) exceptional is its connection to the highest Name of Binah “I am that I am Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), that consists of the Name Asher (אשר) and its two Wings Ehyeh (אהיה) of numerical value (21 x 2) = 42, matching the ordinal value of Asher (אשר), 42. Likewise, the Name Israel (ישראל) has the Name Asher (אשר) in its core and its two wings (יל) have the numerical value (40 + 2) = 42.
The Name Asher (אשר) is also at the core of the First Word of Creation, Bereshit (בראשית), placing it at the core of the linkage comprised of the Last and First Words of the Torah, and their outer wings (יית) have the numerical value 420, as in the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency in the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and the Galactic Current Sheet extinction level disaster cycle. And while the ordinal value of each of the Name Asher (אשר) is 42, so too is the ordinal value of (יית). Since the ordinal value of Lev, (לב), meaning heart is 14 as in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name and the central 14th position in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, their collective ordinal value is thus (42 + 42 + 42 + 14) = 140, as in the numerical value of David (14) at the exact center chronologically of those 420 cycles. Meanwhile, the sum of the two Words (Names) squared is (9132 + 5412) = 1126250, as in the 112 Essential Triplets and 625, the value of H’Keter (הכתר), and the square root of the number of Words, Letters, and Verses in the entire Torah. Thus, the link in the cycle of the 54 portions of the Torah connects to the Primordial 112 Essential Triplets at the highest level and anchors them in the blueprints of the Torah, not to mention the 625 times the value of the Name Israel (ישראל) appears in the Torah, connection it to the highest level, from the Beginning to the End.
Every mention of the Name Israel (ישראל) connects to and invokes the highest Name of Binah “I am that I am Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה),” releasing the Angelic Radiance from H’Keter. Anyone who tries to curse the Name or people of Israel (ישראל), as the Torah illustrated from Balaam’s 42 attempts, would be cursing the Name of G-d and His Angels.
Cosmic Symmetry
This connection to Balaam and his 42 failed attempts to curse the Israelites is emphasized in the 132 verses in Parsha Matot where we find the 42 Journeys of the Israelites with 132 being the gematria of Balaam’s partner, Balak. As cosmic parallels go, the arch enemies of the Israelites, Balak-Balaam and Amalek (עֲמָלֵק) are the same as in our generation, Barak Obama and Kamala, a direct permutation of Amalek (עֲמָלֵק). The Torah was written for today.
Parsha Matot’s companion Portion, most often read together, Massei, has 112 verses, as in the 112 Essential Triplets, so like the companion Portions Behar-BeChukothai having 57 and 78 verses respectively, as in the 5778-year radius of the Event Horizon and surface temperature of our Sun, 5778 K, the companion verses Matot-Massei link together the Singularity of 42 at the center of the 112 Essential Triplet consciousness cloud.
As for Torah companions, we need to note that while the complete value of the Hebrew letters of 42 (מב) is 57, which is the complete value of the 5th Triplet/Tetrahedron (נגד) in the 3rd tier of 42-Letter Name Matrix or (57 + 21) = 78, and the ordinal value of its companion 6th Essential Triplet/Tetrahedron (יכש) is 42.
Another set of companion Essential Triplets is found in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, where only two Essential Triplets have side by side triple crowns, The first one is at the 5th column, 7th row and the second is at the 7th column, 8th row, or 57–78, and as in the 42.22 – 57.78 Adam/Eve companion ratio (19/64 and 45/64), the ultimate companion pair, as previously covered.
This brings up the mathematical formations of the E8 Symmetry that align with the construct of the Binah Sefira or universal consciousness shell that envelops the concentric layers of processes that led to our existence. Within that conscious schematic we find the 57 Group of Tetrahedra in the 600-cell and the 78 root vectors in the shape of the Magen David at the center of the E8 Symmetry polytope, along with the 112 root vectors and the 248 dimensions of the E8 Binah Symmetry.
As part of the same holographic whole, they are all reflected fractally in all levels as we see in the Torah, the Spherical Time paradigm, and the constant Phi (φ), just as in the example of the log of 600,000 Men at Mt Sinai being 5.778. That 57 group break down to twin spines or chains of tetrahedra that are paired right-handed or left-handed, making 2 groups of 57 with complementary directionality. Thus, a pair of these groups of 57 quasiparticles form 114 tetrahedra or 56 each centered on a single seed tetrahedron. This makes a set of 112 centered about two complementary tetrahedra, or 114 in total, just as we find with the 112 Essential Tetrahedra of the Torah and the 2 seed Tetrahedra that encapsulate the 112 + 2 concealed Essential Triplets, which in turn align with the 112 Chakras of the human body and the 2 extra corporeal ones.
The YHVH (יהוה)
It is well known since ancient days that the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix are metaphysically linked with the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) concealed within the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema. The Zohar and Arizal explain how the 7 tiers and 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix are a ladder through Zeir Anpin that hooks into the Upper 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) at the level of Binah Consciousness, and that this is main transport mechanism for our prayers into the upper world. Rav Brandwein added that together (42 + 42) = 84, the two Names bring Pad (פד), redemption, which is why the Understanding of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is critical to bring about the final redemption, Geula, and why it connects to the highest Name of Binah “I am that I am Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) that has an ordinal value of (42 + 42) = 84.
In analyzing with an eye towards understanding the 112 Essential Triplets, we learn that the katan value of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema is the exact same 173, as the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and that either one of these coupled with the katan value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit, give us (173 + 105) = 278, the numerical value of Ohr Haganuz, the concealed Light or essence of Moshiach, the Light concealed at the dawn of Creation. What this tells us is that we can utilize these sets of Essential Triplets to align ourselves with that Ohr Haganuz. The same way you need to know the codes and proper frequency to tap into secret encrypted communication, we need to know and understand the sets of the Essential Triplets. There were ancient devices that did that; today, we have smart phones that tap into the opposite frequencies.
The Ohr Haganuz is the ratio between the value of the highest Aspect of the highest Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) and the Event Horizon radius 5778, or 161/5778 = .0278, whose inverse is 5778/161 = 35.888, as in Moshiach (358), and as in the square root of 1288, the number of verses in Bamidbar. Every bit of higher consciousness that we download into our world or matrix is as Light to our souls and helps us to elevate our individual and collective consciousness.
The 7-tier ladder of the 42-Letter Name Matrix links up with 3 upper tiers of the expanded 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה), thus completing the 3–7 proportion of the 10 Sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-Life, as we saw in the 10 Commandments. Binah translates as Understanding and Understanding is the fuel that charges the force with the living consciousness. It charges the connection between these (14 + 14) = 28 Essential Triplets and their 84 Letters, as in (28 + 84) = 112. The more we understand about the process, the stronger the response to our prayers and the greater that the 42-Letter Name Matrix can affect and shift the time-paths within the Spherical Time paradigm for us. When we use the 42-Letter Name Matrix our thoughts, prayers, and selfless desires are channeled upwards as water from below, mayim nukva, and after being accepted by the 3 tiers of the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) they get distributed throughout the clouds of consciousness above.
Responsive packets of consciousness return from wherever appropriate, some instantaneously and some get stored and return in due time. Whenever they do, they return as both “dew, Tal (טל)” into our world and as drips back into the 42-Letter Name Matrix, causing mechanisms and gears to alight and swing into action, which precisely shifts the time-paths, like hands on a clock to a more auspicious one for us. This spares us years and even lifetimes of trials and tribulations—the same way that the Israelites time jumped over 37 years in the Torah without missing a single journey in their Path of 42 Journeys.
As we metaphysically climb the upper-world ladder within the YHVH (יהוה) the 4 letters collective value goes from 26 to 72 to 610 for a total of 708, whose middle letters total 111, as in Alef (אלף), and while the 111th Prime Number is 607, the 28 letters of the 3rd tier/iteration total 610, as in (610 – 3) = 607.
What is metaphysically interesting about this is that the Primal Frequency applied to the 15th Fibonacci Number, 610, is (610/15)27.5 = 1118.333, as in the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema that equal 1118 and that contain the 42 Letters of the first 3 tiers of the YHVH (יהוה).
As they keep expanding, the collective 42 Letters of the first 3 tiers that total 708 expand to 42 Names that total 3762, as in the Spiritual Time radius 3760 years and as in the pivotal year (3760/3761 HC, 0/1 CE). Meanwhile the combined value of the first 4 tiers is thus (708 + 3672) = 4470, as in the circumference of the Spherical Time Bubble 36304.24470, the 44.70 hours in a Spiritual Time Day vs the 24 hours in Physical Time Day whose ratio 44.70/24 is the speed-of-light, and as in the 4470 sum of the first 1000 digits in Pi (π).
Please note that when we expand the various Names, we are not diluting them; we are increasing their strength and influence over our existence because we are getting closer to their more enlightened form. What we see in the simpler four-letter Names for instance is a contraction of a contraction of a contraction…. In terms of what the expanded Names can convey to us is like reading a book verses a synopsis verses an elevator pitch. For example, a hypersphere viewed from our limited perspective may seem to us as nothing more than a sphere, disc, circle, or even a tangential point. There is not much we can glean from that point.
When expanding the various Names to get closer to their Source, there is only one basic spelling of the Alef-bet, though many people try to amend it to get a desired result. That is like putting on sunglasses to change the Sun. There are only specific cases where the spelling-out of the Hei (ה) and Vav (ו) are changed to differentiate certain Aspects (levels) of certain Names and these were codified long ago, such as the 3 Aspects of the Name Ehyeh (אהיה) that correspond to 3 different levels of Binah, and the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה), and they do not get applied indiscriminately. It is not just a matter of trying to understand the greater universe but to understand it properly.
YHVH (יהוה) Vectors
The average of those 4 tiers of the properly expanded YHVH (יהוה) is thus (4470/4) = 1118, as in the value of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema that conceal the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה), in other words, its first 3 expansions, yet another proof of the validity of the 15 Essential Triplets in case anyone was looking for it. This is also in alignment with the vector of the higher Name Yah or YH (יה) of numerical value 15 that equals √(102 + 52) = 11.18033… which is also the primordial mathematical equation (φ – .5) = 11.18033…. Then while the middle letters of the 42 Letters of the 3rd iteration of the Name YHVH (יהוה) total 111, the middle letters of the 42 Names of the 4th iteration equal 444 or (4 x 111) which is the value of “From Generation to Generation (לדר־ודר).” Meanwhile, the Constants of the 3 x 3 and 6 x 6 normal Magic Squares equal 15 and 111 respectively, and (15 + 111) = 126 = (3 x 42), as in the value of each of the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Further to this metaphysical alignment is the fact that the square root of the vector of the YHVH (יהוה) is 4√(102 + 52 + 62 + 52) = 369.3, as in the Constant 369 of the 9 x 9 normal Magic Square, while (15 + 111 + 369) = 495 or (18 x 27.5), the value of Chai (חי), life times the Primal Frequency, and the sum of the first 18 letters of the Alef-bet, as in (3 + 6 + 9) = 18.
“…if you knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
These primordial vectors built into the conscious structure of the YHVH (יהוה) and the essence of mathematics along with the universal Primal Frequency further align with the Spherical Time paradigm in that the vector of the Spherical Time radius and the Physical Time portion of it is .57782 + .20182 = .1820, in perfect alignment with the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and in the Path of One.
It was all designed from the start, even before the perception of existence. The matrix is geometric, as is everything in it, including time. The only way this is possible is in a Divine Simulation, which Tesla and many other brilliant minds and ascendant masters understood.
Moreover, with the 119 letters in those 42 Names of the 4th generation, all 4 generations of the Name YHVH (יהוה) have (42 + 119) = 161 letters, as in the 161 value of the highest Aspect of the Name within Binah consciousness, Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי). Moreover, the component Names of the letters (1 + 4 + 10 + 42) = (15 + 42) Names, as in the complete value of the letters Mem-Bet (מב) or (42 + 15) = 57.
The Source of One and Singularity of 42 sit cosmically above all the other primal elements of universal consciousness, which is why 42/111 = .378378… as in the value of the 27th Triangular Field that folds into the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, and as in the 3 iterations (generations) of the letter Alef (א), meaning One (1). This is as in “His Name is One, Echad Ushmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד) of numerical value 378, and whose final letters spell David (דוד)” at the center of Spherical Time and of numerical value 14, like the central position of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and like the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the Singularity of 42.
This brings us back to One (1), the Source. When the collective 42 letters of the first 3 dimensions expand into the 4th generation the ordinal value of the 4th generation of the YHVH (יהוה) is 963, as in Echad, One, when spelled out (אלף־חית־דלת), like the 963 sum of the first 24 Prime Numbers, as in the 24 hours in One physical day. It is also 1/6 of the Event Horizon radius or (5778/6) = 963, and (9 x 107) = 963. And while there are 161 letters in those 4 generations of the YHVH (יהוה), as in the value of the highest Aspect of the Name within Binah consciousness, Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), the factors of (54 x 107) = 5778, add up to (54 + 107) = 161. So just like the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) that leads to the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, the Source of One leads to the YHVH (יהוה).
Then onto the 5th tier of the YHVH (יהוה) expansion that has a value a 14270, and (14270/5) = 2854, as in the year King David was born, 2854 HC, which is also 906 BCE, as in the value of the 7th tier (שקוצית) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Moreover, while position 14 is the central position in the 27 coordinates of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, it is also the numerical value of David, whose 70-year life is at the exact center of the Spherical Time paradigm, as in the values (14, 42, 27 and 70) within the numeric string 14270 that is found at digit #2666 within Pi (π). With the 343 or 73 letters in the 5th generation, there are a total of (161 + 343) = 504 letters in the 5 generations of the Name YHVH (יהוה), as in the exact sum of the Earth and Moon radii, 5040 miles, which is exactly 7! or (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = (120 x 42), meaning that 504 is also (12 x 42). It is also the sum of the Names of the 4th and 5th Books of the Torah, (248 + 256) = 504, and the value of the midpoint of the 91 doubled words in the Torah, Darosh Darash (דרש־דרש), each of numerical value 504.
The complement to 504 is 496, which equals the first 4 of natural centered cubes or (1 + 27 + 125 + 343) = (126 + 370) = 496, the numerical value of the Sefira of Malchut, our world. As previously discussed, the Malchut value, the lowest of the 10 Sefira, is the sum of the 6 verse locations within Chapter 1 for the first 6 Days is (15 + 21 + 55 + 99 + 86 + 220) = 496, as if the 6 verses fed into Malchut like the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin.
This brings the total for the 5 iterations of the Name YHVH (יהוה) to (26 + 72 + 610 + 3762 + 14270) = (18032 + 708) = 18740, as in the 187 Chapters in the Torah, and as in the radiating 262 per letter White Space Field of the (600,000 – 408) component letters of the Torah that equals 262 (600,000 – 408) = 740.02.
The 5th iteration of the Name YHVH (יהוה) expands from the collective 42-letters of the first 3 expansions into the 4th dimension and then from them into the 5th where they form a perfect Cube of 73 Letters. When we see or envision the 4 letters of the YHVH (יהוה) they are contracted or condensed from the Cube of 73 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה), about 86 letters per letter in the (יהוה). This Conscious Cube of 73 Letters exists on the level of Binah and dimensionally contracts 4 times to create the 4 letters of the YHVH (יהוה) that we see 1820 times in the Torah. This speaks to the Path (דרך) of numerical value 704 like the 4th tier of the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 7 YHVH (יהוה) that align with those 7 tiers. The 7-letter edges of the Cube of 73 Letters thus align with the 7 Days of Creation and the 7 Words of Creation and the cycles of 7 derived from the 7 Sefirot of Zeir Anpin and Malchut fed from Binah and the 7 Names Ehyeh (אהיה) found in the Torah.
These 343 letters in the Conscious Cube of 73 Letters are both akin to the 3 iterations of the letter Gimmel (ג) that sum to (3 + 83 + 257) = 343 and they are directly aligned with the 343 letters or 73 letters in the lower 7 Commandments. Meanwhile, the 3 expansions of the letter Gimmel (ג) and the 3 expansions of the letter Zayin (ז) of numerical values 3 and 7 respectively equal (343 + 267) = 610, as in the 610 value of the 28 Letters in the 3rd expansion of the Name YHVH (יהוה).
When we pray for “rain, Geshem (גשם)” of numerical value 343, what we are really praying for is the life-force of the radiant YHVH (יהוה), and when we pray for “dew, Tal (טל)” of numerical value 39, we are praying for the feminine energetic force or pressure mediation as it acts upon the radiant YHVH (יהוה), or (1.5 x 26) = 39. As the Arizal explained, “the rain is the holy Light…The coming of the Messiah depends on rain, as our sages said: ’the day of rain is similar to the redemption from exile because all sparks reunite’.” Redemption is Pad (פד) of numerical value 84, as it represents the two drop of 42 from below, as the Arizal further explained in other words of the sages, “’no drop of rain goes down unless two drops go up’ because they are desperate to ascend above, which they cannot do without the rain’s help.” Redemption or Pad (פד) has a complete value of (84 + 21 + 2) = 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, the Event Horizon radius.
When the consciousness of all 5 expansions of the Name YHVH (יהוה) are considered, we see that their total 504 letters fold into or collapse into the 4 letters of the YHVH (יהוה) exactly (504/4) = 126 times and thus inform the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. So, while the 14 Essential Triplets of the Singularity of 42 inform the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 from the center outward, the Conscious Cube of 73 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) inform it from the outside, meeting at the (3 x 42) = 126 value of the 6 faces.
This is why the 12 edges of the Cube each of value 42 equal 504, as in the 504 letters of the 5-fold expansion of the YHVH (יהוה). Each edge of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 adds up to 42 so we see that metaphysically the 504 letters of the 5-fold expansion of the YHVH (יהוה) naturally divide up into 12 segments of exactly 42 letters, each one informing a different edge of the 33 Magic Essential Cube of Creation.
Those letters are contained in concentric hyper shells with the outermost one forming a 73 perfect cube and existing beyond the boundaries of the 4-dimensional space of Binah. While the inner 4 shells contain a total of 161 letters, conforming to the value of the highest Aspect of the Name within Binah consciousness, Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), the inner 3 shells of Zeir Anpin of Binah contain 42 Letters, conforming to the 42-Letter Name and of the Singularity of 42. The next inner ring has a value of 72 aligning it with 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and with Chesed of numerical value of 72, the highest level of Zeir Anpin. The central ring is thus the YHVH (יהוה) of numerical value 26 and aligned with Tiferet of Zeir Anpin or just Zeir Anpin. Meanwhile, the 14 letters in the 2 inner rings conform to the central 14th position in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, leaving (7 x 70) letters to radiate outward throughout the 5 dimensions of the expansion, like the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 70 sub-Sefirot of Zeir Anpin that they breach.
יוד הי ויו הי יוד ויו דלת הי יוד ויו יוד ויו הי יוד יוד ויו
דלת ויו יוד ויו דלת למד תו הי יוד יוד ויו דלת ויו יוד
ויו יוד ויו דלת ויו יוד ויו הי יוד יוד ויו דלת
יוד ויו דלת הי יוד ויו יוד ויו הי יוד
יוד הי ויו הי
י ה ו ה
As we recall the YHVH (יהוה) also expands geometrically from the letter Yud (י) in a triangle of 10 letters that also equal 72, so when we say that what we see is just the tip of the iceberg, it is more than a metaphor with the letter Yud (י) being one of the 10 original component letters. As the letter Yud (י) expanded or more appropriately contracted from the Name Yud (יוד), composed of 3 of the first 4 original component letters, it contained all the components of the YHVH (יהוה), as the letter Hei (ה) is a composite of the letters Yud (י) and Dalet (ד). The original component letter skipped over was the letter Zayin (ז) of numerical value 7, representing the remaining 7 original component letters.
Meanwhile, the average of the total value of the 5 generations is (18740/5) = 3748 or 12 years shy of the 3760 Spherical Time pivotal year and Spiritual Time radius (3760 years), and 14 less than the value of the 4th expansion of the Name YHVH (יהוה), 3762, which is like the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix with the concealed letter Samech (ס) in the center.
The 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix are found on the same axis of the Primordial Alef (א) and often found in conjunction with one another. So, it is notable that the milui value of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is 9144 or exactly One (1) more than the standard value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, 9143. This means that their alignment stretches back one level to the 42 Names of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. As for the 216 Names of the 72 Essential Triplets, their albam cipher value is 18786, or 46 more than the 18740 total of the 5 generations of the YHVH (יהוה) while the complete value those 5 generations is also 46 shy of 23000 as in 46 chromosomes in our 23 chromosome pairs. It is also as in the initials and final letters of the set of 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit that equal 2300, and as in the numerical value of Ziv (זיו), radiance or radiation, which pulses through the Torah’s First Verse of Creation.
What is metaphysically amazing and tells us a lot about the nature of the greater universe is that the sum of the ordinal values for all 5 generations of the YHVH (יהוה) is 4225, the exact same as the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, indicating their spiritual closeness to each other, the YHVH (יהוה) 5 generations closer to its Source at the upper edge of Binah and the 42-Letter Name Matrix as we see it in our world. It shows us the true power and potential of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Moreover, as we recall, 4225 is not only the perfect counterspace to the 5775” height of the Great Pyramid but it is exactly 652, as in the radiant Adonai (אדני)2 the vessel of the level of Malchut to the YHVH (יהוה). Adonai (אדני) is not only the Name we say in place of the ineffable YHVH (יהוה); it is the Divine radiance or vessel that allows us to process and receive the Light of the YHVH (יהוה). That direct Light is too powerful for us even after being stepped down 5 times.
So, we see that the metaphysical structure of the Names of the Creator was designed to fit like radiant gloves over the 5 fingers and the 42-Letter Name Matrix was designed to bind with and bridge those Names, much like the Great Pyramid with its downward angles of 42o and upward slope angles of 722 o and face-to-face angles of 112o. Not to be redundant, but the Great Pyramid was neither designed by, nor built by the Egyptians; like Gobekli Tepe and so many other sites worldwide, it dated back to the last great reset. Those sets of Names were as a flaming sword held in that Hand.
Meanwhile, there are 18 letters in the first 2 expansions of the YHVH (יהוה) and their collective katan value is 70, while there are 42 letters in the first 3 expansions and their collective katan value is 229, as in the space time ratio 27.5/12 = 2.29. Expanding further we see that there are 161 letters in the first 4 expansions, as in the value of the highest Aspect of the Name within Binah consciousness, Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), and the katan value of those 4 levels is 618, as in 1/Phi (φ).
As for the katan value of the first 5 expansions, it is 1973, as in the 1973 War, or 2 cycles of 27.5 before 2018 CE (5778 HC), the Spherical Time Event Horizon.
Meanwhile, the value of the expansion of the letter Hei (ה) through those 5 expansions is 1965, the same as that of the letters Hei (ה) and Yud (י) together through their first 4 expansions within the complexity of the consciousness cloud of the YHVH (יהוה). This matches the average of the 14 highest word-values as distributed within the Torah, or exactly (27510/14) = 1965. These alignments are just more of the innumerable mysteries of the Creator. Perhaps, it somehow connects with the first time …1965… is found in Pi (π) is at digit #1881 when it is preceded by 424, as in Moshiach Ben David …4241965….
And even when the values and connections are clear, the how and why elude us, such as the EBGD cipher for the 3rd expansion of the Yud (י) being 112, and its Atbash cipher being 541, as in the 112 Essential Triplets and Israel (541), while the Albam cipher for the first 2 expansions of the Name YHVH (יהוה) has a value of 2380, as in 1/42, and the total for all 5 expansions is the palindromic 61616, as in the 616 value of H’Torah.
Even if we do not fully comprehend or even understand at all, the act of seeking Him out through His Names brings us closer to the Source and helps us align with the proper consciousness.
What is clear though is that there is a message in it for us and a Path towards freedom and enlightenment. When we begin the YHVH (יהוה) expansion series from the letter Yud (י) – Yud (יוד) as explained above, the ordinal value of the 7 levels totals 4244 as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness (424) and as in the Spherical Time paradigm circumference 36304.24470. Moreover, the sum of that ordinal value with the collective atbash value is (31,556 + 4244) = 35800, as in Moshiach (358). Meanwhile, that collective atbash value for the 7 levels or 31,556 is exactly 20,000 more than 11,556, the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and span of the Galactic Current Sheet that triggers the periodic great reset.
The Spherical Time paradigm obviously incorporates Pi (π), and we see that the 5th Essential Triplet (מהש) within the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix has a value of 345, just like Moshe (משה) and Hashem (השם), while the sum of the squares of the digits from the 345th digit to the 1000th within Pi (π) is 18740, just like the 18740 sum of the 5 expansions of the Name YHVH (יהוה). These alignments that imprint upon our physical universe can only be created within a metaphysical universe—they do not occur randomly or naturally by chance physical encounters.
We must keep in mind that anything to do with Pi (π) is necessarily primordial to anything physical and that anything that involves any Hebrew letters must be filtered through the various levels of matrices of the Alef-bet, which as we have seen are based on Pi (π), Phi (φ), the Fine Structure Constant, the Singularity of 42, the dynamics of base 10 mathematics, including integrals and the exponential curve, and the geometry of the circle.
Moreover, when we divide the 14270 value of the 5th expansion by the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, we get 7.840… as in 2.82 or Koach, meaning power, squared, and the total value of those 1820 YHVH (יהוה) is 47320 and thus the difference between them and the cube of the 5th expansion of the YHVH (יהוה) is (47320 – 14270) = 33050, or 10 times 3305, as in one of the 42 duplicated 4-digit strings (…3305…) found twice in the 1000 digits of Pi (π). It is also the ordinal sofit value (3305) of the Upper 3 of the 10 Commandments.
The first of the 7 tiers of the 42-letter Name Matrix has a value of 506, and as we saw with 345 and 18740, the sum of the squares of the digits from the 506th digit to the 1000th within Pi (π) is 14285, as in 1/7th = .14285… and their counterpart is 14127 for the squares of the first 506 digits, as in the 7th Mersenne Prime, 127, both of which are similar to the 14270 sum of the 73 letters in the 5th expansion of the Name YHVH (יהוה), while the 504 letters in all 5 expansions might be related to the 506, the complete value of Moshiach Ben David and the product of (22 x 23), as in the radiance of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet. Meanwhile, the sum of the 8 factors of 506 is 864, as in the 864,000-mile diameter of the Sun.
We know that the 7 tiers of the 42-letter Name Matrix are directly aligned with the YHVH (יהוה) while the Albam cipher of the 27 letters in the 3rd iteration of the Letter Yud (י) component in it equal 3701, the exact value of the 42-letter Name Matrix. Each letter within the consciousness cloud of the YHVH (יהוה) has its own cloud network and the various gematria ciphers are lens to the various states of polarization of the Light of those networks, allowing us to see what is normally masked, much like how we are able to see behind the masks as we get deeper into the Event Horizon and the veils grow thinner.
Furthermore, the sum of the inverses of the 5 expansions (1/26 + 1/72 + 1/610 + 1/3762 + 1/14270) = .054326 as in the highest Name of Binah “I am that I am, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) of value 543, and as in the Name YHVH (יהוה) of value 26. Then, while 14270 is the value of the Conscious Cube of 73 Letters of the YHVH (יהוה), its inverse (1/14270) = .00007007708 and (14270/7) = 2038.57, which is 7 years before the far end of the Event Horizon grace period.
Neither the numbers nor the letters, or even the ratios and relationships between them are important. All that they mean for us is that there are intentional metaphysical processes going on behind the scenes. The numbers and letters are like injecting smoke into a laser guarded secure room, illuminating the otherwise invisible labyrinth of beams. That illumination serves as steps of understanding for us. Our minds process everything that comes our way. Our limited free choice comes in deciding which of the multitude of myriad signals that come our to allow in, what to ignore and what to focus on. If we focus on the beams, we can safely navigate to higher understanding and eventually escape the simulated incubation. If we focus on the vapid empty space between them, we commit ourselves to endlessly blindly circulate through the trappings of self-indulgence and the evil inclination.
The various geometric matrices within the living consciousness of Binah are also circular in nature with their final letter or position linking up with their first as we saw with the Torah. The 4 sets of Essential Triplets each have a distinct linked letter pair or specific Gate. The linked pair of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema is (שד) of numerical value 304; the linked pair of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit is (בץ) of numerical values 902 and 92; the linked pair of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-letter Name Matrix is (את) of numerical values 401; and the linked pair of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is (ום) of numerical values 606 and 46, like the missing 46 from the 5 expansions of the YHVH (יהוה). Their ordinal values sum to 107 and 84 respectively, as in the 107th Triangular Field Event Horizon and as in Pad (פד), redemption and the Geula that could have happened at the Event Horizon. The complete value is thus (2213 + 107) = 2320 or (10 x 232), the value of the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה).
When we add the cosmic link (יו) of the Conscious Cube of 73 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) and the corresponding link (אץ) of the circular Alef-bet and/or Essential Magic Cube of Creation the to the 2213 total of the 4 links of the cosmic celestial circles of the 112 Essential Tetrahedra, we get (2213 + 16 + 901) = 3130, as in (10 x 313), the number of times the Name Elohim (אלהים) is found in the Torah. The coming together of these 6 Primordial elements to form a common bond of 3130 is significant because of their interplay with the 231 Gates as they run through the Torah, the Cosmic Blueprint of Creation. As previously discussed, one of those Gates described to us by Abraham Avinu is the mirrored gate of the Bet-Dalet (בד), Dalet-Bet (דב) combination which sums to 6, as in the 6 dimensions of Zeir Anpin and which is found 1565 times in the Torah, as in the 1565 string value of the YHVH (יהוה). Another of those mirrored Gates is the pair Yud-Ayin (יע) and Ayin-Yud (עי) that are also found 1565 times in the Torah, and together with Bet-Dalet (בד) they have a value of (80 + 6) = 86, as in that of Elohim (אלהים), meaning these 2 twin mirrored Gates are found (2 x 1565) = 3130 times in the Torah, as in the 313 times that the Name Elohim (אלהים) is found in the Torah and as in the 6 links of the 6 Essential Primordial Elements that fed into the Torah. Meanwhile the ordinal value of those 6 Essential Primordial links is (107 + 44) = 151, as in 151 value of the expanded Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אלף־הה־יוד־הה).
We often mention mirroring and alignments in our Cosmic and metaphysical discussions and that is because they are fundamental forms of symmetry, and the Cosmos are designed and constructed based on symmetry and symmetrical expansions. Another one of those alignments is found in the sum of the Names of one of those 2 mirrored Gate pairs Bet-Dalet (בד) which expand into (412 + 434 + 2) = 848 for an average of 424, as in the Moshiach Ben David Consciousness. With the Kolel (4), the 4 Names of the 4 letters in the twin mirrored Gates equal (412 + 434 + 130 + 20 + 4) = 1000. The reason why 424, as in the Moshiach Ben David Consciousness, appears so often in the derivations of these sets of Names and metaphysical primal elements is that the 3 Aspects of Moshiach Consciousness are at a higher dimensional level and thus influence all the higher Paths of consciousness, guiding them toward the Source.
As for the standard value of the 4 links of the cosmic celestial circles of the 112 Essential Tetrahedra, they sum to (92 + 304 + 401 + 46) = 843, which we can also add natural kolels to reach 848; nevertheless, when the link to the Torah (בל) and the link of the Alef-bet (אץ) are added, they equal (92 + 304 + 401 + 46 + 32 + 901) = 1776, as in the value of Genesis verse 1:4 “And God saw the light, that it was good and God divided the Light from the darkness,” along with the twin mirrored years of the Tower of Babel, 1776 HC and the US Declaration of Independence, 1776 CE, along with formal establishment of the Illuminati in Bavaria. The average of those 6 Primordial Essential links or Gates is thus (1776/6) = 296, the value of the final word in the First Verse of Creation, representing the Earth.
Gaps or Spatial Distance
In the metaphysical realm, distance is based on dissonance, and calculated by how dissimilar items are. Closeness is determined by similarity of form. Between two digits it is calculated as the absolute difference between their numerical values. For example, the gap or space between 2 and 3 is 1 which is the same as between 4 and 5, and the difference between 1 and 9 is 8 and between 9 and 0 is 9. So, any 2-digit number has a single gap or spatial relationship defined by a single digit (i.e. the gap for 26 is 4). For 3-digit numbers, there are two gaps, and their spatial relationship is defined conjointly, as a 2-digit number. For example, 345 has a defined gap of 11; 506 has a defined gap of 56; and 248 has a defined gap of 24.
Double Digits and Cosmic Harmonics
Thus, the sum of the defined gaps for all 100 numbers, as in the Zeir Anpin limit of 102 or 100, is 330, as in the 330 cubit the base length of the Great Pyramid, or (12 x 27.5), representing one Time cycle of the Primal Frequency.
The sum of the numbers from 0 to 99 is 4950, which matches the last 18 letters of the Alef-bet from Yud (י) to Zadi sofit (ץ) that equal 4950 and matches the first 18 letters of the Alef-bet from Alef (א) to Zadi (צ) that equal 495.0. As we will soon see, this all plays a key role in how the number of Verses in the 54 Portions of the Torah were divided, including their formation of a perfect Cube of 183.
We see the value 4950 turn up again regarding the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets whose average is (16965/4) = 4241.25, or (4200 + 41.25). The base measure of the Great Pyramid that was constructed with Cosmic blueprints, is 9075 inches and subtracting the average of the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets we get (9075 – 4125) = 4950. Keep in mind that the face-to-face angle of the 4 sides of that Pyramid is 112o and that 412.5 is 3 times the Phi (φ) angle (137.5o) expressed in the Name of the First Letter of Creation, Bet (בית) of numerical value 412. Moreover, there are 18 parts in every minute and 1080 parts in every hour in the Hebrew Cosmic clock and thus (1080 x 12) parts in the mod-12 Clock Face, while (12 x 1080)/Phi (φ)2 = 495.0 and (12 x 1080)/3142 = 4125, illustrating how Pi (π), Phi (φ), and the higher Names of G-d integrate with Time, the Alef-bet, the 112 Essential Triplets and the nature of our Base 10 existence. Moreover, not only are the Constants of the 3 x 3, 6 x 6, and 9 x 9 normal Magic Squares also equal to (15 + 111 + 369) = 495, but they are all equal to the sum of the 10 residues (remainders) of the frequency of 27.5 Hz cycles: (9, 18, 27…90) = 495. These are Cosmic harmonics.
When we measure distance on Earth and throughout our Solar System, we measure them in miles of 5280 feet each and as we have already seen, the results are metaphysically outstanding and only achievable by intelligent design and conscious schematics. So, how much more astonishing is it that the sum of the numbers from 0 – 99 is 4950, plus the 330 sum of the defined gaps or spatial differences for all 100 of those numbers is (4950 + 330) = 5280, the mile and (16 x 330).
Oddly enough, we were taught that Man came up with the concept of the mile being 5280 feet in the late 16th century. It was determined a mile should be 8 English new furlongs of 660’ each, instead of the German furlong of 625 German feet. Yet the mile of 5280 was metaphysically designed into the 100 numbers from 0 – 99 and built into the excess Men over the originally stated 600,000 from the two censuses in the Torah, (3550 + 1730) = 5280, along with the full value of the Alef-bet with its 5 final letters or (4995 + 280 + 5) = 5280.
Given that these are indisputable identities inherent in the framework of our universe, the historic origins of the mile are either Divine intervention or just part of an elaborate backstory booted into a Divine Simulation.
Triple Digits
Though we can calculate in other bases and computers were designed to read code based on base 2, we live in a Base 10 universe, just as Abraham Avinu told us in the Sefer Yetzirah, “10 and not 9, 10 and not 11.” While the dimensions of Binah consciousness are virtually limitless, the Binah limit from our perspective is 103 or 1000. It represents a completion in 3 dimensional directions, forming an existential cube. All the Gaps or numeric spatial expressions through the Binah limit are thus the 1000 Gaps between the numbers between 000 and 999. Of those 1000 expressions, some are unique, and many are duplicative, such as 042 and 046 both having a gap of 42.
Curiously, or by metaphysical design, the sum of all 1000 spatial expressions—the Gaps—for all 1000 numbers from 0 to 999 is 36,300, as in H’Moshiach (363), and most notably as in the Spherical Time Bubble circumference, 36,304.24470, and as in the perimeter of the Great Pyramid, 36,300 inches. So, the sum of the 1000 spatial expressions plus the cosmic harmonic (1.2732…) divided by 3 equals or .4244, equals the Spherical Time Bubble circumference, 36,304.24470 or alternatively, the sum (4244) of the 7 generations of the YHVH (יהוה).
While the sum of the 1000 Gaps between the hundreds place and the tens place equal 3300, as in (10 x 330), the base length (330 cu) of the Great Pyramid, and as in the 3330 years between the reception of the 10 Commandments at Sinai and the Event Horizon in 5778, the sum of the 1000 gaps between the tens place and the units place also equals 3300. This is thus 10 times 330, the sum of the gaps in the 100 double digit numbers, not surprising since (1000/100) = 10. Thus, the sum of those collective 2000 single digit gaps is (3300 + 3300) = 6600, and the sum of the 1000 two-digit gaps is (01 + 02+…01+ 00) = 36,300. So while the base of the Great Pyramid thus not only marks off the circumference of the Spherical Time Bubble but defines the spatial gaps between numbers for both the first 100 and first 1000, the ratio between the gaps (36,300/6600) = 55, the height (55’ or 660”) of the concealed entrance of the Great Pyramid over its base platform, which is also (27.5 x 2), emphasizing the nature of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) that fills in the Gaps within the numbering system that our universe is constructed with, the same way it propagates within the Aether.
Meanwhile, the first 1000 numbers from 0 – 999, which thus describes the 999th Triangular Number, is 499500, as in the 4995 sum of the full 27 letters of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Thus those 1000 numbers and their 1000 spatial gaps equal (499500 + 36300) = 535800, as in the 358 value of Moshiach. Moreover, the difference between the Event Horizon radius of the Spherical Time Bubble, 5778, and the full expression of the 1000 or Binah numbers is thus (5778 – 5358) = 420, the number of cycles of 27.5 years in the Spherical Time Bubble diameter.
Furthermore, that total of 535800 for the 1000 numbers and their spatial gaps represents 19483.63 cycles of 27.5 as in 1948 HC when Abraham was born and 1948 CE when Israel became a nation, coupled with 363 again, as in H’Moshiach.
Perhaps this partially explains the redundant geometry of Triangular Number in the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation and the two sets of words among them that equal to 999.
Gap Vectors and Consciousness
Inherent in the linked circle of the First Verse of Creation, we have the gap vectors within the 28 Gates. The Gaps are the spaces between the numerical values of each of the subsequent letters of the verse, including the circular link back to the beginning.
In calculating their gap vectors, we square each of these numeric differentials and take the square root of their sum. In the case of the First Verse of Creation the resultant gap vector for the Verse is 1221.903 as in the 12th and 21st Prime Numbers that are 37 and 73, the two Triangular Field factors of (37 x 73) = 2701, which is the 73rd Triangular Field and the value of the First Verse of Creation. Meanwhile, 903 is the 42nd Triangular Field.
The more precise resultant gap vector for the Verse is 1221.9026 as in the Verse’s circular link (בץ), 902, and the YHVH (יהוה), 26. When the sofit or final letter values are utilized, the resultant gap vector for the Verse is 2042.78, a date (2042 – 2043 CE) at the far end of the Event Horizon Spherical Time grace period and within the very narrow range of the Galactic Current induced Solar micronova and the coupled Earthly magnetic and probable geological flip.
When we calculate the gap vectors of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and of the Alef-bet or alternatively the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, they add up to (1158.0474 + 942.926) = 2100.9737, as in the 21009826-standard value of the Torah, off by only .0088 or .00042%. Moreover, the 1158.0474 gap vector of the 42 letters of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is equivalent to and in direct alignment with the sum of the net differentials between the 26 Generations of Adam, 11,580 years, while 474 is the value of the 11th Sefira Da’at, meaning Knowledge.
Once again, because consciousness is not limited to nodular points, we see that there is meaning in the space between the letters and their associated values. Just because our mad scientists create AI out of physically contrived neural networks, does not mean that consciousness cannot exist beyond their physical limitations. As above so below.
Cosmological Counsciousness
Relative to that 21009826-standard value of the Torah we know that the ratio of the total sofit value of the Torah divided by its standard value is (32775966/21009826) = 1.5600…, with 156 being 6 times the YHVH (יהוה) and 1560.0 being the (1.313x) exponential value of the 27th Letter, Zadi sofit (ץ). This is a difference with its standard value 900 of 660.0 or (24 x 27.5), the underlaying Primal Frequency of the Aether in 24 hours, One Day, and as in the 6600-sum of the numerical Gaps in Binah digits, and 660” height of the Pyramid entrance.
Given that large gap of 660 for the 27th letter, the metaphysical alignment is such that the total absolute differences of the (1.313x) exponential values of the 27 letters are off from their standard values by 13.0%, just like that difference for the 22 letters, 13.0%. Moreover, the total value of the 22 absolute differences is 216.0, as in 216 letters in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and the 2160-mile diameter of the Moon. Meanwhile, the sum of squared gaps of those 22 exponential letters is 21627.78 with a gap vector of 147.0, as in 238/Phi(φ) = 1470, and as in the sum of the Path of One inverses, 1.1470, not to mention Jacob’s 147 years, It is also as in the 14700 total value of all the words in the Torah that contain the letters of the YHVH (יהוה) without being Names of G-d and including those YHVH (יהוה) with the prefix Lamed (ל); and as in (70 x 21) = 1470, like the (70 x 26) YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, and the 7 Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Torah that equal 147.
Meanwhile, when we add up the circular gap vectors of the 33 letters in the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, the 42 letters of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name with the 45 letters of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema, along with the gap vectors of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema, we get (3766.389 + 1158.047 + 673.608 + 801.930) = 6399.975 or 6400, as in 802, or an average of 402, as in (11 + 14 + 15) = 40 Essential Triplets, like the “40 days and 40 nights” and the various sets of 40 days and 40 years in the Torah and Tanakh and 40 weeks of gestation.
Most significantly, the sum of the gap vectors between the Essential Triplets for the 4 sets of the Essential Triplets (33, 42, 45, and 72) is (1242.543 + 998.243 + 801.930 + 1661.380) = 4704.0, as in the Spherical Time paradigm circumference (36304.244704), which is like the 4th tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix whose numerical value is 704. Even more significant is that 4704 is sum of the 27 Names of the letters of the Alef-bet using the Hei-Vav (הה־וו) variation. The space between the 112 Essential Triplets in the 4 circles of the 112 Essential Triplets is exactly equal to the space occupied by the Names of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet. This means that they were not only primordially meant to precisely mesh, but that they complete each other as yin and yang and as space and counterspace.
The space between the 112 Essential Triplets in the 4 circles of the 112 Essential Triplets is exactly equal to the space occupied by the Names of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet.
What cannot be overlooked is that since the sum of the 27 Names of the Alef-bet is 4704 and the gaps in the 112 Essential Triplets equal 4704, then the full space including the gaps of the 112 Essential Triplets is (16965 + 4704) = 21669, which is exactly 42 more than the sum of squared gaps of the 22 exponential letters or (21669 – 42) = 21627, as in the Singularity of 42.
Astonishingly, these gaps or the white fire space between the 112 Essential Triplets (Tetrahedra) also connect directly to the Singularity of 42 in that their average is (4704.096/112) = 42.00086, with 86 not only being the value of Elohim (אלהים), but the complement to (100 – 86) = 14, as in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The consciousness is in the gaps or space between the knowledge. What makes this more metaphysically extraordinary is that the first location in Pi (π) for the string …4704… is found at digit #4225, which is the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the sum of the ordinal values for all 5 generations of the YHVH (יהוה) consciousness cloud. Moreover, 4225 is 275 less than 4500, the sum of each of the 3 columns of 1000 digits in the 1000 numbers from 000 – 999.
The universe is consciousness. Physicality is a figment of conscious imagination.
The Binah Contraction Algorithm of Bereshit
We have previously discussed the concept of the Binah Contraction Algorithm with regard to the number 82, the katan value of the First Verse of Creation, and the resultant value 2701 of applying that algorithm to that verse. The value 2701 is naturally the sum of the 7 words of the First Verse of Creation (913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296) = 2701, while the sum of the digits in (913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296) is 82. The algorithm is applied when we take the product of those word values (913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296) = (304,153,525,784,175,760) and slice up and then add up the values in Binah (103) or 3-digit discreet bundles, and thus we get (304 + 153 + 525 + 784 + 175 + 760) = 2701. This is the Binah contraction, which can further be contracted to (002 + 701) = 703, the 37th Triangular Field and sum of the last two Words in the Verse, (407 + 296) = 703. In this case, the sum of the digits in 304,153,525,784,175,760) is also 73, as in the 73rd Triangular Number, 2701, or (37 x 73) = 2701. We repeated the process with the product times 82 and again times 822 we found that the results of the Binah Contraction Algorithm were once again 2701 both times. With the sum of the digits being 82 once again. These are just some of the magical or metaphysical properties of this First Verse
As recently shown to me by Kalman, a related but even more significant phenomenon happens when we apply the Binah Contraction Algorithm to the 913 value of the First Word of Creation, Bereshit (בראשית), In the beginning.” We do this by raising 913 to progressively higher exponential values until a pattern emerges that repeats, each time adding up the Binah Contraction triplets in those 913x results. While this is eerily similar to the 1.313x exponential curve of the Alef-bet, the idea of using only the First Word of Creation is to get closer to the seed level of the Torah, and thus to the Source, or One. The results form a closed loop of 18 that stretched from 9131 to 91318 whose Binah Contraction is exactly 1000, or alternatively (000 + 1) = 1. This is like the Phi (φ) spiral that unwinds from 1 and Phi (φ)1 to Phi (φ)18 or 5778.000, the Event Horizon radius. Moreover, 18 is both the complement to (100 – 18) = 82 and is the numerical value of “The One (האחד).”
The sum of the 18 iterations of the natural Binah Contraction cycle of 913, representing the Torah’s First Word, is 8658 which can be further Binah Contracted to (008 + 658) = 666, as in the 36th Triangular Field. Since the Binah Contraction of the product of the full First Verse of Creation was 2701, which can further Binah Contract to (002 + 701) = 703, as in the 37th Triangular Field, and since the final 2 words of the Verse equal 703 and the first 5 Words equal (3 x 666), we find that the entire First Verse of Creation is represented by the process of Binah Contractions into geometric Triangles, starting from its First Word.
Moreover, not only is (36 + 37) = 73, as in the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701, but the 36th and 37th Essential Triplets in the 216 letters of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix are its central point, and when we further reduce those 18 Binah Contractions by summing their digits, they equal 216, and those 18 sums further reduces to 72.
Furthermore, there are 28 letters in the First Verse of Creation and not only is 28 the complement to (100 – 28) = 72, but 784 or 282 is the complement to 216. Meanwhile, 8658 is the complement to (10000 – 8658) = 1342, as in the complete value (1342) of the Torah’s First 3 Words or 14 Letters (בראשית־ברא־אלהים) of Creation. This further aligns with the complete sofit value of the 27 Names of the Alef-bet, 13423, which is One (1) less than 13,424 as in One, Echad (13) and 424, Moshiach Ben David consciousness.
The sum of the Binah Contraction cycle of 913 or 8658 is also the sum of the first 4 Perfect Numbers (6 + 28 + 496 + 8128) = 8658, whose 4 complements less the kolel equal (4 + 28 + 504 + 1872 – 4) = 2448, as in the year 2448 HC of the Exodus from Egypt and the reception of the 10 Commandments at Sinai, the Hebrew Calendar analogue to the Western year 1313 BCE.
Moreover, within those 18 iterations of the Binah Contraction cycle of 913 we find the 3 symmetrically placed consecutive resultant value pairs (403 + 307) = 710, and (406 + 49) = 455, and (823 + 151) = 974. The first pair has the equivalent value (710) to the second Essential Triplet (שית) in the Torah, which is the second half of the word Bereshit (בראשית). The second pair has the equivalent value (455) to the 3 Aspects of the Names of the Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820). The final pair at the end of the cycle includes the value (151) of one of those 3 Aspects of the Names of the Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אלף־הה־יוד־הה) and totals 974, as in the 974 generations or resets that existed before the 26 Generations of Adam what complete Binah, 1000, which is the final level of the 18 iterations, and which aligns with Phi (φ)18 that equals 5778.000, the Event Horizon, 66.6 jubilee years after 2448 HC.
We can get even closer to the seed point of the Torah and witness the Binah Contraction cycle of the Torah’s First Letter of Creation, the letter Bet (בית) whose Name has a value of 412. Its cycle of 36 from 4121 to 41236 not only ends in the 1000 representation of Binah and One, like the 913 Bereshit cycle, but it includes every element of the 913 Bereshit cycle intercalated as every other result, and its total value of 17316 is exactly twice 8658 with the ultimate reduction in both sets being a rep cycle of 1,4,7. And while 17,316 further Binah Contracts to (017 + 316) = 333, the value 8658 equals (13 x 666) and (26 x 333), and thus 17,316 equals (26 x 666), meaning they align in the median Centroid (.333 – .666) proportion of a Primordial Triangle that connects with One, Echad (13) and the YHVH (יהוה), 26. So, the seed of the First Verse of Creation is found in its First Word and the seed of the First Word is found in its First Letter. What sprouts is a Tree that maintains its genetic proportion and geometry of One and the YHVH (יהוה).
When we apply the Binah Contraction algorithm to 541, the numerical value of Israel, we see that it too ends in Binah or 1000, but that each of its 12 iterations, as in the 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob), ultimately reduce to One (1). The sum of the 12 iterations of Israel that sum to 7437 Binah Contract to (007 + 437) = 444, or (12 x 37), as in the Core Essential Prime Number 37 of the First Verse of Creation, and as in the 444 value of “From Generation to Generation (לדר־ודר), which Rav Ashlag explained relates to the 22 letters of the Alef-bet through the equation 444/22 = 20.18, alluding to the Event Horizon analogue 2018 CE (5778 HC).
Meanwhile the digit sum of those 12 iterations or generations sum to 156, or (6 x 26) the value of Joseph, while the sum of the final reductions of those 12 generations of Israel is 12, and 156 is (12 x 13), as in Echad (אחד), One, as in “God is One.” That 156 sum of the digits sum for the 12 cycles of Israel is also the katan (reduced) sum (156) of the 5 generations of the letter Hei (ה) from the YHVH (יהוה), as in (1 + 5 + 6) = 12.
And while physically unrelated, the sum of the digits in the 36 iterations of the letter Bet (בית), the First Letter and seed of the seed of the Torah is 459, the complement to (1000 – 459) = 541, Israel, the final Word of the Torah, while their reduced sum is 122, as in the 12 Tribes.
Moreover, while the 4th iteration of 541, Israel, is 676 or 262 and the 5th iteration is 82, the katan value of the First Verse of Creation, the sum of the square roots of the 12 iterations of Israel (541) is 288.9, as in the year 2889 HC, the exact center of King David’s life and of the Spherical Time paradigm radius.
And the sum of the square roots of the 18 iterations of Binah Contractions of Bereshit (913) equal 365.720 as in the 365 Days in Solar Year and the sum of the 72 square roots of the 72 Essential Triplets, 720.0.
The Arizal explains that the 8th and 13th Aspects of the 13 Attributes connect to Mazal, which we see laid out in the Fibonacci sequence ( 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13…) based on Phi (φ), and that includes 358, the value of Moshiach, so it is interesting that 8th Binah Contraction of Bereshit is 3364 or 582 and the Binah Contraction of the 13th cycle is 58, while the two totals are 84582 and 8658 with (84 + 2) equal to 86, the value of Elohim (אלהים), the 3rd Word of Creation. Meanwhile, 58 is the complement to the Singularity of 42 and the value of Noach (58), the 2nd Portion of the Torah.
Moreover, while as far as we know the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is not based on Phi (φ), its complete value of (9143 + 216) = 9359 equals Phi (φ) times the Event Horizon radius or 5778φ, while 5778 itself is Phi (φ)18 and 9359 is only 17 more than 9342, the sum of the 18 square roots of the Binah Contraction cycle of the First Word of Creation and 17 equals both (18 – 1) and (27.5/φ), the Primal Frequency times Phi (φ)-1. The essence of the universe permeates every aspect of it. We say nature abhors a vacuum yet there is no vacuum, only dense consciousness that attracts us to what we perceive as emptiness.
Nevertheless, when we apply the Binah Contractions to the second Word of the 7-Word First Verse of Creation, which is also the First Essential Triplet of Creation (ברא), we find that it too has a cycle of 36 iterations and while these repeatedly reduce to 999, as in the sum of the 1st and 3rd Words of Creation (913 + 86) = 999 and of the 4th, 2nd, and 5th Words (401 + 203 + 395) = 999, the sum of their 36 square roots is 2854, as in the year 2854 HC that King David was born.
The 54 Portions and Their Verses
This sum of the 36 square roots of the 36 Binah Contractions of the word Bereshit, or 2854, is also the sum of the verses in the first 24 Portions of the Torah, aligning them too with the birth of King David in 2854 HC. There are 2854 Verses through the Portion Vayikra that has 111 Verses, as in the value of the Name of the letter Alef (א) that is reduced in size in the first word or the Portion, Vayikra (וַיִּקְרָא). Parsha Vayikra is the first Portion of the 3rd Book in the Torah, and it thus aligns with the birth of King David. The Second Book, which begins with Parsha Shemot, the 13th Portion in the Torah, has 124 verses and through it there are cumulatively 1657 verses, as in the year of the Great Flood and first Great Reset, 1657 HC. Within that Book are found the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix in Portion Beshalach and the cumulative number of verses through that Portion is 2000.
The 4th Book begins with Parsha Bamidbar of 159 verses, as in the katan value (159) of the first 3 expansions or 42 letters of the YHVH (יהוה), like 159, the 2nd Triplet in Pi (π), and like the 159 Chapters in the Final Book of the Torah, Devarim. There are cumulatively 3761 Verses through Parsha Bamidbar, as in the pivot year 3761 (1 CE) that the mirrored calendars are hinged upon within the Spiritual and Physical ratios of the Spherical Time paradigm, and as in the 3761 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix with its concealed central letter Samech (ס).
The 5th Book, which begins with Parsha Devarim of 105 verses, has cumulatively 4995 verses through that Portion, as in the value of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet and likewise as in the 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Of course, the average of the 5 Books through that point is (4995/5) = 999.
The 3 Portions that follow Parsha Devarim, are Va’etchanan, Eikev, and Reah, and their corresponding verses total (121, 111, and 126) = 358, the value of Moshiach. When the subsequent Portion Shoftim is added they total (121 + 111 + 126 + 97) = 455, as in the value of the 3 Aspects of the 3 levels of the Higher Names of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה).
After Parsha Matot of 112 Verses, which is one of two Portions in the Torah that have 112 Verses as in the 112 Essential Triplets, the following 3 Portions, including Parsha Masei of the 42 Journeys, and Devarim and Va’etchanan likewise have (132 + 105 + 121) = 358 Verses. Parsha Matot is not only the 42nd Portion, but it has the word value 455. These two sets of Portions that equal 358 and 455 overlap and bridge the divide between the 4th and 5th Books.
Meanwhile, there are exactly 32 Portions between the two Portions that have 112 Verses, Vayashev and Matot, the 9th and 42nd Portions respectively, and these 32 Portions total exactly 3450 Verses, as in the 3450 reoccurrences of the 4th (את) and 6th (ואת) Words in the First Verse of Creation. We find this again with the sum of the Names of the first 6 Portions together with the sum of the corresponding number of Verses in those first 6 Portions, or (913 + 58 + 100 + 217 + 533 + 846) + (146 + 153 + 126 + 147 + 105 + 106) = 3450. These are the 6 Portions through Toledot and up until Vayetze of numerical value 107, as in the 107 Triangular Number, 5778, the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon. It is the Portion where Jacob begins his journey, the 7th Portion. Thus, the 5th and 6th Portions have 105 and 106 Verses respectively while the 7th Portion has a numerical value of 107.
These 3450 values are not only (10 x 345), the gematria of Moses (משה), but are also Phi (φ) minus the Cosmological Harmonic (1.273) or (φ – π/4) = (1.6180 – 1.273) = .3450, which is also 1/φ minus the Cosmological Harmonic residue (.273) = (1/φ – .273) = (.6180 – .273) = .3450. And within this metaphysical design we see that the 2 Portions Lech-Lecha and Vayeira within this set of the first 6 Portions likewise contain (126 + 147) = 273 Verses, while the first 2 Portions of the Torah, Bereshit and Noach, have a total value of (913 + 58) + (146 + 153) = 1270, which cannot be a coincidence since the precise sum of the 10 logarithms of the number 12700 for all 10 bases (1 – 10) is 57.9995758 or (100 – 42) = 58, the numerical value of Noach, and the 12 digits in the first “2 Portions (913 + 58) + (146 + 153)” can be rearranged into the 10 first digits of Pi (3.141592653) with the two digits 18 left over. Now, while 127 is the 7th Mersenne Prime, and the age (life) of Sarah from Chayei Sarah, the 5th Portion of the set and of the Torah, the 12700th digit in Pi (π) is where we find the first numeric string ….1111…. or …111126358…., as in the multiple Portions that have 111 Verses, 112 Verses, and 126 Verses coupled with the multiple sets of 358 Verses and of course Moshiach, which is also the sum of (111 + 112 + 126) plus their 9 digits that equals 358. As for the numeric string …127…, it is first found at digit #298 in Pi (π), as in the ordinal value (298) of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation, while 1270, 12700, and 127000 are all first found at digit #4252, with (298 + 4252) = 4550 or (10 x 455), as in the 3 Aspects of the Names of the Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Path of One.
The 27 Letters of the Alef-bet
Moreover, since the 8 Portions from Noach to Vayashev total 1050 Verses, the 40 Portions from Noach up until Matot equal exactly (1050 + 3450) = 4500 Verses, as in the sum of the 9 letters Koof (ק) to Zadi sofit (ץ) and as in the sum of each of the 3 columns of 1000 digits in the 1000 numbers from 000 – 999. As recently noted, 4500 is also the sum of the Primal Frequency plus the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix or alternatively the sum of the ordinal values for all 5 generations of the YHVH (יהוה) consciousness cloud, (4225 + 275) = 4500.
The remaining 14 Portions thus equal (5845 – 4500) = 1345, as in the 4 Rivers that flow from Binah into physicality in Genesis 2:10 that equal (446 + 77 + 142 + 680) = 1345; and as in the complete value of the First 3 Words of Creation (בראשית ברא אלהים) with the kolel (3); and as in the complete gematria of the First Verse of the Shema (1118 + 227) = 1345; and as in the ratio of the Prime Essential Constant 37 to the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), or (37/27.5) = 1.345, not to mention as in Binah (1000) plus Moses (345) again. While the final letters of those First 3 Words of Creation (בראשית ברא אלהים) spell Emet (אמת), Truth, and equal 441 or 212 with 21 being the value of the higher Name Ehyeh (אהיה), the middle letters (ראשירלהי) equal 756, or 27.52, as in the radiant Primal Frequency and the base of the Great Pyramid.
Meanwhile, the average of those 40 Portions is thus (4500/40) = 112.5, as in the 112 Essential Triplets embedded in the Torah.
This also means that since the 44 Portions through Devarim total 4995 Verses, representing the full Alef-bet, and the 40 Portions from Noach to Pinchas total 4500 Verses, as in the last 9 letters of the Alef-bet, then the 4 Portions of Bereshit, Matot, Masei and Devarim, the 1st, 42, 43rd, and 44th respectively, equal 495, the value of the first 18 letters of the Alef-bet, and the value of Kaprekar Constant or phenomenon that is based on the value 18 and which we will explain shortly.
Meanwhile (1 + 42 + 43 + 44) = 130, as in the value of Sulam-the ladder associated with the 42-Letter Name Matrix, Sinai, and 10 times Echad (13). The other 40 Portion Numbers equal 860, as in 10 times 86, the value of Elohim (אלהים). Nonetheless, while the unique Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) is based on the number 9, the sum of the 10 repetitive abbreviated quotient remainders (.090, .181, .272, .363, .454, .545, .636, .727, .818, and .909) equals 4.995, as in the 4995-sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet that are based on 3 tiers of 9, and the 44th Triangular Number, corresponding to the first 44 Portions, equals 990, or (9 x 4 x 27.5).
The total of the 23 Portions bookended by Vayikra and Eikev, the two Portions that each have 111 Verses, as in the value of Alef (אלף) and as in the two recurrent constants (23 and 111) associated with the First Verse of Creation and with our DNA, is 2484. Since the Hebrew word for cubit has a gematria value of 46, as in our 46 Chromosomes, the height (210 cu) and base (330 cu) of the great Pyramid together measure 540 cubits or (540 x 46) = 24840, thus incorporating the ubiquitous Torah Constant 248, the 248 dimensions of the E8 Lattice, and the value of the word “womb rechem (רחם)” coupled with the 40 weeks of gestation. In other words, the average for those 23 Portions is 108 or (2 x 54) and (2484/46) = 54, as in the 54 Portions of the Torah cycle.
Moreover, the statement value of 24840 in terms of cubits (27.5”) or cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) is (24840/27.5) = 903.273, as in the 42nd Triangular Number (903) and the Cosmic Harmonic (273).
Amino Acids
Within the cycle of 54 Portions there is another set of 23 Portions. It is comprised of the 11 sets of duplicate Verse counts and the solo set of triplicate Verse counts. The sum of the Verses in those 23 Portions is 2558, or on average (111.2173913…) as in the two recurrent constants (23 and 111) associated with the First Verse of Creation and our DNA and with our amino acids again. The difference between these two sets of 23 Portions is (2558 – 2484) = 74 = (2 x 37), as in the Core Essential Prime Concept of Creation and our DNA, 37, and as in number or Concept 74 that is central to the structure of our 20 Amino Acids in our DNA. The molecule weight of those 20 Amino Acids is 2738.01 g/mol or (74 x 37) = (2 x 372) = (2701 + 37.01), as in the value of the First Verse of Creation (2701) along with its reciprocal (1/2701), also known as the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
The first Book begins with Parsha Bereshit that has 146 verses, as in the value of Olam (עולם), meaning the world or universe. It is also (2 x 73), as in the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701, the value of the First Verse of the Torah. It also hints at the 2 worlds, the world of illusion or physicality and the world of consciousness. The 10th Portion, Miketz also has 146 Verses and the cumulative Verses through it are 1342, as in the complete value (1342) of the Torah’s First 3 Words (בראשית־ברא־אלהים) of Creation.
Moreover, the first set of the 23 duplicate Portions mentioned above (Bereshit and Miketz), has a Name value of (913 + 230) = 1143, as in the first row of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that totals 1143 and as in the average of the 8 columns (9143/8) = 1143 of that Matrix.
If we consider the number of Verses per Portion starting with the highest Portion, the 176 Verses of Naso that align with the 176 ordinal value of “He and His Name are One,” the top 23 Portions by Verse count total 3142 Verses, as in in the Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) of string value 3142, and as in the combined 3 iterations of the Names YHVH (יהוה) and Ehyeh (אהיה) that equal 3142, and as in the 864,000-mile diameter of the Sun divided by 275, or (864000/275) = 3142, etc.
And while there are 5845 verses in total in the Torah, or a cube of 183 plus the 13 of the 10 Commandments, the sum of the first 53 Portions equal 5804, as in the year 5804 HC at the end of the Spherical Time Event Horizon grace period.
The Circle and Cycle of the Portions
With the 5 Books aligned with key years in history, we further see that the sum of the gaps or differences between the annual cycle of 54 Portions equals 210, as in the 210 years of the Exile in Egypt, and that the sum of the absolute value of those 54 differences is 1500, as in the largest word value in the Torah’s 210 Word-Value Matrix, and as in the average number of words and word values per Portion, or (79,976 + 1024)/54 = 81,000/54 = 1500.
This in turn aligns with the square root of the differential link between the last Portion of the Torah, V’Zot HaBeracha and the first Portion Bereshit or √(146 – 41) = √105 = 10.24, as in the 210 = 1024 Word-Value Hypercube Matrix in the Torah, and as in the 105 Verses of Devarim and of Chayei Sarah.
Of course, it may relate to the standard value of all 3 expansions of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet, 15007, especially since Chayei Sarah is the 5th Portion and Devarim is the 44th so together they are the (5 + 44) = 49 whose square root is 7, as in 15007. And just in case we were to think the universal consciousness of the Creator did not put that much thought into this, the sum of their Verses is (105 + 105) = 210.
When we add the two linked bookend Portions, we get (146 + 41) = 187, as in the 187 Chapters of the Torah.
Furthermore, when we add the Names of Devarim and Chayei Sarah to their 210 Verses, we get (256 + 533 + 210) = 999, as in 4995/5 = 999, once again connecting the 54 or (2 x 27) Portions to the 27 letters of the Alef-bet. Moreover, the average of Devarim and Chayei Sarah is thus (999/2) = 499.5, as in the average weight of the 4 nucleotides in our DNA or 499.5 g/mol. And as previously explained, the total for the 4 nucleobases, Adenine (135.13), Guanine (151.13), Thymine (126.11), and Cytosine (111.1) in those 4 nucleotides divided by their initials that equal 424, or Moshiach Ben David consciousness is (523.5038/424) = 1.23456789. It is not so strange anymore that the Torah phrasing for Sarah’s age upon her death is the “life” of Sarah.
While the sum of the squares of those 54 differences or links is (67,000 – 20), the sum of the 7 consecutive Portions from Vaykhel to Metzorah is (122 + 92 + 111 + 97 + 91 + 67 + 90) = 670, as in the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah and as in the 67 value of Binah (בינה), just like the 67 Verses in Tazria. This is also why the differential between the Verses going into the two Portions Behar-BeChukothai of 57 and 78 Verses respectively is 67, reflecting the potential availability to Binah (בינה) in 5778 HC and why the difference between them is 21, as in the value of the Name of the Binah consciousness, Ehyeh (אהיה).
The Octahedron
While 670, as in the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah, is the 10th Octahedral Number, the 27th Octahedral Number is 13131, as in the 1.313 constant of the exponential curve (1.313x) of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet. It is also as in the year of the Exodus and the revelation at Sinai, 1313 BCE, and as in the 14 middle letters of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal 1313, with 14 being the central position in the 27 letters.
Meanwhile, the 6th Octahedral Number is 146, the number of Verses in Bereshit, the First Portion. Metaphysical geometry is ever-present in the Torah and the guiding design element of our universe, which may be why the first 3 Octahedral Numbers total (1 + 6 + 19) = 26, as in the value of the YHVH (יהוה), and the first 4 total (1 + 6 + 19 + 44) = 70, as in the 70 levels of Zeir Anpin and as in the (26 x 70) = 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah.
Moreover, the 7th Octahedral Number, 231, is the number of Gates in Abraham’s 231 Gates of Wisdom that are comprised of the 231 pairings of the 22 letters in the Alef-bet, meaning that they can be tightly packed into a compact Octahedron. Octahedral Numbers represent the tightest identical sphere packing in the 8-sided diamond shaped mirrored pyramid.
Regarding those 7 consecutive Portions from Vaykhel to Metzorah, the last 3 Portions (Tazria, Metzorah, and Achrei Mot) equal (91 + 67 + 90) = 248, as in the 248 dimensions of the geometry of the E8 Symmetry of Binah, and the ubiquitous Core Torah Concept of 248. Then while the 67 Verses in Tazria is 1/10th the 670 Verses of the full “Set of 7” Portions that encircle it, the 91 Verses of Shemini, the 8th Day, is 1/10th the 910 Verses of the “Set of 9” Portions from Tetzaveh to Metzorah that also encircle it. These 9 Portions represent 9/54 = 1/6 of the 54 Portions in the Torah and 910/5845 = 15.57% of the 5845 Verses of the Torah, as in the 1557 value of the 10 Primordial Component Letters of the Torah (דוזיכנסרךן), and while (5 x 1557) = 5778, the 5845 Verses less the 67 Verses of Tazria equals 5778, the Event Horizon and Spherical Time radius year, 5778 HC. Meanwhile, the 54th Hexagonal Number, representing a hexagonal geometry, is 5778, which we know is not coincidental, especially considering that the First Verse in the Torah and of Creation is 2701, the 37th Hexagonal Number or Field.
This further means that the unification, (26 + 65) = 91 of the Names YHVH (יהוה) and Adonai (אדני) in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) is the same 1.557% of the 5845 Verses of the Torah, as in the 1557 value of the 10 Primordial Component Letters of the Torah (דוזיכנסרךן), giving us new understanding into this metaphysical dynamic and why Shemini, the 26th Portion has 91 Verses.
Since the Torah is showing us a consecutive set of 9 Portions, we can view the Torah cycle as 6 sets of 9 Portions each, and since the sum of the 54 cube roots of the Verse counts is 254.3672, we get an average cube root per set of (254.3672/6) = 42.4, the value and frequency of Moshiach Ben David Consciousness.
Those 54 Portions can be arranged either in a (6 x 9) Matrix or a circle with 6 arcs with the same results, regardless of whether the cycle begins with Bereshit, or with Noach and the Great Reset, as would be the case with the set of the 9 Portions above because the 10th Portion Miketz has the same 146 Verses as Bereshit. Both sets of 9 Portions total 1196.
Those 910 Verses align with the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and as in (1820/2) = (2 x 455) = (10 x 91) = (70 x 13) = 910, which makes sense as Shemini is the 26th Portion in the Torah. The cumulative Verses through it are 3042, as the value 30 of Yehuda (יהודה), the progenitor of King David, which contains the YHVH (יהוה) sequentially and as in the 42 times that his Name is found in the Torah. Also, 3042 is exactly (117 x 26) and 117 is (91 + 26).
V’Zot HaBeracha
Finally, the 54th Triangular Field is 1485, which when reversed is 5841 as in the 5845 Verses in the 54 Portions and as in the Angelic suffix (יאל), 41, and the ordinal value (41) of Abraham (248) and of Elohim, and as in the 41 Verses in the final Portion of the Torah, V’Zot HaBeracha. Moreover, the final Word of V’Zot HaBeracha is Israel (ישראל) of numerical value 541, a contraction of 54 and 41, and containing the Angelic suffix (יאל). Whether we understand them or not, every tiny detail of the Torah has a Cosmic or metaphysical purpose.
While the number of Verses per Portion were ultimately decided by Divine Inspiration, the entire hyper precise Torah was also downloaded from the Binah Consciousness cloud through Moses’ Divine Inspiration, which is why we see Divine inferences to certain subsets within the annual cycle of the Torah. And because the 54 Portions set up the Torah as a cyclical clock aligned with the Cosmic Wheel, these subsets influence our lives in the season they occur.
54 Portion Names
As for the Names of the 54 Portions they too connect with the essence of our DNA in that they sum to 19450, as Adam (45) and Eve (19), and that their 61 Final letters add up to 4646, as in our 46 Chromosomes. Out of their 242 total letters, their 120 middle letters equal 9144, as in the value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, and as in the Age of Man, 120. Meanwhile, 19450 is equivalent to 54 cycles or circles of 360o plus 10, as (54 x 360 + 10) = 19,450 and as in the 10 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life.
While the sum of the Names of the 54 Portions divided by the 183 cubic Matrix of the 5832 Verses of the Torah plus the isolated 13 Verses of the 10 Commandments equals (19450/5832) = 3.33504…, or approximately 1/3rd, the ratio (19450/5845) is even closer to 1/3 and rounds off to 3.33, aligning this ratio too with the centroid median point (.333 – .666) of an equilateral triangle. Cosmic geometry.
The Tree-of-Life, 10 Commandments, and the Future Holy Temple.
Meanwhile, the total value of the 54 Names is 19,450, which is (20,000 – 550) or Keter less the 42 initials of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life. It is also 20,000 less (20 x 27.5), meaning Keter less the Primal Frequency of Keter. The crowning Sefira or dimension of the Tree-of-Life, Keter (כתר), has the numerical value 620, the same as Esrim (עשרים), the Hebrew word for 20, which is also why the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments are in the 20th Chapter of the Book of Shemot. This is also the 54th Paragraph, and they begin on the 54th Verse of Parsha Yitro at the 107,000 letter after the First Word of Creation (Bereshit) with the phrase “I am the Lord (אָנֹכִי יְהוָה) of numerical value 107, as in (54 x 107) = 5778, the Event Horizon radius of the Spherical Time Bubble.
As a reminder, the 11 initials (כחבדחגתנהימ) of the Names of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life that equal 550 are equivalent to the 550 sum of the 11 Generations from Shem to Isaac (100 + 35 + 30 + 34 + 30 +32 + 30 + 29 + 70 + 100 + 60) at the birth of first sons as specifically delineated in the Torah. It is also the number of the 550 YHVH (יהוה) in the 5th Book of the Torah, Devarim; and the value of the 4 final (תךץם) letters of “The Path of the Tree-of-Life (את־דרך־עץ־החיים), while being the value of the front letters (בינ-חכמ-כת) in the 3 highest Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life again, Keter-Chochma-Binah.
While 550 is also most appropriately 10 times the sum of the integers from 1 – 10 and the letters Alef (א) to Yud (י) that equal 55, it is also the sum of the 11 letters Nun (נ) or (11 x 50) = 550 in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. And while the cumulative sum of the first 6 Fibonacci Numbers times the Primal Frequency equals (20 x 27.5) = 550 is equivalent to 20 cubits of 27.5” each or 550” we find that it is also the height, width, and length of the 203 cu3 Holy of Holies within the Future Holy Temple and the collective (11 x 50 cu) = 550 cu height of the 11 Outer Gates of the Future Holy Temple that surround the innermost Gate of 42, the entrance to the Holy of Holies.
Sets of Portions by Name
The 5 Names of the Portions that are also the 5 Names of the 5 Books of Moses equal (913 + 746 + 317 + 248 + 256) = 2480, as in the 248 dimensions of the E8 Symmetry of Binah, and as in the ubiquitous Torah Concept 248.
There are many powerful alignments connecting certain portions including a notable series of 3 Portions Korach, Chukat, and Pinchas whose Name values (308 + 508 + 208) = 1024, as in the 1024 or 210 Word-Value Matrix in the Torah.
The Spherical Time Paradigm
Most astonishingly, the total value of the 54 Portion Names times their number of Verses is 2087451, whose square root is 1444.80137. This matches the square of the second half or second set of 14 sequential letters of the First Verse of Creation, representing the 4 words “(אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ) The Heavens and the Earth” that equal 12022 = 1444804. And speaking of halves, 1444.80137 is exactly half of 2889, the exact center of the Spherical Time radius, and the exact center of King David’s life in 2889 HC. So, while the 54th Hexagonal Field is 5778, the square root (1444.80137) of the 54 Portion Names times their 54 Verse counts is exactly one-quarter of 5778, the Spherical Time radius and Event Horizon, like the 57 and 78 Verses in the consecutive Verses read together, Portions Behar and Bechukotai. Moreover, the sum of the data points for the 32nd Portion, Behar, is (32 + 207 + 57) = 296, as in the value of the 7th Word of Creation, The Earth (הָאָרֶץ). The two twin Portions are the 32nd and 33rd and thus their sum, 65, splits their Verses into the Phi (φ) proportion as 57 is 8 less than 65 which is 13 less than 78 as in the 8, 13, 21, sequence within the Fibonacci Numbers.
The cycle of the 54 Portions of the Torah is set into the Cosmic Wheel of the Heavens and the Earth. Meanwhile, the Binah Contraction of 2087451 is (451 + 087 + 002) = 540, as in the cycle of 54 Portions.
And speaking of cycles, the sum of the 54 Portion Names plus the 5845 verses is (19450 + 5845) = 25,295 or exactly 625 less than the 25,920 parts of a minute in a Day and the 25,920-year Great Precession, with 625 being the value of H’Keter (625) and the square root of the precise 6252 Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah. Moreover, the P/S gematria cipher gives us (2087541/25295) = 82.5242… for the 54 Portions and their respective Verses, as in 3.000 times 27.5, the Primal Frequency, like the Circle of Creation of 3000.0 and the sum of the Hebrew Names for the 7 Days of Creation, 3000. Moreover, 82.5 is the diameter of the Great Precession and Great Day or 25920/π = 8250, which is like the area of the base of the Great Pyramid divided by its perimeter or 3302/1320 = 82.5 and like the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon and radius 5778/7 = 825.42. Furthermore, 330 is the cumulative sum of the first 5 Fibonacci Numbers times the Primal Frequency or (12 x 27.5) = 330 while 82.5 equals (3 x 27.5) and (25920/12) = 2160, the diameter of the Moon, while the diameter of the Great Precession or the circumference of each Hebrew Day is (25920/27.5π) = 300.0 cubits or 300.0 cycles of 27.5 years, and thus (420 – 300) = 120 cycles of 27.5 years less than the Spherical Time paradigm diameter, and in alignment with the age of Man, declared by the Creator at the great reset of the Flood. Once again, we see the ratio of the Spherical Time paradigm circumference to the 25,920-year Earth Precession circumference is (36304.24470/25,920) = 1.400, highlighting the role of King David (14) at the center of the Spherical Time radius along with the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix at the Source and in the center of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and the Alef-bet.
Meanwhile, the difference between the numerical value of the First or uppermost Portion (Bereshit) and the last or bottommost Portion (V’Zot HaBerachah) is (913 – 646) = 267, themeasure of the Apothem of the Great Pyramid or 267 cubits, which is the shortest distance from the bottom to the top of the Pyramid. This works out to 611 feet as the value of Torah (תורה).
As for the sofit value of the 54 Portion Names it is 25630 or 290 less than the 25,920 parts of a minute in a Day and the 25,920-year Great Precession, as in 290 value of the letters Resh-Zadi (רצ) in the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the end of the First Verse of Creation, and the root of the Name Raziel (רציאל) whose Angelic suffix Y’el (יאל) is the number of Verses (41) in the final Portion (V’Zot HaBerachah) of the Torah.
Meanwhile, the square root of the product of the First Portion Bereshit (913) times its 146 Verses is 365.0, where once again we see the 365 Days associated with Creation, while the P/S cipher for the Second Portion Noach is (58 * 153)/(58 + 153) = 42.0, which matches the complement to the name Noach, or (100 – 58) = 42. The product of the Name of the Third Portion Lech-Lecha (100) times its 126 Verses is 12600, as in the 12,600-year sum of the 26 Generations of Adam. This is not meant to be a complete analysis of the 54 Portions, but just a sample of the many examples to illustrate the intricacies and complex metaphysical alignments built into them, as with all aspects of the Torah.
Meanwhile, the complete value of those 54 Portion Names is 19450 plus their collective ordinal value 2782, as in the value (278) of Ohr HaGanuz, the Light of Moshiach, which equals (19450 + 2782) = 22232, as in the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet and the 232 value of the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה). It also aligns with the complete value of the Torah’s first 5 words, (1998 + 225) = 2223. Notably, the Binah Contraction of 2223 is (223 + 002) = 225 or 152 or YH (יה)2.
Back to the Binah Contractions of Creation
Bara (ברא)
The accompanying charts represent the post-contractions from huge numbers such as 20336 that equals 117,451,174,726,882,950,306,851,728,554,381,307,042,247,417,802,960,045,051,909,011,409,697,700,667,393,689,521. This is the number of locations that the living consciousness of Binah starts out with before it begins processing and contracting the information for us so that we may experience time, space, motion, and history. All we see is a word written in Hebrew on a rolled-up sheet of vellum, but behind that word is a vast consciousness of information contracted into simple brushstrokes, as if each droplet of ink were a microdot containing the blueprints to our universe.
Time and history were wound in the metaphysical clock of Binah and unwound in the physical illusion of Malchut.
Abraham’s 231 Gates of Wisdom
The 5th iteration of the second Word in Creation, Bara (ברא), meaning to create, equals 2198, which is the exact number of the letters Zayin (ז) of numerical value 7 in the Torah and as in the year Joseph was born 2198 HC. This is also like the 21985 collective value of the gaps or spaces between the letters in the 231 letter pairs of the 231 Gates of Wisdom, which are (21,985/22) = 999.3 or (1000 – .7) per letter and (21985/31395) = 70.0% of 31395, the total value of those 231 Gates of Wisdom based on the standard values of the 22 letters. This is significant because the 22 letters divided by 7 equals 22/7 = Pi (π), and since Abraham told us that letters were in a circle and that the Gates were the straight beams between them, 11 of them form the 22/π = 7 diameter. And since (11 x 7) = 77, we see an alignment with the Portal of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation whose sum is the 77th Triangular Field. Moreover, while the average of the gaps of the 22 Gate distances or beams is (21985/22) = 999.3, the diameter for the total for the 22 Gates is (31395/π) = 9993.3 or 10 times the average gap (space) within the Gates.
Together the values of the letters and the gaps or distances between them are (21,985 + 31395) = 53380 = 231.04112, while the 12 permutations of the YHVH (יהוה) in the Cosmic Wheel sum to 53328 in string gematria, or only (2 x 26) less than Abraham’s 231 Gates of Wisdom. Those 12 permutations of the YHVH (יהוה) that conform to the 12 months of the Cosmic year and the 12 hours of the Cosmic clock are also (53361 – 53328) = 33 less than exactly 2312, the squaring of the 21st Triangular Field, while (12 + 21) = 33 and the product of the 12th and 21st Prime Numbers is 2701, as in the First Verse of Creation.
When set in a circle, the 231 Gates and their gaps have a diameter of (53380//π) = 16,991.4, which is nearly identical to the 16,992 value of the 363 letters of the Cosmic Wheel that consist 112 Essential Triplets and the 27 letters of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, whose average (16992/4) = 4248, the value of the 22 Names of the 27 letters and of the 22 letters of the 231 Gates.
So, the question is not why or how the metaphysical technology works so perfectly but why the technology works through the Names of G-d. The Clouds of Higher Consciousness can speak to us as they did to Moses and Abraham if we let them.
Space, the Last Frontier
The value 2198 not only corresponds to the 2198 HC date of Joseph’s birth, 3580 years before the Event Horizon in 5778 HC and to both the 2198 letters Zayin (ז) in the Torah and to Pi (π) through (314 x 7) = 2198, but as we just saw it connects to the 22 letters in general and with the Concept of 9. Therefore, we should explore the counterspace of 2198 with 9000 or Binah at the level of Chochma, (9 x 1000) in metaphysical terms, and we see that (9000 – 2198) = 6802. This is notable because 6802 is the sum of the 7 Words of Creation if we apply the inner of gapped space values of Abraham’s Gates of Wisdom method to each of the 7 Words, like 7 independent circles: a circle of 6 letters, of 3 letters, of 5 letters (בראשית־ברא־אלהים) …. For example, the 6 Gate-Gaps of Bereshit (בראשית) between the letter values 2-200-1-300-10-400 are 2-200 or 198, 2-1 or 1, 2-300 or 298…then 200-1 or 199, 200-300 or 100…, until we get a total of (198+1+298+8+398+199+100+190+200+299+9+399+290+100+390) = 3079 for the First Word. The 7 Gate-Gaps of the 7 circles of Creation are thus (3079 + 398 + 206 +399 + 1240 + 798 + 682) = 6802.
Now, that could be pure coincidence if we did not see a concordance with a similar computational system whereby, we utilize the gaps or space within Abrahams 231 Gates. We have previously calculated that the total value of those Gates utilized within the Torah of 222,004 and that these include the letter pair Gates in both directions (i.e. ב־ת and ת־ב) and that there were 9 Gates unutilized, netting 222 Gates in either direction at an average of about 1000 per Gate. When we calculate the Gaps between the letters in both directions their total thus doubles and the total for the 22 letters goes from 21,985 for once again an average of about 1000 per letter to (2 x 21,985) or (44,000 – 30), reflecting Binah (1000) and the squared Name of Binah Ehyeh (א־אה־אהי־אהיה) of numerical value 44 through which the Light spreads on Chanukah according to the Arizal. Each letter thus has a doubled or bi-directional sum of its space or distance between it and the other 21 letters and thus Bet (ב) is 1453, Resh (ר) is 3505 and all 6 Letters of Bereshit (בראשית) total (1453 + 3505 + 1473 + 5305 + 1365 + 7305) = 20406, which for some metaphysical reason is exactly (3 x 6802) once again.
And while the sum of the divisors in 6802 is 10800, and in 20406 it is 43200, we see that (10800 + 43200) = 54,000 or (54 x 1000), as in the cycle of the 54 Portions of the Torah. Moreover, while 6802 equals (19 x 358) and 20406 equals (57 x 358), together they equal (76 x 358), as in the inner or ordinal value (76) of Bereshit (בראשית) and as in Moshiach (358) consciousness. So at this point we have 3 different metaphysical connections between 6802 and the First Word of Creation. So given Creation starts with the First Word, its interesting that 6802 is exactly 1024 more than (6802 – 1024) = 5778, the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon radius, as in the 1024 Word-Values in the Torah.
Utilizing Number Theory helps us explore not just the vast reaches of space but of the inner space as well. The sum of the divisors is just another example, and sticking with the unlimited Cosmic reach of the first Word of Creation of numerical value 913, we see that the first time the numerical string …913… is found in Pi (π) is at digit #1095 and the sum of the divisors of 1095 is 1776, as in (4 x 444) and as in the value of the 4th Verse of Creation, “And God saw the Light; that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.” Meanwhile, the numerical string …6802… is first found in Pi (π) is at digit #13463, which is the 1596th Prime Number, while 1596 is not only (2 x 798), but 798 is the total space or distance between the 22 letters laid out in a closed or linked circle, in other words, its circumference. Thus 1596 represents 2 full circles of the 22 letters, or 44 letters in total. Moreover, while 798 is also the Gate-Gap value of the 6th Word of Creation, V’et (ואת), the sum of (798 + 6802) = 7600, as in the inner or ordinal value (76) of Bereshit (בראשית).
The value 1596 is also the sum of the 3 locations in Pi (π) or (59 + 1417 + 120) = 1596 for the 3 sets of the letters within the Alef-bet as delineated by Abraham Avinu: the 12 Elements (הוזחטילנסעצק) that total 445 at digit #59, the 3 Mothers (שמא) that total 341 at digit #1417, and the 7 Doubles (בגדכפרת) that total 709 at digit #120.
As a reminder, there are 4 letters in the YHVH (יהוה) and the 3 non-replicated letters are found 90,100 times in the Torah, as in the 424th Triangular Field, and their total value distributed over those 4 letters is (315310 + 183078 + 140280)/4 = 159667, the 33rd Prime Index Prime Number, which is also the 1776th Cousin Prime and the 888th Good Prime, amongst other special sets utilized by Number Theorists. Not only is 1776 representative of the date 1776 HC that the City and Tower of Babel was constructed, and for the year 1776 CE when the USA was founded, but it is 172 years respectively from 1948 HC when Abraham was born, and from 1948 CE when Israel became a nation, as in the 172-value of the 3 Names Ehyeh (אהיה), Elohim (אלהים), and Adonai (אדני) and as in the 172 words in the 10 Commandments, but the numerical string value …1776… is found within Pi (π) …1776…. at digit #888, which is exactly one half of 1776, and is 112 digits before 1000, like the 112 Essential Triplets and the 3 Names Ehyeh (אהיה), YHVH (יהוה), and Adonai (אדני) that equal (21 + 26 + 65) = 112.
The value 159667 that we see connected to the YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and to the 424th Triangular Field, representing Moshiach Ben David (424) consciousness, also breaks down to 1596, that is connected to both the First Word of Creation, Bereshit (בראשית) and to the 7 First Words of Creation, and to the 22 letters of the Alef-bet; and to 67, the value of Binah (בינה). Moreover, (1596 + 424) = 2020.
Space may indeed be the last frontier, but will we find it in a telescope or the Torah? All these connections between Number Theory, Pi (π) , the Prime Numbers, the Alef-bet, the Names of G-d, the Verses in the Torah, the geometry of the Triangular Numbers, our historic time-line, and the First Verse of Creation have One thing in common, the necessity of a Creator, the One, which is why the Counterspace to the 28 letters in the First Verse of Creation or (28 x 1000) is (28,000 – 2701) = 25,299 as in One (1) plus 25,299 equals the 25300, as in 253, the 22nd Triangular Number, representing the 22 letters of the Alef-bet.
More Complexity Regarding the First Verse of Creation
Meanwhile, the atbash gematria of the First Verse of Creation is 3541 with 541 being the value of Israel (ישראל) and thus is comprised of the Circle of Creation, 3000.0 and 541, Israel (ישראל).
The value 3541 is the 496th Prime Number and thus aligns perfectly with the 496 Verses in the First 6 Days of Creation, and while 496 is the 3rd Perfect Number after 6 and 28, it is notably the numerical value of the Sefira of Malchut, the 10th Sefira, which represents our world, and is also exactly 1/10th of the complete sofit value (4960) of the First Verse of Creation,
The value 496 is also twice 248, the ubiquitous Torah Concept associated with the 248 dimensions of Binah and the E8 Symmetry and the 248th Prime Number is 1571, which it turns out is the Albam gematria value of that same First Verse of Creation. Meanwhile the sum of the atbash and albam ciphers of the First Verse of Creation is (3541 + 1571) = 5112, reflecting the 112 Essential Triplets that predate Creation, while (3541 + 1571) are (5778 – 5112) = 666 less than the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon radius, 5778 years.
Moreover, there are 10 divisors (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31, 62, 124, 248, including 496) in 496, and their corresponding locations in Pi (π) add up to (1 + 6 + 2 + 11 + 40 + 137 + 20 + 1080 + 479) = 1776 once again, and while 496 is first found in Pi (π) at digit #1372, the 7 final letters of that same First Verse of Creation equal 1371. Meanwhile, the 7 initials of that First Verse equal 22 as in the 22 Names of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet that equal 1775 or (1776 – 1). If the depth of the complexity were not enough, the ratio of 1776 to Malchut or (1776/496) = 3.580, as in Moshiach consciousness and as in 10 times 358, the 3580 years from the 2198 HC date of Joseph’s birth to the Event Horizon in 5778 HC.
As a reminder, the 1775 value of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet perfectly matches the 1775 collective years that the 10 generations of Adam lived less than their ideal Binah lifespans of (10 x 1000) = 10000, in other words (10000 – 1775) = 8225 years, which is also the number of years that the 10 Forefathers of the 10 generations of Adam lived collectively until the nominal date of the Flood in 1656 HC. Moreover, 8225 is 6500 more than 1775 and the ratio of (1775/6500) = .2730 as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273).
Keeping in mind that each letter metaphysically descended from a higher dimensional Name of that letter and that each expansion is a step closer to the Creator and the Source, we see that the milui or spelling out of the letters in the First Verse of Creation equals 5503 or exactly 275 or 10 times the Primal Frequency (27.5) less than (5503 + 275) = 5778, the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon 5778 HC yet again. Moreover, the milui of the milui or 3rd iteration of the First Verse is 11,421, as in the full 114 Essential Triplets that align with our complete 114 chakras, and Ehyeh (אהיה) of numerical value 21. And while (11421 + 3) = 11,424, reflecting the full 11 Sefirot and higher Moshiach Ben David consciousness (424), when we add the 204 letters that comprise it as kolel, we get (11,421 + 204) = 11,625, as in H’Keter of the 11 Sefirot of the complete Tree-of-Life. Thus, the First Verse of Creation takes us from H’Keter all the way down to Malchut, which also reminds us that the 11 even letters of Alef-bet equal 625 and that it is by Cosmic design that 222 less and 112 equal (484 – 121) = 363, as in H’Moshiach consciousness.
Here too, at this 3rd level of expansion into higher dimensional metaphysics, the atbash cipher value and the albam cipher values of the First Verse of Creation, or 13755 and 16983, reflect the Phi (φ) angle (137.5o) and Primal Frequency (27.5) and (17,000 – 17) while 17 is 27.5/φ. The closer to the Source the more is understood.
Meanwhile, the 11,421 value of the trice expanded First Verse of Creation is (11,466 – 11,421) = 45 less than the area if Israel in square miles and (3 x 45) less than the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and Galactica Current wavelength, (11,421 + 135) = 11,556 years, with 45 being the value of Adam (אדם), the First Man and Man in general. Meanwhile, the sum of all 3 iterations, (2701 + 5503 + 11421) = 19,625 with 19 being the value of Eve, Chava (חוה). And as a reminder, just as Name Israel was imprinted on Creation in the Beginning, so to in the End, as the Torah’s last word, Israel (ישראל), and as the square root of Israel’s square miles, 107.072, as in 107th Triangular Field, 5778, the Event Horizon into the final 27.5 years, or the 421st cycle of 27.5 years.
Time is on the Clock
The Clouds of Higher Consciousness can speak to us as they did to Moses and Abraham if we let them. If they did speak to us, what would they be telling us right now?
We also see that the 5th generation of the Name YHVH (יהוה) that forms the Conscious Cube of 73 Letters has a value of 14270 for an average of (14270/5) = 2854, as in King David’s birth, which matches the 36 square roots (2854.81) of the 36 Binah contractions of 203, the value of Bara (ברא). The result 2854.81 also includes the 481’ height of the Great Pyramid, which is 210 cubits.
Meanwhile, 2854 is exactly half of 5708 HC, the year Israel became a nation (1948 CE). We also see that while the 4th generation of Bara (ברא), or 1561 equals (26 x 60) plus One (1) like the exponential value (1.31327) of the 27th Letter, Zadi sofit (ץ), 1560.0, the 4th and 5th generations of 203 together equal (1561 + 2198 + 1) = 3760, as in the 3760 Spherical Time pivotal year (0 CE) and the 3760-year Spiritual Time radius. All the while, the square root of 1561 is 39.50, as in the 395 value of the 5th Word (הַשָּׁמַיִם) in the Torah, referring to the Heavens or Zeir Anpin.
Moreover, those 999 sums at the end of the Binah Contractions all reduce to (9 + 9 + 9) = 27 and the sum of the reduced digits is (6 x 27) = 162, like the 27 letters in the Alef-bet, whose sum 4995 also Binah Contracts to (004 + 995) = 999. Each Letter, Word and Essential Triplet has unique and overlapping influence on our universe and our perceived physical existence. The Binah Contractions give us hints as to that influence, like seeing the underlying code to a software program.
Elohim (אלהים)
As the interlocking gears of the clock are exposed, we add the last 5 words of the First Verse of Creation, starting with the gear of Elohim (אלהים), whose value expands in a cycle of 18 from 86 up to 8618, with the sum of the 18th cycle being 4996 or One (1) more than 4995, the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet that also follow the 999 pattern.
Its 6th iteration gives us a sum of 1342, that further contracts to 343, or 73, as in the likewise 6th iteration of Bereshit (913) and the 343 letters in the Conscious Cube of the Name YHVH (יהוה), the 3 generations of the spelling-out of the letter Gimmel (ג), and the 343 letters of the lower 7 Commandments.
That first Binah Contraction sum of 1342 is also the complete value (1342) of the Torah’s First 3 Words (בראשית־ברא־אלהים) of Creation, and the complement to 8658, the sum of the Binah Contraction cycle of Bereshit (913). Moreover, both the Binah Contraction cycle of Bereshit (913) and Elohim (86) have the same 2nd cycle of 403 and complement one another as (913 + 86) = 999.
The cycles of Binah Contraction are going to add up to 999 and multiple of 9 because that is the nature of mod (10) mathematics, where the 10 digits 0 – 9 are on a circular dial; nevertheless, the sum of Bereshit and Elohim that equal (913 + 86) = 999 is pure metaphysics, and a perfect alignment of their multidimensional gears. “In the Beginning, G-d” equals 999. Perhaps this is why the sum of the digits in their contractions equal (216 + 225) = 441, as in Emet (אמת), Truth and 212 with 21 being the value of the higher Name Ehyeh (אהיה).
And while Bereshit (913) contracts to 666 and Elohim (86) to 999, when brought together they mutually contract to 666 or (9 x 74) which is (18 x 37) or their 18 cycles times 37, the Core Essential Prime Concept of the First Verse of Creation and our DNA. Moreover, while their sum of 1665 matches the 3 tiers of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, the sum of their square roots 1260, or (42 x 30), aligns with the faces and planes of that Essential Cube of Constant 42, and with the 12600 sum of the 26 Generations of Adam, whose 26 logarithms equal 66.66.
Et (את)
The next word in this Cosmic clock is Et (את) of numerical value 401, the 4th Word of Creation. Within its 36 generations there are numerous notable Binah Contractions, including the 6th iteration that contracts to 73 with a square root of 45.50, as in the 3 Aspects of the Names of the Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Path of One. There is also the 11th iteration (524) that aligns with 524-ordinal value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and the 26th, 27th, and 28th iterations, representing the 2π constant 628, followed by 80, which together equal 708, as in the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה), followed by the 112 of the 112 Essential Triplets, which altogether equals (628 + 80 + 112) = 820, as in the selflessness of “love thy neighbor as thyself” at the heart of the Torah, followed by 956, bringing the total for the sequential iterations to 1776, the value of the 4th verse of Creation, “And God saw the Light; that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.” The ultimate contraction of those corresponding 4 Binah Contractions is (001 + 776) = 777.
Heaven, H’Shamayim (השמים) and the First 5 Words of Creation
The 18 iterations of the 5th Word in Creation, H’Shamayim (השמים) of value 395, terminate in 1000, as do all 5 of the first 5 Words of Creation, totaling 5000. The final 2 final Words both terminate in 703 which is extraordinary as their standard values equal (407 + 296) = 703, the 37th Triangular Field, just like the sum of the Digit Reductions for all 7 Words of the First verse of Creation, (4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 8 + 2 + 8) = 37. Meanwhile, the two final Binah Contractions (703 + 703) = 1406, before further Binah Contracting to 407, the value of the 6th Word, while the 7th Word value (296) has only 2 Binah Contractions, 296 and 703.
Those 5000 with the kolel for the 5 Words equal 5005, as in the 112 initials of the 112 Triplets that total 5005, as in the 1000th Triangular Field, 500500, and as in the frequency of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, or (1820 x 27.5 Hz) = 50050.
When we add that 5005 to 703, the final two Words of Creation, we get 5708, as in 5708 HC, the year Israel became a new nation. There is no bottom to the depth of the complexity built into the Torah or to the Creator’s designs. Neither the details of time nor space nor the Aether are outside His foresight or control.
Then while the 2nd iteration of the 5th Word (395) in Creation is 181, as in the 181st Prime Number, 42, and as in sum of the first 42 Prime Digits, 181, the 3rd iteration is 1565, as in the katan gematria of the YHVH (יהוה).
The First 6 Words of Creation
While the Binah Contraction for the notable 6th iteration is 676 or 262, the corresponding Binah Contractions for Bereshit and Elohim is 343 or 73, and for Et and V’Et it is 73 and 37, as in the two Core Essential Prime Numbers and Core Triangular Numbers associated with the First Verse of Creation, or (37 x 73) = 2701. Altogether the 6th iterations for the First 6 Words of Creation add up to (343 + 640 + 343 + 73 + 676 + 37) = 2112, as in the 12th and 21st Prime Numbers, 37 and 73, showing us the detailed intricacies and fine tuning of the Cosmic Clock and how the alignment of the numbers, while primed to add up to 999 and 666 and multiples of 9, are far more than simple mathematical mechanics. And just as 6 is the first Perfect Number and 28 is the second, there are 28 factors in the palindromic 2112 and 28 letters in the First Verse of Creation, while the digit sum of 2112 is (2 + 1 + 1 + 2) = 6.
Moreover, the sums of the triple rep-digits associated with the 9 Triplets of the Alef-bet along with their 9 associated Prime Numbers and their 9 Pi (π) locations is (4995 + 37073 + 16012) = 58080, which is exactly 2112 cycles of the Primal Frequency 27.5 Hz as in (58080/27.5 = 2112). Yes, the Cosmic Clock is powered by metaphysical energy, and mathematics is also powered by metaphysical energy, not the other way around.
The other thing to notice about the 6th iteration of any number is that they always reduce to digits that sum to 10 and thus further reduce to 1, like the 6 Alefs (א) in the First Verse of Creation, which is just like the 12th and the 18th generations where all the Words have an ultimate digit reduction to 1, and thus 6 in total for all 6 Words. Every multiple of 6 generations for any value reduces to 1, as in the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin that contract into 1 reflective dimension, Malchut, represented by the 7th Word that does not expand beyond 2 dimensions, like a screen that receives the projection of a simulated physicality.
For some metaphysical quirk, the Binah Contractions of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Word Values (203, 86, and 401) always digitally reduce to the same value, no matter the generation. As we can see (203, 86, and 401) all reduce to 5. Moreover, every other Binah Contraction of 913 also matches them. And when it is all said and done, all the Binah Contractions add up to 648, or 18 less than 666, like the square root of 42 or 6.480 that is repeatedly inherent in the Torah numbers.
We also see that while the 3rd, 9th and 15th generations each equal 41, as in the Angelic suffix and ordinal value of Elohim (אלהים), the 5th, 11th, and 17th generations each equal 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה). Once charted the repetitive pattern is apparent and more so once we only consider the 6 First Words associated with the 6 dimensions of Zeir Anpin. We can see that for the 18 generations in which all 6 are present, the pattern of their ultimate digital reduction sums is a cycle of (33 – 29 – 41 – 24 – 26 – 6) = 159 and that they further reduce to (33 – 11 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 6) = 42.
Meanwhile, since the sum of the 5th iteration of the Binah Contraction of the 7 Words of Creation is 2888, or one less than 2889, the exact center of the Spherical Time radius, the 5th and 6th generations fit together like two grooved gears and equal exactly (2888 + 2112) = 5000. Since the sum of the 4th, 5th, and 6th generations is (3201 + 2888 + 2112) = 8201 or 5500 more than the initial generation (2701), they are (200 x 27.5) or exactly 200 cycles of the Primal Frequency beyond it. And since the 3rd generation is exactly (3740/27.5) = 136 cycles, the 3rd through 6th generations is (200 + 136) = 336 cycles of the Primal Frequency, as in the 336 letters in the 112 Essential Triplets.
This coincides with the sum of the first 3 Digit Reductions for the first 3 generations, (37 + 34 + 41) = 112, once again referencing the 112 Essential Triplets whose consciousness helped form our Spherical Time paradigm and universe. As for the Singularity of 42, the sum of the 6th generation, 2112 is half of 4225, the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The Binah Contractions are compact nodules of metaphysical consciousness and like everything within the dimensions of Binah Consciousness they are represented by Triplets or Tetrahedral structures that self-organize and network in myriad ways and patterns. Interacting with them in a reflective way helps rewire and elevate our own consciousness, showing the universe we are ready to see beyond the veils.
While the sum of the 7th and 8th generations of the First Verse of Creation equal (1712 + 1743) = 3455, as in (10 x 345), the value of Moses, and as in the 3450 occurrences in the Torah of the two Words of the First Verse, Et (את) and V’et (ואת), not to mention the 455 value of the 3 Aspects of Name Ehyeh (אהיה), the subsequent 8th and 9th generations equal (1743 + 3317) = 5060, or (10 x 506), the value of the First Tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the complete value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness. We are once again reminded that the complete value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness is its standard value 424 plus its ordinal value 82, that matches the katan value (82) of the First Verse of Creation.
Moreover, the sum of the 13th generation, as in Echad, One (1) of numerical value 13, is 2045, as in the year 2045 CE at the far end of the Event Horizon grace period, 27.5 years or One (1) cycle after 5778 HC.
As for the first two generations, they equal (2701 + 3715)/27.5 = 233.30 cycles of the Primal Frequency, as in the sum of the 40 initials of the 3 smaller sets of Essential Triplets initials (857 + 416 + 1060) = 2330; as in the 2330 sum of the squares of the consecutive 11th and 12th Prime Numbers (312 + 372); as in the 23330 sum of the squares of the consecutive 28th and 29th Prime Numbers (1072 + 1092); as in the triple expansion of Yabok (יבק) or (112 + 618 + 1603) = 2333; and as in the semi-diagonals (233.33 cu) and the casing stone measurement (233.33”) and the 23.33 cu difference of the diagonals within the Great Pyramid’s base. The gears are turning, powered by the Primal Frequency in the Aether and generated by the Source.
In this case the 13th turn of the Fibonacci sequence arrives at 233, just like the ordinal values of the 18 letters of the outer 2 tiers of the Alef-bet, (45 + 188) = 233 and like the unified sum (233) of the 2 expanded spelled-out Names YHVH (יוד־הי־ויו־הי) and Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי).
One of the signs of how important the Primordial 112 Essential Triplets or Yabok (יבק) are to us is that the phrase in Genesis 32:23, “fording the Yabok (מַעֲבַר יַבֹּק)” has a gematria of 424, the same as Moshiach Ben David Consciousness. Jacob had to cross through the 112 Essential Triplets and surround himself with them before he could defeat the dark angel and assume the Name Israel. And while the 18 initials of verse 32:23 equal 1120, or (10 x 112) the value of the full verse is 5930 or 18.100263, as in the 181st Prime Number, 42, and as in sum of the first 42 Prime Digits, 181, reflecting the Singularity of 42 above the 112 Essential Triplets. We should also note that 5930 is the complement to 4070, or (10 x 407), which is also the 7th generation of the Binah Contraction of the 6th Word Value, 407, or 4070. Moreover, the full phrase “and passed over the ford of the Jabbok (וַיַּעֲבֹר, אֵת מַעֲבַר יַבֹּק)” has the numerical value 2993, which is the sum of the square roots of the 18 generations of the Word Et (את), which is the 4th Word in the 7 Words of Creation and is one of the 4 words in this phrase.
In case it was not clear, the action of Binah Contraction is the Creation or revelation of Triplets that are latent within the original numbers, and latent within their multidimensional natural cyclical expansions. Rather than deal with hundreds of numbers that are each dozens of digits long, they were condensed into 146 bricks of compact Triplets. They are not magical or mystical, but building blocks in the vast network of consciousness from which our world was created. These are the bricks that Pharaoh tried to force the Israelites to make when G-d and Moses intervened. These are the bricks that the Erev Rav used to build a Tower to Heaven.
Those 146 bricks align with the 146 Verses in the First Portion of the Torah. Parsha Bereshit has 146 verses, as in the value of Olam (עולם), meaning the world or universe, as in twice 73, representing the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701, the value of the First Verse of the Torah. The 10th Portion, Miketz also has 146 Verses, as in the 10 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, and the cumulative Verses through it are 1342, as in the complete value (1342) of the Torah’s First 3 Words (בראשית־ברא־אלהים) of Creation, “In the Beginning G-d Created.”
Meanwhile, the sum of the 7 sums of the square roots of the 7 Words of Creation, all 146 square roots, total 9342, which is also the sum
of the 18 complementary values to the 18 generations of Binah Contractions of Bereshit (913), or (18,000 – 8658) = 9342. It is also (9990 – 9342) = 648, the square root of 42, and the value of they digital reduction for the expansions of the 7 Words. Yet another metaphysical alignment is found with the 72 Essential Triplets whose total value less that of its first row equals (9143 – 1143) = 8000, the same as (9342 – 1342) = 8000 = 203, the volume of the Holy of Holies, and the same as the average sum of 72 square roots per row, 80.00.
Moreover, 9990 equals (111 x 90) and (10 x 999), while the sum of the 7 sums of the 7 sets of Binah Contractions (745,920) contracts to 1665, which equals (999 + 666) and (15 x 111). Furthermore, the value 745,920 equals (336 x 2220), as in the 336 letters in the 112 Essential Triplets, and as in (20 x 111). It is also related to the limit of the infinite sum of the Fibonacci Number inverses that equal (1/1 + 1/1 + 1/2…) = 3.360 that begin with the Triplet 0,1,1,2….
We further understand that while the value of the 3rd and 5th Words of the 7 Words of Creation, Elohim (אלהים) and H’Shamayim (השמים), G-d and Heaven, equal (86 + 395) = 481
or (13 x 37), the remaining 5 Words in the First Verse thus total (2701 – 481) = 2220, as above. This is an average of (2220/5) = 444 per Word, as in the numerical value of “L’dor V’dor, from generation to generation (לדר־ודר).” We therefore understand that 2220 represents the First Verse of Creation without G-d and Heaven. We also know that the Magen David of the top and bottom tiers of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation also equal (1554 + 666) = 2220. And since the Magic Essential Cube has a Constant of 42, the central positions in these two Magen David equal (1 + 27) = 28, as in the 28 Letters of the First Verse.
When we ignore or remover the “0” from the 3 word values (203, 401 and 407), the 2nd, 4th and 6th Words, of the First Verse of Creation, we get the value (23) for Ziv, meaning radiate or radiation, the angelic suffix (Yiel) or 41, and the unification (47) of the two Names YHVH (יהוה) and Ehyeh (אהיה), which together equal (23 + 41 + 47) = 111, as in the Name Alef (אלף) or 111. The other 4 Words include (913 + 86) = (9 x 111), and (395 + 296) = 691, the 125th Prime Number, for a total of (999 + 691) = 1690 = (10 x 132), as in Echad (אחד), One squared.
It all refers to the Primordial Alef (א) and the 6 Alefs (אלף) in the First Verse of Creation that equal 666, as in the Ultimate contractions of all the Binah Contractions, 745,920 to 1665 to 666; 68598 to 666; 48618 to 666; and 6660 to 666. We also see that 745,920 equals (6720 x 111) or Alef (אלף), and that 6720 is the value of the 12 words and 42 letters of the Sword of Moses embedded in the Song of the Sea, (6666 + 42 + 12) = 6720, and how it acts as a linchpin in the mechanism of the Cosmic Clock.
The Special Case of 913
Another presentation of the Binah Contractions of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation utilizes the first contraction of 913 rather than its primary one that is actually a second contraction. This expresses the extra intricacy and complexity built into the First Word of Creation.
The Kaprekar Constants
In contrast to the Primary Binah Contraction that we have already discussed, the total value for the 7 Words would be 821844 or (3702 x 222), as in as in 1/2701 = 3702. Moreover, when we explore gaps or space between the digits of 821844, we get (8 – 2) = 6, (2 – 1) = 1 and eventually wind up with 61740, or 10 times 6174, the Kaprekar Constant for 4-digit numbers. While the digits in 6174 add up to 18, the same as the (6 + 6 + 6) = 18 in all our results, the value 6174 is the 3-tiered expansion of 18 in that (183 + 182 + 181) = 6174, and it is the value of Genesis 29:35 in which Yehuda, the progenitor of David and Moshiach, is born, which thus aligns with the midpoint in David’s life being in the year 2889 or exactly φ18/2. The Kaprekar Constant is a phenomenon whereby we can take any 4-digit number and arrange its digits in descending order then subtract those digits arranged in ascending order, repeatedly and we will eventually wind up with 6174. Sometimes it happens on 1 iteration, sometimes up to a maximum of 7.
The Kaprekar Constant for 3-digit numbers is 495, which notably is (18 x 27.5), or 18 times the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), and it is also the sum of the first 18 letters of the Alef-bet. And while φ18 = 5778, the sum of (495 + 1089 + 6174) = 7758, which when arranged in ascending order is 5778. The inclusion of 1089 or 332 is significant.
The same algorithm that gives us 6174 for 4-digit numbers gives us 495 for 3-digit numbers, and both 495 and 6174 convert to 1089 when we add their mirror images. In other words (6174 + 4716) = 10890, and (495 + 595) = 1089 or 332, which align with the 1089 initial Gimmels (ג) and Dalets (ד) in the Torah, and with the base area of the Great Pyramid, or 3302 = 108,900, which ties into the First Verse of Creation. Perhaps these phenomena are due to what happens when we add 1089 and its mirror image to get (1089 + 9801) = 10890 and that (6 + 1 + 7 + 4) = (4 + 9 + 5) = (1 + 0 + 8 + 9) = 18, the square of 4.242640…, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, which in turn aligns with the Spherical Time bubble circumference (36304.24470/1089) = 33.3372, as in the diameter of the Sun divided by the 25,920-year precession or (864,000/25,920) = 33.333, and the Sun’s Mass/Earth’s Mass ratio (333,000).
Of those 1089 initial Gimmels (ג) and Dalets (ד) in the Torah, 540 of them are Gimmels (ג), or (30 x 18).
Like the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820), the cumulative expansion of the order of 13, the Path of 8 leads to 330 and the Path of 9 leads to 495 as we saw in Pascal’s Pyramid. Also, they are both rank 4 and both in the Path of 5. Meanwhile the sum of the entire Path of 5 through rank 13, which is alternatively rank 4 in the Path of One (13) is 6188, which is mysteriously odd because (6188 – 13 – 1) = 6174, the other Kaprekar Constant.
Furthermore, since 18 is 2/3 or .666 of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, those 18 letters that add up to 495 are at the median centroid of the Alef-bet. And while the cumulative sum of the first 18 positive integers, in other words the 18th Triangular Field, is 171, we see that (495 + 171) = 666. It is through the understanding of metaphysical relationships and geometry that the mystery of physical mathematics reveals itself.
Of the 999 possible combinations of 3-digit numbers, there are 10 numbers or 5 mirrored combinations (495 – 594, 693 – 396, 297 – 792, 99 – 990, 198 – 891) that equal 1089, totaling 10890/2 as in (6174 + 4716)/2. What makes this more astonishing is that 8 of the 10 locations in Pi (π) for these 10 numeric strings add up to (464 + 143 + 41 + 1962 + 737 + 685 + 44 + 2071) = 6147, a permutation of the Kaprekar Constant for 4-digit numbers and therefore automatically, 6174. With the other two location (997 and 481) corresponding to the pair (198 – 891), we get 7625.
All 999 possible sums of these numbers from 001 to 999 equal exactly 999,000, and given that 1089 equals 332, when we divide 999,000 by 33, we get 30273, as in the 8th Word of Creation, 302, and the average of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that encompasses those First 8 Words or 33 Letters, or (3003/11) = 273, and as in (11 x 99) = 1089. Mathematical base 10 mechanics aside, that is pure metaphysical conscious design. What we see is that all 1000 levels of Binah consciousness and the full expression of the 11 Sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-Life are concentrated in the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation. We also see that 1089 is (3 x 363), as in the 363-value of H’Moshiach consciousness.
Given the definitive metaphysical and mechanical connection between the Concepts of 18 and 33, we are reminded of the 1833 letters Samech (ס) in the Torah that are aligned with the 1833 value at the midpoint of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and with 1/.545454 = 1.833, as in the 54 Portions of the cycle of the Torah.
Meanwhile, (2000 – 1089) = 911, as in the minor 911 Spatial features of the Torah, consisting of the 54 Portions, 187 Chapters, and 670 Paragraphs.
This is also the median centroid of the Primal Frequency or (.666 x 27.5) = 18.33.
Creation Coincidences
The gaps or space between the digits in the sum of the Binah Contractions of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation or 821844 is 61740, and the space between the digits in 2701 is 571, which has gaps of 26 and ultimately 4. This sequence results in (2701 + 571 + 26 + 4) = 3302. Applying the same systematic reduction to the 7 Days of Creation using the term Shabbat for the 7th Day, the numerical value of the Hebrew Names for the 7 Days is (13 + 360 + 650 + 292 + 368 + 615 + 702) = 3000, as in the 3000.0 value of the Circle of Creation, and the complete value of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation plus the kolel (1), (2701 + 298 + 1). The space between the digits in the 7 Names is thus (2 + 36 + 15 + 77 + 32 + 54 + 72) = 288 which further reduces to (0 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 5) = 14, ultimately giving us (3000 + 288 + 14) = 3302, as above. It should be noted that 302 is also the value of the 8th Word of the Torah, which completes the first 33 letters of the Torah.
The first location in Pi (π) for the numeric string …2701… is at digit #165 and the first location for the string …165… is at digit #238, which is found at digit #16, which is found at digit #40 and so on until the loop extended 21 times and ends up back at digit #40.
…2701… @digit# 165, 238, 16, 40 70 96 180 3664 24717 15492 84198 65489 3725 16974 41702 3788 5757 1958 14609 62892 44745 9385 169 40
The sum of those 21 locations from 40 to 40 is 399,690 and its Binah Contraction is thus (399 + 690) = 1089 = 332 or (1100 – 11) that is (40 x 27.5 – 11), once again connecting to the Primal Frequency (27.5) as above. Are these Creation coincidences or alternative Paths of Consciousness that flowed into Creation?
Consciousness simultaneously flowed into Creation from multiple dimensions and sources. The sum of the 7th and 8th generation of all 7 Words of Creation equals (1712 + 1743) = 3455 or exactly 4000 less than the sum of the 2nd and 3rd generation (3715 + 3740) = 7455, and the difference between the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th generations and 2nd and 3rd ones is exactly (8455 – 7455) = 1000. This is as in the 1000 difference between the First generation of Creation, 2701 and the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix; the 1000.0 value of the sum of the square roots of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix; the 1000 Letters of the Shema; the 1000 digits of Pi (π); and the x1000 Solar micro-nova potential every 5778 years or so.
We should note that the 2nd generation 3715 is exactly 14 more than the 3701 value of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
6 Sefirot (Dimensions) of Zeir Anpin
As the various sources of consciousness came together it solidified into the physical properties we observe today. The sum of all 146 ultimate Binah Contractions is 66600 as in the 66,600 mph speed the Earth orbits the Sun. There are 18 duplicates, leaving 128 or 27 unique ones within the 7 words of the First Verse of Creation.
One of the definitions of Bereshit (ברא־שית) means “to Create 6” when broken down into its component Essential Triplets, and while we know this refers to the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin that process and project Creation onto our matrix illusion, (6 x 203) equals 1218, which is the complete value of the first 3 Essential Triplets of Creation (203 + 710 + 203 + 99 + 3) = 1218. Without the kolel the complete value of the First 3 Essential Triplets of Creation is 1215, which is the Binah Contraction for both the 7th and 11th iterations of the number 6. Moreover, the 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th and every 4th iteration are 702, the value of Shabbat, the complement to the 298-ordinal value of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation, and the 7th Day.
As discussed previously, the Binah Contractions of the 4 unique self-indicting numbers (1, 999, 297 and 703) cycle though 3 cycles each. Besides “1”, those 3 cycles each equal (567 + 675 + 756) = 1998 and (972 + 729 + 297) = 1998 and (810 + 108 + 081) = 999. Likewise, the Concept of the Number 6 cycles through a sequence of 4 repetitive numbers that also equal (702 + 216 + 297 + 783) = 1998, which is the sum of the First 5 Words of Creation, and which equals (3 x 666) or (6 x 333). While the first iteration is 61 = 6 and second is 62 = 36 or (6 + 36) = 42, the first 18 iterations total 28014, as in (28 + 14) = 42. Moreover, the sum of the first 42 cycles of Binah Contractions of the Concept of 6 equals 121,920 that further contracts to (121 + 920) = 1041 to (041 + 1) = 42. This is the sum of 42 separate contractions of ever-expanding exponentials from 6 to 642 or 481,229,803,398,374,426,442,198,455,156,736, a total of 560 digits.
The sum of the 42 further contracted results equals (10 x 1998 + 42) = (180 x 111 + 42) = 20,022 that also reduces to 42. All this once again shows us the dependence of the 6 dimensions of Zeir Anpin on the Singularity of 42, whose ultimate reduction or in Number Theory parlance, the digital root, is (4 + 2) = 6. This also helps explain why the 42-Letter Name Matrix is arranged in 6 columns, representing the 6 Sefirot of Zeir Anpin.
And while the Sun represents Zeir Anpin, the sum of the 4 square roots of the 4 rep elements of the cycles of 6, (702, 216, 297, and 783), equals 86.40805 as in the 864,000-mile diameter of the Sun, and the 86,400 seconds in an Earth day, along with the 805 elements in the 10 Commandments found at 107,000 letters after Bereshit, as in the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, the surface temperature of the Sun, 5778 K.
Nevertheless, it comes back to the mechanism of Spherical Time in which we know that the Singularity of 42 plays a major role, and we see that the Binah Contraction of its radius, 5778, is (5 + 778) = 783, one of the 4 repetitive numbers (702 + 216 + 297 + 783) in the Binah Contractions of the Concept of 6. Moreover, this aligns with the 783 verses in the first 6 Portions of the Torah, through Parsha Toldot of 106 Verses.
The other 3 repetitive numbers total (702 + 216 + 297) = 1215, as in the complete value of the First 3 Essential Triplets of Creation, 1215. This is also the sum of all 6 elements of Sukkot: The Sukkah (91), the Sach (100), and the 4 Species (1024), and as Rav Abulafia points out, it is the value of the Hebrew phrases “70 Languages” and “combination of the letters.” While the 5 letters that transform into alternative final forms equal 280, the other 17 letters of the Alef-bet equal 1215. The complete value of those 17 (אבגדהוזחטילסעקרשת) standard letters is (1215 + 180) = 1395, which equals the gematria value of the 6 Matriarchs—Sarah, Leah, Rivka, Eve, Miriam, and Rachel—whose names’ values are embedded in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and that equal (505, 36, 307, 19, 290, and 238) = 1395. It is also the value of the West Face of the 6 faces of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Also, the 3 Names Rivka, Chava, and Miriam equal (307 + 19 + 290) = 616, the value of “The Torah H’Torah (התורה).”
As recently explained, the total value of all of Abraham’s 231 Gates of Wisdom is 31395, which as we just saw is 30,000 plus 1395, the numerical value of the 6 Matriarchs. Like Abraham of numerical value 248, their Names represent clouds of consciousness that influenced our Creation and continue to influence our existence, which is why we read about them. In physicality, history is a collection of stories that we can learn from. In a simulation, history is a construct and backstory intelligently placed there for specific reasons and intentions, which is why we can study it for clues about the Creator’s intentions and what He wants us to learn. This is in the same way that an author drops clues to the ending throughout a novel. In a simulation, those novels were also created by the Creator, partially with the intent to teach us how to read, how to read the signs and find the clues.
While the number of digits in the 7 sums of the Binah Contractions of the 7 Word-Values of Creation equals 648, which is the square root (6.480) of 42, the sum of all 7 sums of the Binah Contractions of the 7 Word-Values of Creation equals 745,920 or exactly (420 x 1776), which aligns with the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency of 27.5 year intervals in the Spherical Time diameter and Galactic Wave cycle, or (11556/27.5) = 420. The Creator wants us to be able to read the clues. Our consciousness units were not created to be stagnant agents of self-indulgence that rely on others to do the thinking and learning for us.
The connection between the cycles of the Binah Contractions of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation and the Spherical Time paradigm grow deeper as they share the same roots. The sum of the those (18 + 36 + 18 + 18 + 18 + 36 + 2) cycles equal to 146, which as we described earlier are the 146 bricks whose numerical value of 146, the value of Olam, (עולם), meaning the world or universe, and which are thus twice 73, the Triangular Field value of the First Verse of Creation. This is like the sum of the 4 square roots of the 4 sets of the 112 final letters of the 112 Essential Triplets that is also 146, like the 146 Verses of Portion Bereshit. Yet, the deeper connection is found in the Triangular Field values for those 7 sets of Binah Contraction cycles, where 18 has a Triangular Field value of 171 and all 7 of the individual cycles equal (171 + 666 + 171 + 171 + 171 + 666 + 3) = 2019, the Event Horizon. As we know, the year 2019 CE is the Western Calendar analogue to 5778 HC, the Event Horizon radius, and both 2019 and 5778 are each represented 3 times in the 1000 (Binah) digits of Pi (π), along with …9999… from the Binah Contraction schematic. Follow the clues. Learn to read the signs. Attune your consciousness.
The other Western Analogue to 5778 HC, the Event Horizon radius, is 2018 and the 37th Binah Contraction of the Name of the Letter Yud () is 2018, while the sum of the 36 cycles in it is 37,963, which not only Binah Contracts to (37 + 963) = 1000, but represents the Core Essential Prime Concept 37, and the 963 value of Echad, One, when spelled out (אלף־חית־דלת), and as we know One in the 6 dimensions of Zeir Anpin is (6 x 963) = 5778. Furthermore, the sum of the Binah Contractions is also (37963 + 37) = 38,000, as in the 380,000 light years when the CMB first appeared in the universe and as in the 380 value of Egypt (מִצְרָיִם), which represents darkness, slavery, and constriction in the Torah.
While the sum of the cycles (146) of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation and the sum of those individual cycles (2019) and the sum of the 7 Word-Values (2701) Binah Contract to (146 + 21 + 703) = 870, as in the sum of the 11 even letters of the Alef-bet, and the counterspace to (1000 – 870) = 130, as in Mt Sinai, the sum of their digits is (11 + 12 + 10) = 42, the Singularity at the heart of it all.
Meanwhile, the value of the initial 7 Words of Creation divided by the 146 cycles is (2701/146) = 18.5, while the average of all 146 cycles of those 7 Words of Creation over their conjoined 36 cycles is (66,600/36) = (11,100/6) = 1850, as in the spelled-out Name El (אל), G-d, (111 + 74) = 185, as noted by the Arizal.
While the sum of the 10th generation for the 7 Word-Values is 1851, the average over their cumulative cycles for all 36 conjoined generations is thus (66,600/666) = 100, representing the completion of Zeir Anpin.
Precise Beyond Imagination
Nonetheless, the most astonishing aspect of the Binah Contraction schematic for the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation is that the sum of those 7 sums of their Binah Contractions (745,920) when divided into the Pi (π) locations for them (2983695) equals precisely 4.000020109 or 4.0000. No quirk of mathematical mechanics can achieve this. As you recall, it is the product of those same 7 Word Values divided into the product of their 28 Letters multiplied by 4 that also gives us Pi (π).
Then, while the product (304,153,525 784,175,760) of those 7 Words of Creation contains 5784, as in the year 2024 CE, and that ends in 5760, or (242 x 10), as the year 2000 CE which is 24 years earlier than 5784 and which is the product of the digits in the 248 proactive and 365 prohibitive mitzvot, we see that the Binah Contraction of that product is (304 + 153 + 525 + 784 + 175 + 760) = 2701, the value of the sum of those First 7 Words. Meanwhile, the Binah Contraction of the product of the 28 letters reduces to (23 + 887 + 872) = 1782 and then to 783, which is (282 – 1) and is the Binah Contraction of the Spherical Time radius, 5778, or (5 + 778) = 783, and is one of the 4 repetitive numbers (702, 216, 297, 783) in the Binah Contractions of the Concept of 6.
We further see that while 4 x (23,887,872,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000/304,153,525 784,175,760) = 3.141545… x 1017, using 4.00020109 we get an even more accurate approximation of Pi (3.14157…). The precise valuation of Pi (3.14159265358…) requires using approximately 4.000048569275, meaning 4.00020109 is off true Pi (π) by only .000711%, close enough to land a Tesla on Mars.
Furthermore, as previously explained, that product of the 28 letters forms a perfect cube of 2880000000003, while the product of the 7 letters in the last 2 Words of that 7 Word First Verse (“And the Earth”) forms a perfect cube of 6003 or 216000000, as in another of those 4 repetitive numbers (702, 216, 297, 783) in the Binah Contractions of the Concept of 6.
There are exactly 480 million cubes of 6003 within that 2880000000003 larger cube of the entire First Verse of Creation and the cube of 480,000,000 is 7282.97 or approximately 783 yet again, coupled with 297 the other one of the 4 repetitive numbers (702, 216, 297, 783) in the Binah Contractions of the Concept of 6. And while (999 – 216) = 783, the associated values (288 + 711) = 999. It is a finely tuned clock whose gears always align, defining our world in the image above.
The Concept or Constant 4 pinned into the mechanism of the First Verse of Creation in relation to Pi (π), the Cosmic Harmonic (4/π or 1.273), and in the 4 Letters in the Names of God, is also reflected in the first 4 Perfect Numbers that equal (6 + 28 + 496 + 8128) = 8658 and that align with the sum of the Binah Contraction cycle of Bereshit (913) or 8658.
Moreover, the 20109 portion of 4.000020109 is eerily reminiscent of the 20107 final form letters in the Torah. And when we apply the same ratio to the summary Binah Contraction value of 203, the second Word in the Verse and First Essential Triplet of Creation, we get (1941209/256743) = 7.560903, as in 903, the 42nd Triangular Field and as in 756, the radiant Primal Frequency (27.5)2 and the base of the Great Pyramid, 756’.
And while the 20107 final form letters in the Torah are off from the 20109 portion of 4.000020109 by 2, the location sum for the Binah Contraction of the second Word of Creation and First Essential Triplet in the Torah, 1941209 as 12/09/1941 is likewise only 2 days off December 12th, 1941, as in the Pearl Harbor surprise attack that was exactly 82 years and 2 months and 2 days before the surprise attack on 10/7/2023. Those 82 years, 2 months, and 2 days equal 29,889 days, or 27,000 plus 2889 days, as in the year 2889 HC at the exact center of King David’s life and as in the exact midpoint in the 5778-year Event Horizon radius.
Regardless, of who could have possibly coordinated that, to make this precision with 4.000020109 work out the Creator would have had to have planned out nearly the entire first 2 million digits in Pi (π) in order to weave in the necessary 7 numerical sequences into the precise correct locations. And just in case we thought that took effort and planning, we find that the counterspace to those 7 location (1000 – 869) + (10,000,000 – 19411209) + …. (1000 – 762) = 8,228,305, whose Binah Contraction is (008 + 228 + 305) = 541, Israel. The delicate and deliberate windings of this Cosmic Clock go all the way to the origins of the universe.
Moreover, when the original contraction value for 913 is utilized, the Pi Location divided by the Binah Contraction sum for the 7 Words of Creation is 3.652… as in the Solar Earth days in a year, 365.2, once again linking the Creation process with the Sun and the Earth that revolves around it at 66,600 mph, like all the ultimate Binah Contractions of Creation that end up at 666.
When we count those 7 Pi (π) locations starting from the initial 3, that add up to (2983695 + 7) = 2983702, as in the 298-ordinal value of those 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation and as in 1/2701 or 3702, it leads us to (3702 + 298) = 4000 and thus aligns with the 4.0000 result of dividing the 7 Binah Contractions of that First Verse (745920) by their 7 Pi (π) locations, or (2983702) = 4.0000. Meanwhile, a perfect circle of 3,000,000, like the Circle of Binah (3000.0) less 2983702 is (3000000 – 2983702) = 16,298, whose Binah Contraction is (16 + 298) = 314.
The 2nd Generation and 2nd Great Reset
The value 2701 that contracts into 703, the 37th Triangular Field is the value of the First Verse of Creation and thus signals the start of the cycles of 5778 and 11,556 years in accordance with the Torah, the Spherical Time paradigm, and the clock of the Galactic Wave. The next Reset occurs immediately after the Great Flood in Genesis Verse 8:14, whose gematria not only is likewise 2701 but it too ends in the word Earth, H’aretz (הָאָרֶץ). Meanwhile, the 8 initials (והבויליה) of this Second Reset total 74, as (2 x 37), while its first and last letters total 864, as in the diameter of the Sun, 864,000 miles.
This is 813 Verses after Genesis 1:1, as in the Binah Contraction of the 3 four-digit numeric sequences each found 3 times within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π), or 5778 and its Western Calendar counterpart 2019, and 9999 that sum to 17,796 and then Binah Contract to 813.
The 814 reference of Genesis 8:14 for the 2nd Great Reset is found in the 2nd iteration or generation of the word V’Et, 407, which itself brings together the Creation Concepts of 4 and 7 that are ingrained into the 7 Words of Creation and the metaphysics behind them.
While 814 found in the 2nd generation of the Word V’Et (407), it is followed by 703, the notable 37th Triangular Field as the 2nd generation of the Word H’Ertz (296), preceded by 181, the 42nd Prime Number and sum of the first 42 Prime digits in the 2nd generation of H’Shamayim (395).
Nonetheless, the first 4 Binah Contractions, completing that 2nd generation of the First Verse of Creation total (403 + 250 + 403 + 961) = 2017, as in the Event Horizon year 2017 CE, and the 2017 years leading up to G-d’s Covenant with Abraham. As stated previously, the entire cycle of the 2nd generation equals 3715, which is exactly 14 more than the 3701 value of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the Singularity of 42 that governs the Spherical Time paradigm and the functioning of our universe.
The Radiant Primal Frequency
As we know the Primal Frequency (27.5) is based on the Concept of 9 and we know that the sum of the 10 cyclical remainders (.090, .181, .272, .363, .454, .545, .636, .727, .818, and .909) from its quotients always equal equals 4.995, as in the 4995-sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet. So how physically extraordinary yet metaphysically perfect is it that there are 9 cycles of Binah Contractions in 756, the radiant Primal Frequency (27.5)2, and that those ultimate 9 Binah Contractions equal 4995 or 5 times 999, the ultimate reductions of both cycles of 9.
While 756 is one of the 3 special self-referencing numbers that Binah Contracts into a cycle of 3 whereby each reduction sums to a permutation of either 297, 018, or 756, whose 9 digits sum to (5 x 9) = 45, as in the 9th Triangular Field, 45, and the sum of the first 9 letters of the Alef-bet.
Moreover, the 2nd Binah Contraction of 756 is 1107, as in the K Constant 1.110720 or π√2/4, which is the ratio of the circumference of a circumscribed circle to the perimeter of its inner square such as we saw in the geometric relationship between the 2701 Square of Creation and the 3000.0 Circle of Creation.
And while the sum of the 7 Prime Numbers that are associated with the 7 Words of Creation is (7127 + 1237 + 443 + 2749 + 2711 + 1949) equals the Super Prime Number 19013, the 2161st Prime Number, there are exactly 1107 digits in the first 2161 Prime Numbers. The 7th letter, Zayin (ז) keeps coming up in these discussion and once again we see that with the difference in the nominative values of the 7th letter and the area under the exponential curve (7 – .58893) of the letter Zayin (ז) that has a variance of 1.11072… with the number 7.
What is metaphysically mind-blowing is that the numerical string …4995… is found at digit #777 within Pi (π), which is 9 digits after the string …999999… while the sum of the digits from 777 to the 1000th or Binah digits in Pi (π) is 999 and that 3 digits after 999999 is the string …729…, which is the 3rd Binah Contraction of the 9 Binah Contractions of 756 and is 93.
What the counterspace representations, the numerical gaps, the radiant Primal Frequency, and metaphysics teach us is that there is no such thing as emptiness or empty space. We are told that matter makes up .001% of the universe and the rest is useless empty space. What that really means is our collective perspective is of .001% of the universe and that we are hiding from the rest, like Adam tried to hide from the Creator and like an ostrich with its head in the sand. It is all there right in front of us hiding in plain sight. It takes an enormous amount of ego or ignorance to miss 99.999% of what is all around you, yet Man has accomplished that and even tries to perpetuate and teach that belief to the next generation.
Consciousness is everywhere and it is everything. In what is called the tzimtzum the consciousness of Man withdrew from 99.999% of the rest of the universe, yet there was always a Path back.