As we complete the 22 days of the holidays and reestablish the relationship between the Zeir Anpin and Malchut (Heaven and Earth so to speak) for another year, we read once again the story of Creation. Before even finishing the holiday, just after we finish the 7th hakifot (encircling) with the lulov and doing the 7 hakifot with the Torah, both associated with Zeir Anpin, we read the first 32 verses of Creation, the verses that establish the 7 days of Creation.  This is of design, not convenience.
The 32 verses of Creation, as well established by Chazal, connect to the 32 Paths of Wisdom, the Tree-of-Life. And as we explained in a previous post, similarly the ordinal value of the word Lulov, which is 32, does as well, and moreover, they both connect to the Alter at the center of the Third Temple, which measures 32 x 32 cubits.
What was not previously explained was that the 6 verses in which each of the first 6 days were completed in, thus establishing the 6 sefirot (dimensions) of Zeir Anpin, are the verses #5, 8, 13, 19, 23, and 31 of the Torah’s first chapter. The numbers 5 + 8 +13 + 19+ 23 + 31 = 99 and in the 1st verse of the 2nd chapter G-d completed Creating Heavean and Earth, plus 99 + 1 = 100, a level of perfection kabbalistically speaking, but also the square of 10 (sefirot) and the complete value of the word Lulov, (68 + 32 = 100), and also the measure of the inner courtyard surrounding the Alter at the center of the Future Holy Temple, 100 x 100 cubits.
This also corresponds to the sum of the ordinal values of the first 10 letters of the Torah (BREShYT BRE E) “In the beginning was created Alef:” 2+20+1+21+10+22+2+2+1+1 = 100, once again perfection and the square of the 10 sefirot.  And it should be noted that teh composite value of the letter Alef is 32, which is why it’s associated with the Tree-of-life.
As we said, when we complete the 7th day, Malchut, firmly establishing the 7 sefirot and 7 days of Creation in the 1st verse of the 2nd chapter, we have a total value of the verses as 100 which corresponds to the 100 blowings of the shofar on Rosh Hashannah that began the Holiday process 22 days ago.
This is all by design to reestablish our connection to the Tree-of-Life EVERY year, every year through the period of the Third Temple, which according to the prophecy of the tzaddikim should happen in about 7 years from now (around 5778).
Please note that 5778 is 66.6 jubilee years from the reception of the Torah at Sinai in 2448, and we mention this because as was explained in book The Genesis Prayer the number 5913 is also derived from a beautiful equation based on the 7 days of Creation and the kabbalistic principal that energy is never lost.
Before we get into the equation please note that in the 6 days of Creation there are 66 times the letter combination for the word “sea” appears (YM) of numerical value 50, the same as the length of the jubilee year, 50 years.  According to chazal, whenever we see the combination (YM) as in Elohim (ELHYM) it represents the sefira of Binah (understanding).
And as for Elohim (ELHYM) it is found 32 times in those same verses of the 6 Days of Creation. Whether it’s the lulov, or the Torah or the Alter in the Future Holy Temple, we’re tapping into the Tree-of-Life , and drawing the light (energy) from Binah through the 6 dimensions of Zeir Anpin into the 7th, Malchut, the world of matter and limitation.
Abraham, the Patriarch, taught us in his Sefer Yetzirah several thousand years ago that 7 factorial is 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 5040, and when we apply that to 6 factorial and again for each of the 7 days of Creation and then add them together, we get (5040 + 720 + 120 + 24 + 6+ 2 + 1) = 5913 and even more significant, we know that the 10 Commandments and thus the 2nd opportunity of the Tree-of-Life reality was received on Shavuot 2448, or the exact Western date 5/9/1313 BCE (some say 5/9/1312 BCE, but it’s still 5/9/13).
Of further note is that 7 factorial and 6 factorial together total 5760 and (5 and 4 factorial) = 144 and (5 and 4 and 3 and 1 factorial = 151.  So, while 5760 is the year 2000 CE, the spiritual cleaning bath, or mikve has the numerical value of 151 (same as the higher name of G-d, Ehyeh) and it contains 40 seah each of 144 eggs, for a total volume of 5760 eggs, as prescribed by chazal.  It was based on this calculation for the mikve and divine inspiration that Rav Abraham Azulai of blessed memory, prophesied that the  Geula/Moshiach  process would begin in 5760 (2000 CE) and this period of Oy and Ashray could conceivably last for the 18 years until 5778 as fits the other prophecies, especially since the square root of 18 is 4.24, the numerical value of Moshiach Ben David.
Everything is by design.