The numerical value for the messiah Lives (Mashiach Chai ) is 358 + 18 = 376, which is that of Shalom, peace.
And the atbash value of Mashiach Chai adds up to the Light (H’or), 212. and also to Zohar, the Book of Splendor.
Which the atbash of Shalom adds up to 112, which is commonly known to kabbalists as Yabok, the river Jacob defeated the dark angel when Israel was born and the union of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) with Elohim), 26+86. Also Ehyeh (EHYH, 21), Adonai, (ADNY, 65) and YHVH, 26).
By the way, while the atbash of the Tetragramamton (YHVH) is MZGZ, 300, the same as the letter shin, as in the shin of Mashiach Shalom, Moshe, the Name (H’Shem) Israel, the atbash of Ehyeh (EHYH) is TZMZ of value 620, keter, the crown and highest sefira (dimension).

Shin is one of the 3 Mother letters (
Alef, Mem, Shin) as per Abraham’s Sefer Yetzirah, the Book of Formation. And while Alef is above it all as Atzilut as we know for the Arizal, Mem is also necessarily present in Mashiach, Moshe, HaShem, and Shalom, while the sum of the 3 Mothers (E,M,SH) adds up to 341, there ordinal value is 35, and thus the important sum of there value and ordinal value is 376, the same as Shalom, peace and Mashiach Chai.
As for Israel, the atbash of it, (MB,G,TC) numerically breaks to (42, 3, 420) which in small gematria would be 42342, and if the kolel is added to (MB,GTC) we get 42, 424 or the 42-letter Name of G-d, known as the MemBet and 424, the value of Mashiach Ben David,
who we know from Chazal that the Shem Mem-bet, the 42-letter Name is supposed to help bring.  Moreover, since the two 42′s in the atbash of Israel seem to pivot on the central letter resh in the name, if we use the Abgad gematria values of adding 1 to each ordinal letter place, and leave the central resh (R) alone, Israel (YShREL) beomes CTR, BM or or Keter Mem-Bet. The albam gematria of the El in Israel is also Mem-Bet, while the minus 1 gematria of El is (TC) 420 and when we pair the TC with the unchanged central R, we get CTR, keter once again. And Aikbcar gematria reveals that the name Israel converts up to KGBYSh and when we add 5 as the kolel for the 5 letters we get 420, once again, or 42 x 10 sefirot (dimensions).
And speaking of the 10 dimensions, the first letter of each adds up to 546, which is the normal value of Israel (541) plus the kolel (5) for the 5 letters, or 546.
Now, we should note that the name Israel of value 541, can be broken down into 341 and 200, the value  of that central resh again and 341 is the value of the 3 Mothers, Sh, Mem, Alef: 341, but more about them in a separate article we’re writing on the ordering and patterning of the letters and the cosmos that resulted in Abraham’s revelations in the Sefer Yetzirah.
And just one more secret is that the minus 1 gematria of Israel is TtRKTC and while the tet, resh koof are all found in the second line of the 42-letter Name (also know as the Ana B’koach), the total value of TtRKTC is 729, the same as the total value of that same 2nd line, which is used to combat negativity and is integral to the Shofar blowings, and which is also 9 x 9 x 9, but much more about that  has already been written in The Genesis Prayer.
Let us use the Shem Mem-bet and this knowledge to bring about peace for Israel and the world and the arrival of Mashiach.