by Jeffrey Meiliken | Sep 21, 2010 | Revelations
This year, more than ever in our history, more than ever in the 3330 years since we entered the desert, it is imperative we make the Sukkot connections with conscious and utilize the G-d given technology to make the highest possible linkages to Binah/Moshiach for...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | May 11, 2010 | Revelations
At the end of the Book of Vayikra (Leviticus), just when we’re taught about the jubilee year, we reach a turning point not only in the Torah, but in the Tree-of-Life as well. An intricate and very important message to us was woven into the structure of the Torah. And...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Oct 1, 2009 | Revelations
We’re going in a new direction soon and will begin explaining the meaning and significance of the dimensions of the Third Temple. All the proportions we’ve learned about through the Torah, the Names, and the universal constants will have new meaning as we...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Apr 3, 2009 | Revelations
I haven’t written much this week. I’ve been too busy cleaning and cleaning. Every Pesach (Passover) we invite Eliyahu Hanavi and H’Mashiach into our homes and lives and if we’ve made the proper environment for them they will come. This Erev...