Chanukah in June

It’s funny that in the portion of Naso, we read about the sacrifices that we read during the 8 days of Chanukah and in the very next portion BeHa’alothekha we read about the Menorah in Chapter 8 of Bamidbar. Obviously these two portions must be connected somehow. ...

The Journeys of our Lives

These are the journey(s) of our lives. In the Torah portion Masei, we encounter the list of the 42 journeys the Israelites took during their 40 years in the desert including exiting the exile in Egypt at Pi-Haratha to entering the Promised Land. The tzaddikim,...


In 2 days it will be Shavuot and we’ll stay up all night to receive the Light of Immortality, the Light of Torah and Mashiach, and how much we receive will depend on where our heads are at, how much work we did to prepare our souls over Pesach and during the 49...