Shining The Light

I haven’t written much this week. I’ve been too busy cleaning and cleaning. Every Pesach (Passover) we invite Eliyahu Hanavi and H’Mashiach into our homes and lives and if we’ve made the proper environment for them they will come. This Erev...

Phi in the Sky

I’m sorry for the delay in my posts. I’ve been working all week on the follow up article to the 10 Utterances and it’s such a crucial topic that spans 5 Torah portions that it’s taking longer then anticipated. Meanwhile, one of you had asked me...

Getting Down with the Dow; An Odd Alignment

Why the following coincidences should have occurred this year, is still an open question and only time will reveal G-d’s secrets as they unfold for us. Through countless revelations and as explained in depth in The Divine calendar and There’s Nothing...

What was in the Beginning?

“In the beginning…” What was there in the beginning? The world was without form and empty, so what was there? There were four things within this emptiness: The spirit of G-d hovering on the waters; the 42-Letter Name of G-d, the 22 letters (building...