by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jun 15, 2010 | Revelations
Every bit of the Torah has meaning beyond meaning and a purpose beyond purpose. In our previous article we spoke about Egypt being a code word for the “straits (constriction) of the Sea” with the sea (YM) being a code word itself for the 50 gates of Binah. The Arizal...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | May 31, 2010 | Revelations
It’s funny that in the portion of Naso, we read about the sacrifices that we read during the 8 days of Chanukah and in the very next portion BeHa’alothekha we read about the Menorah in Chapter 8 of Bamidbar. Obviously these two portions must be connected somehow. ...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | May 26, 2010 | Revelations
We were told to count to 50, yet every year we count to 49, and let G-d count the 50th day for us? But that’s not what we were told to do. As an adjunct to our last Article on the splitting of the Torah at Bamidbar (Numbers) Chapter 1 into the precise Phi...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | May 11, 2010 | Revelations
At the end of the Book of Vayikra (Leviticus), just when we’re taught about the jubilee year, we reach a turning point not only in the Torah, but in the Tree-of-Life as well. An intricate and very important message to us was woven into the structure of the Torah. And...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Apr 20, 2010 | Revelations
We know that signs are all around us and that we receive spiritually guided messages all that time; the trouble is we have a hard time differentiating those from the daily din and chaotic noise that surrounds us. Occasionally though, we can detect extraneous patterns...