When the Wisdom Hits our Hearts.

Last Rosh Hashannah (5769) we pointed out that the Dow sank 777.78 points erev Rosh Hashannah to begin the new year. And the pattern of symmetrical and numerically significant numbers found in the closings of the US financial market—all related to the year 5778—on...

To See…

We’ve spent a great deal of time delving into the secrets of the Torah and increasing our awe of G-d (Hashem) and his unbelievably perfect and complex works. And we just recently explained that speaking and listening and “seeing” with the heart is the key to taking...

The Chosen Ones! Who Me?

We are the Chosen Ones. What does it mean to be chosen? My wife wasn’t feeling well the other day and when I left to drop my son off at a play date, I told my daughter she was in charge while I was gone. She immediately said, “Then I’m the boss,” so I explained to her...