The 3 Columns of History.

The Torah always presents information to us with great built in redundancy, so it’s not the Torah’s fault if we’re slow on the uptake.  For example, did you ever wonder why there were 70 family members who entered Egypt and began the 210 years of...

Goshen: Seeds Planted in the Darkness

The seeds are always planted before the crops, and often it’s not where they are planted it’s by whom. In parsha Vayigash, 46:28 it says [Jacob] sent Judah ahead of him to make preparations in Goshen (Goshnah).” Goshen (Goshnah) has the same 4...

What was in the Beginning?

“In the beginning…” What was there in the beginning? The world was without form and empty, so what was there? There were four things within this emptiness: The spirit of G-d hovering on the waters; the 42-Letter Name of G-d, the 22 letters (building...