The Monument is Giving Up its Secrets!

There’s more to the Washington Monument than we first revealed, but more important is what it connects us to as a metaphor: the central axis of the Tree-of-Life; the 42-Letter Sword of Moses; the 10 Commandments; and even Joseph’s Pyramid and the Future Holy Temple....

What's Really Concealed in Washington?

Dan Brown is a terrific writer and excellent researcher. Here are a few facts and Kabbalistic meanings to some of the facts he dug up for his bestseller The Lost Symbol. We’ve previously drawn numerous connections between the timing of the founding of America, the...

The Journeys of our Lives

These are the journey(s) of our lives. In the Torah portion Masei, we encounter the list of the 42 journeys the Israelites took during their 40 years in the desert including exiting the exile in Egypt at Pi-Haratha to entering the Promised Land. The tzaddikim,...

Ezekiel's First Vision; How Explosive!

I have a special fondness for the Baal Shem Tov and all the stories about him, so this past Shabbat as I read yet another of them I realized the he too, as a youth, along with his teacher had tried to bring the revelation of Moshiach (the Messiah) before his time. His...