The 3 Columns of History.

The Torah always presents information to us with great built in redundancy, so it’s not the Torah’s fault if we’re slow on the uptake.  For example, did you ever wonder why there were 70 family members who entered Egypt and began the 210 years of...

The World is Catching On.

This is from an Argentinian Astrologer who sees a major major shift beginning to occur in the world and sees is becoming concrete in 2018. I personally don’t know too much about astrology, but I do know that Rav Ashlag and the tzaddikim of blessed memory...

The Missing 222 Years; What is Time?

Someone recently asked me why if some of the sages said Moshiach would come in the 6th millennium, did the tzaddkim say 5778; how are we to account for the missing 222 years.  The concept of time is a difficult one to grasp. Sure, we can all watch the clock and...