by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 9, 2009 | Revelations
The Name of G-d doesn’t blatantly appear within the Book of Ester we read each Purim. It’s encoded hundreds of times, but it doesn’t directly appear; in other words, it’s concealed. As explained by chazal, even the name Ester connotes...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 22, 2009 | Revelations
I don’t usually, in fact I had never before posted a comment to someone else’s blog because with trying to survive this period of darkness, with trying to work on myself, and with trying to spread the Light of Kabbalah revelations as quickly as possible, I...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 20, 2009 | Revelations
There’s no complex math in this article, but a lot of numbers, and it can’t be helped. I try to tone down the amount of numbers in the posts, limiting them to the most significant and the minimum necessary to establish the synergies and proofs so that the...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 9, 2009 | Revelations
…continued from The River of Life, where we discussed the river of Light that flows to us through the Tree-of-Life and the 42-Letter Name, as illustrated in the unique 10-letter word at Exodus/Shmot 7:28. What we didn’t mention was the numerical value for...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 8, 2009 | Revelations
The Book of Exodus in Hebrew is Shmot, Names, and that’s really all we need to know. In Shmot 14:15 G-d replies, “Why are you crying out to me? Mah Titzak Elai (MH TZAK ELY)?” That’s what G-d replied to Moses and the Israelites when they stood...