by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 3, 2011 | Revelations
…Continued from The Ten Commandments Our last article in the series was about relationship between the time of flood, Noah, Moses, the time of the 10 Commandments, and the time of the final redemption. l The People The people, “ET H’AM”, that...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 23, 2011 | Revelations
…Continued from The Ten Commandments Our last article was about straightening out the 5 portion, 22,000 letter, section of the Torah’s time line concerning the giving of the Ten Commandments, the incident of the golden calf, and the two times Moses...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 16, 2011 | Revelations
Some Got it, Most Didn’t; Will We? …Continued from The Ten Commandments In the previous installments we spoke of the first 3 words (Exodus 20:2), “I am God, your Lord,” of the 10 Commandments and how they connect with the Torah’s first...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 6, 2011 | Revelations
There are 5 Books of the Torah as we see them laid out in the scroll before us, 2 dimensionally, and even if we study its secrets and read the Rabbis’ different interpretations, there are still only 5 Books divided into a stream of words, but that’s...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 3, 2011 | Revelations
First there were the 10 plagues which cleansed out the negativity (klippot) of the 10 sefirot of the negative (or inverse) Tree-of-life. Then there were the 10 doubts that cleaned out the the negativity (klippot) from the 10 sefirot (levels/dimensions) that had...