Some Got it, Most Didn’t; Will We?

…Continued from The Ten Commandments
In the previous installments we spoke of the first 3 words (Exodus 20:2), “I am God, your Lord,” of the 10 Commandments and how they connect with the Torah’s first verse and how they contain the entirety of the 10 Commandments’ power and structure.
Just to add to what’s been discussed already,  we note that we can break down (ENCY YHVH ELHYC) into the symmetrical phrase (EYC YHVH NHL EYC), which numerically is (31 + 111 + 31) and while 31 is the numerical value of El (G-d) and Lo, (LE), meaning “don’t,” used so often throughout the 173 words of the 10 Commandments.  Meanwhile 111 is the value of the letter alef (E), the permuted phrase could translate to “Where are you? G-d, our guide, Where are You?”
Some of the Israelites reached Keter, and the Tree-of-life represented by alef, which when broken down (Yud-Vav-Vav-Yud) has the numerical value of 32 and thus is our physical symbol of the 32 Paths of Wisdom that are the 32 connections (energy centers and channels) of the 10 sefirot (dimensions) that comprise the Tree-of-life. One of the interesting things about the structure of the letter alef (Yud-Vav-Vav-Yud) is that the upper Yud-Vav component when spelled out equals 42 numerically, as does the lower Yud-Vav component when spelled out equal 42. Thus the letter Alef, all on its own represents the complete union of the upper and lower 42-letter Names, which chazal has explained together translate to Pad (84), redemption.  It’s no wonder that the Alef represents the Tree-of-life, which according to R’ Chaim Vital of blessed memory in his book, New Writings, is really 42 and connected to the 42 Letter Name, because the 32 Paths are added to the 10 sefirot (dimensions). This is also why there are 42 letters in the names of the sefirot.
Most did not, and asked “Where are you? G-d, our guide, Where are You?”
They could see the words but not beyond them. We have to do everything we can to see beyond them, past the barriers of our own illusions, our own limitations.
Like the first 3 words of this first verse that significantly have 13 letters that correspond to the 13 verses of the Ten Commandments, the last 2 words of the verse m’bet avadim, have 9 letters corresponding to the 9 paragraphs: (MBYT ABDYM), “from the house of slavery.”
So let’s examine those 2 words, which were last used in the Torah during the killing of the first born, the 10th plague, whose initials were MB. These 2 words (MBYT ABDYM) begin with Mem-Bet and Ayin-Bet respectively, as in the 42-Letter Name and the 72 Names, which are the keys to freedom hidden within the doorways to the house of slavery.

Some found these keys, most didn’t.

Those that didn’t weren’t really ready, even after everything they had seen. They still weren’t ready to let go completely.
When we unlock the MB and AB in (MBYT ABDYM) we’re left with 5 letters that total 1024, as in the numbers of word values in the Torah, precisely 210, or 32 x 32. Moreover, concealed within teh word for slavery (ABDYM) are the initials of Mashiach Ben David, and what’s left is the Hebrew word  Yi (AY), meaning “debris, ruins.” Two clear choices.
When faced with a revelation of light, we can choose to embrace it, or to embrace our doubts instead.  Most people choose the comfort of their doubts, and the company of their peers.
And while the numerical value of MBYT is 452, so is the number of times that the value 86, that of Elohim appears in the Torah, 452 times.  It’s noteworthy that found Elohim appears in both the Torah’s first verse and the 10 Utterances introductory verse (Exodus 20:1), both of whichare comprised of 7 words and 28 letters.
Meanwhile, the value of (MBYT ABDYM), “From the house of slavery” is 578, a possible allusion to the year prophesied  5778.
The connection to Elohim is understandable, considering that this Name (aspect of) G-d, was found 32 of those times in Creation, the first chapter of the Torah, which of course, means that the value 86 is found 32 times the story of creation and 420 times in the rest of the Torah. Things that make you go hmm!
Moreover, the value 86, that of Elohim, is found a total of 62 times through the completion of the 10 generations of Adam in chapter 5, analogis to the 62 letter Yuds of numerical value 10 within the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments.
There’s not much room for coincidence here. Nor room for error, as the window to the Tree-of-life opens for the 3rd time, the last time being 3330 years ago.
As one would imagine there’s so much concealed information and guidance jam-packed into these 620 letters that it becomes tedious to try to maneuver through it all. So we’ll stop here and continue in our next posts, where we’ll explain what everything in the previous articles were hinting at: what happened at Mt Sinai; what were the two paths in the Torah that followed; and what’s hidden in plain sight within the 10 Commandments that describes what the next few years will bring.
The implications for us today are extraordinarily profound, which is why all this tedious background enlightenment into the workings and encodings of the Ten Commandments (Utterances) and to its connection to the whole Torah were necessary. The Torah must be seen as a whole, and the 10 Utterances as a special moment or window in time if we are to welcome the next cosmic opening.
…to be continued shortly.
The previous installments of The Ten Commandments are here.