Standing at the Top – The 10 Commandments

The 10 Commandments (Utterances) began in Exodus 20:2 with G-d saying, “I am God, your Lord (Anochi Adonai Elohaycha, ENCY YHVH ELHYC). These 13 letters numerically translates to 107 plus 546, or 653 plus the kolel of 13 (letters) for a total of 666.  Got your...

The 10 Plagues, Then and Now.

The Hidden Message in the 10 Plagues It’s mandatory to celebrate Passover (Pesach) every year and recount the story of the exodus, including the explicit listing of the 10 plagues.  Why? Is it just so we don’t forget? Wouldn’t it be better to instead concentrate on...