The Final Redemption as Per the Zohar

As promised, here is what the Zohar has to say about the End of Days. In our previous articles, we showed the correlation between what the Zohar says is the final 70 years of the tests of Israel and the 70 year time span from the birth of the nation of Israel in 1948...

Even More Beautiful!

One of the astounding aspects of the Torah is that the deeper you look the more beautiful and awesome it is, even if you’re receiving the same message over and over again in varying ways–like staring into those amazing and colorful digital renditions of...

The Last 70 Years

We’ve often correlated the 70 years from the founding if the nation of Israel in 5708 (1948 CE) to the year the tzaddkim have predicted for the Moshiach and geula (final redemption) in 5778 (2018 CE) and have explained why 1000 different ways in The Divine...

Sign of the Covenant

If you signed up for the Daily Zohar and I highly recommend that you do, then you would have received the translation below with its Aramaic counterpart in your in box this morning. I just want to point out a couple things concerning the sign of the covenant mentioned...

We Now Know Why We Count the Omer

If you’ve been reading our articles, you may feel like you’ve been collecting pieces of the giant cosmic puzzle, so here are few more key ones. For 3330 years we’ve counted the Omer, but for the first time we have a clear understanding as to why. The...