All light emanates from the letter Yud(Y).The first line of the Ana B’koach (42-Letter Name) has the numerical value 506, and since the 42-Letter Name of G-d is divided into 14 triplets and there are 506 occurrences of these triplets in the Torah (see The Genesis Prayer), it would appear this is no coincidence.
We’ve mentioned repeatedly that we know from the sages that 506 is the numerical value of “Ahavat Chinam,” unconditional love. And as Zion just pointed on in his comment on our last article that 22 x 23 = 506. What he left unsaid, but is well aware, is that 22 represents the 22 letters (energy bundles) of the alef-bet and 23 is the numerical value of ray (TzYV) or radiation, as in the light of the Shechina. Thus 506 is also the radiation of the 22 letters or energy building blocks that Abraham Avinu tells us in his Sefer Yetzira that the universe is constructed with.
Moreover, the complete numerical value, including the kolel, for radiation of the Shechina (TzYV H’ShCYNH)is 424, the same as that of Mashiach Ben David (the Messiah). Keep in mind that the tzaddikim have told us that it is the understanding of the Ana B’koach (42-Letter Name) that will help bring about the Geula (final redemption) and the Moshiach.
What does this have to do with the letter Yud(Y) and the essence of 10?
Let’s follow the trail of light. According to the Zohar, Peace (Shalom) is the vessel for everything. So far so good; on a simple level, without peace in a marriage or a nation, there is no vessel for holding wealth, health, happiness, fulfillment, in a word, light.
Now let’s take it a step further. The complete numerical value (standard plus ordinal) of Shalom (ShLVM) is 376 + 52 – 4 (kolel for the 4 letters) = 424, the numerical value of Mashiach Ben David (the Messiah) again. So far so good again; the completion of the vessel of Peace leads to the Mashiach (Messiah).
So what does the Moshiach lead to?
So now, let’s take the complete numerical value of Mashiach Ben David (MShYCh Bn DVD) and see that it is 424 + 82 = 506. Thus the presence of the Moshiach leads to unconditional love and the full emanation of the radiation of the Shechina through the 22 letters of the Alef-Bet, in other words, the revelation of the Tree-of-Life reality that is defined by the 10 sefirot (dimensions) and the 22 paths that connect them. The difference between that reality and ours is that we operate in the lowest level of that existence and perceive everything as finite and limited, while in the time of the Moshiach, our perception will open to comprehend the infinite, and we’ll realize there are no limitations, physical or spiritual.
By the way Shalom and Mashiach have the same ordinal value, 52, tying them both spiritually to the emanation of manifestation, known as Ban(52), or Malchut. Meaning that to achieve that ultimate Tree-of-life reality, the vessel for Peace and the establishment of the Moshiach will have to start with our work on the physical plane.
But what of the letter Yud(Y)?
The letter Yud(Y) of numerical value 10 is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable Name of G-d (YHVH) and is always associated with the sefira of Wisdom, Chochma. We’ve previously discussed its associations with the 10 Commandments (Utterances), 10 Plagues, the 10 generations of Adam, the 10 Songs, which are all just manifestations of the 10 sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-Life. Indeed, all our mathematics is based on the base-10 decimal system, an those 10 dimensions that the Ancient Kabbalists wrote about are the same 10 dimensions that modern physicists swear comprise the greater structure of the universe.
Nevertheless, the letter Yud (Y) is spelled YVD, of numerical value 20 and when we spell out those letters yet again, forming the 3rd iteration of the letter Yud, they add up to (10+20+476) = 506.
OK, we know from the tzaddikim and the Zohar and from the modern mathematicians and physicists that the 10 sefirot (dimensions) expand by the power of 10: 10-100-1000… So considering what we’ve just learned, as the light(energy) of the letter (Y) expands exponentially from 1 to 1000 (Keter) it equates to 506, which is equivalent to the full emanation of all 22 letters and to the emanation of unconditional love and to the manifestation of Mashiach Ben David.
There are 13 letters in this 3-part expansion and 13 is the numerical value of Ahava (love) and Echad (one), as in “G-d is One.” It is not a coincidence that the letter Yud (Y) is the first letter of G-d’s name (YHVH), as the entire name emanates from the letter Yud(Y), and note that this full emanation totals 42 letters in its 3 iterations, forming the Upper 42-Letter Name of G-d.
But back to the simpler expansion of the letter Yud (Y), which totaled 506 numerically. The ordinal value of the 13 letters in the 3 iterations of the letter Yud(Y) is 110, as in the numerical value of Nes (NS, meaning miracles), and as in 10 for each 11 sefirot in the complete Tree-of-life (including Da’at), which incidentally is spelled out in 42 letters. Thus the complete value of the 3 iterations of the letter Yud(Y), is 616, the exact numerical value of H’TVRH, “The Torah,” and also 616 is the number of times the exact name Moses (MShH) is written in the Torah.
So what’s in a letter?
From now on every time you see the letter Yud(Y), especially in the Torah and especially in the Name of G-d (YHVH) you should see the full manifestation of its energy, its radiation, until it encapsulates you and the world and brings about the Moshiach, Unconditional Love, and the Tree-of-Life reality, B”H soon. The message here is that that energy (cosmic imprint) is ever present and only needs to be manifest. We can tap into it at any time.