It is no longer the 8th day of Chanukah; nevertheless, the Light is Endless and if you made the proper connections the residue of light still shines within you and we can still share Chanukah gifts. The Light is Endless, and we cannot separate the Light from the Endless. The Endless is a place and it is infinite; it is infinity. The Light is the Creative force of G-d; it is the Creator. The Creator is Infinity.
As scientists are coming to understand, the universe is a matrix of infinite parallel universes and Infinity means that anything and everything is possible, and that there are no limitations and no true boundaries. This is the true definition of freedom. This is what awaits us in the World to Come. This is what our shackles to physicality and our illusionary blindfolds prevent us from seeing. It is simple though: Everything that is imaginable anywhere, actually exists somewhere. Not in cyberspace, but in hyperspace.
Cyberspace was not invented to liberate us, but to control us, to make our tethers to physicality stronger, not weaker. Now we can satisfy our desires to shop, to indulge our baser instincts, and to inflict mob rule 24/7 and we can do all three simultaneously, all while a few much more powerful and more scrupulous elites flood our cyber lives with their narrative and agenda while monitoring our every keystroke. Is that the freedom we were promised?
On the other hand, we have hyperspace, and given all the infinite possibilities defined by the infinite parallel universes G-d must exist somewhere in at least one of them, and while things may exist in one parallel universe and not another, if it exists in even one, It Exists period. Given that the Creator must exist, and given the nature of the Creator as the source and end all of everything, He then must exist everywhere. So, whether you believe in G-d or believe in science, you must believe in the Creative force and the greater beyond. If not, like Adam after the sin, you are just hiding from G-d and His desires for you. It did not work for Adam and it does not work for us either. Letting people sell us more blindfolds will not hide us any better; they will only cause us to stumble further.
In the infinite world of the endless, there are no limitations and G-d exists with complete certitude.
In the infinite world of the endless, there are no limitations and G-d exists with complete certitude.
The endless infinity is called Ein Sof (אין סוף) in Hebrew, and the Light is Ohr (אור); they both equal 207, the same as Raz (רז), secret. The secret is what the kabbalists have been saying for thousands of years: G-d is the Light, which is the Endless, which is Infinite, which means once we are connected we have NO LIMITATIONS. This is true freedom. Being able to shop from your phone is not freedom; it is slavery.
When we connect to Binah, we are not only the Light, we are One (אחד). Everything here in our world, is divisive, disjointed, and self-centered. Everything here in our world, has an end, which is why it is not light, which is endless. What we consider light in our world is just a shadow, a reflection, an illusion. This is the hardest thing to look past, and to let go of. Once we do, though, we can enter Binah. The World to Come will soon come upon us like an overpowering tidal wave and we will need to be able to let go, to jettison our anchors if we want to ride it.
Think of being in our world as being immersed in the most complete virtual reality machine you can imagine. You are totally integrated with that world and no nothing outside of it. You cannot think outside that box because that box is all you know. The only way out is to unplug it, but before you can do that you must wake up and realize that your virtual world is not real and that there is actually something to unplug. That is the first and hardest step. That is what we are trying to do, to show you the signs, in other words the glitches in the VR system that do not make sense, things that do not add up. We want you to wake up in time and unplug.
Since the physical VR system is a copy of spiritual one, it is based on the 10 sefirot (dimensions) and built on base-10 mathematics, which is why we can use simple mathematics to break the virtual codes, and to decode the hidden tools built into the system that transcend both worlds, like, the Torah, the Shema and the 42-Letter Name of G-d.
My fascination in mathematics and how it ties everything together was first piqued when I heard about perfect numbers in the 7th grade and tried to prove a relationship between them and the Fibonacci sequence. Perfect numbers are those whole numbers whose factors when added together equal the number itself. For example, the first perfect number is 6, whose factors 1 and 2 x 3 can be summed up as 1+2+3 = 6. Perfect numbers are very rare. The second perfect number is 28, as in the 28 letters in the Torah’s first verse. The third perfect number is 496, as in the value of the word Malchut, the earthly physical kingdom. To give you an idea how rare these number are, the 13th shortest one is 314 digits long. I only mention them because as previously explained the number 6 defines our physicality, the 28 first letters of the Torah end with the word Earth, our physical home, and 496 is the value of the word Malchut, the earthly physical kingdom. Everything is perfect and as it was always meant to be. Trust in the Truth. Trust that G-d has a plan for us. Trust in the spiritual tools. Do not trust in those who are now fighting to remove the words “In God we trust” from our currency. They are the same people who urge us that violence, hatred, and mob rule and tells us through our (their) networks that it is OK as long as we have a difference of opinion. They are the ones feeding us that difference of opinion.
Today’s technology offers everyone the real possibility to connect to endless knowledge at our fingertips. Whatever the question or problem an answer or solution is only a few clicks away. The difference between this connection to the cloud and the connection to the Endless Light of Binah is that these Internet answers are impure. We have no way of knowing whether they are real, whether harm can eventually come from following their advice, or whether the person or powers that are supplying the answers have an agenda, even a possible evil controlling one. The other difference is that any answer we get from man-made sources is inherently limited. It is limited to at best what is already known, or more accurately what Man thinks he knows. A few hundred years ago the Earth was flat and the moon was made of cheese, and maybe it is. Given the limits of today’s technology we cannot even disprove these theories with total certainty. One month, butter is bad for you, another it is good, then bad again. Though there are trillions of data points out there for us to download, what man knows for certain about the universe and even our human bodies can fill a thimble, and yet we will trust these experts to design antivirus vaccines by messing around with our DNA. G-d Help us!
All our knowledge is limited, meaning it has an end. There is an end to its accuracy and its usefulness. It inherently has an aspect of death in it. Spiritual knowledge, knowledge downloaded directly from the spiritual realm is limitless and always has an aspect of creation and the Creator in it. Therefore, we have a choice. Over the last 240 years and especially the last 50 years, technology has been accelerated to lead us to believe Man can do anything, and that a new great age of expanded abilities lies before us. By mimicking the schematics of the upper worlds with their connectivity networks and portals operating at the speed of light, we have been led to believe we are living in a more spiritual more personally connected time. It is a tempting illusion.
It is an illusion nonetheless. It is a world now, where illusions can be flashed at us at the speed of light with fake news and fake politicians, supported by fake Facebook and fake retweets, following fake currencies and even faker ideologies. In the illusory world of the physical, everything is limited, everything is flawed and doomed to failure and demise. Death is a certainty and G-d is a leap of faith.
By contrast, there is more power in a single Hebrew letter than in all the Internet combined. Each letter is a portal, an entrance to the beyond, to Binah, and thus an entryway to the true Lightforce of G-d and a link to all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be.
The sum of the entire 22 Hebrew letters, as explained in The Genesis Prayer,
is 4248, an obvious allusion to Moshiach Ben David (424) and 8. Since the letter Chet (ח) is the 8th letter of the alphabet and of numerical value 8, and since we are still plugged into the 8th and final day of Chanukah and to the 8-day window for Ohr HaGanuz, let us use it as an example. The letter Chet (ח) is the only letter comprised of two consecutive component letters, Vav(ו) and Zayin (ז) and when we add their full names together we get 22 plus 67 equals 89,
Chanukah, aligning it with Chanukah of the same numerical value (89) and thus to Ohr HaGanuz and Binah, the 8th sefira counting from below. As we wrote about during Chanukah, the letter Vav(ו) represents the Sun (Shemesh) and the Shamash candle and the name for the letter Zayin (ז) has the numerical value 67, which is also that of Binah.
The values of Vav(ו) multiplied times Zayin (ז) is 42, as in the 42 Letter Name of G-d, the Shem Mem-Bet (מב) the gateway to Binah and as in the 42-square cubit (6 x 7) gateway to the Holy of Holies in the Future Holy Temple. This connection is also to the healing Binah powers of both the first paragraph of the Shema Prayer, which has 42 words, and to the 42 words that begin with the letter Vav(ו) in the subsequent 3 paragraphs of the Shema. Moreover, it also connects to the 42 words in the Shema that begin with Aleph (א). Therefore, given that the spelled-out letter Vav (ואו) at the level of Zeir Anpin has a numerical value of 13 acts like a capacitor and is a sandwich (ו-א-ו) of connections to the 42-Letter Name of G-d and thus Binah.
Speaking of the number 13, it represents the value of the two most basic attributes of G-d that we need to connect with: Love (אהבה) and Oneness (אחד), which is why the 6th and 7th words of the Shema are “One (אחד) and Love (ואהבת).” It is also why the first word of that 42-word paragraph has the gematria value of Endless (אין סוף) and Light (אור) combined. In the spiritual world (One and Love) and (Endless and Light) are the same. Because this connection is so important for us and so anathema to our physical world, there are 13 words that begin with the initial Vav(ו) in the that first 42-word paragraph of the Shema. It is also why the initials Mem-Bet (מב) that have a numerical value 42, also have an ordinal value of 13, for a complete value of 55, just like the total 55 words of the 4 paragraphs of the Shema that begin with the letter Vav(ו) and that split into segments of 13 and 42.
It is not just random chance that these Vavs(ו) and the Mem-Bet (מב) each sum to 55, since 55 is the sum of the numbers from 1 – 10, as in the 10 sefirot, which according Rabbi Chaim Vittal of blessed memory are connected to the Shem Mem-Bet (מב) through their 42 elements (32 Paths and 10 Sefirot). The 32 Paths themselves are equivalent to One and Love (אחד) and Love (ואהבה), which itself is connected to the Tetragrammaton (יהוה) of numerical value 26 and the 6 for connecting Vav(ו), both representative of the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin that act as a ladder to Binah as previously explained.
In our world we are taught to dismiss things as coincidence. In the upper world of true connectivity that concept does not exist; nothing happens in a vacuum or without a reason. Therefore, in the perfect world of the endless light, it is also not coincidental the 55 is the 10th number in the Fibonacci sequence, or that in that short 10 number initial portion of that infinite sequence based on the primordial constant Phi, we not only find that the 7th number is 13, or that there are at least 7 combinations that sum to 42, but we find the numbers 3,5 and 8 appear in order, as in 358 (Moshiach). It is probably hard to find a mathematician who would not dismiss that, but they would also have to dismiss the fact that 358 is also the 10th digit string within Pi, the other most important primordial mathematical constant that our physicality is built upon.
Spiritually, we know that the concept of Moshiach (the Messiah) or guiding force of Binah is purposely built into the first 10 digits of these infinite numbers in the same way we understand that by admitting the existence of infinity, they are admitting the existence of the spiritual realms and the limitations of anything that does not take infinity into account. We also know that when we examine the gematria of Abraham (808) and Sarah (505) and their children (303) and find that it breaks down to Abraham (808) and Sarah (505) equal 1313 (Love and One) and to “their children (303) + Sarah (505) + Abraham (808) or 3 x (101) + 5 x (101) + 8 x (101) or 358 (Mashiach) and (101).
The Fibonacci numbers are based on Phi with 5 is to 8, as 8 is to 13 in that 3/5 ≈ 5/8 ≈ 8/13 ≈ 13/21 ≈ Phi = .618033887… ; therefore, their children is to as Sarah, as Sarah is to Abraham, as Abraham is to Love, and as love is to G-d (אהיה). What a message! It is all about Love, starting with love for G-d being the strongest and ending with the love we have for our children, which for most of us is the most powerful love we can tangibly feel. Imagine what it will be like when we take that love for our kids as a starting point and build it exponentially from there to reach Binah. And when we follow the trail of Phi and raise it exponentially to the power of 18 we reach 5778.000, this Hebrew Year (5778 HC).
Abraham (אברהם) 808 and Sarah (שרה) 1313 = 505
Abraham (אברהם) 808 and Sarah (שרה) 505 “and their children(וזרעך) 303
= 1616
Just to put a spiritual bow on this holiday gift, 101 is the universally recognized numerical value of the archangel Michael, protector of Israel and 1313 BCE was when we received the Torah at Sinai.
Who are their children?
Ezekiel 37:24-28
24 “‘My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd. They will follow my laws and be careful to keep my decrees. 25 They will live in the land I gave to my servant Jacob, the land where your ancestors lived. They and their children and their children’s children will live there forever, and David my servant will be their prince forever. 26 I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever. 27 My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people. 28 Then the nations will know that I the Lord make Israel holy, when my sanctuary is among them forever.’”
In the spiritual world of connectivity everything has a reason and a purpose. This combination of the numbers 42 and 13 in the Shema, 42-Letter Name of G-d, and within the letter Chet (ח) can automatically connect us to the Tree-of-life and transport us to Israel in that 13 x 42 = 546, the value of the initials of 10 sefirot of the Tree-of-Life and of the 5 letters in the name, Israel (ישראל).
While the 6th, 7th, and 8th Fibonacci (8,13,21) numbers add up to 42, we find that the Names of our other Patriarchs are also connected to love, unconditional love and the Name of G-d (יהוה):
Joseph (יוספ) has a numerical value of 156 or 6 x 26, the numerical value of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה).
Jacob (יעקב) has a numerical value of 182 or 7 x 26, the numerical value of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה).
Isaac (יצחק) has a numerical value of 208 or 8 x 26, the numerical value of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה).
Together the names Joseph (יוספ), Jacob (יעקב), and Isaac (יצחק) have the collective value of 21 x 26 or 546, which as we just explained is the same as the initials of all the sefirot of the Tree of Life. It is also equivalent to unifying two powerful Names of G-d: Ehyeh and the Tetragrammaton.
(אהיה) x (יהוה)
Moreover, while (156 + 182 + 208) = 21 x 26, it also equals 42 x 13.
We can use any of these specific tools as a backdoor to Binah. They are our safe (escape) words we were given when we entered this virtual realty vault. They are G-d’s gifts to us. This Chanukah, we are taking advantage of the Ohr HaGanuz and regifting them.
Shabbat Shalom