When will the Messiah (Moshiach) come? And What did the Golden Calf incident have to do with the delay? And what ever happened to that prophecy of His arrival in 5760?
וירא העם כי בשש משה לרדת מן ההר ויקהל העם על אהרן
Exodus (Shmot) 32:1 … When the nation saw that Moshe delayed to come down from the mountain, the people assembled about Aaron and said to him…
H’Am, the nation, is referred to by the Zohar as the erev rav, the force of so-called converts who derive their power from Amalek and have always sought to undermine the power of the Jews (Israelites) to bring Mashiach, the Messiah. The numerical value of H’Am (העם) is 115, and 115 jubilee (50-year intervals) is 5750, the year that Israel celebrated its 42nd year, which was 28 years before the prophesied date for the Geula, the arrival of Mashiach and the End of Days. Those familiar with The Genesis Prayer and this blog know that 28 is intimately connected with the year 5778, the construction of the Torah, and that the first 28 letters of the Torah is the link between the 42-Letter Name, the Torah, and Creation.
Before we look deeeper into the process lets examine the word H’Am (העם), comprised of a final Mem of value 40, and 2 letters, representative of the Mem-bet, or 42, the Name of G-d that chazal has told us will bring about the geula, the final redemption and thus the end of our collective 42 -step journey.
Moreover, the Ayin, of value 70, hints to the age of Israel in the prophesied date of 5778, while the other 2 letters, hey (5) and mem (40) add up to 45, the numerical value of Adam (EDM), which as we’ve explained in other post, is known to represent Adam-David-Mashiach. Moreover, the numerical value of the spelled out letters EDM from Adam-David-Mashiach is 111 + 434 + 80 = 625, which is not only the numerical value of H’Keter, “the crown and highest possible level (sefira), but the number 625 is also the exact square root of the total number of words, verses and letters in the Torah combined (390,625), which in itself graphically depicts, H’Keter, (625) crowning Heaven (Shama’im, 390).
Nevertheless, the numerical values for the phase “Adam, David and Mashiach” plus 1 for the kolel add up to 45 +14 + 364 + 1 = 424, the numerical value of Mashiach Ben David.
And we know from the Zohar that the ayin (ע) of numerical value 70 in H’Am (העם) is not without purpose because there are 70 nations in total from which holy sparks must be raised in order to bring about H’Mashiach, corresponding to the last 70 years from Israel receiving statehood in 5708 to the year 5778, and to the 70 years of King David’s life. As you can and should read in The Divine Calendar, this also relates to the destruction of the First Holy Temple in 422 BCE and to that of the the Second Temple in 70 CE. And most significantly, the word seventy (70) has the numerical value of 422 and the sum of the Names (or 3 aspects, points in time) of Adam, David and H’Mahsiach is 45 +14 + 363 = 422.
Why do we refer to these 3 aspects of the messiah as 3 points in time?
In the divine calendar of 5778 years from Adam to Moshiach, the midpoint is marked by the exact midpoint in King David’s life, 2889 HC.
The gematria atbash reveals yet another clue about the H’Am (העם) and the eventual connection to 5778 in that when we use this reverse alphabet cipher the word H’AM becomes (Z’TzY) which has a numerical value of 107, which corresponds to the sum of all the integers (spiritually, the sum of the collective memory) from 1 to 107, which is exactly 5778. And probably not so coincidentally, if we add both the regular and the atbash gematria of H’AM we get 115 + 107 = 222, which is also the same as the spelled out gematria milui value of the 3 letters in H’AM less the kolel for the 3 letters, or 15 + 130 + 80 – 3 = 222. Moreover, 6000 – 222 = 5778.
Why 6000?
In this verse, the Torah uses the word בשש “boshesh; delayed” which can also be read, “beshesh; at the sixth.” Nearly all the assorted messianic prophesies point to the sixth millennium, and there’s no argument with that, especially as 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 and we know that the nations couldn’t wait 6 more hours for Moses to return with the first set of Holy tablets from Mt Sinai.
Thanks to the Sefer Chesed Le’Avraham by Rav Avraham Azulai, zs’kl, there was much speculation that H’Mashiach would arrive in 5760 (2000 CE). And he did in a sense, as the value of the word chai (18) in the phrase Mashiach chai (the Messiah lives) indicates that he will live 18 years from 5760 until 5778, but that will all be revealed in time.
Rav Avraham Azulai, zs’kl, used the calculation of the size of a mikve, 40 seah, which is equivalent to 5760 eggs to determion the date 5760. Now, the erev rav have always thrived by spreading doubt, and doubt in Hebrew has the numerical value of 240, the same as Amalek (AMLK), which not insignificantly contains the word for nation (AM) and adds LK, of numerical value 130, the same as Sinai, where the doubt was sewn 6 hours before Moses’ arrival and the golden calf was constructed.
If we reverse we the initial letters in the phrase 40 Seah, or Mem Seah, we get Samech Meah or 60 Meah, which is 60 hundred, which is 6000 as in the 6000 years of the 6th millenium. which corresponds to the Shesh in בשש “boshesh.
But what does doubt have to do with 5760?
The value 5760 can be derived from the equation 240 x 24 = 5760 and also from 6000 – 240 = 5760. Since 24 is the value of cad, a vessel, and 240 is the value of Amelak and doubt, we see that 5760 HC is the year of Amelak, which has always been spiritually and historically the scourge of the Jews (Israelites).
From the word H’Am (העם), when the letters hey and mem are spelled out we get 15 + 80 = 95, the numerical value of “The King” and ayin spelled out is 130, that of Sinai, thus indicating that the King was at Sinai, but as we’ve seen the doubt spread by the erev rav impeded them from receiving Him. The message in all this is that we cannot let the erev rav from impeding us from receiving Him this time. We were giving 18 years, 6 + 6 + 6 years to overcome the erev rav and the doubts within ourselves in order to receive H’Mashiach in 5778. That is 66.6 jubilee years from 2448 HC, the last chance we got, when for the lack of 6 hours patience and certainty we had to wait another 3330 years for the next and final opportunity.
What about the prophesied year 2012 CE?
Since there are 18 years from the year 2000 to 2018, 2012 is 2/3 or .666 of the way in the final journey. And while the Mayan calendar resets in the year 2012 CE for another cycle it doesn’t actually end, but many of the nations have latched onto that as a date for the end of days. Now, while we’re in the period of Gog V M’gog, not accidentally of numerical value 70, which began in 5760 (2000 CE), and while we’re experiencing ever more difficult times, they won’t end in 2012 and the Messianic age won’t begin in 2012. But what will occur, is a deeper sense of doubt and disillusion as yet another supposed date for the Messiah comes and goes. Don’t get fooled by Amalek; there’s no Biblical context, no Bible code for the year 2012; it’s one more illusion, and mashiach consciousness is all about seeing past the illusions of what we call reality.
How do we know we’ll get 2 opportunities?
The word H’AM is repeated twice in this verse, meaning we will have to confront the nations (erev rav/Amalek) twice, or once more in order to reach Mashiach consciousness.
And the bet (ב), meaning 2 or second, of בשש “boshesh (delayed) indicates that the delay of the 6 hours led to the delay into the sixth millennium and 2nd opportunity for us to unite as one as we were in Adam, the embodiment of Mashiach before the original sin.
Doubt that? Multiply the values of each of the letters in בשש “boshesh (delayed) and take the square root to find its essence and what do you get? 300 x 300 x 2 = 180,000 and its square root is 424.2640. Since 424 is the numerical value of Mashiach Ben David, and 26 is that of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH), and 40 is both the Biblical number for “coming of age” and also the number of years that those at Mt Sinai had to wait to enter the promised land because of the golden calf incident, It’s pretty obvious what was missed and what got delayed.
Why did they turn to Aaron?
“the people assembled about Aaron…”
Amalek surrounded Aaron because Aaron is the link to Moshiach. The only name in the Torah linked to Mashiach is Aaron. And the exact words “about Aaron” (AL EHRN) have the numerical value, when the kolel is added for the two words, of 100 + 256 + 2 = 358, which is that of Mashiach.
The gold was put into his hands, to give life to the golden calf, which has the numerical value of 108, thus 1 more than 107, and thus covering up the revelations of 5778 until now. And from the nations, Mashiach will emerge. There was much technology that went into the plot to undermine Aaron and the Israelites, and one part of that was that gold, hand and also David all have the numerical value of 14, linking them all to the negative action of the gold being put into Aaron’s hand.
Think not? Then explain why the 12 words of the verse add up to 2865 and when we add the kolel for the 12 words twice for each period we’d have to wait, or alternatively the value 14, the value of David (gold and/or hand) plus 10 for the 10 Commandments we were supposed to have received that day, we get 2889 HC, the midpoint in David’s life and the midpoint from Adam to Moshiach.
And what will happen in 5778, 2018 CE?
If we turn to Exodus (Shmot) 20:18 for a clue, we find that in referring to H’Am, the people (nation, erev rav) it says, “The people kept their distance while Moses entered the mist where the Divine was [revealed].”
And so they shall keep their distance. Distance in kabbalistic spirituality means “dissimilarity” of form, thus the chaff will be separated from the wheat. The peoples (nations) couldn’t see into the mist because the mist represents a reality beyond their comprehension; it’s the tree-of-life reality. When Moses (Mashiach) emerges in 5778 (2018 CE) the divine will be revealed to all who have awakened to the Messiah consciousness, and only to those. B”H everyone will awaken.