To have faith is to believe in G-d. To believe in G-d is to believe that everything has a purpose, a reason for being. That begins with the numbers and ends with us. There is no physicality without numbers because numbers describe the size and pathways of matter. There is no physicality or spirituality without energy and the numbers represent that energy, bridging the gap between the two worlds. More than just descriptions of the energy’s strength, frequency and amplitude, numbers are also the portals that link the two worlds. They also mark our time and our place in both history and our universe. Given their significance, how can they be random? There not. And once we understand that, we can begin to harness them. Once we truly understand that nothing is random we can start working the system, rather than let the system work us.
We have seen repeated how there are digit sequences built into the primordial mathematical constant Pi, which by bending straight lines into a circles and spheres gives our physical world its shape and also by bending time gives it its cyclical nature. We have seen how those sequences relate directly to the Divine Calendar and how both Pi and those sequences have been integrated into the Torah. We have seen how Phi, the primordial
mathematical constant that gives shape to the natural spiraling growth in all aspects of our universe, integrally connects to the Torah and to the Divine Calendar. We have seen how the very structure of our solar system can be broken down into a very few specific numbers that artificially repeat over and over again, and also relate directly to the Torah and the Divine Calendar. They all integrate like one gigantic clock mechanism, one that cannot be carved out by random nature.
We have seen how the quantitative dimensions of the Torah have a multifaceted purposeful design with an inhuman precision. We have seen how the sequential integers both inside and outside those quantitative dimensions can be summed up to reveal the spiritual gateways, linkages, and portals between the worlds. We have seen how viewing the numbers in multiple dimensions by squaring and cubing them and even raising them to higher powers reveals the same symmetry, as does stacking them in pyramids in both 2 and 3 dimensions, as does packing them into geometric shapes like the 541 units that form a 12-gonal star, the Magen David, exceptional in that the numerical value of Israel is 541. Coincidental in that there are 541 rooms in the Capitol building in Washington, and noteworthy in that we have seen the border dimensions of the state of Israel also match up with these highly symmetrical and redundantly coded numbers.
There is one set of numbers, though, a subset of the integers, that is considered more primal than all the rest. These are numbers that have no factors other than themselves and One. In other words, they cannot be reduced by division. They are the Prime Numbers. Once again, as they done with every aspect of physicality we have shined a spiritual light on, scientists will tell you emphatically that prime numbers are random and that there is no discernible pattern in them, none. For 2300 years, ever since Euclid defined them as “A prime number is that which is measured by the unit alone,” mathematicians have been looking for such patterns and have poured superior computer power in search of them, and yet have found nothing. Why?
Prime numbers are unique, each one is an undividable unity until itself. If they could find a pattern that generates them, they could take G-d out of the equation and call it simply physics. If rather than a generating pattern, there were undeniable patterns within the numbers, if there were proof of deliberate design, the opposite would be true: There would have to be G-d. There is the natural aspect of G-d, called Elohim that even Pharoah accepted. It is Elohim that defines the laws of physics. Then there is the higher aspect of G-d, who goes by the unpronounceable (יהוה) and other higher Names. This is the G-d who actually Creates. He Creates with purposeful design that defies the simple laws of physics. This is why scientific elites hand out millions in prizes to anyone who can find generating patterns in the numbers. They do not spend even a moment looking for the more obvious deliberate designs that would rock their world.
As we illustrated in The Genesis Prayer the sum total of the spelled out 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet is 4248. We can readily recognize the significant spiritual numbers 42, as in the 42-Letter Name of G-d; 424, as in the numerical value of Moshiach Ben David; and 248, as in that of Abraham, but we are not going to rehash 14 years of articles, explanations, and proofs in this short space. We are simply going to advise you that the first few prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and when we divide One (1), as in “G-d is One,” by a numerical string made by those numbers sequentially we get:
1/.2357111317192329 = 4.24248100930230
Thus One (1) divided by a simple sequence of the prime numbers in order gives us 42, followed by 4248, and 100….. or the 42-Letter Name of G-d; 424 twice, as in the numerical value of Moshiach Ben David; and 4248, as in the spelled out 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, including 248, as in Abraham, the first person to acknowledge the One G-d, followed by 100. And this is just the beginning. Diving One (Unity) by a G-d given string of numbers to get another astounding G-d given number is not new to us. In the same Genesis Prayer book we revealed that dividing the number 9 by the numerical string formed by the 42-Letter Name of G-d gave us 9/.1230490… = 73.141593 or 70 plus Pi (3.14159265).
It is not the purpose of this article to discuss the merits of specific equations, it is odd, though, how those same numbers came up when, with the help of Rav Brandwein of blessed memory, we analyzed an unfathomable secret of the Zohar concerning the upper and lower worlds and the primordial aleph (א). It is also notable that when we take only the numbers following the zeros (0)’s in the resultant quotient above, 4.24248100930230605, we get 9265, as in Pi (3.14159265) and as in the primordial aleph (א) equation: the Zohar’s 300109265 worlds divided by (Aleph(א) X Aleph(א)) = 2701, the numerical value of the Torah’s first verse.
Nevertheless, we already know everything ties together, and we hope to wrap it up nicely and in a very simplistic way in the final of these three articles.
Speaking of Aleph (א) in the Torah, at the very end of parsha Balak in paragraph 107 of Bamidbar, translated as Numbers, we find, as the very last word of the verse and paragraph, the word Aleph (אלפ). Balak had just finished prophesying about the end of days and Pinchas has just saved the Israelites and ended the plague of 24,000. Not only is finding the Aleph (א), the quintessential beginning, in the end noteworthy, but the phrasing in this last verse is also telling.
The prophecy about the end-of-days starts off with the verse, “…not in the near future, A star shall go forth from Jacob, and a staff shall arise from Israel. The first two words (ולא קרוב ) in this phrase contain a word with the same numerical value of Korach, who is supposed to be the righteous leader in the time of Moshiach, and both words together add up to 345, the numerical value of “Moshe,” the redeemer. Nevertheless, it is the juxtaposed names of Jacob ( מישראל and מיעקב) that prove most telling. Notice how they both begin with the letters (מי), which individually means “who” or “who will” in Hebrew, but together forms the word yamim (ימים), meaning “days.” The two names ( מישראל and מיעקב) begin and end with the same letters (ל and ב) that the Torah begins and ends with. While the two names in the prophecy have between them concealed inside them the names of Israel’s arch foe, Amalek (עמלק), Balak (בלק) and Balaam (בלעם), the letters that are not used in these sinister names appropriated form the word Masher (מאשר) meaning “rather than” and also “approved/endorsed, happy, content.”
What is most important is that the numerical value of both names together ( מישראל and מיעקב) is 903 as in the sum of the integers from 1 – 42. “From Jacob (מיעקב)” or kabbalistically, “from Tiferet (Zeir Anpin)” begins and ends with (מב) or 42 in gematria, as in the 42-Letter Name, the understanding of which, as Rav Brandwein of blessed memory pointed out, will bring the Geulah. It is not a coincidence that the Israelites endured a journey of 42 places, each punctuated in the Torah with (מב) to reach the Promised Land, or that Balaam tried and failed 42 times to curse the Israelites. The straight line from Jacob to Israel has 42 portions. The gematria of “From Jacob (מיעקב)” is 222 and since Zeir Anpin is 6 or 6000 taking 222 from Jacob leaves us with 5778.
Why do we dig and search for meaning in every word of the Torah? Because each word is a well and the deeper we dig the more mayim nukva, the precious pure desirous waters of our world enter it, rather than be squandered about on our arid plain. These mayim nukva solicit the coming down of the Mayim Dukhrin, the upper waters, and like the union between the upper and lower (מב), 42-Letter Names so crucial to our existence, the bonding of the two spiritual waters opens the gates of Heaven to us.
Back to final Aleph (אלף) that connects us to primordial Aleph, Binah, the one that preceded the Torah and all physically. “In that plague, 4 and 20 thousand had died.”
וַיִּהְיוּ, הַמֵּתִים בַּמַּגֵּפָה–אַרְבָּעָה וְעֶשְׂרִים, אָלֶף
Notice that first word is palindromic, ending how it begins, foreshadowing the Aleph in the end. While the final letters of the first 3 words in the verse have a combined gematria of 611, the same as that of “Torah,” we find the two letters (במ) starting off the word for plague(במגפה), which has the same numerical value as Sinai and sulam, ladder in English, which in turn is what the lower (מב) 42-letter Name is, a ladder to the upper world. The next word, four (ארבעה) gives us a clue in that it has the gematria of 278, which is that of “the gematria.” After the four (4), the final two words, including the kolel, have the numerical value 2019. And since aleph (אלף) is synonymous with eleph (אלף), meaning 1000 and eluph (אלף) meaning chief or head of, we should look at the final 4 digits of the first 1000 digits in Pi, in which we had astonishingly found the digit sequence “5778” three times, and the subsequent year 2019 CE another three times. Those last 4 digits comprised the third and last of the “2019” digit sequence. Contemplating again the exact wording of the verse, we see it could easily read “4 and 2019,” just like the full final sequence in those 1000 (אלף) digits: 42019. And since we found it at the very end of the 107th paragraph of Numbers, we need to note that the sum of the integers from 1 – 107 is 5778.
And so we see further hints by the Torah that the period at the end of 5778 and start of 2019 is the final transformative shift, when the veils of illusion will be lifted for all to see. The final process begin, as prophesied in the Zohar and elsewhere, 70 years earlier with the birth of the nation of Israel in 1948, just like it was foretold eons ago with the three first locations within Pi (digits # 246, 703 and 996) for the sequence 2019, which with their kolel add up to 1948. This is also the year (1948 HC) of the birth of Abraham 3830 years ago, which mirrors the destruction of the Second Holy Temple in 3830 HC, may the Future Holy Temple be completed swiftly.
The Zohar, regarding Balak’s prophesy and these current days, tells us, “At the time of the revealing of Moshiach, the inhabitants of the world will find themselves in one distress after another and those who hate Israel will get stronger. Then the spirit of Messiah will stir against them, and will destroy the wicked Edom, and the entire land of Seir will go up in flames. Concerning that time, it is written: ‘And Israel shall do valiantly’ (Bamidbar 24:18). That is the meaning of: ‘And Edom shall be his possession, Seir also, his enemies,’ meaning the enemies of Israel.’…At that time, the Holy One, blessed be He, will raise the dead of His people and remove death from them.”
The Zohar also states in the same section Balak 47:501, “…are for future times, in the period of King Moshiach. We learned that the Holy One, blessed be He, will build Jerusalem and display a fixed star that sparkles with seventy moving planets and with seventy winds that display light from it in the center of the firmament. Another seventy stars will be instructed and guided by it, and it will be glowing and blazing seventy days.” B”H we will all understand this prophecy soon, though days and years are often synonymous in the Zohar and in Kabbalistic terms and this is the 70th year.
On the 4th of July this year 4 earthquakes of average 4.2 on the Richter scale struck in Israel as foretold in Psalm 18 that describes the salvation of Israel and ends with the 36 (לו) zaddikim and Moshiach Ben David. It was also foretold in this same Zohar portion, (47:504) “During the day when that star will be covered, the Holy Land will shudder and shake 45 miles around the area of the Temple…the most high saints (zaddikim) will be gathering to him. Then, Messiah will be revealed in the entire world and the kingdom will be granted to him.”
“The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry.” Psalms 18:7
We’ll get into the prophecies in the third part of this trilogy. For now, let us return to the primes. We are going to arrange the prime numbers in sequential order into a natural stacked pyramid pattern to reveal some subtly concealed symmetries. If we were to stack the prime numbers sequentially in a pyramid, starting with 1 on top, followed by 2 and 3 on the 2nd level and 5, 7 and 11 on the 3rd level, etc we would get
If we were to add up all nine columns (ie column 1 = 1+2+5+13…151) and divide by 9, we would find that the exact average is 425.778. That is right, 42 and 5778 yet again, irrevocably embedded in primordial mathematics. Once again, we find design in the undesignable. It also works out that the average of the first 45 primes times the number 5 = 425.778. Oddly enough, the sum of the digits in all those primes through 193 equals 402.
The sums of each line in this prime pyramid are 1 for the first line, 5 for the second, 23 for the third, 72 for the fourth, 181 for the fifth line, 358 for the sixth line and 625 for the seventh. We stopped counting at seven.
While we’ve discussed the significance of 23 in recent articles, and 72 could be said to connect to the 72 Names of G-d, the number 181 is not only the 42nd prime, but 181 is also the sum of the first 42 digits in the primes (2+3+5+7+1+1…)—actually through the 23rd prime—yet another allusion to the 42-Letter Name of G-d. Continuing to the sixth and seventh lines, 358 is the numerical value of Moshiach, and 625 is not only the numerical value of H’Keter (the crown), but it is also the exact square root of the total number of words, letters and verses in the Torah, (the 5 Books of Moses). 625 is also 25 squared, since the total number of words, letters and verses in the Torah is also 25 raised to the power of 4, and this is germane to our discussion because the average of the first 25 primes is exactly 42.4, the numerical value of Moshiach Ben David. Can we still think this is coincidence? By the way, the first 9 primes, the 9th being number 23, add up to exactly 100, or 25 x 4, making their average 11.111111, which is perhaps a connection to Aleph (אלף) of numerical value 111.
Since it appears that once placed in a natural pyramidal stacking, the G-d given list of prime numbers may hold hidden significance for us, let us take a closer look.
Working our way through the list, we see that while the sum of 23 and 72 is 95, as in the value of “H’Melech (the King)” as in H’Melech Moshiach, the sum of the first four line’ sums (1, 5, 23, and 72) is 101, as in “Michael,” the protective archangel of Israel. Then we see that the line sums 72 and 181, alluding to both the 72 and 42-Letter Names of G-d as mentioned above, add up to 253, which is the sum of the integers from 1 – 22, as in the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, whose spelled out letters summed to 4248, which we have just seen being derived directly from the primes.
We have repeatedly seen how the sums of the integers is integral into the design of the Torah, starting with its first verse of 7 words and the sum of the integers from 1 -7 being 28, as in the 28 letters in those 7 words. Therefore, it is no surprise that the very next prime after the sum of the 6 th line of primes, which is 358, that of Moshiach, is 107, the 28 th prime. What is most significant is that the sum of integers from 1 – 107 equals 5778, meaning that the 6th line, or interpretatively the 6th millennium, results in 358, Moshiach at 5778. By the way the final prime before prime # 107 is 577.
Moreover, 7 is the 4 th prime and while 7 x 4 = 28, the sum of the first 4 consecutive primes (2,3,5,7) is 17 and the sum of the sums of the 6 th and 7 th lines, 358 (Moshiach) and 625 (H’Keter) respectively, together equal (1000 – 17). This can be seen as tying back to the 1000 digits of Pi, aleph (א) and to the millennia. The 4 th verse of the Torah states, “G-d saw that the light was good.” The gematria of Good (טוב) is 17 and that of the entire verse including a kolel of 20 for the 20 letters is (1000 – 17). The word 20, esrim has the same numerical value as Keter.
וַיַּרְא אֱלֹהִים אֶת-הָאוֹר, כִּי-טוֹב
4 And God saw the light, that it was good
Perhaps it is a hint of what is to come soon as the continuation of the verse is G-d separated the light from the darkness.
וַיַּבְדֵּל אֱלֹהִים, בֵּין הָאוֹר וּבֵין הַחֹשֶׁךְ.
and God divided the light from the darkness.
Even within just this first group of primes, there are an endless stream of significant numerical equivalents derivable from the strings of consecutive primes. Here are some examples that further show a divine intent in the design of the primes, as opposed to a random naturally occurring sequence. Of course, that would not be possible without G-d. While some could argue that super intelligent aliens could create the infinitely complex Torah and that incredibly powerful and intelligent aliens could create our solar system, how could they create the infinite set of irreducible prime numbers? They could not.
- The average for the first 77 primes is 19480, which is interesting only because Abraham, the Patriarch was born in 1948 HC and lived for 175 years, while the average of first 53 primes is exactly 110, Joseph’s age. Keep in mind that the 3 locations within the first 1000 digits of Pi (digits # 246, 703 and 996) for the sequence 2019 with their kolel add up to 1948. Moreover, we are now in the prophesied 70 th year from 1948 CE, when the state of Israel was founded, which is all the more amazing because the sum of the logarithms for the numbers 1 – 70 equals 100.0 and the 100th prime is 541, the numerical value of Israel. If you recall, following Moshiach Ben David 424 and Abraham 248 in the Primal Equation (1/.23571113… =4.24248100) is 100.
Maybe G-d wanted to send us messages where no one could mess them up, where there could be no fake news.
- Like the 7 lines in the 42-Letter Name of G-d, the sum of the first 7 consecutive primes (1,2,3,5,7,11,13) is 42.
- The sum of the first 9 consecutive primes (1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17, 19) is 78.
- The sum of the second 9 consecutive primes (23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53, 59) is 363, Moshiach Ben David.
- Thus the sum of the first 18 consecutive primes (1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17, 19, 23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53, 59) is 441, “Emet (אמת), truth.” This is like the sum of the stacked 20 cubes in the core of the Great Pyramid, whose sum (1^3 +2^3 + 3^3…20^3) equals 44,100. Once those 20 cubes were stacked they equaled 210 units (cubits) in height, which is the exact height of that pyramid, both in cubits and in its 210 This would correspond to the sum of the 8 consecutive primes (13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41), which is 210. Then the very next 6 consecutive primes (43,47,53,59,61,67) adds up to 330, the base measurement of that pyramid in cubits. Is this also coincidence? Our civilization’s knowledge of primes was supposed to have begun 2300 years ago with Euclid; now we are pushing it back another 1200 years at least to whoever designed the Great Pyramid.
- Emet (אמת), is the seal of truth we say after each Torah reading, so how fitting that the 15 consecutive primes that include both the height and base of Great Pyramid (13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71) equals 611, the numerical value of “Torah.” Also, how fitting is it that the sum of the digits in those consecutive primes is 125 or 5 cubed, which corresponds to the sum of the 3 main structural elements of the Torah, which is 5 raised to the 8th power.
- The full first 21 primes from 1 – 71 equal 661, when the kolel of 21 is included and since Purim is the only holiday that we will celebrate after Moshiach arrives, it is fitting that that 661 is the numerical value of Ester. The primes from 1 – 21 represent the full first 6 levels of the prime pyramid, with the 6th level possibly representing the 6th millennium in the 21 st century, and definitely totaling 358, Moshiach. The sum of the digits of those first 21 primes is 144 or 12 squared.
- 73 is the 21 st prime and the Torah’s first verse has a numerical value equal to the sum of integers from 1 – 73.
- The final letters in the first 3 words of the Torah spell Emet (אמת) of value 441, or 21 squared, the final letters of all 7 words (from the 28 letters) of the Torah’s first verse add up to 1371, which is the total of the first 28 primes, ending appropriately enough with the number 107. Moreover, since 107 is the next prime after the sum of the 6 th line of the prime pyramid, which as we showed totals 358, the value of Moshiach, it is interesting to note that when we add 358 to 1371, we get 1729, as in the exact 1729 words of numerical value 26 in the Torah, with 26 being the all-important value of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה).
- The average of first 91 primes starting with 1 is exactly 210, with 210 being
the Israelites years in exile in Egypt and the height of the great pyramid, and the product of the first 4 primes (2,3,5,and 7) The number 91 represents the all-important union of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה), of numerical value 26 and Adonai (אדני) of numerical value 65 that we will discuss in the conclusion of this three part article when we reveal the Trinity. Speaking of trinity those 210 cubits and/or 210 levels measure 5775 inches, so add 3 to them for 5778.
- And if we were to sum up all the integers between 26 and 65 (i.e. 27+28….63+64) they would also equal exactly 1729. Moreover, if we were to sum all the integers from 26 to 65 (i.e. 26+27+28….63+64+65) inclusive they would equal exactly 1820, the precise number of Tetragrammatons (יהוה) in the Torah. We have written about 1820 before and will touch on it again in the final article, but know that it also equals 91 x 20, the number of the stacked cubes which form the central tower that has been hidden in the center of the Great Pyramid for thousands of years.
- The 28th prime is 107. The next to last prime before it is the 27 prime, 103,
so the last two primes are 103 and 107, which total 210, alternatively 27 and 28 equals 55, the height of the entrance to the Pyramid in feet and the sum of the integers from 1 – 10, which is also the number of inches in 2 cubits, and the square root of the perimeter of the Pyramid in feet. Also, If we add the prime numbers in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th prime pyramid levels (1 + 5 + 23 + 181) we get 210 yet again.
- The sum of the 6 consecutive primes (37,41,43,47,53,59) equals 280, the value of the five final letters in the Hebrew alphabet associated with the end-of-days.
- There is also the sum of the 3 consecutive primes (53,59,61) that equal 173, the small gematria of the 42-Letter Name of G-d and also the 40th prime number. 173 is also the average of first 78 primes, starting with 1, while the average of first 42 primes, starting with 1, is exactly 7857.
How much clearer can G-d’s messages to us be? Well how about if He designed the Torah too so that the total gematria of the Torah divided by the value of its first verse (21009826/2701) would be 7778.536? And how about if that total gematria of the Torah divided 3636, or (21009826/3636) worked out to 5778.28. Why 3636? Maybe because 3636 is 36 x 101, which represents the protection of the 36 Tzaddikim and Michael (101), the protectors of Israel. Or maybe because 3636 = 2 x 1818, representing the 3 iterations of the letter Aleph (א) that R’ Azulai wrote about in L’Chesed Abraham. These two (2) fully empowered Alephs (א) are the 2000 years and the 2000 generations found in the 18 words of the 13 Attributes of G-d, “Notzer Chesed Alefim.”
- Adding a 4th consecutive prime (53,59,61,67) equals 240, the value of Amalek, the eternal enemy of Israel.
- We see entwined within the prime numbers, found right at the beginning where we could not miss them, the numbers associated with G-d’s names, 72 and 42, and the value for Moshiach, 358. Then when we add the value (26) of the Tetragramamton (יהוה) they sum to 496, the numerical value of Malchut, our world, meaning Kingdom. It is the third perfect number after 6 and 28, a very small set of numbers, whose factors equal itself.
- And even clearer is the fact that the 42nd prime, which is 181, plus the 72nd prime, which is 359, plus 1 for the kolel equals 541, Israel, the 100th prime. This is not only purposefully designed, but beautifully so, as one would imagine anything created by G-d. We can see this in that 181 is the 42nd prime, and there are 42 digits in the first 23 primes and those first 42 digits sum to
- We touched on factorials as they applied to the Torah in The Genesis Prayer. Factorials are when all the integers up to a number are multiplied together, rather than added so it is apropos that there are 181 digits in 111! (111 factorial), connecting the sum of primes yet again to Aleph of numerical value 111. And yes, (181 – 70) is 111.
- Whatever G-d’s plans and the designs He built into our universe the digital string “181” occurs at position 728 with the constant Pi after the 3, and Resolution 181 was adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. This resolution was designed to divide Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into two separate Jewish and Arab states by the date that the mandate was set to end.
- And referring to the prime pyramid line sums (5,23,72,and 181), the number 181 is also the 5 th Star number, which is a centered figurate number that represents a centered hexagram in other words a six-pointed star like the Magen David. The numerical value of Israel (541) also is a Star, number, the 9 And we saw earlier how 72 and 181 summed up to form 253, the sum of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, so its interesting that 253 is also a star number, the 6th. And while 661, the numerical value of Ester discussed above is the 10th star number, the 3rd Star number is 73, representing the Torah’s first verse (2701) as the sum of the integers from 1 – 73. Incidentally, the 2nd star number id 37 and 2701 = 73 x 37.
The first star number, though, is the most important of all, 13, the numerical value of Echad (One) and Ahava, (love). With this, we wish you a Shabbat shalom. This is a concept we will develop further in the final article. In the meantime, when you look at anything in this world look past the forgery and the fake, look past the words and works of man, and see the hand of G-d in it all.