There is Nothing Random about Pi (π) Part 3:
The Prime Directive and Conscious Intelligence
Mostly overlooked so far in our studies of the metaphysics of the cosmos and of their interaction with our physical world is role of the Prime Numbers, or the Field of Prime Numbers, especially the set of the first 1000 Prime Numbers, and the more localized set of those Prime Numbers associated with the First Verse of Creation. Prime Numbers are distinguished from ordinary integers in that they do not have factors other than themselves and One (1), which makes each one the head or capstone of its own numeric Concept or consciousness network, as opposed to ordinary integers that are composites or derivatives of various Prime Numbers, and thus secondary tier cogs in other networks. As we know from our physical world, combining multiple primal elements can have a much more impactful effect than trying to use them separately, but the closer to the Source we trace the pathways the greater will be our enlightenment.
We shall show that the First Verse of Creation was designed by metaphysical Primal Intelligence units that align with 50 different Prime Numbers and with the dynamic structure of the atom and simultaneously by 4 most unique very special numbers, and only then translated through Hebrew, the Cosmic Interface language, into a form and message we can comprehend. This is in addition to and completely independent of everything that we have studied about it already.
The Essential Prime Cube of Creation
When the set of Prime Numbers are lined up against the set of all positive integers, there are localized patterns, but no set interval between them. The Prime Numbers cannot be consecutive, but they can skip one integer or 13 or more integers in a somewhat random arrangement. So, when we substitute the corresponding 27 Prime Numbers for the 27 positions in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation nothing extraordinary should happen, no patterns, and certainly no repetitive patterns should appear, and yet…
The Constant of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation is 42 and its central position is 14. Having a constant of 42 means that each of the 27 rows and/or columns along all 3 axes must equal 42, as well as all 10 internal diagonals, a total of (37 x 42). And yes, it appears that the Core Concept of 37 that is so significant to the First Verse of Creation and to the structure of our DNA is also integral to the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. Nevertheless, there are no such indications for a simple Essential 33 Cube made up of the first 27 Prime Numbers. Since the 14th Prime Number is 43, or 42 plus One (1), it is in the center, every other Prime Number is located accordingly, with the number 2 as the first one directly above 43 and the number 103, as the 27th Prime Number directly below the 43, making the total for that column or vector (2 + 43 + 103) = 148. With no set constant, if they were random, each triplet sum should be mostly dissimilar, ranging from a possible low of (2 + 3 + 5) = 10 to a possible high of 301, and 68% of them should fall within 1 standard deviation from 131, but that is not what we get.
We know the Essential Magic Cube was not organized randomly so we would not really expect a random distribution. What we do find though is that of the 37 resultant triplets, 6 equal 137, as in the Fine Structure Constant, and 4 equal 147, as in Jacob’s age and the value of the 7 Ehyeh (אהיה), or the (7 x 21) = 147, found in the Torah that are aligned with the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
The full distribution is 1 triplet at 131; 8 at 133; 4 at 135; 6 at 137; 5 at 139; 2 at 141; 2 at 143; 2 at 145; 4 at 147; 1 at 148 and 2 at 150. Other than the diagonals, which is a special set unto itself, the average of the 27 axial triplets is 140.444 which points right back to the 14th position in the center, which is naturally the sum of the first 27 Prime Numbers, divided by 9 as in the 9 triplets along each axis, or (1264/9) = 140.444, as in the sum of the Names of the upper Sefirot Chochma and Binah or (73 + 67) = 140.
What is remarkable is that when we set aside that 14th Prime Number (43), the other 26 Prime Numbers that correspond to the 26 outer positions of the Prime Essential Cube equal (1264 – 43) = 1221, reflecting the 12th and 21st Prime Numbers, or 37 and 73 respectively, as in the (37 x 73) = 2701 structure of the First Verse of Creation, and as in the inner (37) and outer (73) Light or ordinal and standard gematria value of the 9th Sefira Chochma (חכמה), meaning Wisdom.
Those 26 Prime Numbers, centered on 43, or 42 plus One (1), thus equal (11 x 111) = 1221, which reflects Oneness throughout the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-life, and/or the Alef (אלף), Elef (אלף), and Eluf (אלף) that translate as the One, 1000, and chief that head up every Sefira and dimension.
Moreover, the value of the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, less the 26 Prime Numbers is (3701 – 1221) = 2480, the value of the 5 Names of the 5 Books of the Torah, which are reflective of the 248 dimensions of the Torah, etc., including the 248,000φ total of its 5 quantitative elements (the letters, words, verses, the 248 x 42 rows, and the 248 columns).
Of those 8 triplets within the Prime Essential Cube that equal 133, 5 of them were among the 10 diagonal triplets, which all had to pass through the 14th Prime Number, 43.
As we know, each face and plane of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation has a value of 126 or about 1/10th of the 1264 total for the Prime Essential Cube, which is (30.0… x 42), off by φ2/27.5.
Like the 8 corners of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation that total 112, reflecting the 112 Essential Triplets, the 8 corners of the Prime Essential Cube equal 362, and together they equal (112 + 362) = 474, the numerical value of Da’at, the 11th Sefira, meaning knowledge. In hyperspace or Cosmic/Metaphysical mathematics subtraction does not mean taking away from; it is simply a transformative relationship between two concepts, the same as addition or multiplication. Thus, we see that subtracting those 8 corners from one another gives us (362 – 112) = 250, the value of Ner (נר), candle, as in the 8 candles of the Channukah connection with the Light of Binah within the Cosmic Wheel, just as the 112 Triplets themselves are the 13 Candles of One.
Those 112 Triplets divided by the 8 corners or 8 Days is (112/8) = 14, as in the central 14th position and as in the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix associated with the 42-value of each flame (להבה) of the Candles. The word Ner (נר) is found 73 times within words in the Torah, as in the Triangular value of the First Verse of Creation, and Chochma. Creation, by definition, must be the source of everything. Our goal is not only to trace the pathways back to Creation but to cross that threshold and trace Creation back towards the Source.
The 8 corners of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation equal 112, and the 112 Triplets are comprised of 336 letters, and while the sum of the first 336 digits in Pi (π) is 1495, as in the sum of the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet, the 6 faces of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation equal 756, and the sum of the first 756 digits in Pi (π) is 3360. This is (10 x 336), and while 756 equals the radiating 27.52 Primal Frequency, we see that (756 – 336) = 420 digits, and since (3360 – 1495) = 1865, we get (1865/420) = 4.440 per digit on average.
Because each face of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation is mandated to be 126, its 6 faces total 756, the radiating 27.52. The Prime Essential Cube has no such mandate, yet almost every face is remarkably similar within a narrow range (407, 415, 419, 421, 426) except the 9 Prime Numbers of its bottom face that equal 359; nevertheless, the sum of its 6 faces is 2447, as in the 2447 years until the reception of the 10 Commandments at Sinai and as in the year of the Exodus from Egypt, and most notably as in the Spherical Time circumference, 36304.24470.
The 9 planes of the Prime Essential Cube range from 407 to 442 and includes 421 and 424. They average 421.333, and as happens in the metaphysical certainty of the Cosmos, the 82nd Prime Number is 421, connecting them back to the katan value (82) of the First Verse of Creation and to Pi (π). Meanwhile, the corresponding and complementary 28th Prime Number is 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field of the Event Horizon radius, 5778, and using 3 for the kolel of (421 + 3) for the 3 planes per axis and/or 3 digits in 421, gives us 424, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness. It also represents the 3 letters Alef (א), Caf (כ), and Tav (ת) or (1 + 20 + 400) on the 1.313x exponential curve of the Alef-bet that total 421, and that form the letters (ACT) of our DNA nucleotides along with Gimmel (3).
E8 Symmetry, the Conscious Universe of Binah.
The value of the bottom face or plane of the Prime Essential Cube less that of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation is thus (359 – 126) = 233, and 233 is not only the 13th Fibonacci Number, but the sum of the second iterations of the Names YHVH (יוד־הי־ויו־הי) and Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) or (72 + 161) = 233. Meanwhile, the first locations in Pi (π) for the Concepts of …42… and …72… are (93 + 140) = 233.
Nonetheless, we first encounter the string …233… within Pi (π) at digit #229, as in the Space/Time ratio 27.5/12 = 2.29, or 229, the 50th Prime Number that aligns with the 50 Gates of Binah. The fuller string is …7564823378678316527120190…. and it can be argued that the sequence is much longer. Nonetheless, in broad strokes, it begins with the sum (756) of the 6 faces of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 that is also the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52). This is coupled with the square root (6.480…) of 42; then 233, which is coupled with 378, the sum of the 27 positions in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation with 27 also appearing in the sequence. This is immediately followed by 67, the value of Binah; then 831, the sofit value of Alef (אלף) as in Oneness and completion in Binah; then 165, the katan0 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix; the 120 age of Man; and then 2019, the Western Calendar analogue to 5778 HC, the Event Horizon radius.
Moreover, these 25 digits sum to 111, as in value of Alef (אלף). This sequence takes us to the 248th digit in Pi (π) as in the 248 dimensions etc., and the sum of all the digits up to that point is 1120, or 10 times 112.
And speaking of 112, yet another metaphysical alignment with 233 is found in the sum of the squares of the consecutive 11th and 12th Prime Numbers that equals (312 + 372) = 2330, while the sum of the squares of the consecutive 28th and 29th Prime Numbers equals (1072 + 1092) = 23330. Meanwhile, the square root of 543, the value of the highest Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), which is associated with the Concept of 42 five different ways, is 23.30….
Furthermore, as we previously explained, the critical River Yabok (יבק) where Jacob defeated satan of numerical value 112, and a term that signifies the unification of the various Names of the Creator, in 3 iterations equals 2333. This starts off with Yabok (יבק), expands to (יוד־בית־קוף), then expands to (יוד־ויו־דלת־בית־יוד־תו־קוף־ויו־פא) or (112 + 618 + 1603) = 2333, and thus has 1/Phi (φ) in the middle. This triple or 3-fold expansion matches both the semi-diagonals (233.33 cu) and the casing stone measurement (233.33”), along with the 23.33 cu difference of the diagonals, all within the Great Pyramid’s base, which is notable as we began this discussion with the bottom or base plane of the 33 Magic Essential Cube and the 33 Prime Essential Cube. And because these Great Pyramid base diagonals refers to inscribed and circumscribed circles inside and around the square base, this certainly relates to the K Constant (π/√8) squared that equals (1.110720…)2 = 1.233701. Not only is this π2/8, but it contains the value 3701-value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, while the K Constant (1.110720…) contains its counterpart the 720 of the 72 Essential Triplets in the exact same digital position.
The value 233, the 51st Prime Number, is also the value of the Tree of Life Etz H’Chaim (עֵץ הַחַיִּים), whose complete value is 313, the 65th Prime Number that corresponds to the value of Adonai (אדני)and to the 313 times that the Name Elohim (אלהים) is found in the Torah, along with the 1.313x exponential curve of the Alef-bet, and the year 1313 BCE that the Torah was received.
All geometry is interconnected and thus the simple Magic Essential Cube of Creation at the center of existence is interlocked with the 248 dimensions of the E8
Symmetry and E8 Lattice that span the expanse of universal Binah consciousness. As previously detailed, the E8 Lattice is comprised of 8-Orthoplexes and 8-Simplexes in the ratio of 17280/2160 = 8, with the value 2160 being the diameter of the Moon in miles, and the 8 corners of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation being equal to 112, as in the 112 root vectors of the E8 Lattice. The 8-Orthoplexes are highly complex and have 14169600 elements while the 8-Simplexes have 8812800 elements or 5356800 less elements than the orthoplexes. This gives them a ratio of (5356800/14169600) = .3780, as in the 27th Triangular Field, the sum (378) of the 27 positions in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and its associated Prime Essential Cube. Moreover, (378 – 248) = 130, as in the 130 value of Mt Sinai and the 7-rung ladder, sulam (סלם) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
The total number of geometric elements that surround each of the 248-dimensional vertices in the E8 Lattice is thus (14169600 + 8812800) = 22982400, making the 5356800 difference between the two subsets equal to (2160 x 2480).
Nevertheless, the ratio of their difference to their total is equal to (5356800/22982400) = .2330, which as we just saw connects them to Essential Cubes, the Higher Concept Names, and the Tree of Life. Moreover, while the consecutive 28th and 29th Prime Numbers (1072 + 1092) = 23330, the Prime Numbers themselves equal (107 + 109) = 216, as in (8 x 27), the 216 letters in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, the 2160 mile diameter of the Moon, and as in the 2160 8-Simplexes built into the E8 Lattice structure of the E8 Symmetry that is our conscious universe at the full level of Binah.
The deeper we look; the more detail is presented to us. This is the nature of a good and efficient simulation. When we adjust our microscopes and telescopes the universe adds new depth, detail, and richness to our narrowed field of view, rewarding our focused attention with previously unseen wonders. Our curiosity is rewarded, which is the opposite of what happens in a satanic world where man controls the narrative of other men. That is perpetual enslavement and eternal darkness.
This is also why the Earth appears flat whenever we zoom in, and curved to those that view it from afar. It is a simulation and thus is both curved and flat at the same time, depending on perspective.
Once perceived in the physical realm the new insight becomes part of the visible matrix, unless of course man tries to plaster over that vision and replace it with false perceptions. However, once perceived when peering into the consciousness realm, an even wider field of view is opened. What contracts in our world expands in the spiritual/metaphysical one, and vice versa. Hence, it is through humility and the constriction of ego that we expand spirituality and gain access to enlightenment.
Prime Intelligence
Prime Numbers, The 7 Words of Genesis, and the Atom
The 7 values of the 7 words of the First Verse of Creation that sum to 2701 have Prime Numbers that correspond to their 7 values, thus the 913th Prime Number is 7127 and the sum of all 7 associated Prime Numbers is (7127 + 1237 + 443 + 2749 + 2711 + 1949) = 19013. This is not only evocative of 913, but 19013 is the 2161st Prime Number, and because 2161 is in turn the 326th Prime Number, 19013 is classified as a Super Prime Number. Without a doubt 2161 strategically includes the reference of 161, the value of the highest expanded Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah. Moreover, there are exactly 1107 digits in the first 2161 Prime Numbers, as in the geometric K Constant (π/√8) or (1.1107…) that converts the Creation Square of 2701 or (37 x 73) into the surrounding Creation Circle of 3000.
Another Prime Number association with the First Verse of Creation occurs with the interaction of this field with the 7 ordinal values of those 7 words. Those 7 values (76, 23, 42, 23, 62, 29, and 44) correspond to the respective 76th, 23rd … Prime Numbers which are (383, 83, 179, 83, 293, 109, 193) and their sum is 1323. The sum of the associated 7 values and 7 associated ordinal value Prime Numbers is thus (19013 + 1323) = 20,336, as in the 336 letters in the 112 Essential Triplets, and as in 22 less than 20,358, the complete value of those 112 Essential Triplets.
As we know, the structure and multiple geometries of the First Verse of Creation is based on the Core Numbers and Triangular Fields of 37 and 73 and on the product of (37 x 73). When we take the product of the digits in 37 and 73, we get (3 x 7 x 7 x 3) = 21 x 21 = 212, as in the radiance (212) of the Higher Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) that is found 7 times in the Torah, with one Name overseeing each of the 7 words of Creation that unfolded into the 7 Days. By design, 212 = 441, the value of Emet (אמת), Truth, an appellation for the Torah, and the final letters of the first 3 words of the Torah (בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים). This is significant because 1323/3 = 441 = 212 = (3 x 7 x 7 x 3). Thus 1323 metaphysically stands for Truth, Truth, Truth.
While the string …1323… is found at digit #2677 in the Field of Pi (π) and (1323 + 2677) = 4000, the difference between 3773 and 1323 is 2450 and the string …2450… is found at digit #18702 within Pi (π), as in the 187 Chapters in the Torah, the prominent Torah value 1870, and the 702 value of the 7th Day, Shabbat (שבת). Meanwhile, the 7 locations within Pi (π) that correspond to the 7 numeric strings (383, 83, 179, 83, 293, 109, 193) are digit #’s (25, 26, 438, 26, 571, 206, and 168), and their sum is 1460 or (10 x 146), the value of Olam (עולם), meaning world or universe, and it is exactly (1460 – 1323) = 137 greater than 1323 with 137 being the value of kabbalah meaning parallel, as in the 10 parallel worlds of the 10 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life.
One of the noticeable patterns in the 7 associated Prime Numbers (383, 83, 179, 83, 293, 109, and 193) that add up to 1323, is that they all have an alignment to the concept of 83 though some are more obvious than others. The most obvious is Bereshit or 383 that contains 83 and thus (383 – 83) = 300, along with Bara and Et that are both 83. The Name Elohim is then 179 – (2 x 83) = 13; while the word H’Shamaim is (293 – 83) = 210; the word V’et is (109 – 83) = 26; and the word H’Ertz is (193 – 83) = 110. This gives us a net set of 5 core Torah Concept numbers (300, 0, 13, 0, 210, 26, 110), recurrent themes throughout our analyses. As for 83, it is both the ordinal value of the Endless, the Infinite, “Ein Sof (אין־סוף),” and it is representative of the 83 letters of the 3 iterations of the Names or Fields of Ehyeh (אהיה) and YHVH (יהוה). The value of this extended 3 tier unification of Binah and Zeir Anpin is 3142, as in the string gematria of the highest Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), and as in the total value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix divided by its top tier, 506, or (3701/506) = 7.3142.
The counterspace complement to 83 is 17, as in the katan value of Torah (תורה) that, as we have previously studied, is associated with its First Verse. The number 83 is the 23rd Prime Number and its complement, 17, is the 7th Prime Number. Together, they equal (23 + 7) = 30, as in the Creation Circle of 3000 that represents Binah, and as in the value (30) of the letter Lamed (ל), the letter that connects to Binah as the only letter that goes above the plane. Its complete value is 42.
Now while 83 is aligned with all 7 associated Prime Numbers (383, 83, 179, 83, 293, 109, 193), the first one is 383, and of the 11 Prime Numbers associated with the 11 factors (1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 27, 49, 63, 147, 189, 441) of 1323, the 11th is 441, the value of Truth, Emet (אמת), and the 441st Prime Number is 3083.
Meanwhile, (3083 – 83) = 3000, as in the Creation Circle of 3000. We need to keep in mind that in hyperspace or metaphysical mathematics, subtraction is as much of a connection or alignment as addition, in the same way that in physical mathematics subtraction is just a vector adjustment or wave dampening that preserves the memory of the original position or vector and/or wave.
While (3083/11) = 280.273, the 12 factors including 1323 total 2280, as in 10 times 228, the value of the Tree-of-Life, Etz Chaim (עץ־חיים).
This concept is so important to the Creator that the First word of the Torah and Creation, “Bereshit (בראשית), In the Beginning” is composed of the Prime factors (11 x 83) = 913. Moreover, the sum of the 10 Prime Numbers (2, 5, 17, 23, 73, 103, 227, 307, 853, and 1129) associated with the first 10 factors (1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 27, 49, 63, 147, 189) of 1323 equal 2739, which not only includes that Cosmic Harmonic residue (273) and average (273) of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, but (2739/3) = 913.
Meanwhile, the 83rd Prime Number is 367 and the 11th is 31 and (367 – 31) = 336, as in the 336 letters in the 112 Essential Triplets. This is like the 6th word in the Torah V’Et (ואת) whose prime factors are (11 x 37) = 407, making the sum of these two Prime Creation composite words of factor 11 equal to (913 + 407) = 1330 = (11 x 120), as in the age of Man over the 11 Sefirot, which leads to the equation (1330 – 1323) = 7, as in the sets of 7 Prime Numbers that equal 1323, and as in the 1st and 6th words equal 7.
There is a third Prime Creation composite word, the second word, Bara (ברא), meaning create, which is also a subset of “Bereshit (בראשית) and the first of the 112 Essential Triplets in the Torah. Its Prime value is (7 x 29) = 203, which makes the 3 Prime Creation composite words equals to (913 + 407 + 203) = 1533, the exact number of verses in Genesis (Bereshit), the First Book of the Torah. Of the 7 words of this First Verse of Creation only one word is Prime, Et (את), the central 4th word in the verse of numerical value 401, the 79th Prime Number.
When considering only the final digits in the 7 associated Prime Numbers (383, 83, 179, 83, 293, 109, 193) we see that they equal 33, as do the middle digits (8 + 7 + 9 + 0 + 9) = 33, and while 37 is the 12th Prime Number and 73 is the 21st, together they equal (12 + 21) = 33. The Concepts of 37 and 73 and of 12 and 21 are mirrored Numbers, while the mirrored complement to 2701 is 1072 and together they equal (2701 + 1072) = 3773. Meanwhile, while the product of mirrored (37 and 73) = 2701, the product of these two mirrored numbers is (2701 x 1072) = 2,895,472, and not only is the sum of the digits in 2,895,472 equal to (2 + 8 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 2) = 37, but the sum of their triplet values (002 + 895 + 472) = 372, the square of the Concept at the core of our DNA. Moreover, we first find the string …2895472… in Pi (π) at digit #12237333, as part of the sequence …3582652895472… that includes the 4th and 3rd Triplets in Pi (3.14159265358…), and with 1223 being 100 less than 1323 and the 200th Prime Number.
Atomic Energy
The connection becomes more profound when we consider the 7 potential electron shells in the atom. Each of these 7 orbiting shells or specific hierarchical regions around the atom’s nucleus get filled with electrons in specific stepped quanta of energy, which helps give rise to the different elements. The further away from the nucleus the more energetic the electron. The lower shells from 1 to 7 or K to Q must get filled first sequentially and each has a set limit to their maximum electron capacity, with the first being 2 electrons, then 8, 18, 32, 50, 72, and 98 electrons in order or 2n2. The shells are subdivided into orbitals or regions and each orbital can maintain up to 2 electrons or complementary spin, which is why the increase per shell is a product of 2. The orbitals also increase by 2 starting with 1, which is why they are all odd numbered integers, and their collective potential sum is always n2, hence 2n2 per shell. Therefore, the full potential atom has 7 shells and 7 orbital sets (sub-shells) in the 7th shell, or 72 orbitals in the 7th tier, an average of 7 orbitals per set (sub-shell). Thus, there are 28 orbital sets in the 7 shells, like the 28 letters in the 7 words of Creation.
Keep in mind that it is only our textbooks that anyone believes that these orbital regions are empty space. Within the aether of consciousness no space can be empty,and all space is in a state or potentiality. Within the context of our physical world, which is the inverse of conscious reality, empty space is occupied by evil and conveys the absolute void of potentiality. This is why the more that evil has infected someone, the greater their greed, lust, and selfish desires; being void of any potential future, they innately thirst to acquire, obtain, and control everything they possibly can now, with no thoughts to consequences.
The total potential sum for the 7 tiers is thus 280, similar to the 28 letters in the 7 words of the First Verse of Creation; the 280.273 average of the 11 associated
Prime Numbers of the 11 factors of 1323; and the 280 value of the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) of the Alef-bet. It is also a cosmic alignment with the 280 rays formed by the Prime Numbers when we zoom out over millions and millions of numbers. Further in they form 20 spiraling rays, as in Keter. Over those 7 tiers there are also a total of (1 + 4 + 9 +… 49) = (7 x 20) = 140 orbitals, and thus (140 orbitals and 280 elections) = 420 electron elements in the 7 tiers, like the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and 420 YHVH (יהוה) until the 10 Commandments in the Torah.
Meanwhile, the sofit value for those 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) is 3500, which is exactly 273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) and Cosmological Constant (273) less than 3773.
Nonetheless, when we chart the corresponding Prime Numbers to these 7 respective shell limits, 2, 8… we see that those 7 associative Prime Numbers (3, 19, 61, 131, 229, 359, and 521) add up to 1323 again.
And while 1323 is exactly 50 more than the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273), the two central (N and O) electron shells (32 + 50) = 82, which is the katan value of the First Verse of Creation that we have seen integrally woven into the Pi (π) Field. Meanwhile, the first three (K, L and M) electron shells that precede it (2 + 8 + 18) = 28, as in the 28 letters of that First Verse, and as in the 82 times that the numerical value 28 appears in the Torah. The remaining final two (P and Q) electron shells (72 + 98) = 170, which may refer to digit #170 in Pi (π) where we find the first 385 value of the Shechinah, the Divine Presence, or to (17 x 10), as in the value (17) of the word “good, tov (טוֹב) and the katan value of the word Torah (תורה), which we have similarly seen integrated into the Pi (π) Field.
Now, whether it is the 1323 value from the 7 associated Prime Numbers of the 7 ordinal values, or the (3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 3) from the First Verse’ geometric structure, or the 7 associated Prime Numbers of the 7 electron shells, when we take the inverse of 3773 or 1/3773, we get a 294-digit repetitive sequence whose digits equal exactly 1323. It begins with .000265… the 3rd Triplet in Pi (3.14159265358…) and ends in 3000, as in the Creation Circle.
0.000265041081367611979856877816061489530877285979326795653326265571163530347203816591571693612509939040551285449244632918102305857407898224224754836999734958918632388020143122183938510469122714020673204346673734428836469652796183408428306387490060959448714550755367081897694142592101775775245163000265041081367611979856877816061489… (rep-294)
Moreover, when we add those 294 digits to the 4 digits in 3773, we get 298, the sum of the 7 ordinal values of the 7 words of Creation, and when we divide the K Constant (1.110720…), the basic ratio that converted the Creation Square of 2701 or (37 x 73) into the Creation Circle of 3000, we get (1.110720/3773) equals .000294….
And when we apply the same simple algorithm used with (3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 3) to the pair 28 and 82, we get (4 x 2 x 8 x 8 x 2) = (4 x 28) = 210 = 1024, as in the 1024 word-values in the Torah, as in (1323 – 1024) = 299, the difference between Creation Circle of 3000 and the Creation Square of 2701, or (3000 – 2701) = 299. What we may view as showing off, the Creator designs as symmetry and synergy, which is why the product of the 4th Prime Number associated with the 4th electron shell times the 5th Prime Number associated with the 5th electron shell or 229, as in the Space/Time ratio (27.5/12) = 2.29, is (131 x 229) = 29999, as in the Creation Circle (3000.0 – .1), and as in the 430th Prime Number 2999 that is the complete value of the First Verse, (2701 + 298) = 2999 = (3000.0 – 1). While 430 is the numerical value of Nefesh (נפש), soul, the sum of those two 4th and 5th associated Prime Numbers (131 + 229) = 360, as in the 360o in a circle, the Creation Circle. Moreover, 430 is the sum of the 4 Prime Numbers at the soul of our Cosmos, and yet not explicitly invoked in the numeric design of the First Verse, (107 + 137 + 13 + 173). Implicitly, they are involved in every aspect of it. These are the 28th, 33rd, 6th, and the 40th Prime Numbers, and (28 + 33 + 6 + 40) = 107, as in the 107th Triangular Number, the Event Horizon, 5778 and Spherical Time radius.
Since each set corresponding Prime Numbers total 1323, both sets together equal (1323 + 1323) = 2646, which is (2701 – 55), representing (37 x 73), the product of the inner and outer Light of Chochma and/or alternatively representing the 4th Centered Star (Magen David) geometry, less (2 x 27.5), or twice the Primal Frequency, once for each set. This means that each set of 7 represents (2701/2 – 27.5), exactly half the First Verse of Creation less the Primal Frequency (27.5), the Spirit of the Creator that permeates the aether and the universe. And just to put a bow in it, while the sum of the digits in (2646) is 18 and difference in the sum of the corresponding 7 ordinal values and the 7 electron shells is (298 – 280) = 18, as in the square root of 18 equals 4.2426… and Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000, their sum is (298 + 280) = 578.
The knot on the bow is that the product of the 7 electron shell tiers aligns with the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix in that (2 x 8 x 18 x 32 x 50 x 72 x 98) = 7056 = (4 x 422). The full potential of the atom equals 4 times the radiance of the Singularity of 42. And their sum and product plus the One (1) equals the palindromic Core Concepts of Creation (280 + 7056 + 1) = 7337, whose product is (7 x 3 x 3 x 7) = 441, Truth,Emet (אמת).
While the 7th shell has a full potentiality of 98 electrons or (2 x 72), the words of the First Verse of Creation that correspond to Prime Numbers in terms of their order are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th words, which totals 17, the 7th Prime Number, and whose corresponding words equal (203 + 86 + 395 + 296) = 980 or (20 x 72), bringing our focus and the underlying cosmology back to 7. The corresponding non-Prime Numbered words thus equal (2701 – 980) = 1721, the 268th Prime Number. Then without the One (1) or 1st word of value 913, the 4th and 6th words, (401 + 407) = 808, the sofit value of Abraham, and (8 x 101), the 26th Prime Number, as in the YHVH (יהוה).
This is so much bigger than patterns. The Torah is teaching us intelligence. We read the words in the Torah as the Hebrew language, but they are so much more. The words in the Torah are concept constructs connected to quanta of intelligence assets. We have just seen that the First Verse of Creation alone is connected to 4 different yet related sets of Prime Numbers, of which there are 3 sets of 7 and one of 11 or (21 + 11) = 32 related Prime Numbers that align with the 32 Paths of Wisdom that connect the 11 Sefirot in the Tree-of-Life.
There is a 4th set of 7 as well, the structural set that binds all these together. This 7-member set of Core Prime Numbers consists of (1, 7, 11, 17, 37, 73, and 83), and their corresponding Associated Prime Numbers are (2, 17, 31, 59, 157, 367, and 431), whose collective average (1064/7) = exactly 152, which equals 8 x 19, the 8th Prime Number. The sum of these 7 Core Prime Numbers (1, 7, 11, 17, 37, 73, and 83) is 229, which is the 50th Prime Number, and is representative of the Space/Time ratio (27.5/12) = 2.29. Without the controversial One (1), the total would be 228, as in the value of the Tree-of-Life (עץ־חיים).
With these 5 sets of structural Core Prime Numbers there are (28 + 11) = 39 Prime Numbers, as in the value of “YHVH Echad (יהוה־אחד), G-d is One, and the 4 sets of 7 each equal (1323 + 1323 + 229 + 1064) = 3939. The 5th structure set of 7 Prime Numbers, representing those Prime Numbers associated with the 7 standard values totals 19013.
The next 11 Creation Prime Numbers are the associated factors of 1323, and they total 5822. While (5822 – 11) = 5811, or 33 years after the Event Horizon in 5778 HC, is aligns with the 5811 occurrences in the Torah of the Alef-Tav, Et (את) letter combination that is the 21st Gate of the 21st Triangular Field or as Abraham Avinu explained it, the 231 Gates of Knowledge, with the Alef-Tav, Et (את) combination representing the Alpha and the Omega, or Beginning and End Gate, which is found twice within the First Verse of Creation.
Meanwhile, the 40th Prime Number in this Prime Creation set is the value of the central 4th word, Et (את) or 401, the 79th Prime, which becomes the 41st Prime Number active in this growing set, making 401 an Extraordinary Prime given that 79 is the 23rd Prime Number and 23 is also a Prime Number. Moreover, (401 + 79 + 23) = 503, the 96th Prime Number and (503 + 96) = 599, the 109th Prime Number, while the total value of this Extraordinary Prime Sequence is (599 + 109) = 708, as in the value (708) of the 42 Letters of the YHVH (יהוה).
First 7 Perfect Numbers
While not associated directly with the First Verse of Creation, the Perfect Numbers, as previously explained are all Triangular Numbers, and the first 7 of them (6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, 8589869056, 137438691328) are the (3rd, 7th, 31st, 127th, 8191st, 1028th 131071st, and 524287th) Triangular Numbers, which in turn correspond to their associated 7 Prime Numbers (5, 17, 127, 709, 84011, 1742527, and 7754017) whose 7-digit sum is 9581413, which is Pi (π) backwards, 3.14159 with the insertion of the “8.” Someone might be able to dismiss this as some extraordinary cosmic coincidence except that the 28 digits in these 7 associated Prime Numbers equal 112, as in the 28 letters in the 7 words of Creation and the 112 Essential Triplets. We can surmise that metaphysically, the 8 represents the 8th Sefira, Binah consciousness that is above and beyond the 7 Sefirot that process and create physicality.
7 Prime Perfect Numbers = 3141(8)59 = Pi (π)
Seven (7), Pi (π), and Prime Intelligence
Altogether there are 42 Creation Prime Numbers with the 42nd being 2161, as 19013 is the 2161st Prime Number, and the sum of those 42 Creation Prime Numbers is (3939 + 19013 + 5822 + 401 + 79 + 2161) = 31415 or Pi (π), which is beyond extraordinary and is the cosmic flip side of the 7 first Perfect Numbers.
42 Creation Prime Numbers = 31415 = Pi (π)
These Cosmic alignments are reminiscent of the string gematria of the 42-Letter Name’s first tier (אבגיתצ) found in the Pi (π) equation: 9/.123049… = 73.141593
9/(42-Letter Name Matrix) = (70 + 3.14159) = Pi (π)
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
This phenomenon also directly aligns with the equation of the product of the 28 letters over the 7 words in the First Verse of Creation that we first published 20 years ago in The Genesis Prayer, 28PL/7Pw equals (28/7) x (2 x 200 x 1 x 300 x 10 x 400 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 1 x 30 x 5 x 10 x 40 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 300 x 40 x 10 x 40 x 6 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 1 x 200 x 90)/(913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296) = (28/7 x 23887872 x 1027/304153525784175760) = 3.14155450 x 1017.
28 Letters/7 Words of Creation = 3.1415 = Pi (π)
Furthermore, the 7th root of the product of those 7 words is 314.474, or Pi (π) paired with Da’at (474), the 11th Sefira, Knowledge, which is off from Pi (π) by approximately .3147. Since the words and thus their products are obviously purposely stacked by the Creator in a specific order, we can follow the same line of analysis and see that the 5th root of the product of the first 5 words equals 302.30222730… as in the value of the 8th word of the Torah (והארץ), 302, along with representations of the 22 Names of the 27 letters and the Cosmic Harmonic residue, 273 that is also the exact average of the 11 Essential Triplets in the 33 letters of those 8 words, whose total is 3003, the 77th Triangular Number, or (7 x 11).
Along those same lines, the sum of each of the 7 products divided by their appropriate n-roots divided by 4, as in 28/7 = 4 from the above Genesis Pi (π) equation is (2812.36…/4) = 401.766252…, as in the value (401) of the 4th and middle word Et (את) in the verse, coupled with the ordinal value (76) of the first word (בראשית) and H’Keter, 625, which is square root of the Torah’s 58 words, verses, and letters, along with (6 x 42) = 252, while 1766 is approximately 422. Given all that, we can only conclude that the 6th root of the product of the first 6 words being 10,275.455… is meaningful and purposeful as well, containing 104 plus the Primal Frequency (275) and the 455 sum of the 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה).
The product of the 28 letters on the other hand, that begins with 238, as in the Concept of Rachel and as in 1/42 in the Path of One, 23887872 x 1027, gives us 16.8963… as its 28th root, or (4 x 42) = 168 and the 963-value of the spelled out (אלף־חית־דלת) milui gematria form of the Hebrew word for One, Echad (אחד), and as in (5778/6) = 963, representing the 6 bundled dimensions of physicality known as Zeir Anpin within the structure of the Tree-of-Life. While the connections are readily apparent, and the Divine metaphysical conscious intent is obvious, we can only speculate about the purpose and nature of these figures built into the First Verse of the 7 Days of Creation. For now, we can only speculate where this Prime Intelligence is trying to take us, especially given that 7 is the 4th Prime Number, as in (28/7) = 4, and that 37 is the 12th Prime Number, as in (1000 – 963) = 37 and that (12 x 963) = 11556, the Spherical Time Diameter and Galactic Wave periodicity.
The 12th Prime Number is the Constant 37 of our DNA and of so many aspects of Creation, including the sum (37) of the digits in the quotient of the product of the 28 letters over the product of the 7 words, (23887872 x 1027/304153525784175760) = 12732550048., which is almost precisely the Cosmic Harmonic (1.27323954474) or Pi (π)/4, off by only an infinitesimally tiny 0.0000154600. It is only speculation where this intelligence is leading us and what it is trying to teach us; however, it is clear that 12 is the cyclical and circular time factor, along with 7, which is probably why Abraham broke down the 22 letters of the Alef-bet into 12 singles, 7 doubles, and 3 mother letters, and why those 7 doubles (בגדכפרת) equal 709, the 127th Prime Number and that 127 is the 7th Mersenne Prime Number, and that their ordinal value is 79, the 22nd Prime Number, while the 79th Prime Number is 401 in the center of the First Verse of Creation, its 4th word.
Moreover, the sum of the digits in the product of the 7 words (304153525784175760) is 73, as in the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701, and as in the 21st Prime Number, while the sum of the digits in the product of the 28 letters, 23887872 x 1027 is 45, as in Adam, Man, and as in (45 + 28) = 73. Meanwhile, that product of the 28 letters or 23887872 x 1027 works out to exactly 2880000000003, a perfect cube associated with the 288 Holy Sparks that fell or were transferred into our physicality. Like so many quantitative aspects of the Torah, the First Verse of Creation is yet another perfect cube or multi-dimensional geometric shape.
And to round it all out, the sum of the digits in the result of the Genesis-Pi (π) equation 28PL/7Pw = 314155450783109979 divided by 73 or (314155450783109979/73) = 4,303,499,325,796,027 is 73 once again, the value of Chochma, the 9th Sefira (dimension), Wisdom, and while the ratio of the 42-Letter Name Matrix to the First Verse of creation is 3701/2701 = 1.370, the 33rd Prime Number (137) that is also the Fine Structure Constant, the 137th verse in the Torah is where G-d completed the 9th generation and announced that Lemekh lived 777 years.
Product of 7 Words of Creation = 30415…
Letters in Torah = 304805
Let us set aside Pi (π) for now, the vast field that shapes and structures our physicality. Let us consider the pure intelligence aspect of it, and in particular the head of that intelligence 31415… We have seen the 7 words and 28 letters or (7 + 28) = 35 elements of Creation point to it repeatedly; the 7 Perfect Numbers point to it; the 42 Letters Name Matrix or Singularity of 42 point to it; and the 42 Prime Numbers of Creation that includes the atomic 7-shell electron field and the 11 factors associated with the 11 Sefirot point to it, so what are they pointing to?
To understand that we must stop looking at it as a number, and instead view it as living intelligence. What do all these relationships have in common (3141859, 31415, 314159, 31415, 30415, 304805, and 3.14159) and have in common with the Torah. Their one common denominator (3141859, 31415, 314159, 31415, 30415, 304805 and 3.14159) is 345, the numerical value of Moses, the head of Israel, the link to the Creator who directly received the Torah, the nexus between the Creator and our world, the one whose Name Moshe (משה) appears 616 times in “The Torah H’Torah (התורה),” whose numerical value is 616.
After its integration at the head of the Pi (π) Field, the actual string …345… is first found at digit #1700, as in the katan gematria value (17) of Torah (תורה) and the value of the word “good, tov (טוֹב),” and the 170 potential electrons yet to be reached in the ultimate 6th and 7th electron shells of the atom. As the ultimate consciousness of elevation and freedom it is not a coincidence that (345 + 1700) = 2045, as in the year 2045 CE at the furthest edge of the Spherical Time Event Horizon. Nor is it a coincidence that 2045 is first found within the Pi (π) Field at digit #12776 and its Hebrew Calendar counterpart 5805 HC is first found at digit #14724 and that while their simple permutations give us the revelatory and prophetic pairings 2-1776 and 17-424, their simple sum equals (12776 + 14724) = 27500, the Primal Frequency (27.5) times 1000 (Binah), the Primal Frequency of the Source.
This brings us back to the simple equations of dividing the Fine Structure Constant by the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) or (1/137.03599)/27.5 = .00265358, as in the 3rd and 4th triplets in Pi (3.14159265358…) or (π – (1/137.03599)/2750.0 = 3.14159000000…, which gives us the same resultant value as the Atomic, Perfect Number, Prime Number, Creation and Singularity equations.
A slight modification in the calculation of the Fine Structure Constant as 1/137.035671756… would work out to exactly Pi (π). In other words, the difference between them would be exactly 3.14159. Perhaps, we need to revert to the established value of the Fine Structure Constant from just 3 years ago 1/137.0356+.
π – (1/137.035671756+)/2750 = 3.1415900000000000000 = 3.14159
In other words:
Biblically and historically, Moses (משה) is represented as an extraordinary man and leader who raised the Israelites out of the captivity of physicality. What he metaphysically represents is the higher consciousness, the spiritual consciousness that can bend the flat linear line of limitation into circles, spheres, and waves. Through understanding, this is the consciousness we can attach ourselves to, much as the Israelites did 3330 years ago.
And while 31415 is structured around the consciousness of Moses (345), we also see the 14 of David wedged in the middle of 35, as in the 35 years of his 70-year life on either side of its central moment in 2889 HC at the same exact center as the Spherical Time radius, 5778 HC. Meanwhile, the 11 in 31415 may metaphysically represent the 11 Sefirot in the 3 columns of the Tree-of-life, especially given that Moses was at the level of Da’at, the 11th Sefira.
Seven (7), Phi (φ), and Prime Intelligence
There are actually 43 Prime Numbers associated with the First Verse, not 42, with 19013 representing all 7 Prime Numbers that correspond to the standard word values rolled into one, making 42 plus 7 or 49, as in the 42 Letters and 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that we use to count the Omer for 7 weeks of 7 days, like how we count the jubilee years of 7 sets of 7 years. It is 72 in all four cases, like the 72 electron orbitals in the 7th shell of potentiality.
Seven (7) is a very specific set and Concept that feeds into the 7 lower Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life and from there into the 7 Days of Creation where it then forms the structure of physicality, of both the Time and space component. This is like the equidistant 49 or 72 letter spacing between the letter Tav (ת) in Bereshit (בראשית) and the letters Vav (ו), Resh (ר) and Hei (ה) that spell Torah (תורה) for a total of 147 letters, as in Jacob’s age (147 years) and the 7 times the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) of value 21 is found in the Torah. The same phenomenon occurs in the Second Book (Shemot) as well, likewise starting with the Name of the Book, which in this case is the Tav (ת) in Shemot (שמות) and counting the same equidistant 49 or 72 letter spacing. In Bereshit (בראשית) it begins with the 6th letter and in Shemot (שמות) with the 8th letter in the Book or 14 together, which aligns with the 14th letter in Bamidbar, where we find the letter Hei (ה) that with equidistant 49 or 72 letter spacing spells the word Torah (תורה) in reverse order. Meanwhile in Vayikra (ויקרא), starting with the Yud (י) and skipping 7 letters 3 times we spell out the YHVH (יהוה).
With time being spherical, the end happens simultaneously and contemporaneously with the beginning, which is why words and numbers like 314159 can be spelled out forwards and backwards and have virtually the same meaning. The end result is always in the seed of the action and the result is known to the Cosmos immediately.
Since two of those 6 sets consist of Prime Numbers, the corresponding non-Prime Numbers to the 4 remaining sets of the 6 are (280 + 298 + 2701 + 957) = 4236, as in Phi (φ)3 or 423.60…, at the center of the magnetic field equations, and as in 2448/5778 = .4236 = φ3, which reminds us that φ3/√φ = 3.330…. the 3330-year distance between the year 2448 HC when the 10 Commandments were received and the Event Horizon 5778 HC, 66.6 jubilee years, like the Sun to Earth mass ratio, 333,000 and the Earth to Sun orbital speed, 66,600 mph.
Pure Prime intelligence!
This is not a language. It is universal intelligence.
And when we add the 4 as a kolel for the 4 sets to 4236, we get 4240 as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, the point of it all.
These 43 or 42 plus One (1) set of Prime Numbers include duplicates and when those are eliminated there are exactly 37 unique Prime Numbers and their 95 digits equal 360, as in the 360o in a circle.
Alternatively, if we add the 28th Prime Number 107, as in the Event Horizon Prime, for the 28 letters in this First Verse of Creation, to the 49 Creation Prime Numbers, we get 50, as in the 50 years in a jubilee years and the 50 Days of the Omer period in the Cosmic Wheel exactly as the Torah instructed us, thus aligning them with the 50 Gates of Binah.
We add the One (1) not just for the Creator but because every number and concept is a factor of itself and One (1). One (1) is always a factor of and thus inherent in every number. The Creator is in every number and concept and every quanta of consciousness. This is why the One (1) is found explicitly in the First Verse of Creation (2701), the 42-Letter Name Matrix (3701) and in Israel (541).
We have seen how geometrically the First Verse of Creation breaks down into a triangle of 7 tiers with 7 letters in the 7th tier, and how it breaks down into a rectangle with 7 letters in each of 4 rows, and how it breaks down into square with 7 letters in each side or edge. While the 2 consecutive 3rd and 4th words “Elohim Et (אלהים־את)” have 7 letters, their combined value is (86 + 401) = 487, the 93rd Prime Number, and the 2 consecutive sets of 7 letters that comprise the last 4 words of 7 letters in each consecutive word pair of the verse total 1499, the 239th Prime Number. Moreover, while and (3 + 4) = 7 as in the 3rd and 4th words of Creation, the 3rd and 4th Triplets in Pi (π) from the Fine Structure – Primal Frequency – Pi (π) equation equal (265 + 358) = (700 – 77), which with the kolel (2), is the value of H’Keter, and the square root (625) of the all the letters, words, and verses in the Torah.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
The Binah Set of the First 1000 Prime Numbers
Recently, we saw that the sum of the 10 integers from 1 – 10 for the function (10/n)n equals 1/1000th the speed-of-light, and that the 3rd number in that set equals (10/3)3 = 37.037037…, which aligns with the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix plus its inverse (1/.3701) = 2701, the value of the First Verse of Creation, as in (3701 + 2.701 + .0002701 +…) = 3703.7037037…
There are 3803 digits in the first 1000 Prime Numbers as in (3803 + 33) = 3830 or 27 years before the Second Holy Temple was destroyed in 3830 HC, and 3803 is also a Prime Number, the 529th. Those 3803 digits add up to 17024, or (17,000 + 24) as in the 24 hours in One Day and like the sum of the 112 Essential Triplets of Creation that is (17,000 – 35). The difference between the sum of the 1000 Prime Numbers and the sum of the 112 Essential Triplets is thus (24 + 35) = 59, the 17th Prime Number, as in the value (17) of the word “good, tov (טוֹב) and the katan value of Torah (תורה), which we have also recently seen integrated into the Pi (π) Field, along with the first appearance in Pi (π) of …345…, Moses, at digit #1700.
We have also seen 17 integrated in the 1000 digits of Pi (π) along with the value 112 and with the first time that the word “good, tov (טוֹב) is used in the Torah. This was when the numerical string …1776… or …171776… was found at digit #888 in Pi (π) or exactly one half of 1776, and 112 digits before 1000. The string …171776… is also eerily reminiscent to …12776… that we just saw as the first location of the far edge of the Event Horizon grace period, 2045 CE. The value 1776 is also the exact value of the Torah’s 4th verse: “And God saw the light, that it was good (טוֹב); and God divided the light from the darkness.” If we remove the value 17 from 1776, we are left with 1759, like the 17th Prime Number, 59, and like the275th Prime Number (1759), aligning it with the Primal Frequency. This is like the 759th Prime Number 5783 that within the set of Prime Numbers is immediately preceded by 5779, the Hebrew Calendar analogue to 2019 CE, as in the string …2019… found 3 times in the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) just like the companion Event Horizon radius string …5778…. or 27.5, one cycle, before 5805 HC (2045 CE), the ultimate separation of Light from darkness. It is funny how the Solar maximum finally started heating up just as the US reneged on its promised aid to Israel in favor of Hamas and the Nazi regime in Ukraine and just as the UN voted toward carving up Israel to give to the terrorists. Not so funny, when we realize that the latest orchestrated events began on 10/7 and that the glorious auroras that everyone marveled at in the southernmost latitudes since the Carrington Event in 1859 are the very signs that Earth’s protective magnetic field has already become dangerously weak. Most of us spend our entire lives asking for signs, yet we ignore all of them no matter how blatant, in our face, or spectacular.
Nonetheless, the sum of those first 1000 Prime Numbers is 3682913, which makes the sum of the 3803 digits that total 17024 along with the first 1000 Prime Numbers equal to (3803 + 17024 + 3682913) = 3703740, as in (3701 + 2.701 + .0002701 +…) = 3703.7037….
Here is the beauty and simplicity of it all. The spiritually impregnated value 3703.7037 is (123456789 x 3). Thus, the Circle of Creation or 3000.0 is a reflection or confluence of all 10 digits in sequential order or (3000.0 x .123456789) = 370.37067 with 67 being the value of Binah, and simultaneously a confluence of the Singularity of 42 and the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701. Even more precise, the Circle of Creation is 3000.0567 and thus (3000.0567 x .123456789) = 370.377367 and considering that (123456789 x 3) = 3703.70367, they all end in 67, the value of Binah consciousness, which is also represented by 1000 or 103, the 3rd expansion of 10, or 3 iterations of 10, like (3 x 1000) = 3000.
The Creation Circle of 3000 is also 50 minutes of 60 seconds, as in the 50 Gates of Binah, once again connecting it to Binah consciousness and the concept of time.
While the 3 defining components of the first 1000 Prime Numbers equal (3803 + 17024 + 3682913) = 3703740, as in (3701 + 2.701 + .0002701 +…) = 3703.7037, their average is thus (3803 + 17024 + 3682913)/3 = (3703740/3) = 1234580, as in Moses (345) who became the Moshiach and who at 80-years old led the Exodus of the 12 Tribes and personally received the 10 Commandments at Mt Sinai, which in turn aligns with the 80 times that the numerical value of Moshiach, 358, is utilized in the Torah.
And it all expands from One (1), as 111.111 divided by 3 or (111.111111 /3) = 37.037037, which is why Alef (אלף) or 111 is also Elef (אלף), meaning 1000, or Binah. And those 3 iterations of the first 1000 Prime Numbers when divided by the 12th Prime Number, the Core Prime Number 37 is (3703740/37) = 100101.081 with 81 or 34 being exactly (10/.123456789). And perhaps a deeper secret is that 100101 in binary is 18 in decimal (base10).
As we know, there are two zigzagging interlocking constants that climb the ladder of the 7 tiers of the 14 Essential Triplets the 42-Letter Name Matrix. One path sums to 1618 or Phi (φ), and the other path of the 7 complementary zigzag Essential Triplets equal 2083, which is the 314th Prime Number as in Pi (π). That 314th Prime Number or 2083 is exactly 1000 less than 3083, which is the 441st Prime Number associated with the 11th factor (1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 27, 49, 63, 147, 189, 441) of 1323, the sum of the 7 Prime Numbers associated with the 7 words of Creation and the 7 tiers of the atom. Just as (3083 – 2083) = 1000, the corresponding equation (441 – 314) = 127, as in the 7th Mersenne Prime Number. Adding or subtracting 1000 to the other path of the 7 Essential Triplets, or other half of the 7 rungs of the ladder, 1618, gives us 2618 or 618, which is φ2 or 1/φ respectively.
Prime Counterspace
The Great Prime Pyramid
The Prime Numbers do not exist in a vacuum. They are an open-ended set amongst the near infinite sea of positive integers. Thus, the non-Prime Numbers fill in the gaps between the Prime Numbers.
These gaps between the Prime Numbers form patterns that are somewhat predictable but subject to seemingly random shifts and pattern overlays in their formations; however, when we take the sum of those gaps, in other words the sum of the non-Prime integers through a given Prime Number and compare it to the sum of the Prime Numbers though that point some interesting conjunctions occur. For instance, the sum of the first 303 Prime Numbers though 1999, less the sum of the first 303 integers, which is by definition the 303rd Triangular Field, is a gap of exactly 231,000, as in the 231 Gates of Knowledge between the 22 letters of the Alef-bet. On a related note, the 21st Prime Number is 73, as in the 73rd Triangular Field that represents the First Verse of Creation, 2701, and the sum of the first 21 Prime Numbers less the sum of the first 21 integers, which is by definition the 21st Triangular Field or 231, is (712 – 231) = 481, as in the 481-foot height of the Sun and Great Pyramids that are also exactly 210 cubits and 210 tiers high.
Moreover, while the 50th Prime Number, invoking the 50 Gates of Binah, is 229, as in the Space/Time ratio (27.5/12) or the cubit/foot ratio = 2.29, the set of the first 50 Prime Numbers less the sum of the first 50 integers is a gap of 3842, which is the value of the first 42 letters of the Torah. It is also the area of a square that inscribes a circle with an area of 3√27500, or 1.273 3√27500 = 3842, the ratio of the Primal Frequency and the Cosmic Harmonic with 27500 being the sum of the locations where 2045 HC and its Hebrew Calendar counterpart 5805 HC are first found within the Pi (π) Field, (12776 + 14724) = 27500. If that 27500 figure were in inches, then it would equal 1000 cubits, as in Binah once again, tying it back to the 50th Prime Number and the Space/Time ratio (27.5/12) or the cubit/foot ratio.
Furthermore, as we have also recently seen, the Creation ratio (2701/703) = 3.842.
On the other hand, while the Primal Frequency (27.5) times 12 equals 330, we find that the first 18 Prime Numbers less the sum of the first 18 integers is 330, as in the 330-cubit base measurement of those same Sun and Great Pyramids, which works out to 756.25 feet or the radiant Primal Frequency, 27.52.
Cosmically, it is beginning to make sense that the square spiral of billions of Prime Numbers forms a great pyramid when viewed from the top down or at least that it shares a similar structure to our Sun and Great Pyramids, including the scored apothem mid-lines on each side. Of course, who could possibly have had that overview either 12,000 years ago or at the time of Creation?
Then, regarding the Primal Frequency (27.5), while the first 186 Prime Numbers less the sum of the first 186 integers, is 77774, evocative of the 4 sets of 7 Associative Prime Numbers, the first 275 Prime Numbers less the sum of the first 275 integers, is 186104, as in the speed-of-light, 186,282 mps, off by only 178 mps.
Moreover, the sum of the 51 Prime Numbers through the 51st Prime Number 233, that is the value of the Tree of Life Etz H’Chaim (עֵץ הַחַיִּים) and the unification of the second iterations of the Names YHVH (יוד־הי־ויו־הי) and Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), less the sum of the first 51 integers is a gap of 4024, which while evocative of 424, Moshiach Ben David consciousness, is exactly the sum of the First Verse of Creation and 1323, the 7 Prime Numbers associated with it and with the atom, (2701 + 1323) = 4024.
Regarding Binah (בינה), whose numerical value is 67, the first 19 Prime Numbers through the 19th Prime Number 67 less the sum of the first 19 integers, is 378, as in the 378 value of the 27th Triangular Field, the sum (378) of the 27 positions in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and of the Alef-bet. Keep in mind that the two upper Sefirot of higher consciousness are Chochma (73) and Binah (67) and Chochma (73) is (70 + 3), while Binah (67) is (70 – 3), two sides of the same coin balancing the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life, just as Chochma (73) is the 21st Prime Number and Binah (67) is the 19th Prime Number that together equal (19 + 21) = 40, whose average is 20. Their ordinal values are also Prime Numbers, 31 and 37, which are the 11th and 12th Prime Numbers respectively.
Whether we consider the 10 Sefirot or the 11 Sefirot with the 11th dimension of Da’at, the Tree-of-Life has only two Sefirot that are Prime Numbers, Chochma (73) and Binah (67) and they sit atop the right and left columns respectively, with the Sefira of Keter, sitting above the central column as a crown sits upon a head. The value of Keter is 620, which is also the value of Esrim (עשרים), the Hebrew word for 20, as in the average of the 2 Prime Number ranks of Binah (19) and Chochma (21) just beneath it on the celestial hierarchy.
Beneath the crowning Keter are the Sefirot of Da’at-Tiferet-Yesod-Malchut whose numeric total value is 2131, the 321st Prime Number. The right column consists of Chochma-Chesed-Netzach and its total is 293, the 62nd Prime Number, as in the 62 Yuds (י) within the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments. The central and right columns are thus associated with the 321st Prime and 62nd Numbers respectively, which adds up to (321 + 62) = 383, the 76th Prime Number, as in the square root (76.0) of the Event Horizon radius 5778 and the ordinal value (76) of the first word of Creation. Meanwhile, the left column of Binah-Gevurah-Hod totals 298, as in the collective value (298) of all 7 ordinal values of the First Verse of Creation.
Two other simple conjunctures include the first 9 Prime Numbers through the 9th prime Number, 23, less the sum of the first 9 integers that is 55, as in 10th Triangular Number and 10th Fibonacci Number and as in (2 x 27.5). Th other conjuncture is the first 13 Prime Numbers through 41 that total 238, as in Rachel (238) and as in 1/42 from the Path of One less the sum of the first 13 integers that is 91 and that is also from the Path of One. Their gap is thus (238 – 91) = 147, as in (3 x 72) = (7 x 21), which is the value of the 7 times that the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) is found in the Torah, and is the age of Jacob (147), Rachel’s beloved.
In addition, the gap between the first 235 Prime Numbers and the 235 cumulative integers is 131350, as in when the Israelites reached the 50th Gate of Binah in 1313 BCE, and as in the exponential value curve of the Alef-bet (1.313x) coupled with the 50 component letters that configure the Alef-bet.
And while the sum of all 1000 integers is 500500, this total is 13.58…% of the first 1000 Prime Numbers, as in the 1358 value of the Baruch Shem…. (“Blessed be the Name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever”) that is supposed to be recited silently after each of the 5 Essential Elements/Matrices of the Torah.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
The Non-Prime Spiral and Creation
As we spiral around the pyramid of the Ulam Spiral of the Prime Numbers with the One (1) in the center, we see that the first 2 non-Prime Numbers (4 + 6) = 10, as in the 10 Sefirot or including the One (1), the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life for the first 3, like the 3-column structure of the Tree-of-Life.
As we continue, this sum grows to (4 + 6 + 8) = 18 for the first 3 for an average of 6, then (4 + 6 + 8 + 9) = (10 + 17) = 27 for the first 4 non-Prime Numbers. This gives the central 1st tier or square summit platform a value of 27, as in the 27 or 33 letters of the Alef-bet and Magic Essential Cube of Creation for the 4 non-Prime Numbers, and a value of 17, the katan value of the word Torah, for the 4 Prime Numbers.
Of course, (1 + 27) = 28, as in the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation when the One (1) in the center capstone is included, which naturally gives the first summit platform and capstone the value of (1 + 44) or One (1) or Alef (א) plus dam (דם) blood = 45, Adam (אדם), Man, the 1st Man.
The 4 Phenomenal Numbers of Creation
As Kalman recently pointed out to me, and as we saw with the product of the First Verse of Creation and its katan gematria 82, there are only 4 Self-Indicting Numbers whose exponential expansion (xn) when divided into numeric triplets always revert to the original number (1, 999, 297 and 703). For example, 7032 = 494209 and the two triplets (494 + 209) = 703, likewise 7033 = 347428927 and the three triplets (347 + 428 + 927) = 1702 which further reduces to (001 + 702) = 703. There is no discernible pattern to the digit distribution once the numbers are elevated exponentially and yet these 4 continually reduce sequentially to their original number, or Cosmic location. We can think of them as ever growing and expanding branches on a tree, whereby the number of leaves always equals the number of seeds in the original fruit.
Typically, we sum up the digits in a number to determine its small or katan value numbers but given the Cosmos predilection for triplets, this too is a valid method for investigating the metaphysical derivation of numerical networks, or intelligent consciousness clouds. That said, I have only verified this for positive integers to 1000 but given the limit of the number 1000 representing Binah, this is as far as we need to look for now. The triplet system in our base 10 mathematics system sets a limit of 999 for any number or (1000 – 1), setting Binah as out of bounds. The other limit is essentially 001 as 000 is a null set and adding it would not change the reduction equation’s value. There are multiple cyclical patterns and interesting alignments that occur with many of the seed numbers, like 57782 reducing to 702, as in the value of Shabbat, and like 37012, the value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, reducing to 112, as in the 112 Essential Triplets, but Self Indictment is unique. We need to keep in mind that what we call numbers are just composite locations. We look at 123 and see a single number “123” but even within our physics it is a composite of (1 x 102 + 2 x 101 + 3 x 100) or 3 different addresses on 3 different levels clustered or grouped together by some intelligent force, in this case by me and my keyboard. So, when a so-called Number has special properties, it means that a multi-level or spatially multi-dimensional cluster, no different than a star constellation, has special and abnormal, non-random properties, sometimes even unique ones. Now what are we to think if those unique clusters of addresses or codes fit together with other specific addresses or codes likes keys to lock, or if a series of them fit together like the keyed tumblers to a lock, or a locked gate?
It is astonishing that there are only 4 such Self-Indicting Numbers that exhibit this phenomenon, and they divide into two complementary pairs that total (1 + 999) = 1000 with the first pair being the boundary limits for our base10 triplets. The other pair is 297 and 703, which also equal (297 + 703) = 1000 and thus the 4 of them equal (1000 + 1000) = 2000, and while …2000… is first found at digit #601 in Pi (π), 601 is the 110th Prime Number, as in the first major interval or (4 x 27.5) = 110. Yet, most significant is that 999 is the sum of the 1st and 3rd words of Creation that equal (913 + 86) = 999, and of the 4th, 2nd, and 5th words that equal (401 + 203 + 395) = 999, and that 703 is the sum of the remaining 6th and 7th words, while 297 is One (1) more than the 7th word, or (296 + 1) = 297. Immediately, we see that these 4 unique numbers are built into the 7-word verse that seeded Creation, like a set of keys to a set of locks. Similarly to (297 – 1) = 296, the difference between the two Self-Indicting Numbers is (999 – 703) = 296, the 7th word, the “Earth, the Land (הארץ), representing physicality.” By virtue of their unique design, they seem to suggest that the 7 Creation words or tiers are funneling down into the 7th level, Malchut, which is physicality.
Meanwhile, the sums of the digits in these unique 4 Creation numbers (1, 999, 297 and 703). are (1, 27, 18, and 10) respectively, which once again pair in (1 + 27) = 28 and (18 + 10) = 28, as in the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation and like the non-Prime Numbers of the First Tier of Ulam’s Spiral that total sequentially 1 and 10, 18 and 27. When we divide the sum of these 4 unique Self-Indicting Numbers by the sum of their digits we get (2000/56) = 35.71 or 5778/φ, which is also Phi (φ)17.
Another special property of these unique Self-Indicting Numbers is that their product equals (1 x 999 x 297 x 703) = 208582209, which reduces to the Self-Indicting Number
(208 + 582 + 209) = 999, and 999/2000 = .4995, as in the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet and as in the average weight of the 4 nucleotides in our DNA, 499.5 g/mol. Moreover, the product (1928934) of the digits in these unique 4 Creation numbers (1, 999, 297 and 703) reduces to (001 + 928 + 934) = 1863 = (001 + 863) = 864, as in the 864,000 diameter of the Sun. And while we know that Cosmos revolves around the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273), the Constant 4/π, we first find the string …1273… at digit #297 within Pi (π), one of the 4 unique Self-Indicting Numbers. Meanwhile, while the number 1 is naturally found at the beginning 31415…, we find the string …2019… that represents the Western Calendar Event Horizon date at digit #703, and again ending at digit #999, …2019…. And all 3 Self-Indicting locations are proceeded by 4, …41273…, …42019… and 42019…. The Beginning and the End.
Meanwhile, the average of theses 4 phenomenal numbers is (2000/4) = 500, as in the 500 parasang distance between Heaven and Earth, while (703 – 500) = 203, the value of the second word of Creation, Boreh (ברא), and/or the first Essential Triplet of Creation, Bara (ברא), meaning to Create, and likewise (500 – 297) = 203. Of course (999 + 203) = 1202, the value of the first 3 words or first half or first 14 letters of the Creation Verse, while the second 14 letters equal 1499 and (1499 + 203) = 1702, which is a permutation of 2701 and the interim reductive sum of 7033 as above.
Wilder still, we see that (999 + 500) = 1499, even though the words that added up to 999 were mostly within the other 14 letters of the Verse. Moreover, (1202 + 500) = 1702, and using the same algorithm 1202 reduces to (1 + 202) = 203 and 1499 reduces to (1 + 499) = 500, while (203 + 500) = 703 or the 37th Triangular Field once again.
This is reminiscent of the 500-value of both the 1st and the 7th tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, as the value of the 2nd (יתצ) and 14th (צית) Triplets respectively. We must keep in mind that while (2 x 14) = 28, the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix less the value of those two Essential Triplets of 500 each equals (3701 – 1000) = 2701, which is that of its inverse (1/3701) = 2701, and that of the First Verse of Creation.
And they all relate to the value of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema, 1118, as (φ – .500) = 1.118 and as in the 1118 hypotenuse of a right triangle whose base is 500 and whose height is 1000. This is like the Core Essential Right Triangle (173 – 300 – 346) and the famous Moses Right Triangle (3 – 4 – 5).
While 1202 and 1499, the pair of two 14 sequential letters that equal 2701, are remarkable and referential, they are not self-indicting. Nevertheless, while the reductions of this pair equal (001 + 202) + (001 + 499) = (203 + 500) = 703, when they are raised to the x2 power they equal 1444804 and 2247001 that in the first stage reduces to (1249 + 250) = 1499, in the second stage reduces further to (250 + 250) = 500, from the Shema Right Triangle. Moreover, 1499 alone raised to both x1 and x2 reduces to (500 + 250) = 750, as in the edge of the Creation Square formed from the circumference of the Creation Circle of 3000.
Meanwhile, the (37 x 73) = 2701 value of the entire First Verse of Creation is even more self-referential in that when raised to at least the powers of 1 to 9 respectively and then reduced, it reverts to 703, 703, 703, 2701, 3700, 2701, 3700, 3700, 3700. And while this number keeps revolving around the Core Prime Number 37, whose exponential reduction repeatedly cycles through 37, 370, and 703, which is 1110 altogether, the sum of the (28 + 14) = 42 letters in the two sums (2701 + 1499) = 4200, as in the Singularity of 42.
Sometimes mathematical phenomena can appear to be spectacular and turn out to be just an illusion based on the inherent properties of certain numbers. We could ask the existential question of who gave those specific numbers those properties but, in this case, we do not have to. These 4 unique self-indicting numbers (1, 999, 297 and 703) were designed so that they would combine with one another to form the First Verse of Creation, and in such a way that they would form geometric shapes based on the unique self-referencing number 2701 that is based on the Core Essential Numbers 37 and 73, and moreover, that they are designed so that we would only be able to perceive their message through the Cosmic interface Hebrew language. And while simultaneously 50 separate Prime Number intelligence quanta independently combined to form that same First Verse of Creation none of these 5 unique numbers are Prime Numbers. That is intelligence!
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
Perhaps that intelligence has a Name, since the sum of the 18 digits in (1, 999, 297, 703, 2701, 37 and 73) is 86, the value of Name Elohim (אלהים), God, the 3rd word of Creation.
Then as we delve deeper, we see that while (1 + 999 + 297 + 703) = 2000, the 4 corresponding locations in Pi (π) for these 4 unique numbers sum to (2 + 763 + 738 + 408) = 1911, as in 9/11/2001. This is not to say that this was a message about a false flag on 9/11/2001 or about it signaling the beginning of something, only that it was there encoded into Pi (π) and Creation and open to interpretation.
As for the 10-digit sequence undeniably encoded into Pi (π) …5778185778… that includes the duplicate Event Horizon radius date 5778 HC, which is the 107th Triangular Number, which is the 28th Prime Number, as in the 28 letters of Creation, Kalman found a most interesting cyclical pattern when applying the exponential triplet partition algorithm to it. The first exponential iteration 57781857781 reduced to 1746, then 747, the complete value of Shabbat (שבת), or (702 + 45) = 747. The string …747… appears for the first time in Pi (π) at digit 740, which is 260 digits before 1000 and it is immediately preceded by the Self-Indicting Number 297 at digit # 737 as …297747….
After that first exponential iteration, the self-referencing occurs in a cycle of 3 whereby each reduction sums to a permutation of either 297, 018, or 756. While 297 is one of the 4 unique Creation Self-Implicating Numbers, or 018 is found in the center of this sequence and in Phi (φ)18 = 5778, not to mention it is the value of Chai (חי), life. Meanwhile,756 is the value of the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52), the base of the Sun and Great Pyramids, and the 6 faces of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. One of those permutations is 972 and (972 + 018 + 756) = 1746, cycling back to the first iteration of 5778185778, whose 10 digits sum to 63 or (7 x 9).
The digits in 297, 018, and 756 sum to (18 + 9 + 18) = 45, as in each tier of the Alef-bet (1 – 9) = 45. Partially because of that affinity for the 9 digits to sum to 45, the sum of the 3 cycles equals (567 + 675 + 756 + 972 + 729 + 297 + 810 + 108 + 081) = 4995, which is the sum of the entire 27 letters of the Alef-bet, and which reduces to (4 + 995) = 999. The sum of the 9 initial reductions of those 3 cycles before the second stage reduction is the palindromic 81918 that also reduces to (81 + 018) = 999, which is another of the 4 unique Creation Self-Implicating Numbers, and the diagonal of the bottom face of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation.
Moreover, while we know that the uniqueness of the Primal Frequency is based on the cyclical number or Concept of 9, the sum of the total cycles of the Cosmic radiance angles 27.5o and 137.5o for number 107 is .77818, as in …5778185778….
And as in the logarithm of 6, which is .77815, while the logarithm of 600,000 is 5.778.
Nevertheless, when we examine the initial reductions corresponding to the 3 cyclical permutations as 3 separate groups and sum them up, we get (2565 + 6669 + 14742) = 23976 instead of the final reductions of (567 + 675 + 756) = 1998 = (2 x 999), as in the two sets of words in the First verse of Creation that each sum to 999, making 5 words that sum to 1998. And while 1998 further reduces to (1 + 998) = 999, the first iteration sum 23976 also reduces to (976 + 23) = 999, and its location within Pi (π) is at digit #84998. Similarly (972 + 729 + 297) = 1998 = (2 x 999) and these were reduced from (4968 + 7722 + 13284) = 25974, which reduces to 999, and is found at digit #3739, and again (810 + 108 + 081) = 999 and these were reduced from (4806 + 13095 + 14067) = 31968, which reduces to 999 yet again, and is found at digit #355707.
Spectacularly, the sum of the 3 locations within Pi (π) for these 3 derivative locations is (355707 + 3739 + 84998) = 444444, and 5778/444444 = .013000, as in Echad (אחד), One (1).
This is like the string …999999… found at digit #763 within Pi (π), as in 63/7 = 9 and 729 = (9 x 9 x 9) and 4995 = (5 x 999) and the 999 sum all from the same digit sequence.
We should also point out that not only is 444 the numerical value of “L’dor V’dor, from generation to generation (לדר־ודר),” but it is one of the triangles (400-40-4) of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of the same face as the diagonal (900-90-9) of 999, which together equal (13 x 111).
The Sequential Non-Prime Numbers
We can follow the path of the Prime Numbers around Ulam’s square spiral lattice that drop down and spiral away tier by tier or platform by platform. With the addition of the (8 + 9 + 10) set of 3 non-Prime Numbers that equal 27 between the two consecutive Primes 7 and 11, we get (4 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 10) = 37, the Core Prime Number of Creation and of Man’s DNA, which is the 12th Prime Number, as in the very next non-Prime Number, the integer 12 that is wedged between the next two consecutive Prime Number, 11 and 13. It is followed by the set of (14 + 15 + 16) = 45, as in Adam (Man), the non-Prime Numbers between the two consecutive Prime Numbers 13 and 17, and thus (4 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 14 + 15 + 16) = (37 + 45) = 82, the katan value of the First Verse of Creation. When the One (1) in the center is included, we get (82 + 1) = 83, as in the Creation Prime Number associated with the ordinal values of the 7 words of Creation.
Continuing around the spiral, the next non-Prime Numbers is the number 18 wedged between the two consecutive Prime Numbers 17 and 19, and the sum through 18 is 112, as in the 112 Essential Triplets embedded in the Torah.
The integer 18 is immediately followed by 20, as in the ordinal values of the final two letters in the First Verse (רץ), which are also the central two letters in the 42-Letter Name Matrix. When the full sequence is tabulated, we get (4 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 18 + 20) = (37 + 45 + 38) = 120, as in the stipulated Age of Man, with an average of (120/10) = 12. This sequence though skips the non-Prime Number 12, so with the addition of the 11th non-Prime Number (82 + 12) = 94, as in the 94 letters in the 26 Names of the 26 generations of Adam and as in (94 + 26) = 120.
If we complete the sequence through the 9th Prime Number, 23, we get 13 non-Prime Numbers through 22, as in the 22 Names of the Alef-bet, which equal (4 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 18 + 20+ 21 + 22) = 175, as in the age of Abraham, whose Name is embedded in the first 5 words of the First Verse of Creation. And since the cumulative value of those first 9 Prime Numbers is (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23) = 100, the total value for these 22 integers of these two complementary Creation sequences is (100 + 175) = 275, the Primal Frequency of Creation that is based on the number 9 and that emanates from the One (1).
As we continue around the square lattice spiral, we see that the non-Prime Numbers through 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה), equal 250, as in the value of Ner (נר), candle, that is found 73 times within words in the Torah. And continuing further we see that the sum of the 20 non-Prime Numbers through the integer 30 that is wedged between 29 and 31 when the One (1) is included is 336, as in the 336 letters in the 112 Essential Triplets, and that the sum of the 24 non-Prime Numbers through 36 at the end of the next sequence, just before the Core Prime 37, is 505, the value of Sarah, while the sum of the 3 integers in the next sequence right after the life-giving 37 is (38 + 39 + 40) = 127, as in the 127 years of the life of Sarah. This sequence through 40 is followed by Prime Number 41, the ordinal value of Abraham, her husband. The sum 505 is also the Constant of the 10 x 10 Magic Square, while 175 is the Constant of the 7 x 7 Magic Square.
The total of the non-Prime Numbers through 38, immediately following the Core Prime 37 is 543, as in the value of the highest Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה). This does not mean that this was the Creator’s plan, but it was His design and is inherent in its structure and the structure of our universe whether coincidental or not.
And the non-Prime Number spiral that began by entering the Path of the Exodus at the number 4 concludes in the wedged in the Number 42, the 28th non-Prime. For clarity’s sake, this is an arbitrary termination based on the 28 letters in the First Verse of Creation, as the spiral continues endlessly onward past the 57th non-Prime Numbers that add up to 2448, as in the year of the Exodus and Torah, 2448 HC and well past the 82nd non-Prime Number, as in the katan value of the First Verse, which is 112.
The Layered Tiers and the Path of One
We have seen how the first two tiers or platforms relate to Adam, and we know how important the corner stones are in the design of the Sun Pyramid and the Great Pyramid and how significant the 8 corners of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation that equal 112 are, so it behooves us to examine the corners of Ulam’s Spiraling Primes. While the first tier after the One (1), the summit platform, equals (3 + 5 + 7 + 9) = 24, and the next tier (13 + 17 + 21 + 25) = 76 together they equal (24 + 76) = 100 or 102, as in the 100th Prime Number, 541, the value of Israel. With the capstone of One (1) they equal 101, as in the value of the Michael, the archangel who protects Israel, and as in 101 being the 26th Prime Number that aligns with the YHVH (יהוה).
The next tier or platform equals (31 + 37 + 43 + 49) = 160, making the sum of the corners of the first 3 tiers equal to 260, as in (10 x 26), the YHVH (יהוה) and the 260 Constant in the 8 x 8 Magic Square.
While the 4th tier equals (57 + 65 + 73 + 81) = 276 and includes the Constant 65 of the 5 x 5 Magic Square, the 5th tier not only includes the 111 Constant of the 6 x 6 Magic Square, but the 4 corners of this 102 platform all end in One (1), exactly 10 digits apart, terminating in 112, and they equal (91 + 101 + 111 + 121) = 424, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness.
As meaningful as that it, the sum of the 28 corners in the first 7 tiers is (24 + 76 + 160 + 276 + 424 + 604 + 816) = 2380, as in the sum of the Path of One (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380 or 1/42, which means that Ulam Spiral of Primes Numbers and non-Prime Numbers centered on One (1) was metaphysically designed to align with the 7 words and 28 letters in the First Verse of Creation and simultaneously with the Path of One. Moreover, the 4 corners of the 6th tier equal 604, which is the sum of the 2nd and 4th words of Creation, (203 + 401) = 604.
Beyond their corners, the ratio between the sum of all the Prime Numbers and non-Prime Numbers for these 7 platforms or 7 tiers is (4661/25,424) = .183330 as in the central position in the 7 tier 42-Letter Name Matrix, the Source of 42, and as in the 3330 years between 2448 HC and the Event Horizon in 5778 HC. It is also the ratio of the Primal Frequency to the difference between it and the YHVH (יהוה), or 27.5/1.5 = 18.333…
Path of the Exodus
If we follow the trail diagonally through the heart of the Ulam Prime Spiral, we find the Path of the Exodus of the Pronic Numbers (2 x 3, ,4 x 5…) that “Split the Sea” of integers that we have detailed earlier: (6, 20, 42, 72, Joseph’s 110 and 156, 210, 272, 342…). It begins with (20 + 6) = 26, but across the central plane it picks up again with (4 + 14) = 18, or together 2618 which represents Phi (φ)2 or 2.6180…. before continuing with 32, 58 and 92 which equal 182, as in the value of Jacob. Most notably, this Path of the Exodus is present whether we begin with One (1) or even “0” in the center.
Inherent in this entirely natural design are simple mathematical patterns that result in entire 2 diagonals being void of Prime Numbers, for instance the squares of the odd integer one (1 – 9 – 25 – 49 – 81 …) that forms one of the corner edges of the overlaid pyramid, and the squares of the even integer one (4 – 16 – 36 – 64 – 100 …). These help to shape the overall 100-mile view of the lattice.
The 26 Generations
With all the Core Prime Number connections within Creation to 37 and with all our DNA connections to 37, it is fitting that the 10 Names from Adam to Noach contain exactly 37 letters.
At the end of the first 10 generations, when the Creator had enough of the evil of Man, He stated that the age of man shall be 120. There are 94 letters in their 26 Names and (94 + 26) = 120. While the katan gematria of the 26 generations from Adam to Moses is 363, as in H’Moshiach and the Spherical Time circumference 36304.24470, their ordinal value is 1155, as in the Spherical Time diameter, 11556 years and as in the product of the Primal Frequency at the center of Spherical Time Source of 42, or (42 x 27.5) = 1155. Moreover, their sofit value is (11737 – 11556) or 181 more than the Spherical Time diameter, as in the 42nd Prime Number, 181 and the sum of the first 42 digits in the Prime Numbers Field.
Then while their complete value is the palindromic 7887 plus 1155 or (7887 + 1155) = 9042, the 260 letters in their spelled-out milui gematria is 19351 or (19,000 + 351) with 351 being the sum of the integers from 1 – 26. As we recall, the 7 associated Prime Numbers to the 7 words of the First Verse of Creation are (7127 + 1237 + 443 + 2749 + 2711 + 1949) = 19013 with the 296th Prime Number 1949 representing the 7th and final word in the verse, the Earth, the Land. Not only was the Land of Israel established in 1949 CE and Israel’s first Prime Minister elected and first 120-member Knesset seated that Spring, 70 years before 2019 CE, but the 26 final letters of the 26 Names equal 1949, and as Rav Brandwein of blessed memory pointed out to me, the final letters point to the future.
The other 6 associated Prime Numbers thus equal (19013 – 1949) = 17064 as in 1764 = 422, the radiant Singularity of 42, and the 2 associated Prime Numbers of the two words “Created Elohim” equal (1237 + 443) = 1680 or (40 x 42), which is reminiscent of the 1680 value of the digits within Pi (π) from the leading edge of the first Event Horizon string …5778… through the 1000th digit, the same location where the sum of the squares of those first 632 digits is 17541, or 17,000 plus 541, Israel. It is also as in the 42 Yehuda (יהודה) and the 7 L’Yehuda (ליהודה) in the Torah whose collective value is (1260 + 420) = 1680 or (40 x 42), like the 42 journeys over the 40 years from Egypt to Israel or slavery to physicality to freedom. We must keep in mind that not only does the Name Yehuda (יהודה) house the YHVH (יהוה), but he is the progenitor of King David who is at the exact center of the Spherical Time radius and of Moshiach.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
Meanwhile, the sofit 26 final letters of the 26 Names of the 26 Generations equals 5799, as in 5799 HC, which is within the final 6 years of the fully stretched 27.5-year Event Horizon grace period.
The Torah is teaching us that from the moment of Creation everything was known. The simplest way for that to happen is in a Divine Simulation. And just in case we were not convinced, the sum of the first 4 associated Prime Numbers to the 7 words of the First Verse of Creation are (7127 + 1237 + 443 + 2749) = 11556, the Spherical Time diameter. Of course, these Prime Numbers were not aligned with the first 4 words of Creation, “In the Beginning, G-d Created the Et (את),” which is recognized as the Alef-bet and as the circular “Beginning and the End” to convince or teach us anything; they are there to sustain our universe.
The sofit final letters of those first 4 words equals 1470, as in Jacob’s 147 years and as in the 14700 total value of all the words in the Torah that contain the YHVH (יהוה) and/or have the prefix Lamed (ל) of complete value 42, or (1680 + 14280) = 14700, which represents the 42 Yehuda (ליהודה), the 7 L’Yehuda (ליהודה), and the 255 L’YHVH (ליהוה), which collectively is 14280, as in .1428 or 1/7th. Meanwhile, the complete sofit value of the final 3 words of the First Verse of Creation, is (1900 + 73) = 1973, as in the 1973 War.
The 3 Yuds (ייי)
Meanwhile there is a deeper secret here in that the Lamed (ל) that connects to Binah and that has a standard value of 30 represents 3 Yuds (י), as in 103 = 1000, and as in the 3 triply spelled out Yuds (יוד־ויו־דלת) whose 27 letters equal (3 x 476) = 1428 or 1/7th. These are not just any 3 Yuds (י) but the 3 Yuds (ייי) that are the 22nd Essential Triplet (ייי) of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, the same 3 Yuds (ייי) as in the expanded YHVH in the Aspect of Sag-Binah (יוד־הי־ואו־הי), which are the same 3 Yuds (ייי) as in the 3 verse/tier initials of the 60 letter Blessing of the Cohanim, who’s outer 6 words equal 1820, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah.
They are also the same 3 Yuds (ייי) as in the triple YHVH (יהוה) (יהוה) (יהוה); the 3 tier initials (ייי) of the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה); and the 3 spelled-out Yuds (יוד־יוד־יוד) of the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) that sum to 60. The 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) have a total value of 455, which is 21, as in the value of Ehyeh (אהיה), less than 476, the value of the spelled-out letter Yud (יוד־ויו־דלת).
The 3 Yuds (ייי) are also inherent in the phrase “Holy Holy Holy Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh (קדוש־קדוש־קדוש)” from Isaiah 6:3 where the Name Yud (יוד) forms the central triangle in each word but only the back of the Name is physically present. The value with the Yud (י) is thus (410 + 10) = 420, making the value of the powerful triplet phrase 1260 or (30 x 42) as in the 42 Yehuda (יהודה) in the Torah and as in sum of the 26 generations, 12600, etc.
The secret is that these are not just 3 Yuds (ייי) that align but the same 3 Yuds (ייי) of Binah that expand into Names and blessings in all directions, and they are not letters (symbols) but compact units of cosmic consciousness. As such, they are also the same 3 Yuds (ייי) in the 7 words of Creation. All this reflects the vision the Tree-of-Life structure of the universe with the 3 above and the 7 descended from them.
The Secret of the 7 Primes
There is a series of 7 Prime Numbers whose pattern extends for exactly 7 iterations before vanishing as most Prime Number patterns eventually do. It starts with the 11th Prime Number, 31, which is associated with the First Verse of Creation and throughout the Torah cosmology and extends by repeatedly adding 3 before it. What makes this set extraordinary is that this special set of 7 Prime Numbers equals (31 + 331 + 3331 + 33331 + 333331 + 3333331 + 333333331) = 37,037,017, as in the Core Essential Prime Number 37 that of the 7 words of Creation revolve around and as in the 3 defining components of the first 1000 Prime Numbers that equal (3803 + 17024 + 3682913) = 3703740, or (3701 + 2.701 + .0002701 +…) = 3703.7037, and as in (111.111111/3) = 37.037037. Moreover, the sum of the digits in these 7 Prime Sequence of 7 Ones (1) and 28 threes (3) is 91, as in the Path of One unification, or (7 x 13), Echad, One, and the sum of the digits in their resultant sum of 37,037,017 is 28, as in the 28 letters of Creation.
The 7 words of the First Verse of Creation that aligns with the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and that houses the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation is our bridge to the metaphysical world of Binah consciousness.The Numbers are but symbols on the Gates of Consciousness and the Mathematics are but signposts pointing us in the right direction.