The Radiance of the 72 Essential Triplets

As we listen to the Shofar blowings based on pulses of 9, spiraling in vortexes based on the Phi (φ) angle (137.5o) like the Primal Frequency (27.5), we need to let it connect us to the consciousness of the universe.  The Arizal has explained this in detail regarding the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Nonetheless, there is also an entry point in the 72 Names or 72 Essential Triplet Matrix where the Primal Frequency (27.5) of the universe enters and radiates through them.

There are copious technological arrangements, relationships, and geometries built into the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. Many of them we have already revealed, yet there is another set entirely, one that is based on the hidden placement of the Primal Frequency within it, and that is also aligned with the 42-Letter Name Matrix.  By highlighting them, they serve as examples of how complex these sets of Essential Triplets really are. It also shows us that by opening ourselves to the frequency of the universe and of universal consciousness we can connect with all the hidden hyperspace technology rather than limit ourselves to what someone—who may have had an agenda—told us a specific Name or Triplet means.

That said, the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) has a numerical value of 275, aligning it directly with the Primal Frequency (27.5) of the universe that echoes from Source and throughout the Aether.  Within the complex Matrix of the 72 Essential Triplets everything radiates outward from this 39th Essential Triplet (רהע). This does not negate anything we have explained about the 9 Candles within the Matrix or any of the numerous power sequences and patterns within it; it is just another layer. To begin with, the ordinal value of the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) is the Angelic Suffix Number (41), the same as Abraham (אברהם), Elohim (אלהים), and the sum of the 4 average ordinal values of the letters in the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplet, 41.0…. And while the average letter value of 216 letters in the 72 Essential Triplets is 9.995 or essentially 10.00, the ratio of 39th Essential Triplet’s (רהע) value to its ordinal value is (275/41) = 6.7073171, which is not only reflective of the two upper Sefirot Binah (67) and Chochma (73), and the 18th Triangular Field (171), but the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah.  This is just a sample of the built in complexity and yet it is important to note that it is not necessary to know any of this to utilize the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, but once we study it, if only briefly, we are downloading it from those the two upper Sefirot Binah and Chochma to a place where our individual consciousness units can resonate with it whenever we make a visual connection to Matrix.  We are also helping to inject this downloaded Light into our world at a time when the world needs it most. As advised by the Zohar, we should silently say the Baruch Shem… of numerical value 1358 afterwards, to ground the connection with Binah (1000) and Moshiach (358) consciousness.

While all the ordinal values of the Essential Triplets before the emergent 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) total exactly 1111 and all the Essential Triplets after it total 1007, the sum of the square roots for the 8 columns of the ordinal values of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix equals 131.3 as in the 1.313 constant of the exponential curve (1.313x) of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet; the year of the Exodus and the revelation at Sinai, 1313 BCE; and as in the 14 middle letters of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal 1313.

The two Essential Triplets immediately before the emergent 39th Essential Triplet (רהע), the 37th and 38th ones, have a sofit ordinal value of 73, the two after it, the 40th and 41st ones, equal 42, the same as the standard values of those two Essential Triplets, or (27 + 15) = 42. Then while (37 + 38 + 40 + 41) = 156, as in the value of Joseph, Zion, and the 6 YHVH (יהוה) of Zeir Anpin, the 3rd Essential Triplet after the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) is the 42nd one (מיכ), and its numerical value is 70. These all tie together in the primordial equation that binds the string gematria of the 42-Letter Name, the Pi (π) Field, and the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life, or 9/.123049 = 73.141593. This is especially apparent when considering that the Concept Consciousness of 9 is at the core of the radiating Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) and that the equation 9/.123049 is off from exactly (70 + π) by only 0.0000018…% and from Pi (π) by 0.000042…%. Moreover, that string value (123049) pertains to the first tier of the 42-Letter Name (אבגיתץ) of numerical value 506, which is the value of the 32nd Essential Triplet and 506 is both the complete value of Moshiach Ben David and the sum of the first 11 natural squares (12 + 22 + 32112) = 506, representing the outward expansion into the 42-letters of the 11 Sefirot/dimensions of the Tree-of-Life.

Meanwhile, the value of the 4th Essential Triplet (וול) beyond the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) is 42, and the value of the 4th Essential Triplet (כוק) before the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) is 126, or (3 x 42), which is the value of the faces and the planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 and of 27 positions.

This relationship may also align with the sum of the ordinal location and ordinal value of the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) being (39 + 41) = 70, and thus with the resulting equation (275 + 70) = 345, the numerical value of Moses and of the 5th Essential Triplet (מהש) in the Matrix, whose ordinal value is 39.  Equations are nothing more than the illumination of the pathways between the various coordinates of consciousness. Scientists have finally realized that the universe is one big, interconnected web and as we have always known, it just mimics the greater consciousness. This is why if we are to overcome the limitations of physicality, we need to align ourselves with that consciousness and its frequency.




The word emor (אמר) means “said” and it has a complete gematria of (241 + 34) = 275, as in the measure of the cubit (27.5”) and the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz). Speaking in the proper frequency means being in the proper state of consciousness, and perhaps this is why the word emor (אמר) is found 84 times in the Torah, as in the connection between the Upper and Lower Names of 42 that can bring Pad, redemption (84) as Rav Brandwein explained.

The first 8 Essential Triplets in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix correspond to its first row and they split the Matrix into the values 1143 and into a perfect 8 x 8 square of 8000. While the average of the 9 columns is also 1143, the average of those 8 rows or 8 stunted columns associated with the 8 Candles is exactly 1000, exactly like the sum of the 216 square roots and those of the 9 rows that equals 1000.0.  That first row, also known as the 9th Candle, associated with Chanukah (89) and which is lit all 8 Days during that period of Binah Consciousness, is very special and connects with the 25 letters or 15 Essential Triplets of the first verse of the Shema in that its value with the kolel equals (1118 + 25) = 1143.

The sum of that first row of 8 Essential Triplets plus the first 9 ordinal values, as in this (8 x 9) Matrix, is (1143 + 276) = 1419, which by no coincidence matches the 1419 times that the triplet Emor (אמר) is found within words in the Torah. Moreover, it is in Exodus 14:19 where we find the 72 Essential Triplets hidden within the Torah, at the exact moment of the Splitting of the Red Sea.

As Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”


The Primal Frequency or vibration enters though the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) of numerical value 39 and reverberates throughout the rest of the 72 Essential Triplets.  Examining that spreading Light we see certain patterns emerge both before and beyond this emergence point. For example, the sum of the final 34 Essential Triplets of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, extending from the emergent the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) through the 72nd one, is 4225, which is the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. It is also, as recently explained, the sum of the ordinal values for all 5 generations (expansions) of the YHVH (יהוה), like the 5 Essential Triplets within the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that contain the letters (מב) or 42. Moreover, 4225 is exactly 652, as in the radiant Adonai (אדני)2, the vessel of the level of Malchut to the YHVH (יהוה)  that is Zeir Anpin.  Meanwhile, 4225 is the perfect counterspace to the 5775” height of the Great Pyramid, which is simultaneously 210 cubits of 27.5” tall, as in (5 x 42) = 210, just like the 210 levels of the Great Pyramid. This further aligns with its downward angle of 42o and its upward slope angle of 722 o and its face-to-face angle of 112o, as in the 112 Essential Triplets that includes both sets, while the sum of the 3 Essential Triplets just beyond the 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) is (27 + 15 + 70) = 112.

As for the 34 associated ordinal values to those final 34 Essential Triplets of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, they sum to 1081, the value of the Sefira of Tiferet, representing Zeir Anpin, whose ordinal value is 82, as in the katan value of First Verse of Creation.

Meanwhile, of those last 34 Essential Triplets, the final 18 from the 54th through the 72nd  Essential Triplet equal 1820, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and as in the Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820), while the final 20 Essential Triplets equals 2381, just like the total of the Path of One that equals (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380 while 1/42 = .0238095 or 2381.

Of those last 18, the final 12 Essential Triplets total 954, as in the digit location #954 in Pi (π) for the final of the three strings …5778… within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π). It can also represent the 954 hours that the Israelites waited for Moses until creating the golden calf and short-circuiting themselves and the process.  Their impatience and doubts allowed them to fall 6 hours short of the 40 days that Moses and the process was supposed to take. The full 1000 hours, as in the 1000 digits, is 42 days.  Those final 12 Essential Triplets begin with the 60th one (מצר), whose value is 330, as in (12 x 27.5) and as in the base measure of the Great Pyramid in cubits (330 cu), while this Essential Triplet (מצר) is the root of the word Egypt (מִצְרָיִם).

As for the final 11 Essential Triplets, they total 906, the exact same as the ordinal value of first 30 Essential Triplets, and while King David’s 70 year life marks the precise center of the Spherical Time paradigm radius, he was born exactly 616 years after the Egyptian exile began, as in the numerical value (616) of “H’Torah, The Torah, and he died in 906 BCE. This is also the value of the Names of the 4 Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael associated with the 4 creatures and sides of the Merkavah that equal (101 + 246 + 248 + 311) = 906, and as in the final tier (שקוצית) in the 14 Essential Triplets of 42-Letter Name Matrix, the one associated with King David, or Malchut of Yesod.

Within those final 11, we see that the last 8 Essential Triplets, which also comprises the final row of the 72 Essential Triplets totals 702, as in the value of Shabbat (שבת). Curiously, the total ordinal value through that 64th Essential Triplet (מחי) is 2021. While there is no physical reason to add them together, the ordinal value of the first 64 Essential Triplets plus the value of the final 8 equals (2021 + 702) = 2723 or 22 more than the 2701 value of the First Verse of Creation, together with the 22 letters of the Alef-bet.

We see that this must all be somewhat purposeful considering that the sum of the ordinal values through the 26th Essential Triplet (האא) is 756, as in the radiant Primal Frequency(27.52) and as in the 756-foot base length of the Great Pyramid. Likewise, the sum of the ordinal values through the 51th Essential Triplet (החש) is 1565, as in the string value of the YHVH (יהוה), while the value of that Essential Triplet is 313, as in the 313 times Elohim (אלהים) appears in the Torah, and the sum of 12 Essential Triplets from the emergent 39th one through this 51st one is 1419, as in the 1419 Emor (אמר) and the 14:19 location of the 72 Essential Triplets in the Torah. Moreover, the sum of the ordinal values through the 52nd Essential Triplet (החש) is 1618, as in Phi (φ) or 1.6180….

As we get closer to the end of the 72 Essential Triplets, we see that the last 5 Essential Triplets total 385, as in “the Divine Presence, the Shechinah (שכינה),” whereas the last 4 Essential Triplets total 369, as in the Constant 369 of the 9 x 9 normal Magic Square and as in the square root of the vector of the YHVH (יהוה) that equals 4√(102 + 52 + 62 + 52) = 369.3. This is notable because the last 2 Essential Triplets total (25 + 86) = 111, as in the Constant 111 of the 6 x 6 normal Magic Square, and as in the Name of the letter Alef (אלף). And while the final and 72nd Essential Triplet (מום) has a value of 86, as in Elohim (אלהים), the Constant of the 3 x 3 normal Magic Square is 15, as in the 41st Essential Triplet (ההה), and the Constant of the 3 x 3 x 3 Magic Essential Cube is 42, as in the sum of the 2 closest Essential Triplets beyond the emergent 39th one, (27 + 15) = 42.

Between that 18th and 20th final Essential Triplets, we find the 19th one, and the sum of the 19 final Essential Triplets is 2280. This is the value of the combined surface temperatures of the 9 planets in our Solar System, 2173 K, plus their combined distance from the Sun, 107 AU, or (2173 + 107) = 2280. While the 107th Triangular Number is 5778, as in the Sun’s 5778 K surface temperature that aligns with the Event Horizon, the Spherical Time paradigm radius, and the Galactic Current sheet, the counterpart to 5778 is (10,0005778) = 4222 and looking in the other direction, we will see that the 32 Essential Triplets immediately above the emergent 39th one, from the 7th to the 38th, total 4222. Now, while the Adam-Eve values fall into the exact ratio of 57.78% – 42.22%, we also see that the diameter of Mars is 4222 miles, adding it to the Earth, Moon, and Sun’s diameters that have proven to be designed measures and ratios. And that 9th Planet Pluto, which Nasa wants to decommission, not only completes that perfect 107 AU distance, but its orbit is 248 Earth years, as in the 248 dimensions of the Binah E8 Symmetry and as in the ubiquitous Torah Concept 248 that we also find in the 2,248 total ordinal value for the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. As for our historic timeline, (57784222) = 1556, as in 1556 HC, when the Titans controlled the earth 4222 years before the Event Horizon, triggering the great reset and Flood 100 years later in 1656 HC, paralleling the last 100 years since 1918.

Above the Emergent Radiance

Exploring the 38 first Essential Triplets, in other words the set before the emergent 39th one, we see that closest 3, the 36th, 37th and 38th ones or (36 + 37 + 38) = 111, have a combined value of 273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) and as in the average of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that encompasses the First 8 Words and/or 33 Letters of Creation, or (3003/11) = 273.

Meanwhile, starting with the 31s Essential Triplet, which is the 42nd one from the end of the Matrix, through the 38th Essential Triplet, in other words the 8 Essential Triplets from the 31st38th, we get a total value of exactly 1024, as in the 210 or 1024 Word-Value Matrix in the Torah, while the average of those 8 Essential Triplets is exactly 128 each or 27. Moreover, since the sum of the first 30 ordinal values is 906, the sum of the ordinal values of the final 42 Essential Triplets from this 31s Essential Triplet is 1342. This thus aligns it with the cumulative 1342 Verses through the 10th Portion, Miketz and with the complete value (1342) of the Torah’s First 3 Words (בראשית־ברא־אלהים) of Creation, “In the Beginning G-d Created,” and with the 13th Verse of Creation that also has a value of 1342; “And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.”

As a reminder, the 34 associated ordinal values to the final 34 Essential Triplets of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix sum to 1081, the value of the Sefira of Tiferet, representing Zeir Anpin, whose ordinal value is 82, as in the katan value of First Verse of Creation, while at the 82nd digit in Pi (π) we find the string …628…, or twice Pi (π), which leads us to digit #628 where we find the powerful sequence …778577134275778… as in the Concept of Echad (אחד), One (13); the Singularity of 42; the Primal Frequency (27.5); and the Event Horizon radius, 5778; while it is preceded by 577 and 778, graphically indicating a flip in the cycle, much as the Earth’s magnetic field cycle flips every 5778 years.

While the first Essential Triplet (והו) of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix has a value of 17, we further recall that the first 17 digits in Pi (π) have the total value of 82, and the next 611 digits, as in the value of Torah (תורה), equal 2701, as in the value of the First Verse of Creation, and that their total digits is thus (17 + 611) = 628. Moreover, while 34 equals (2 x 17), the 17 digits after that cumulative sum of 2701 also equal 82, and that first Essential Triplet (והו) has a complete value of 34, as in the 34 Verses of Creation.

Meanwhile, within that First Verse of Creation, we see that the total number of occurrences of the Torah’s 4th and 2nd Words is 2628, as in the value of the 72nd Triangular Field, and that since the sum of the 22 Names of the Alef-bet equals 4248, the difference between them and the 72nd Triangular Number is (42482628) = 1620, which while very close to Phi (1.618), it is also the sum of the products of the coordinates of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. Moreover, we further understand that the value of the Sefira that represents the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin, Tiferet (1081), whose katan value is 82, combines with the 72 coordinate positions to equal (1081 + 1620) = 2701, the value of the First Verse of Creation.  Moreover, not only is the value 1620 also 1/4th the square root of 42, but it is the complete sum of the Names of the 6 Matriarchs—Sarah, Leah, Rivka, Eve, Miriam, and Rachel—(505, 36, 307, 19, 290, and 238) plus their ordinal values (46, 18, 46, 19, 56 and 40) that equals 1620, and which are all found within the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

As for that 4th Word of Creation, it has a value of 401, and in terms of the recurrences of the value 401 it is the highest in the Torah and is found 2669 times for a total value of 1070269, as in the 107th Triangular Number, 5778, and as in the 26-value of the YHVH (יהוה). It represents 3.3373% of the words in the Torah, like the ratio of the Sun to the Earth, etc., while the sum of its value, recurrences, and total value is 1073339, as in 57782 or (5778 x .5778) that equals 3338.5 or 3339, and as in the year 3338 HC that the First Holy Temple was destroyed.  The specific relevance to 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is that the 14 Essential Triplets above the emergent 39th one, from the 25th to the 38th, total exactly 2669, and the 12 Essential Triplets above the emergent 39th one, from the 27th to the 38th, total exactly 2207 or 5778/φ2.

And while (2207 + 273) = 2480, as in the sum of the 5 Books of Moses, etc., we are reminded that the Primordial 42-Letter Name Matrix is permuted into the First 42 letters of the Torah and that the final 9 letters of those, the letters beyond the 33 Letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, equal 848 or (2 x 424), as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, and that they are in the ratio of (848/3842) = .2207. This is why the cumulative sum of the words and letters through the 33rd Verse of Creation, when G-d finished Creating the 7 Days and rested, is 2207, which also reflects the 22/7 ratio of Pi (π) that is the average of the 7 initials of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation that came from the 42-Letter Name.

Meanwhile, the 8th Essential Triplet (כהת) has a numerical value of 425 like the 42.5o radiant complement to the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o and the 31 Essential Triplets before the emergent 39th one total exactly 4200, which is also exactly 8000 for the 64 Essential Triplets from that point to the end of the Matrix.  Furthermore, while the first 10 Essential Triplets total 1200, whose average is (1200/10) = 120, as in the age of Man, the first 37 Essential Triplets at the midpoint of the Matrix total 4800 or (4 x 1200), and the midpoint starting from the end of the Matrix, in other words the last 37 Essential Triplets, is 4044, also reflecting the Concept of 4.

Another mathematical or Cosmic concept that we have seen built into the Torah is partitioning which generates sets of specific numbers. It is a form of counting and in that sense, it is a cipher that can be applied to items, any items from atoms to stars. While the 10th Partition Function Number is 42, the 28th is 3718, and the sum of the 28 Essential Triplets above the emergent 39th one, from the 11th to the 38th, total exactly 3718.

As previously discussed in detail, and as directly relates to the partitioning of the 1000 letters and 248 words of the Shema, one of the key sets in partitioning is the set of Bell Primes and their Bell Prime Indices, and as we saw while the 7th of the Bell Numbers and 3rd Bell Prime is number 877, and the 7th Bell Prime Index is 2841, the sum of (877 + 2841) = 3718.  This is relevant because in the 7 Days of Creation there are 10 Utterance by the Creator, 9 of which begins with “Vayomer Elohim,” whose value of 903, the 42nd Triangular Field, connects them to the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and they are each followed by a command to the elements of hyperspace, while the sum of those 9 commands is (232 + 405 + 122 + 705 + 666 + 606 + 497 + 425 + 60) = 3718. When those 9 commands, as in the 9 rows of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, are added to the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name inherent in them, and we have (3718 + 42) = 3760, the Spiritual Time component of the Spherical Time paradigm, corresponding to the 7 dimensions of Zeir Anpin.

As a reminder, the 3760 year the Spiritual Time radius is reflected in the equation (3760 + 2000) = 5760 HC, which is equivalent to the year 2000 CE and the logarithm of 5760 is 3.76042248, and while we see the allusion to the 42 x 248 row-column structure of the Torah Matrix, we also see the 2248 total ordinal sofit value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix.

Then, while the 22nd Essential Triplet is (ייי), the 22 Essential Triplets above the emergent 39th one, from the 17th to the 38th, total exactly 3147, as in 22/7 and more precisely as in the 7th root of the product of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation or 314.474, which is Pi (π) paired with Da’at (474), the 11th Sefira, Knowledge, which is off from Pi (π) by approximately (314.474314.159) = .3147.

If we look at the radiant effect of the emergent 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) in its position within the Matrix, we see that the sum of its 5th row and 7th column , as in the 57 of the 5778, is (768 + 1237) = 2005, and that when 275 is added to it we get 2280, and when we subtract or excerpt it, we get (2005275) = 1730, as in 1/5778 = .001730 and as in (10 x 173), the katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and moreover, as in the sum of the Names of the 4 upper  dimensions (Keter, Chochma, Binah, and Da’at) along with Malchut that equal 1730. It is also representative of the 1730 men who elevated to freedom beyond the 600,000-base measure of the second census (601,730) after the 40 years and 42 Journeys, which aligns with the 40th Prime Number, 173 and the year of the Exodus, the Splitting of the Sea, and the reception of the 10 Commandments at Mt Sinai in 2448 HC in that …1730… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #24488, representing the bookend dates of those 40 years, 2448 HC and 2488 HC.


Meanwhile, the 9 Essential Triplets that immediately surround the emergent 39th Essential Triplet (רהע) equal (506 + 52 + 47 + 27 + 275 + 118 + 55 + 400 + 280) = 1760, or (64 x 27.5) and with their ordinal values of 320 their complete values total 2080 or (80 x 26), as in the average value of the square roots of the 9 rows, 80.0039, and like the outer triangular ring of the Bereshit Triangle, reflecting the YHVH (יהוה), the other radiant force in the universe and emanating from the same Source, which is why 39 is the value of “YHVH Echad (יהוה־אחד), G-d is One” from the Shema.




L’Shana Tova U’metuka
