Perhaps you have never heard of a BLT, a Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich, which is obviously not kosher in the slightest. Yet, a BLT sandwich has a lot to do with connecting us to Moshiach consciousness in the little time we have left. Believe it or not, this sandwich has been fed to us, even to the most Orthodox, every year around the holiday of Sukkot for nearly 3330 years. Truthfully, it was even served to Adam in Gan Eden, and not by the snake nor by Eve. Indeed, far from treif, this BLT sandwich is doubly blessed and contains a deep secret of healing that ties into the essential structure of our universe. I am pretty sure there is no one among us who does not need heavenly healing, cleansing, and harmonic re-alignment with the universe, or a tighter bond to Binah (Moshiach) energy/consciousness. If you do not need it, move on; if you do need it, please read on.
When G-d created this connection for us, he started out with a point of nothingness and expanded outward toward the BLT sandwich, and then the Torah and our existence. We are going to trace it backwards towards its source, and we will start with the sandwich, which is found within the joining of the Torah’s first and last words. Hard to miss really, yet we have done so for thousands of years. The Torah is cyclical (circular), and is s read continuously every year. We make a great show of reading the first word and portion (Bereshit/בראשית) immediately after finishing the last one (Israel/ישראל). When you put them together and you get the 11 letters:
בראשית ישראל
You may have noticed that within each of the two words there are 4 duplicate letters (אשרי) spelling the word Ashrei, meaning blessing/happy/overjoyed. It is the same Ashrei as in the 18 years of Oy and Ashrei (Chaos and Blessing), of which we find ourselves at year 16, and as in the Ashrei prayer that we recite so often and through which its 22 letters and 10 Names of G-d (יהוה) which connects us to the 32 Paths of the Tree-of-life. You may also have noticed that the letters not utilized in the two Ashrei (אשרי) within Bereshit-Israel are the Bet, Lamed and Tav (בלת) or BLT.
(אשרי) (בלת) (אשרי)
This blessed sandwich, even without the mayo, holds its real power, like most sandwiches in the fillings, the BLT (בלת), whose numerical value is 432 and whose small gematria value in reverse is also 432. Numbers are just symbols of energetic readings and indicate which socket or portal in the greater universe the underlying letters or words connect through. In this case 432 is a special frequency (432 Hz) to which we can tune our instruments and thus listen to our music. The first time in the Torah a word has the numerical value of 432 is in Genesis 3:8 and that word translates to “And they heard,” when Adam and Eve heard G-d’s voice in Gan Eden.
If you stop right now and start listening to music whereby A is tuned to 432 Hz instead of the modern adjusted scale of 440hz, you will begin re-energizing at once and feel yourself harmonizing with the universe, where the winds of Binah blow at 432 Hz and G-d’s voice can be heard at 432 Hz. Or you could wait a few more minutes and learn why it has little to do with 432 and more to do with its source and thus adjust your consciousness as well.
Most of you know that the 42-Letter Name is embedded within (reflected in) the first 42 Letters of the Torah and that is the Mayo in the BLT sandwich. Yet the 72 Names of G-d are there as well, even though later on they are fully reflected in the 3 verses of 72 letters each for a total of 216 letters at the crossing of the Red (endless) Sea. In fact, they are at the seed level of the 432 HZ frequency. This is so not just because 432 = 2 x 216, but because that does play a part. To understand this, we need to take a step backwards closer to Creation.
As will be more fully explained in a subsequent article, the Zohar, written nearly 2000 years ago, describes in detail the origins of the universe and how it unfolded geometrically from a point of nothing to our physical state and through to Binah and beyond. For now, let us examine the 3 dimensions of our physicality defined by the simplest 3-dimensional shape, the cube, or as Abraham Avinu described it in his book, the Sefer Yetzirah, a “building block.” There was a point, then a line, then a square or face, and then a cube, where the energy spread out along 3 axes and thus in 6 directions, represented by the 6 faces of the cube.
We could ascribe any length to the edge of the cube, all 12 edges being necessarily the same length but there are 10 primordial letters corresponding to 10 sefirot of Tohu (yet another pending article). One of them, the Vav (ו), is purposely shaped like a line, or edge, and has the numerical value of 6, as is the bar of 6 handbreadths that R’ Chaim Luzzato tells us to use in the measurements of the Future Holy Temple. So when we construct our cube of 12 Vavs (ו), we 6 x 12 or a total length of 72 and we get a total volume of 6 x 6 x 6 or 216 cubic units. Thus spiritually the energy of the 216 letters and the 72 Triplets of the 72 Names came out of a single cube.
Of course we are not talking about just any cube, though they are all reflections of that first cube created out of the purest of energies. Yet, all cubes are six sided and if the length of any side is 6 the surface area of any face will be 6 x 6 or 36 and that of all six faces will be 6 x 6 x 6 or 216 once again. Thus the energy within this cube has a volume of 216 and the energy wrapped around this same cube also has an area of 216 for a total energy frequency of 432. That is quite a sandwich G-d gave us for the road, and that He made sure was in Adam’s satchel when he left Gan Eden and began our journey.
Remember it all started with a point, and the cube, any cube, has 8 points (or vertices), 12 edges, and 6 faces, for a total of 26, the numerical value of G-d’s ineffable Name (יהוה). The Name, not coincidentally, has a Vav (ו) sandwiched between two letters Hei (הה). In case we think this all might be a coincidence or that maybe G-d doesn’t love us as much as I keep showing you that he does, the next natural cube consists of 8 cubes stacked 2 wide, 2 long, and 2 high with a total volume of 216 x 8 or 1728, which is the exact number of words in the Torah with a numerical value of 26. He wants us to connect on a soul level, to be able to reach out and latch onto Binah at every opportunity. Why else would the numerical value of B’Nefesh (בנפש) meaning “for the soul” be 432?
When this divine cube expands into the 4th dimension it becomes what is called a hypercube. While this is difficult to fathom, suffice to say in the next dimension where we interact (or want to) with Binah each of the 6 sides (faces) of the cube expand into an entirely new cube. Here we are looking at 6 identical cubes surrounding the original one, or 7 in total. In this realm of expanded consciousness the primary geometric shape, a hypercube, has 72 edges and 42 faces. This tells us that if we want to ride the sea of Binah, our sails need to consist of the 42-Letter Name and 72 Names matrices.
In case you were wondering, the sum of the internal and external energy of this hypercube based on the primordial Vav (ו) is 42 x 36 or 1512 plus 7 x 216 also 1512 for a total of 3024. This is the exact perimeter of the Great Pyramid, (Joseph’s Pyramid), 3024 feet. Moreover the same Pyramid is built on a scale of 1:43,200 to the earth’s northern hemisphere, with the Pyramid’s height corresponding to the pole and the perimeter as the equator. Do not think for a second that any of this is a coincidence, especially that in this base-10 mathematical world of ours we still thankfully measure in feet, yards, and miles, and in minutes, hours and days — all
multiples of 6, not 10.
So when we connect by listening to music at a frequency of 432 HZ, (which can easily be found by Googling) we are connecting to the Vav (ו) sandwiched within G-d’s Name (יהוה) as it vibrates at 432 vibrations/second 432 HZ. Even better sing it, or play it yourself. Sing the El Na RFa Na La in the right pitch to or for someone who needs healing. Sing the Ana B’koach. Meditate on the 72 Names, each one the corner of a cube, 9 columns making 9 cubes of 8 corners while listening to music in the frequency of 432 HZ.
The musical scale happens naturally once a specific pitch (vibration frequency) has been set and that natural progression is completely based on complex mathematics which we will spare you, except to note that A being equivalent to 432 HZ means that the whole tone C is 256 HZ. Within that mathematics the 12 tones line up around the circle of 5th’s and while 256 is precisely 28 it is also the numerical value of the “Ark of the Covenant,” and of the name of the 5th Book of Moses, Devarim (דברים) which summarized the whole Torah. Another natural harmonic note is F# at 720 HZ, corresponding to 720.0, which is the sum of the square roots of each the 72 Names. That is the natural order of music.
In Germany in the late 1930’s the 440 HZ tone began to be used, then somehow in 1953 the ISO mandated it as the standard for all music worldwide. It is time we return to the natural order. Don’t you think?
So why now? Why after nearly 5778 years since Creation, and 66.6 jubilee years after receiving the Torah at Sinai, are we receiving this birthday gift? Why now are we finally able to understand this power of healing and blessings that was there under our noses all along? It goes back to the Vav (ו) and its energetic value, six (6). You see, the mathematics of musical tones are based on logarithms and as it turns out the logarithm of 6 is .7781512. So coupled with the expansion to Binah from that original point of nothingness being the 5th phase (from point, to line (Vav), square, cube, and hypercube), we get from the Vav, both the year 5778 (2018 CE) and the 1512 found in the hypercube tied to both the 42-Letter Name and 72 Names matrices.
So go eat a kosher BLT and enjoy it as G-d’s gift to help see us into the 5th Phase.
(אשרי) (בלת) (אשרי)
Once we are re-tuned, the harmonics of our time, our destiny, and our universe will resonate throughout. How could they not? They were designed that way. The surface temperature (energy) of the sun is 5778◦K and its radius is 432,288 miles. The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles or 5 x 432. The speed of light is 186,282 miles per second, only off from 4322 by .1833% with 1833 being the number of occurrences of the letter Samech (ס) found in the Torah, each of numerical value 60, which is even more harmonic as the total numerical value of the letters at the exact midpoint of the 42-Letter Name is 1833 and because that .1833% equals to exactly 342 mps. Further, the radius of the Earth is 18.33 x 432.
Once in tune, the broken Vav (ו) in Shalom (שלום) of portion Pinchas will be healed and as Pinchas’ spear becomes whole again we will welcome in peace and recover another portion of the 288 fallen sparks of Tohu necessary to usher in Moshiach and the Geula (Final Redemption).
If you examine the initials of the blessed sandwich above you will see that they spell out Abba (אבא), Father, so that you shall make no mistake as to who gave you that gift. Notice also that the final letters (יתי) sum to 420, which are also the central 3 letters in בראשית ישראל. When we add them together, we get 420 + 4 = 424, the numerical value of Moshiach Ben David. What a gift! It is time to give thanks to the Almighty for being alive in these times! It is a gift and a responsibility! He has shown us the blessings in the beginning and in the end. He has shown us how to make them endless. Use them; the alternative is the Oy.
Use this gift to free yourself of your limitations, open the bonds and boundaries of your cube. Let go and Binah awaits.
With endless blessings,