To find the secret of why 5778 HC or 2018 CE, we can look to the sky and see the sun lording over us, burning away at 5778 K, or look under our noses to the very first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, to the seed of creation.
First we should note that just as the tzaddikim were able to calculate 5778 based on iterations of 2/3 or 666 years, so too can we calculate the year 2018 CE.
2018 CE = (666 x 3) + (6.66 x 3)
The Hebrew letter alef (E) has a numerical value of 1 and when spelled out (ELP) it is equivalent to 111, so:
2018 CE = (111 x 6 x 3) + (111 x6.66 x 3/100) =
- Image by Nir Tober via Flickr
111 x 18 + 111 x 18/100 =
alef x 18.18
Everyone knows 18 is the numerical value of Chai, life, but when we spell out the letter alef for 4 generations, we get
which equals 1 + 111 + 266 + 1046 = 1424, which breaks down to 1000 + 424, and we know 1000 is alef again as he word for 1000 is elef (ELP), spelled the same as alef (ELP), but more significant is that 424 is the numerical value of Moshiach Ben David.
But, if we substitute the value of Mem sofit for the standard mem (M) in the 4th iteration, the total value becomes 1984, and if we add the 33 letters in the 4 iterations we get 1984 + 33 = 2017 and we can choose to add the kolel of 1 and voila: 2018 CE.
We should note that 666 x 3 = 1998 and that the Jewish and Hebrew Calendars so divinely intertwined, as illustrated time and again in The Divine Calendar, align the same through their holidays (fall on the same dates) in 1998 and again in 2018.
Nevertheless, if we consider only the 1st 3 iterations as Rabbi Avraham Azulai of blessed memory instructed us to do in Chesed L’Avraham, and use the gematria sofit valuation, we get:
1 + 831 + 831 + 74 + 81 = 1818
as in 18.18 alefs = 2018 CE
and from There’s Nothing Random About the Universe, we know that Phi, the primordial mathematical constant that controls the natural spiraling growth from in the universe from our seashells to the Milky Way raised to the power of 18, or
Phi18 = 5778
Understanding the schematic of the universe and G-d’s designs is critical to understanding how we can breach the tree-of-life reality, how we can go from alef, the starting point to the finish line in a single leap of faith, without having to go through the grueling process. We’ll soon be learning how the Torah shows us that some of those in our past already did that, and how we are the souls of those who didn’t. Yet, we still can. That reality never changed, only our perception. For 66.6 jubilee years we had to earn the right again. Now it’s time. But we still have to learn how it’s done.
Now, if you recall that 5778 = the sum of all the positive integers through 107, and also that 5778 = 107 x 54, we should like to draw your attention to the fact that not only is the Torah divided in 54 parashot (portions) and this is the 18th Knesset of Israel, but 54 = 18 x 3 and also that 54 = 216/4 = (6 x 6 x 6)/4, making 5778 = 107 x (6 x 6 x 6)/4
We know that 216 is the numerical value of the sefira (dimension) of gevurah, representing the aspect of judgment, and also that 216 is representative of the 216 letters in the 72 Names used to split the Red (Endless) Sea, but 54, a sum of three 18‘s or nine 6‘s is also the paragraph in Exodus (Shmot/names) where we reach keter, the crowning, highest dimension, when we received the 10 Utterances (Commandments) from G-d, but that’s the topic of our next blog, when we last had the opportunity to really choose.