Part IX Food for Thought

More on the 7 vs 7 Triplets vs 7 Words There are obviously infinitely more connections to be found between the 42-Letter Name and the Torah’s first verse, but we want to extend one more from where we left off in the previous article (Part VIII). In further analysis,...

Part VII The Shift

We have pretty well established that neither the Hebrew Alphabet, nor the 54-unit shift from it to Phi(ϕ) was arbitrary in the slightest. In order to better understand the nature and relationship of this 54-unit shift, let us visualize these shifting proportions of...

The Inner Circle

Completing Part VI, Section D All the numbers we have been dealing with concerning the Torah’s first verse and its cubic nature, form a circle. They all circle and cycle back on each other, starting with 173, as the sum of the small gematria of the 42-Letter Name....

Part VI Section C: For Whom the Bell Tolls

Before we get back to Bell Numbers, we want to clarify something. We explained earlier that the only way for us to comprehend a higher dimensional object is to project it onto a 2-dimensional surface.  This picture is a higher dimension orthographic projection of a...

A Different Perspective

Part VI section b To get an idea of the complexity of the Torah, we need look no further than its first verse, which has exactly 127 different combinations of its 7 words. This is considering only variations in which of the 7 words are being added together, not their...