I don’t know if the Masonic architects of the Washington Monument were aware of what we’re about to reveal, but it was indeed part of its divine intent.  It’s important that we understand this knowledge as a prelude to our passing beneath the hidden embossed Tetragrammaton (YHVH) at the secret entrance to Joseph’s Pyramid 55 ft off the ground.
As discussed in our prior articles, each of the 4 bases of the Monument is 55 feet wide and the height of the capstone is also 55 feet, so if we multiple 55 times 5, for the 5 dimensions of 55 feet each, we get 55 x 5 = 275, as in the well concealed 27.5” measurement of the secret ancient cubit that is the be utilized in the construction of the Future Holy Temple. And what makes us think that this was the architect’s hidden intent? Because the entire height of the monument, 555 feet, is an allusion to that equation (5×55).
There is a physics principle upon which the Torah (5 Books of Moses) is designed, and that is that energy is never lost, which means that in counting the sefirot from 1 to 10, we get 1+2+3+4…10, which sums to a total energy level of 55.  So, once again , we have a possible monumental connection to the 10 sefirot of the Tree-of-life, and speaking of Moses, the numerical value of his name (MShH) is 345 as in the base of the monument’s capstone, 34.5 ft.
Nevertheless, the entire perimeter of the capstone is 137 ft, as in the numerical value of Kabbalah, meaning “to receive,” and the perimeter of the entire monument is 220 ft. Together, 220 + 137 + 1 ft for the extra inches we rounded off in numbers above, equals 358 ft, as in the numerical value of Moshiach, the Messiah.
Whether you want to believe there is a purposeful connection here to the energy of the Tree-of-life that will bring about Mashiach, you should note  the follow figures regarding the Tetragrammaton (YHVH).  The YHVH has 4 letters, but when we spell them out, they expand to 10 letters and when we spell out the full 4 aspects (spelling variations associated with the 4 aspects of G-d) we get a total of 55 letters for these first two iterations of G-d’s ineffable Name), as in the four 55 ft bases of the monument. Then when we add the 3rd iteration (or spelling out of the letters in the 2nd iteration of G-d’s Name), we get a total of 220 letters, as in the perimeter, or total for the 4 bases, of the monument, 220 ft. Now, note further that 1 +2 +3 +4 = 10, and it all starts to come together.
There doesn’t seem to be any coincidence in this design, nor in the fact that there are 42 letters in each of the 3 iterations of the 3 highest of G-d’s Names (YHVH – Av, Sag, and Mah) and also 42 letters in the Names of all the sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-Life.
Now, interestingly enough, the numerical value of “Washington” is 430, as in the 430 years of exile in Canaan and Egypt from the Covenant of Abraham in 2018 HC to the Exodus in 2448 HC, and of those 430 years, 220 were in Canaan and 210 in Egypt. The height of Joseph’s pyramid is 210 cubits and also 210 levels, while the perimeter of the Washington Monument is 220 ft. So we ask you, is this a great segue to the Pyramid, or what? Especially as we edge closer to the date prophesied for the completion of G-d’s Covenant with Abraham, 2018 CE.