Why 2018? Ask Jacob!

In Torah portion, Vayetzei, Jacob weds two wives. The Arizal explains that while Jacob coupled with Rachel, it was Israel (Jacob’s second appellation) who coupled with Leah, with important consequences for us today. Every story in the Bible has a key hidden...

A Hidden Message Awaits Within.

Part III of IV This week’s portion was parsha Toldot, about the birth and conflict of Jacob and Esau, beginning with G-d’s Covenant with Isaac in Padan Aram and ending with 40-year-old Jacob in Padan Aram, looking for a wife.  Padan Aram, the home of...

Rav Ashlag and the 13 Leaps of Love.

By now, most of you know of the prophetic Hebrew calendar date for Moshiach (the Messiah) and as some say the end times or the end of days,  5778, and how Rav Yehuda Halevi Ashlag revealed it to me through my teacher and how much more it connects to.  And more...

Lag B'Omer is Available Every Day.

The energy of Lag B’Omer is available to us every day and always has been. It was imbedded into G-d first gift to us, long before Rabbi Shimon wrote the Zohar.  Before Creation there was the 42-Letter Name of G-d.  It’s designed at a 6 x 7 Matrix. If you...

Surprise! There are Secrets in the Omer.

We count the Omer every year. On one level it’s a measure of barley given as a sacrifice. We count it for 49 days. We count it 7 days a week for 7 weeks for a full 1/7 of the year.  So it shouldn’t be surprising that the sum of the ordinal value in the...