by Jeffrey Meiliken | Oct 2, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
The Sukkah (סוכה) has a numerical value of 91 as in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) so when we consider the 20 cubits ideal and maximum height of the Sukkah, we realize that its volume is (91 x 20) or 1820 as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. This is...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Sep 29, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
Each cosmic window and holiday or festival have specific tools assigned to them and they are not there to make the festivals more interesting, fun, or to break up all the eating rituals and customs. Food and the Torah are constant throughout the schematic and...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Sep 26, 2023 | Uncategorized
It is only through understanding that we can elevate our consciousness to the next level. On certain cosmic holidays that level of consciousness is available to us to tap into. They are cosmic windows. The next one, Sukkot, is fast approaching. We have previously...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Sep 14, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
We have referenced E8 symmetry and the E8 Lattice numerous times and now we want to explain how its complex networking is wired into our cosmology, uniting physics and metaphysics, and how it aligns with and parallels the technology built into the Torah. To do so it...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Sep 13, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
I’m republishing this information as it must be fresh on our minds for Rosh Hashannah. Tomorrow, I’ll be publishing a new article that ties off many of the loose ends that has arisen over the years as we have gotten deeper and deeper into the multi and...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jun 12, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
This past Shabbat in Bamidbar 8:1 -4 we read the final section of the Channukah sacrifices that was continued from Bamidbar 7:1 – 89, which as previously discussed are repeatedly connected to the Event Horizon in 5778 HC through the gematria of the listed sacrificial...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jun 1, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
The 4 Faces of the Merkabah In the Hebrew year 3332 HC the prophet Ezekiel had one of the most profound visions ever recorded. The Western Divine Calendar analogue to that date is (2448 + 3332) = 5780 or the year 2020 CE, when Man played G-d and recombined the DNA of...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | May 24, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
Understanding Time Divine Compensation and Understanding In this final section, we will connect the physical with the spiritual as was always intended. The Holy Sparks we were charged to raise were not sitting like glowing pearls upon flower petals in beautiful...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | May 21, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
The Actual Great Pyramid The stone Pyramid has been meticulously measured and documented in the 19th and early 20th centuries by the likes of Sir William Flinders Petrie, Charles Piazzi Smyth, and J H. Cole amongst others and we are eternally grateful for their...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | May 11, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
In this Part II of the 3 part Great Pyramid study we will begin with the missing Capstone that holds great mystery and even more enlightenment. It is often portrayed as shining by esoteric societies that seem to know more than they should about ancient societies and...