Before we get back to Bell Numbers, we want to clarify something. We explained earlier that the only way for us to comprehend a higher dimensional object is to project it onto a 2-dimensional surface. This picture is a higher dimension orthographic projection of a hypercube onto a 2-dimension surface. It is a combination or points and connecting lines and we are viewing it from one of a nearly infinite assortment of possible angles. Obviously, it loses a tremendous amount of information as it is dumbed down to our level. What looks like a spider’s web to us is a confluence of numerous cubes, cells, faces overlapping, integrating and intersections in myriad ways. When we read the Torah we are reading a 2-dimensional object. From what we have seen, especially since so many attributes in it form perfect cubes, even in multi-dimensions, it is entirely probable that what we are seeing is a projection down from higher dimensions. And that the information we are registering is a tiny fraction of what is available to us.
Now onto Bells. In combinatorial mathematics, the Bell numbers count the possible partitions of a set. To understand partitioning, we can see that One element can be divided only 1 way, making 1 the first Bell number. Two elements can be split up as (1,2) and (12) or two ways, making 2 the second Bell number. Three elements can be split or partitioned into (1,2,3); (12,3); (1,23); (13,2); and (123) or 5 ways, making 5 the 3rd Bell number. In other words, The nth of these numbers, Bn, counts the number of different ways to partition a set that has exactly n elements
Very few of these Bell numbers are also prime numbers, meaning irreducible (non-factorable) numbers. The second Bell number is 2, which is a prime number, so is 5, the third Bell number and second Bell Prime. The next Bell Prime is 877, which is the only the 7th Bell number. They start growing exponentially large from there. Our supercomputers have only found 7 Bell Primes so far, making them extremely rare in the universe.
If you rank all the Bell Numbers from B1 to Bn and record where those 7 rare Bell Primes are found, you would have an index of all the Bell Primes. This is known as the Bell Prime Indices. The Indices of the 7 known Bell Primes are the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 13th, 42nd, 55th, and 2841st Bell Numbers, giving us the so far finite sequence: 2, 3, 7, 13, 42, 55 and 2841. This sequence is called “the indices of Prime Bell Numbers.”
As these are the rarest of sequential sets based on important and elementary mathematical and real-world principles—how to divide up any grouping—we must conclude that any substantial interweaving with the Torah’s design would be profound.
In the Beginning
Let us begin in the beginning by connecting the Torah’s first word to the 13-42-55 sequence in the Shema, and independent of that connection to the Bell Primes. Bereshit (בראשית) has 6 letters (elements), just like the letter vav (ו) that was found in the 13-42-55 proportion in the Shema, which we should remind you is wholly comprised of 3 excerpted paragraphs from the Torah, not a manmade external prayer. It was in the relationship between the second two paragraphs and the first 42-word one that this proportion unfolded. The number of possible partitions of the 6 elements in Bereshit (בראשית) is 203, which would make it the 6th Bell Number. The 2nd word, a 3-letter word, in the Torah is Bara (ברא) of numerical value 203. The design structure of the Torah’s 2nd word, a 3-letter word of numerical value 203 being indicative of 2 x 3 = 6 and that it is also equal to the 6th Bell Number (203) is probably purposeful. Yet even more significant perhaps is that the first core syllable of the Torah, one of the main partitions of that first 6 letter word is also Bere (ברא) of value 203, and that the product of both the digits in 203 is obviously also 2 x 3 = 6.
In our hypothesis that the Torah is a hyper complex projection of interconnected multi-dimension cells, edges, and vertices of varying energy types, frequencies, wavelengths and quanta of energy onto 2-dimensional space, one of those projection points would be the 1820 Tetragrammaton(יהוה) that we see in the Torah. As 1820 is (1792 +28) they could most easily be seen as projections from the 1792 faces of an 8-dimensional hypercube. Moreover, there are precisely 1526 times that the Tetragrammaton(יהוה) appears in the Torah without a prefix, and 1729 times that the exact value (26) of the Tetragrammaton(יהוה) appears in the Torah, which leads us to (1729-1526) = 203 times that the value (26) applies to a word other than the Tetragrammaton(יהוה).
At this point the idea would not be to draw our attention to 203 or the first 3 letters of the Torah yet again, as the redundancy is already beyond. So, what could be the point?
Perhaps, this first verse of 28 letters is more than special. What if it exists as an entity unto itself, a hyper-dimensional, possibly transformational, vehicle integrally connected to every aspect of the Torah yet also severable, like a Merkava or commandship/escape nodule. Then again, we can only see 7 words handwritten on parchment, so anything beyond that is just virtual for now.
It is virtual, like everything you see on your flat computer screen and everything around the world that you think it is connected to. It is just glass, metal, a few circuits, pixels, and photons, slightly 3-dimensional, though mostly 2-dimensional. Look behind it, where are all those connections? Virtual! Do you know for sure that you are having an email exchange with a real person, that the events of a viral video ever really happened, that the algorithm you trusted to search trillions of sources of data, did not cherry pick a few paid for ones for you. Not only can you not trust the world being presented to you on your screen, you have no way of knowing if any of it really exists. Are you going to turn to your TV screen or phone screen for verification?
We are becoming used to accepting virtual as real. Perhaps our consciousness is being prepared for, or just evolving into a state where we are ready to accept a new far more advanced and transformational technology, one that has been preserved for us for thousands of years. Sure, it looks primitive, but how long do you think an iPhone would have lasted if it were given to our ancestors on the side of a mountain 3330 years ago. I can tell you from experience that the battery would not have lasted more than a few hours.
Between The Genesis Prayer, years’ worth of articles and Books, and this extended paper, we have explored deep into the makings of the word Bereshit (בראשית), yet the deeper we get the more there is to find, and the more astounding is the embedded technology. One of the myriad examples of the works of creation, ma‘aseh bereshit, whose initials are MB(42), are once again found in the ordinal value of the 6 letters in the word Bereshit (בראשית): (2,20,1,21,10,22). After partitioning them as (2,20; 1,21; 10; 22), they can be combined and simplified to a set of 4 numbers (22; 22; 10; 22), bringing us back to that important relationship between the 10 sefirot (dimensions) and the 22 pathways between them, and to the relationship between the 22 steps (iterations) between every power of 10. The ancient kabbalists saw the relationship between the tree-of-life and two stacked cubes.
They were primarily concerned with the 10 dimensions and the 22 pathways between them represented by the 22 letters. The true kabbalists, in spite of any modern jewelry or mockery to the contrary never envisioned the tree-of-life as a flat static diagram. A casual observance of the tree shows the overlapping hexagons, which we now know can be viewed as 2-dimensional shadows or projections of a 3-dimensional cube. We also now
know that two 3-dimensional stacked cubes is the first step in the expansion to a hypercube or from the projection of a hypercube onto our 3rd dimensional space. Moreover, the 10 sefirot were never balls on a page, but concentric expansions in space, akin to the 210 hypercube. The combination of pathways between them are practically
innumerable. This is not to say that they viewed the universe as a cube, only that they viewed it as multiple nested expansions of space, and that they realized that anything we see in this world is a filtered projection from beyond. They strove to take the physical observations of this world and contemplate the nature of the upper dimensions by analyzing the projections that they were observing. That is the lesson in all the travel tales of the Rabbis in the Zohar.
Ask yourself: Why a tree? Does it look like a tree? Why was the Tree-of-Life in the center of the garden?
What do the branches of a tree do? They branch out, expand. What governs that expansion? Phi. Tree is Etz (עץ) in Hebrew, a combination of the 16th and 18th letters in the alphabet, just line 1.6180… It is also in gematria sofit 970, as in the cubic length of the Torah’s first word (9.70), as illustrated in the previous section. The garden, as it is written in the Torah is “הגן,” whose numerical value can either be 58, reminiscent of 58 yet again, or 708, as in the value of the upper 42-Letter Name, the triple expansion of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה). As the cautionary tale goes, Adam had full access to the vast expansion of the spiritual (dimensions beyond) universe but once he connected to the limitations of physicality (the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil) he was cut off. Once he began thinking in 3-dimensions and of his own powers of creativity within the bounds of 3 dimensions he was trapped, and could not go back. Our
story, the Chronicles of Adam, our journey to get back, began in the 5 verses of chapter 5 of paragraph 13 of the Torah. It began when Adam was 130 years old and begat Seth, whose name is comprised of the last 2 letters of the alef-bet (שת), a hidden reference to the 5 Books of Moses that we would receive after 26 generations at Mt Sinai of numerical value 130, in the year 1313 BCE. That was when we would receive the main tool through whose understanding, we would eventually be able to return.
The letter combination in Seth’s name (שת) is also the final gate of the 231 Gates comprised of the 231 possible pairings of the 22 Letters, as Abraham explains them in the Sefer Yetzirah. This brings up yet another way to view the 248 dimensions in the E8 Lattice, considering that there are currently 17 known particles and forces in our universe, and 231 gates + 17 fundamental particles/forces = 248.
Do you see the similarity in the last two webbed projections? This second one is a 8-Orthoplex, one of the 2160 8-orthoplex that surround each point in the 248 dimensions of the E8 lattice. Any possibility Abraham knew this on some level? Yes, Abraham (248) did predate the Torah by exactly 500 years, but he and the early kabbalists had other tools that allowed him to access it in its spiritual or higher-dimensional form. We do too, and without them, getting beyond the limits of physicality and unleashing the true transformational power of the Torah is very difficult.
Let us talk about Adam’s son, Seth (שת) for a moment. If we apply the common gematria atbash (reverse alphabet) the two final letters at the back of the alphabet line up with the first two letters of the alphabet (אב), meaning father. Together these 4 letters, bookending the alef-bet add up to 703, as in the gematria of the last two words of the first verse, Et H’Ertz, already discussed. The next atbash pair, (ג–ר) has the numerical value 203, as in the same verse’s 2nd word, and as in the 6th Bell Number. The next pair is (ק־ד) has a value of 104 and when added to 703 gives us 807, as in the Seth’s age when he begot his son. The next pair (צ־ה) or (90–5) matches up with the life of Seth’s son Enosh at 905 years old. The number 210 plays a very prominent role in the Torah technology and so it is interesting that 703 + 210 = 913, the Torah’s first word, Bereshit. Moreover, as we just spoke about the 231 gates, we would be remiss if we did not point out that the atbash total of the next 3 letter pairs, (ס־ח,ע־ז,פ־ו) is 231, and the Pe-Vav (פ־ו) combination is 86, the same value as the Torah’s 3rd word. So far, we the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th of the first 7 words covered by this simple cipher. It is obvious the Creator of the Torah has found yet another way to integrate these 22 building blocks into the complex design of the Torah’s very special first verse. He is probably also sending us a message through the linkage to the relationship of Adam-Seth and Enosh, a message about specific pathways. In hyperspace, Binah, the connections are instantaneous like quantum entanglement, yet when projected onto our world they become pathways. What if the Torah was a mechanism that could integrate the two, a nexus?
Back to Bells. Keep in mind that the sum of the digits in the ordinal values of Bereshit (2,20,1,21,10,22) no matter how they are partitioned is 13, the 4th Bell Prime Index and the value of the 6th word in the Shema (echad), which is indicative of the core concept of the Torah and all its innumerable components, One(ness).
Since the ordinal values on the spectrum of the alef-bet corresponds to a continual spectra from 1 to 400 according an exponential curve of 1.313, the place values of where the letters in a Hebrew word occur can be view the same way we view the elements in our periodic table, whose spectra extends from 400 – 800. And just like the periodic elements these are the specific signatures of the words.
It is a way to read the Torah without knowing any Hebrew, a way to integrate 2-dimensional symbols into the fabric of the universe.
No less profound though is that the sum of these ordinal values (2,20,1,21,10,22) is 76. We would be remiss if we did not point out some of the simplest integral facts before getting to the good stuff, so 7 + 6 = 13 and 7 x 6 = 42. That said, 76 is also the sum of the first 6 Bell Numbers—the sequence beginning with (1,2,5,15,52,203, 877…) up to the significant number 203. And the sum of the digits in these 6 Bell Numbers (1,2,5,15,52,203) is (1+2+5+1+5+5+2+2+0+3) = 26, as in the Tetragrammaton(יהוה), while the sum of the digits of the 7th Bell Number (877): 8+7+7 = 22. Moreover, if you recall from the previous section we delineated the cubic unit length for each word value cubes in the combinations of the Torah’s first verse, and that the unit length for the word Bara (ברא) of numerical value 203 is 5.87713. How convenient that 877 is the 5th Bell Prime and 13 is the 4th Bell Prime Index, and 203 is the 4th Bell prime. If the second word of the Torah was a vertex on one of these hypercubes, all these rare connects would be associated points on sub-cubes and it would all make perfect sense to us why they are interrelated. Indeed, if we could see the universe that way, a whole lot more would make sense.
The 7 Cubes and the Time Limit
Regarding the seven Genesis 43 cubes that collectively form the 43 cube 2701 per side, each unit length for each side of the individual cubes are given by the cube root of each word value or (9.701158, 5.87713, 4.41400, 7.3742, 7.33723, 4.108, and 6.66444) respectively. We just highlighted the significance of the 2nd word value 203 with regards to Bell Numbers. What we did not mention was that the sum of the lengths of the first 2 words was 15.57… as in the sum of the 10 component letters of the alef-bet, meaning that the average of the two is about 7.78
We spoke about the significance of the 7th word’s length of 66.6444 in the previous section, though, we should add the numerical value 444 is that of the Torah phrase “from generation to generation (לדר־ודר) and as we will soon see it too plays a key role with the Bell Prime Indices. Meanwhile, we are currently exactly 66.6 jubilee years from the date the Torah was received in 2448 HC. Moreover, while 66.6 is another way of expressing 2/3, the fraction 444/666 is also 2/3 and Rav Yehuda HaLevi Ashlag of blessed memory, using the 6 alef(א)s of this verse, or 6000, as a starting point and in a series of reductions of 2/3, with the final calculation removing specifically 444 from 666 years came up this this time narrow time period today for the arrival of Moshiach and the final redemption.
Is there a set timeline and time limit built into the Torah and our number system, built into the fabric of the universe? Possibly. The square root of 6 is 2.449, matching the year 1313 BCE given by the exponent (1.313) that gave us the alef-bet scale. The log of 600,000 as in the 600,000 Israelite men at Mt Sinai and the 600,000 component letters in the Torah, is 5.778. We saw earlier the two four-digit strings repeated 3 times each in the first 1000 digits in Pi, 5778 and 2019. We saw how Phi was integrated into the Torah and now note that Phi18 or Phi(6+6+6) = 5778.000. You decide if there is a Divine Calendar or even a fixed one built into the physics and programming of our universe.
This week was the portion of Behar, part of the twin portion Behar-BeChukothai usually read together, the first of which has 57 verses and the second 78. This 57-78 combination is the final one before the Phi proportion split in the Torah in the very next chapter. The extremely apropos theme of this portion was the counting of the jubilee 50-year period and the freedom that the jubilee brings. It is apropos not just because the 50 years are specifically made up of 7 sets of 7 years plus 1, but also because 5778 HC is 66.6 jubilee years since the Torah was received at Sinai in 2448 HC.
Was the Torah designed that way so we would not miss the 5778 Phi connection, or was this part of an advanced circuitry that will automatically make that connection for us. All we know is that this technology is extremely complex and way beyond us right now, so it is hard to say what will happen as this built in time counter clicks down to zero. Even if MacGyver shows up, with so much redundancy, how would he know which wire to snip? Moshiach on the other hand…
We touched on earlier how 441 in the 3rd word length is the numerical value for truth (emet) and is 212 represents the Name of G-d Eyheh. The 3rd word is Elohim. The sum of the first 3 word lengths is 19.99, just about an even 20, meaning the first three words together can form a separate cube of 203 or 8000, possibly reflection both 203 once again and the 80,000 words of the Torah.
The 4th word length is 7.3742 and the sum of the first 4 word lengths is 27.3664. The connections between 73, 37, 42 and the first verse are well documented already and while we saw 273 come up before as in 273 degrees C, absolute zero, etc, 27 is 3 cubed, 36 is 6 squared and 64 is 4 cubed and 8 squared.
The 5th word also connects to 73 and 37 in that its length is 7.3372, and the sum of the word lengths through the 6th word is 42.11, while the sum of the lengths for all 7 is 48.778
Before we return to the Bell Primes one special note that my colleague Moshe noted concerning the last section. Those 7 cubes we have just been discussing are part of the 127 combinations and we noted that 127 was a Mersenne Prime; it is also the 6th prime in a much rarer series called the Primeth Recurrence series, based on a(n + 1) = a(n)th Prime. If we view the prime numbers the way number theorists do, not as isolated occurrences but as a string of numbers in a probable infinite set, each prime has a specific location within that set. For example, 541 is the 100th prime. The Primeth Recurrence series is a subset of the primes, whereby the location of the next prime in the set is given by the value of the previous prime. Starting with the first prime number, 2, the next prime number in the series would be the 2nd prime, which is 3 and the 3rd prime is 5; the 5th prime is 11; the 11th prime is 31; and the 31st prime is 127. If we double (2+3+5+11+31+127) we get 358, Moshiach. Then extending the series to the 7th level, we have 709 as the 127th prime and 709 is the sum of the 7 Doubles (בגדכפרת), part of the triple partition of the 22 letters that we learned about from Abraham in his Sefer Yetzirah.
We should also note that of those possible 127 combinations, each word was utilized 64 times, and the Creator of the Torah wanted us to know we were on the right track with the cubic analysis we have been applying, which is why the numerical value 127 was utilized exactly 64 times in the Torah
So now we know that not only did the universe generated through an exponential scale the values for the 22 Hebrew letters, and them find a way so that splitting them in half sequentially would come up with all these amazing results, and moreover that it also found a way to partition them into 3 mothers, 7 doubles and 12 elementals to generating equations based on the numbers 13 and 42, but we also just learned that it also selected that partitioning to match up with the Primeth Recurrence series? It is time to start asking not just how, but why?
We just personified the universe. Why? Because it seemed natural to assume some intelligence, some amazing and conscious intelligence to it. But a consciousness on the scale of the universe would be God-like?
By the way, those 7 doubles (בגדכפרת) which total 709 actually total 1300 more, or 2009 when the sofit values of caf(ך) and Pe(ף) are added, making 9 letters, and using standard kabbalistic procedures, 2009 + 9 is 2018, or 5778 HC for what it is worth. While we are already in the event horizon, we are also on the cusp of something really special.
Abraham said that these quantum packets of specific energy collectively called the doubles, each controlled or interacted with a different planet in our solar system. If you want to know where to find these 7 doubles, you can find them discreetly orbiting the center of the 42-Letter Name.
We will continue soon and finish up with the final sub-section on the Bell Primes.