The Last 70 Years

We’ve often correlated the 70 years from the founding if the nation of Israel in 5708 (1948 CE) to the year the tzaddkim have predicted for the Moshiach and geula (final redemption) in 5778 (2018 CE) and have explained why 1000 different ways in The Divine...

The Mexican Flu: The Second Plague?

Some are suggesting the Mexican Flu is the second plague. Who is to say? It might even be the third with the first two being different (and very ongoing) aspects of the current financial crises. There are some interesting coincidences though. But first of all,...

Shining The Light

I haven’t written much this week. I’ve been too busy cleaning and cleaning. Every Pesach (Passover) we invite Eliyahu Hanavi and H’Mashiach into our homes and lives and if we’ve made the proper environment for them they will come. This Erev...

Blessing of the Sun

There’s a lot of chatter on the internet about the meaning of the blessing of the sun (Birkas HaChamah), which occurs every 28 years and next on April 8, 2009, erev Pesach 14 Nissan when the sun returns to the exact position as it was on the day it was created....

Moses did everything right except…

It’s the details that trip us up. Even the slightest slip up can have devastating repercussions, especially so, the higher up you are on your spiritual path. When Moses retrieved Joseph’s bones from the Nile in order to fulfill the pledge to Joseph and to...