We Were Told to Count to 50!

We were told to count to 50, yet every year we count to 49, and let G-d count the 50th day for us? But that’s not what we were told to do. As an adjunct to our last Article on the splitting of the Torah at Bamidbar (Numbers) Chapter 1 into the precise Phi...

Judgment Day; The Final Redemption Approaches

This weeks Haftorah portion tells us Judgment day is coming and When! I was preparing an article this week about the 4 times H’Mashiach is explicated mentioned in the Torah, but the Pesach cleaning took precedence: nevertheless, this and every Shabbat Hagadol–the...

The Story of Purim; The Story of Our Future

It is said that Purim will be the only holiday that we’ll celebrate after the final redemption, but if all the holidays are based on cosmic windows, what separates Purim in the grand scheme of cosmic time? We read about Purim in the Book of Ester so that’s where we...

The Journeys of our Lives

These are the journey(s) of our lives. In the Torah portion Masei, we encounter the list of the 42 journeys the Israelites took during their 40 years in the desert including exiting the exile in Egypt at Pi-Haratha to entering the Promised Land. The tzaddikim,...

The "Book of the Wars of the Lord."

A lot happened in Parsha Chukath, and it all has to do with the so-called end of days, the next 9 years. Right after G-d tells Aaron and Moses about using the Red Heifer for cleansing, Miriam dies in Parsha Chukath in the beginning of chapter 20, the 137th chapter in...