The End of Days is Spelled out in the Torah

According to Chazal and the Zohar, The word Pakad in Genesis 21:1 signals and speaks of the End of Days, the time of the resurrection. It also tells us when that will happen and what happens to the rest of the world, but we’ll get to those deeper secrets in a...

Further to Torah letters and flaming sword

The 80 verses up to the flaming sword that separated Man from Gan Eden are all the verses in the first 3 chapters of the Torah. The 80 verses corresponds to the letter Pe of value 304805 and since there are 4805 Pes in the Torah, the split of the sword is between the...

King David and the Messiah

All the new wires are reporting a new archaeological find that will help verify the dates and importance of King David’s reign. Talmudic scholars already have the dates and know the importance. The Divine Calendar helps explain exactly why Kind David and Solomon...

Bereshit 1:1, the 42 Letter Name and Mashiach

While in The Genesis Prayer there are dozens of integral connections between the first verse of the Torah and the 42-Letter Name of G-d and also to the numerical value of Mashiach, the Messiah, there are many others, one of which is found simply by adding the first...