by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 12, 2010 | Revelations
In parsha Vayigash, 46:28 it says [Jacob] sent Judah ahead of him to make preparations in Goshen (Goshnah).” Goshen (Goshnah) has the same 4 letters as the Chanukah dreidel, and likewise they add up to 358, the numerical value of Moshiach, the Messiah. This is...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Aug 8, 2010 | Revelations
I don’t know if the Masonic architects of the Washington Monument were aware of what we’re about to reveal, but it was indeed part of its divine intent. It’s important that we understand this knowledge as a prelude to our passing beneath the hidden embossed...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jul 1, 2010 | Revelations
A new and very logical gematria cipher has recently been revealed and with it many amazing clues of the Torah have been deciphered. It is almost needless to say that it is only new to us, and is actually as ancient as Hebrew itself. This revelation is dedicated to the...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 18, 2010 | Revelations
Like the Tree-of-Life, the Torah is never-ending. It’s one giant Name of G-d, holographically comprised of thousands of other Names. Today we will explore the first and the last of those component Names, which are very different and yet essentially the same. The...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 14, 2009 | Revelations
There is a secret mountain of stone more precious than anyone ever realized. As previously advised the secret cubit to be utilized in the construction of the Future Temple (The Third Holy Temple) has been used before, thousands of years ago. It was concealed and...