The Last 70 Years

We’ve often correlated the 70 years from the founding if the nation of Israel in 5708 (1948 CE) to the year the tzaddkim have predicted for the Moshiach and geula (final redemption) in 5778 (2018 CE) and have explained why 1000 different ways in The Divine...

The 10 plagues, Final Installment

…continued from the 10 Plagues and the Final Redemption We’ve seen how the 10 plagues were more for the benefit of waking up the Israelites to the tree-of-life reality than shaking up the Egyptians, and how that were even more for our benefit as we deal...

The Secret Formula

In May 1954 the United States Supreme court in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka declared that state laws that established separate public schools for black and white students denied black children equal educational opportunities, paving the way for integration...

Secrets from Vayechi: Open the Matrix

The Torah is a matrix, the Matrix, an infinite web of gateways and passages that define the true reality, and we’re all asleep in an illusionary world of reflected light and shadows.  Yes, it sounds like the movie, but the movie wasn’t far from the Truth....