What the 10 Sefirot Reveal?

Tonight is the hillula of the Arizal, one of the greatest kabbalists of all time and to whom we owe most of our understanding (even if only on a limited basis) of the Tree-of-life. It is in his merit that we share today new revelations about the Tree-of-life. And as...

The flaming sword

The first portion of the Torah, Bereshit, has 146 verses, corresponding to the numerical value of the word, Olam, world.  At the 80th verse, we encounter the revolving flaming sword that G-d uses to block Adam’s (Man’s) reentry into the Garden of Eden,...

Further to Torah letters and flaming sword

The 80 verses up to the flaming sword that separated Man from Gan Eden are all the verses in the first 3 chapters of the Torah. The 80 verses corresponds to the letter Pe of value 304805 and since there are 4805 Pes in the Torah, the split of the sword is between the...