In our first article of this series we discussed how both the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales aligned perfectly with the specific structural design of the Future Holy Temple and how the Kelvin scale and the surface temperature of the planets aligned with the dates given by the tzaddikim for the final redemption. Then we explored how the
Temple and Torah formed and further aligned with the multi-dimensional Tree-of-life, forming hypercubes, including one with a telltale finger pointing to 314 (Pi).
We’ll go back and examine this connection to the mathematical constant Pi and the Torah and the design of the Future Holy Temple and prove that the Hebrew Alef-bet, the Ana B’koach (42-letter Name of G-d) and the Torah were constructed utilizing that primordial constant to at least 6 decimal places of accuracy in a later article in this series. Today, though, we’d like to discuss how the structure of the Future Holy Temple and the alef-bet are mimicked in our bodies.
The Human Body
The human body is composed of mostly water so the way water reacts to energy and temperature is crucial to our existence and thus it shouldn’t be so surprising that our body’s structure is analogous to the temperatures scales and thus the Temple.
Nevertheless, the body is also made up of solid substance and structurally central to that are our bones. As G-d made Man in His image, so too must the human body follow the design of the universe (Tree-of-life) in that we have 32 teeth in our mouths, 32 vertebrae in our spines and 206 bone segments in our bodies.
Please note that since the inner courtyard measures 100 cubits and the distance from the inner to the edge of the outer courtyard is 106 cubits together they measure 206 cubits.
A bone in Hebrew is “עצם”, of numerical value 200. It also means essence. The letters are a combination of the word for Tree “עצ” and the final letter Mem(ם). The final letter Mem(ם) has four sides and it shaped like a square, like the 100 by 100 cubit courtyard and the 32 by 32 cubit Alter.
When it says that G-d created us in his own image. “בְּצֶלֶם אֱלֹקים בָּרָא אֹתוֹ” It is exactly so. Image in Hebrew, tzelem “צֶלֶם” has the same numerical value as Tree, “עץ”. It is the Tree of Life that is inside and around us, and is constructed with the 32 Paths of Wisdom.
According to the Ramchal, the Temple’s central Alter, measuring 32 by 32 cubits, is an energy pump dispersing shefa (life-giving energy throughout he Temple and our world. By comparison, our innermost alter is our Heart, Lev in Hebrew, which likewise has a numerical value of 32.
Moreover, the heart is similarly surrounded by our bones (rib cage and spine), which is our inner courtyard, and then by our Ohr Machif, or our surrounding Light, or aura, our outer courtyard.
Depending on how we count the fused vertebra in our spine, as explained below, we either have 206 or 212 bones in our bodies. Either way, both numbers are germane to our discussion, as the number 212 is analogous to the measure of the 312 cubit wide outer courtyard less the 100 cubit square inner courtyard. And following our allusion above that would mean that our 212 bones are equal to the size of our aura.
Central Column
That said, the central column of our bodies are comprised of 54 bones, 22 of which are in the skull, corresponding to the 22 letters of the alef-bet and the 22 paths between the 10 sefirot of the Tree-of-life.
The other 32 bones (vertebrae) in the spine bream down to the 3 bones of the Coccyx, the 7 of the neck, the 12 thoracic bones of the upper back and the 10 of the lumber and sacrum, split evenly 5 and 5.
Interestingly, this special distribution correspond to what Abraham’s Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation) referred to as the 3 mother letters, the 7 double letters, and the 12 single letters that comprise the 22 in the alef-bet. Moreover, the remaining bones correspond to the 10 sefirot, which he further describes as being split into 5 and 5.
Also, the sacrum and the coccyx are sometimes considered as one, fused to each, reducing the number of bones in the spinal column to 26, as in numerical value of the Tetragrammaton ( YHVH), which is not-coincidentally the measurement of the top of the Alter, since the central Alter narrows from 32 cubits square at its base to 26 cubits square at it’s summit. And thus the number of bones in our spine does as well, narrowing by 6, as it ascends upward from its base (our buttocks) through the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin toward the YHVH.
Right and Left Columns
Furthermore, while the universe and the Future Holy Temple are largely symmetrical, so too is the human body, with the upper extremities having 2 times 32 bones in them, which makes 32 on the upper right half (column) of the body and 32 on the upper left half (column) of the body. These 64 bone segments break down structurally to 54 bones in the hands and 10 in the shoulders and arms.
Once again, note the symmetry, not just with he 10 sefirot (dimensions) of the tree-of-life, but with the 54 bones of the hands with the 54 bones of the Body’s central column. And as we’ve note in previous articles this symmetry extends to the timing of our brains which ticks at 54 beats/minute and to the divine calendar which ticks at the average Biblical lifespan of 107 years of 54 spans per prophesied 5778 years from Adam to Moshaich and the geula (final redemption).
Central Alter
And the complete upper chest has 24 ribs, 1 sternum, and 1 hyoid bone for a total of 26 bones protecting the Heart (of numerical value 32), once again mimicking the central Alter of the Holy Temple, which narrows from 32 cubits at its base to 26 cubits at the summit. And just like our chest cavities, the Alter’s internal summit platform is 24 cubits square, surrounded by 1 cubit on each side.
Our Lower Body
The lower appendages are also split into 5 and 5 for the bones of the hips and legs and 26 and 26 for the bones of the feet, which make the feet a total of 52, the numerical value for the aspect of the Tetragrammaton that is Malchut, the lowest dimension, our earthly dimension, which makes perfect sense given the relationship of the feet to the body and the feet to the earth.
Moreover, this further means that the hands and the feet together, our extremities, add up to 54 + 52 bones, or 106, which leaves 100 more centralized bones, once again maintaining the mimicking of the Holy Temple whose outer courtyard measures 106 cubits further on each side than the inner courtyard of 100 cubits square.
The Aura and Outer Courtyard
As we said, the the 4 sides of the Outer Courtyard that lie beyond the confines of the concentric Inner Courtyard, measuring 106 cubits each side, correspond to our aura (our surrounding light). This Ohr machief is our potential light, and those 4 sides add up to 4 x 106, or 424, the numerical value of Mashiach Ben David.
The Flow of the Shefa (Life-Force).
So, in summary, the central skeleton of the human body, is divided into three columns of 32, with both chest/heart and the spinal column being analogous to the Holy Temple’s central Alter. And all of them reflect the 32 Paths and 3 column structure of the Tree-of-life. Moreover, we thus see hints of a 3-dimensional cube of measuring 32 x 32 x 32.
The body can also be defined as an outer and inner structure, comprised of 106 and 100 bones respective just like the outer and inner courtyards of the Holy Temple.
And while, no one would call our bones the gateways to our bodies, they do support them like scaffolding to a building. And as the shefa (life force) flows through the Holy of Holys in the Future Temple and through the sefirot (dimensions) to all the creatures of our world, it passes first through the gate of 42 that’s 6 cubits high by 7 wide, then out through the Gate of the Temple, then the Gate of the Inner Courtyard, and then the Gate of the Outer Courtyard, before finally filling the Gate of the Temple Mount, each of which is 50 cubits tall. The collective height of the 4 Temple Mount Gates plus the height of the Holy of Holy Gate totals 206 cubit, reminiscent of the 206 bones in out bodies that give us our height.
Dry Bones and Final Redemption
Even the word for cubit, Emah (EMH) when spelled out (ELP-MM-HY) has the numerical value 206, for this is how we measure man. And when the letters are permuted, they spell Meah (MEH) the Hebrew word for “100,” our inner measure.
As it says in Devarim 20:19, “…a person is a tree of the field…” And so it is supposed to be, according to the tzaddikim, in 2019, we will once again be as the Tree-of-Life, with our alters in tune with the harmony of the universe’s 10 dimensions.
But before we get to that, let’s note that 312, the measure of the full outer courtyard, is the numerical value of the Hebrew word yavesh, meaning dry, as in the dry bones of Ezekiel 37:1-28, the verses that speak of the geula (final redemption) when the spirit of G-d reanimates and brings to life the dry bones.
The word Ezekiel uses for bones, Atzmot has a numerical value of 606, the same as the collective height of the 13 Gates (12 x 50 + 6) of the Holy Temple.
Let’s let the shefa enter our bodies and bones, may it flow through the Gates of the Future Holy Temple soon. The Temple stands ready, built for us in spiritual form, hovering over Jerusalem, waiting as the waters of the Sea of Reeds waited for their moment, waiting for unity amongst the people, waiting for Moses and his staff engraved with the Name of 42 and the Name of 72, waiting for us.
Ezekiel 37:1-28
The following are the most pertinent of the dry bones prophecy of Ezekiel to the above article:
Ezekiel 37:1. The hand of the Lord came upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley, and that was full of bones.
Ezekiel 37: 2. And He made me pass by them round about, and lo! they were exceedingly many on the surface of the valley, and lo! they were exceedingly dry.
Ezekiel 37: 4. And He said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.’
Ezekiel 37: 5. So says the Lord God to these bones; Behold, I will cause spirit to enter into you, and you shall live .
Ezekiel 37: 9. Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the spirit, prophesy, O son of man, and say to the spirit, ‘So says the Lord God: From four sides come, O spirit, and breathe into these slain ones that they may live.’ ”
Ezekiel 37: 10. And I prophesied as He had commanded me, and the spirit came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, a very great army, exceedingly so.
Ezekiel 37: 11. Then He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are all the house of Israel.
Ezekiel 37: 21. And say to them, So says the Lord God: Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side, and I will bring them to their land.
Ezekiel 37: 26. And I will form a covenant of peace for them, an everlasting covenant shall be with them; and I will establish them and I will multiply them, and I will place My Sanctuary in their midst forever.
Ezekiel 37: 28. And the nations shall know that I am the Lord, Who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary is in their midst forever.”