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In our first article of this series we discussed how both the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales aligned perfectly with the specific structural design of the Future Holy Temple and how the Kelvin scale and the surface temperature of the planets aligned with the dates given by the tzaddikim for the final redemption.  Next, we explored how the Temple and Torah formed and further aligned with the multi-dimensional Tree-of-life, forming hypercubes, including one with a telltale finger pointing to 314 (Pi).
Then we discussed how the courtyard and Alter design of the Future Holy Temple mimicked the skeletal bone structure our bodies, and how it all ties in with Ezekiel’s prophecy of the “dry bones” resurrection.
We’ll go back and examine the connection to the mathematical constant Pi and the Torah and the design of the Future Holy Temple and prove that the Hebrew Alef-bet, the Ana B’koach (42-letter Name of G-d) and the Torah were constructed utilizing that primordial constant to at least 6 decimal places of accuracy in a later article in this series, but today, we’ll concentrate on the equally alluring primordial constant Phi and how it relates to the Holy Temple and the final redemption.
So there are 54 bones in the hands and 54 bones in the body’s central column (22 head and 32 spine), and our brains’ internal timing mechanism is 54 beats/minute, what of it?
Let’s first note that the walls of the Holy Temple are 6 cubits wide, so when we add their width to the 312 cubit width of the outer courtyard, we get a total of 324 cubits or 54 x 6 = 324. The number 324 is also 182, or the numerical value of chai (life) squared. It’s also, not coincidentally the numerical value of Moshiach Ben David raised to the 4th power, (4.24264).

Moreover, it also means that the Outer Courtyard of the Holy Temple was designed so that its outer wall perimeter is exactly 64 cubits in total.

When discussing the temperature scales, we noted that 5778 K was the surface temperature of the sun, and that this is suspiciously the same year given by Rav Ashlag, etc for geula, final redemption, 5778 (2018 CE), and that if the surface temperature of the sun were even 1 degree cooler or warmer there may be no life on Earth as we no it at all. Now, as it just so happens, the proportion of the Holy Temple’s Outer Courtyard, 312 cubits, divided by 5778 is .054 or 5.4%, and while 54 x 107 = 5778 and the sum of all the positive integers through 107 equals 5778, the number 54 times 5777.777 exactly 312,000.
The length of 5778 inches itself is exactly 3 inches more than 210 cubits with 210 being the number of years the Israelites were in exile in Egypt, and also the height in cubits in and levels of Joseph’s Pyramid.

If we venture back to the perimeter of the walled courtyards for a moment, we can also see that the sum of the perimeter of the 32 x 32 Alter, the 112 x 112 walled Inner Courtyard and the 324 x 324 walled Outer Courtyard is precisely 6.57784 in total. Coincidental?
Of course, without the walls, the same sum of the perimeters is 1776, as in the date of the founding of the United States of America, and also as in 1 more than the sum of the 27 letters of the Hebrew alef-bet (1775).
Moreover, the exact triple point of water, the term our current physicists use, is precisely 32.018, which not only conveniently still points to 32, but it is also oh so evocative of the year 2018 combined with the number 3 as in the 3rd Temple, which is the 3rd opportunity for us to achieve the Tree-of-life reality, the previous one being exactly 66.6 jubilee years earlier, in 2448 HC at Mt Sinai.
In our previous installment we explained about the 206 bones in our bodies and the various connections to 206 in the Holy Temple, including the collective height of the 5 inner gateways leading into the Holy of Holies.  Thus we can understand the relevance of the equation 206 cubits x 3000 cubits (the width of the full Temple Mount) = 618000 = 106 x Phi, the primordial mathematical constant that controls harmonic spiraling growth in our universe, (.6180).
So given the connection between Phi and 206 in the structure of the Holy Temple and that there are 206 bones in our bodies, which incidentally conform to the Phi proportion themselves, and given what we’ve learned about the year 5778 from Rav Ashlag and others, it’s interesting that 5778/28 = 206.3571 and that 3571/5778 = Phi (.6180339) precisely to 7 or more decimal places. As is revealed in the book, “There is Nothing Random in the Universe,” there are deep connections to the number 28, Phi, and 5778 way beyond the first verse of the Torah having 28 letters, so it’s most probably not coincidental that Ezekiel’s prophecies of the geula and the dry bones occurred in 28 verses, or that time is measured in 28 segments, according to Ecclesiastes (3:2-8).
Or even considering the width of the walled Outer Courtyard is 324, and thus 182, that Phi18 = 5778.000
Therefore, it’s possible to view the 5778 year period as a process whereby we were meant to cleanse ourselves (our souls) to account for everyone of our 206 bones that are to rise up at the end of days.
And, of course, while the 42 Letter Name of G-d, the Name meant to help the journey of our souls and to help us reach the final redemption (the Tree-of-Life consciousness) according to the tzaddikim, is derived from the first verse (28 letters) of the Torah, we should note that 28/42 = .666, the Kabalistic proportion representing both Zeir Anpin and the relationship of the upper to the lower worlds (sefirot). And equally significant is the relationship of 28 x Phi (.6180339) = 17.30 since 173 is the small gematria value of those 42 Letters, referred to in the Zohar as the 173 keys to Heaven given to Moses.