The Omer, 44, and Israel

For some reason many Moshaich blogs are expecting something big to happen this Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Gemini), in 2 days time. This is just a quick note before Shabbat to let you know that we’re keeping all of you in mind. This weekend, the 44th day of the Omer...

Sign of the Covenant

If you signed up for the Daily Zohar and I highly recommend that you do, then you would have received the translation below with its Aramaic counterpart in your in box this morning. I just want to point out a couple things concerning the sign of the covenant mentioned...

We Now Know Why We Count the Omer

If you’ve been reading our articles, you may feel like you’ve been collecting pieces of the giant cosmic puzzle, so here are few more key ones. For 3330 years we’ve counted the Omer, but for the first time we have a clear understanding as to why. The...

The Final 70 Years

As we begin to study the Tikkunei Zohar together with its 70 tikunim for the 70 final years that coincide with the 70 years from Israel’s formation in 1948 to 2018, we’d like to note a cryptic reference to this back in Shmot (Exodus). In Shmot 4:22, G-d...

Right Place, Right Time

Just a quick note to let you all know that you are in the right place at the right time. If you have been counting the Omer, you’ve been using one of David’s Psalms in the shape of a menora and counting one word each day and one letter of its central...


Reuven was kind enough to post a comment when I mentioned nothing happened in the the stock market of note  on 3/09/09 (Purim) as we had predicted, that indeed the S & P that day closed at 666.  And then, as I’ve subsequently learned, 3/09/09 was the...

The Antidote

The Hebrew word for swine, as in swine flu, is chazir, which can also mean “it will return,” and if we permute the letters we get Raz Chai or the “secret lives.” A little while back, we were pointing out that many of the depressing milestones...

The Mexican Flu: The Second Plague?

Some are suggesting the Mexican Flu is the second plague. Who is to say? It might even be the third with the first two being different (and very ongoing) aspects of the current financial crises. There are some interesting coincidences though. But first of all,...

Matzah: Not Just Flour and Water

Before we move on in the Torah, I’d like to point out that this Shemini/Pesach connection we’ve been discussing also connects to the 8 days of waiting before a circumcision, or brit milah , in that, as explained by the Arizal, the difference between matza...

On Track for Mazal and Love

This weekend we read Parsha Shemini, meaning the 8th, the 28th portion in the Torah. A fews days earlier we celebrated the 8 days of Pesach and read from Ki Thisa and the 13 Attributes of G-d (Exodus 34:5-7). As usual the clues to the secrets of the Torah portions are...