The Path of One

In our previous article about the derivation of the Hebrew Alphabet we showed how the Alef-bet, like the mathematical constant Phi(φ), is based on the Principle of One.  It is all about frequency and vibration and what that means for us as it filters into our...

The Creator’s Smoking Gun

Four years ago, when I began this 2000-page journey through untold secrets and revelations about the Torah and the Cosmos and how they align and interact, it was because of an anomaly I found in the Hebrew Alphabet. It concerned the crucial mathematical constant Phi...

Divine Retribution

The 7th level is the level of completion, the fusion of Zeir Anpin and Malchut, the fusion of the complementary but incommensurate so-called male and female energies that mimic those same forces throughout the Cosmos. Jacob and/or his archetype was born into the level...

Chapter 33 The Cosmic Antenna

This is the secret formula: One (1) = 26 x (27.5 + 42.5), the energy of the YHVH (יהוה) times the unification of the Primal Frequency and Vibration of Moshiach Consciousness. These frequencies and vibrations permeate the aether and the Cosmos and control the Rings of...

The Power of the Shofar Blasts

Before the shofar blowings we should all do the full 42-Letter Name mediation/connection. As the Arizal advised, no prayer gets elevated without it.  The connections to Rosh Hashannah and the shofar blowings in particular are even more profound.   The second tier...