The Antidote

The Hebrew word for swine, as in swine flu, is chazir, which can also mean “it will return,” and if we permute the letters we get Raz Chai or the “secret lives.” A little while back, we were pointing out that many of the depressing milestones...

The Mexican Flu: The Second Plague?

Some are suggesting the Mexican Flu is the second plague. Who is to say? It might even be the third with the first two being different (and very ongoing) aspects of the current financial crises. There are some interesting coincidences though. But first of all,...

On Track for Mazal and Love

This weekend we read Parsha Shemini, meaning the 8th, the 28th portion in the Torah. A fews days earlier we celebrated the 8 days of Pesach and read from Ki Thisa and the 13 Attributes of G-d (Exodus 34:5-7). As usual the clues to the secrets of the Torah portions are...

The 4 Questions And Mashiach

I want to start off by saying, I hope you felt the shift last week. It’s the children, especially the youngest and most innocent and purest amongst us who recite the 4 questions. The future belongs to the children. Moshiach is here for the children and because...

Cleansing Part III

Still cleaning and cleansing… In the last installment in my personal pursuit to clean out my home and life and thus my soul, I mentioned the connection to Tzav and the last line of the 42-Letter Name (Ana B’koach), which is ShKVZYT. What I neglected to...