5778 Is Upon Us

The year 5778 is finally upon us and the entire world has been witnessing the changes over the past year with the ominous signs recognizable to all.  For 5778 years the Earth has been circling the Sun at 66,600 miles per hour, or 107,000 kilometers per hour if you use...

The Torah; Beyond the Beginning.

Where to begin? “In the beginning G-d created….” The Torah tells us what to do in its very first word: Bereshit (“In the beginning” ). But the Torah is far from a narrative and the word Bereshit is far more than the beginning of a story....

666 and the Mark of the Beast continued…

In our previous article we explained how the value 666 came to be associated with the beast long before Revelations was written and then we examined in depth the verse from Ecclesiastes where the origins lay, including all the allusions to Moshiach (the Messiah),...