by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 17, 2021 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
The 12 Tribes of Israel Opening a door in the stairwell of Adam leads to a treacherous circular canyon of the 12 Tribes. As we try to close the door, we tumble in and land too far down to reach the closing doorway. Do not proceed unless you have read at least Chapter...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 14, 2021 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
The Lineage of Adam Do not proceed unless you have read at least Chapter 32, Spherical Time. If you are ready, a whole new world awaits. The Journey begins here if you missed it. There is another alignment that begs understanding, another hallway that pleads to be...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 7, 2021 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
Do not proceed unless you have read at least Chapter 32, Spherical Time. If you are ready a whole new world awaits. The Journey begins here if you missed it. Those 248 Dimensions Sliding down the Phi vortex and retreating back into to the more manageable Shema cavern,...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 3, 2021 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
The Entrance into The Book of the Shema Do not proceed unless you have read at least Chapter 32, Spherical Time. If you are ready a whole new world awaits. If you are still hanging on to the quaint notion that physicality is real, let it go. No true kabbalist believed...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 28, 2021 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
Reality Some think we are individually living in simulated movies of our own design, or at least our own direction. While this is possible, it is inefficient, and what would be the point? That would make this whole process nothing more than a VR video game to...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Oct 22, 2020 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
It was Einstein who said Time is an Illusion. We are not experiencing time, just observing entropy. “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” If I Could Turn Back Time If I could turn back time I would not have to. I...