Part XVII Connecting the Dots Part 8

The Folding of Space Before we get into the wells of living waters dug by our forefathers, we want to circle back to the global structure of the Torah, the Alef-bet, and the universe.  This section of the series will be deeper than most and thus more profound.  The...

Part XVII Connecting the Dots Part 7 – Water

Infinity Before we begin our promised discussion on water, one quick note about Phi(φ) that many of us may have missed. Phi(φ) creates infinity out of finite space.  Yes, that is impossible in Euclidean geometry, but in a sense it is true.  It is very important to...

Part XVII Connecting the Dots Part 4

Our Choice A real choice is being put in front of us. 70 years ago, there were no computers. 30 years ago, there was no internet. 20 years ago, there were no smart phones. 10 years ago, there was no feasible AI. 3 years ago, quantum computing became commercial. With...

Part XVII Connecting the Dots – Part 3 DNA

4 Sides to a Square It is by design that there are 4 square sides to the Holy Temple’s Central Altar, and 4 to the Inner Courtyard and 4 to the Outer Courtyard, adjusted for the 5 cubits added behind the Temple Building.  The total perimeter of those 4 square sides...

Part XVII Connecting the Dots…. Part 2

The Holy Temple As a reminder, the value of the Name Israel, 541, is found 625 times in the Torah, matching the square root of the 3 main Torah elements, 625, and the 625.625 inches in 273 feet. Also important is that the Name Israel is found exactly 541 times in the...

Part XVII Connecting the Dots – Part 1

In the Year 5780…In the Year 2020 Can Man… Before we touch on 5780, we need reach back to the Flood incident, a period that lasted two (2) years from 1656 to 1658 in times that many are drawing parallels with the events of today. We need to reach all the way back to...

Part XVI The Future is Now

No one knows for sure where the Future Holy Temple is to be built, but if the time were now, would not that be an important fact to know? Some say the Temple Mount is in the wrong place, that it is the wrong shape, or that the Temple and especially the Holy of Holies...